love in

referencing included files in pandoc markdown for docx output

I have multiple markdown files to become a Word doc: pandoc -f markdown --toc -o out.docx dirA\ dirB\ If you specify multiple ......
referencing included markdown pandoc output

macos pip3 安装 mycli/scrapy 路径报错 WARNING: The script tabulate is installed in '/Users/modys/Library/Python/3.9/bin' which is not on PATH.

WARNING: The script tabulate is installed in '/Users/modys/Library/Python/3.9/bin' which is not on PATH. python没有添加到环境变量 export PATH=/Users/<you>/Libr ......
路径 installed tabulate WARNING Library

#dp,二项式反演,容斥#CF285E Positions in Permutations

题目 问有多少个长度为 \(n\) 的排列 \(P\) 满足 \(|P_i-i|=1\) 的 \(i\) 的个数恰好为 \(k\) 个 分析 设 \(dp_{i,j,k}\) 表示前 \(i\) 个数钦定 \(j\) 个数满足上述条件且现在 \(i\) 和 \(i+1\) 因此被占用的方案数。 那么 ......
二项式 Permutations Positions 285 dp

Why do I hear a NoiseHiss in the IEM system

# Why do I hear a Noise/Hiss in the IEM system? ``` Why do I hear a Noise/Hiss in the IEM system? The most common hiss that is referred to is caused b ......
NoiseHiss system hear Why IEM

2023-10-27 Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'D:/xx/xx/src/pages/yyy/zzz' in 'D:\xx\xx\src\.umi\core' ==》删除route.js中所对应的