learning summary fourth the

GCR Gradient Coreset based Replay Buffer Selection for Continual Learning

GCR: Gradient Coreset based Replay Buffer Selection for Continual Learning 摘要:本文提出了一种创新的重放缓冲区选择和更新策略,梯度核心集重放(GCR),使用一种设计优化标准。 该方法选择和维持一个“coreset” ,它非常 ......

论文解读《Automatically discovering and learning new visual categories with ranking statistics》

论文信息 论文标题:Automatically discovering and learning new visual categories with ranking statistics论文作者:K. Han, Sylvestre-Alvise Rebuffi, Sébastien Ehrhard ......

The Super Powers UVA - 11752

求1~2^64 区间里, 有多少合法数X 合法数: X= a^b ,至少存在2个不同的a #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> using namespace std; const int N =65536+3; int ......
Powers Super 11752 The UVA

五天学会Deep Learning

五天学完deep learning。。。。。。是时候来证明chatGPT和new bing的能力了。。。。。。 DAY1 Sigmoid function Sigmoid 函数是一种常用的激活函数,它将输入值映射到 0 和 1 之间。它的公式为 f(x) = 1 / (1 + e^-x)。Sigmo ......
Learning Deep

How to execute a shell script in the .profiles file All In One

How to execute a shell script in the .profiles file All In One ......
profiles execute script shell file

D. The Butcher(思维+构造)

题目 Codeforces Round 866 (Div. 2)D. The Butcher 题意 n个数对a,b,表示矩形 这n个矩形通过原先一个大矩形分割而来 每次分割只在上一次分割的矩阵其中之一 现在原先的矩阵大小未知,问有原先的矩阵(在切割过程中不会旋转矩阵)多少种,并输出 保证至少存在一种 ......
思维 Butcher The

启动SSH服务报:Job for ssh.service failed because the control process exited with error code.......

Job for ssh.service failed because the control process exited with error codesee systemctl status ssh.service and journalctl -xe for details.然后按照提示输入: ......
because control service process failed

论文解读(PAWS)《Semi-Supervised Learning of Visual Features by Non-Parametrically Predicting View Assignments with Support Samples》

论文信息 论文标题:Semi-Supervised Learning of Visual Features by Non-Parametrically Predicting View Assignments with Support Samples论文作者:Mahmoud Assran, Mathi ......

[Flink] Flink作业报错:Caused by: The connector is trying to read binlog starting at GTIDs ..., but this is no longer available on the server[转载]

这个问题,属于偶现问题。通常几个月才偶现一次。 因为上周五又出现了一次,且团队内多位小伙伴都遇到过。故此,这次特别记录下,以加强印象。 1 问题描述 Flink作业报错:Caused by: The connector is trying to read binlog starting at GTI ......
Flink available connector starting Caused

How to use Linux shell command filter the IP address All In One

How to use Linux shell command filter the IP address All In One 如何使用 Linux shell 命令过滤 IP 地址 ......
command address filter Linux shell

迁移学习(CLDA)《CLDA: Contrastive Learning for Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation》

论文信息 论文标题:CLDA: Contrastive Learning for Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation论文作者:Ankit Singh论文来源:NeurIPS 2021论文地址:download 论文代码:download视屏讲解:click 1 简介 ......

The 1st Universal Cup Stage 12: ̄Ookayama, April 15-16, 2023 Problem A. XOR Tree Path

题意 给定一颗树,对于每个节点有一个颜色(白色或者黑色),对于一个操作:选择一个叶子节点,对于从叶子节点到根节点路径上的所有颜色反转(黑变白,白变黑)。让你求出使用任意次操作后,整个树上黑色节点最多有多少个。 思路对于每个节点在最终状态有两种结果,一个是不变,一个是反转颜色。如果颜色反转,则在这个节 ......
Universal Ookayama Problem April Stage

vue 项目npm run dev(启动)时报错The service was stopped

vue项目yarn upgrade后vite build报错,如何项目也运行不起来了。 报错截图: 解决办法: 删除node_modules文件夹,然后执行yarn install重新生成心的node_modules。 ......
时报 service stopped 项目 vue

FastGCN Fast Learning with Graph Convolutional Networks via Importance Sampling

Chen J., Ma T. and Xiao C. FastGCN: fast learning with graph convolutional networks via importance sampling. ICLR, 2018. 概 一般的 GCN 每层通常需要经过所有的结点的 prop ......

A Crash Course on the Depths of Win32™ Structured Exception Handling

January 1997 A Crash Course on the Depths of Win32™ Structured Exception Handling At its heart, Win32 structured exception handling is an operating sy ......
Structured Exception Handling Course Depths

How to use the Raspberry Pi to study the Linux kernel source code All In One

How to use the Raspberry Pi to study the Linux kernel source code All In One 如何利用树莓派来研究 Linux 内核源码 All In One 在 Linux 系统中,一切皆文件! ......
the Raspberry kernel source Linux

node中使用axios时:Error: unable to verify the first certificate 报错

参考 https://www.daozhao.com/10611.html 报错原因: 在使用浏览器访问时,客户端、服务器在握手阶段完成验证。当我们在node中使用axios请求时,客户端没法确认服务端的TLS证书 解决方案 1、局部 const axios = require('axios') c ......
certificate unable verify axios Error

Deeper Insights into Graph Convolutional Networks for Semi-Supervised Learning

Li Q., Han Z. and Wu X. Deeper insights into graph convolutional networks for semi-supervised learning. AAAI, 2018. 概 本文分析了 GCN 的实际上就是一种 Smoothing, 但是 ......

储存数据至mysql数据库时出现 (1064, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '),'自营店')' at line 1")报错该怎么解决?

在msyql数据库中存储数据时,程序出现了如下报错: 打印存储的数据类型发现数据类型有错误,将数据转为str类型就可以了。。。 解决思路: 在初入数据库学习时,出现这个报错还是有些懵的,于是改了捕获异常,发现存储数据函数有问题。从报错中可以看出是有跟'自营店'类似的数据有关系的,于是,查看了自己的数 ......
数据 syntax 39 quot your

how to use cURL with a variable in the URL string All In One

how to use cURL with a variable in the URL string All In One 如何在 cURL 的 URL 字符串中使用变量 系统变量 环境变量 shell 变量 ......
variable string cURL with how

How to use SSH to access the Raspberry Pi without know the Wi-Fi IP address All In One

How to use SSH to access the Raspberry Pi without know the Wi-Fi IP address All In One 如何在不知道 Wi-Fi IP 地址的情况下使用 SSH 访问树莓派 没有显示器,不知道树莓派 IP 地址的情况下,如何通过 ... ......
Raspberry the address without access

Oracle OEM中EMGC_OMS1指标警报The heap usage使用率过高

Oracle OEM中EMGC_OMS1指标警报The heap usage使用率过高 OEM报警EMGC_OMS1目标堆内存占用率过高。 我的环境OEM版本是13.3。 默认监控目标EMGC_OMS1的最大内存使用是1740M,当前的最大堆内存值对于实际的 OMS 负载来说太低了。 由于已经定期生 ......
使用率 警报 EMGC_OMS 指标 Oracle

Salt formation: an effective means to improve the physical and chemical properties of drug molecules and enhance the druggability of drugs

Salt formation is one of the effective means to improve the physicochemical properties of drug molecules and enhance drug-forming properties. ......

Introducing QCN9274: The Next Generation of Wi-Fi 7 Wireless Networking

Are you tired of slow internet speeds and dropped connections? Want to upgrade your wireless network to the latest and greatest technology? Look no fu ......

Linux中使用ntpdate同步失败报错:14 Apr 08:42:12 ntpdate[1255]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting:解决方法.

报错信息: 报错原因: 1、可能是因为同步的域名信息没有解析到。 2、可能是因为服务的问题导致没有同步成功。 解决方法: 1、先关闭ntpd服务。 [root@k8s-master01 ~]# service ntpd stop Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop ......
ntpdate exiting 方法 socket Linux

JSON Web Tokens (JWT) — the only explanation you will ever need

本文摘抄自 Ariel Weinberger 博客 JSON Web Tokens (JWT) — the only explanation you will ever need | by Ariel Weinberger | Medium JSON Web Tokens (JWT) — the o ......
explanation Tokens JSON only ever

How to Calculate the size of archive log files each day

Calculate the size of archive log files each day SQL> SELECT TRUNC(COMPLETION_TIME) ARCHIVED_DATE, SUM(BLOCKS * BLOCK_SIZE) / 1024 / 1024 SIZE_IN_MB F ......
Calculate archive files size each

Visual Stadio 编译提示 The BaseOutputPath/OutputPath property is not set for project ...

完整的错误信息是: The BaseOutputPath/OutputPath property is not set for project 'xx.csproj'. Please check to make sure that you have specified a valid combina ......

Pytorch深度学习全流程代码框架——Base Codes for Deep Learning Using Pytorch

# 导入必要的库 import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, Dataset # 定义超参数 epochs = 10 # 训练轮数 lr ......
Pytorch 框架 深度 Learning 流程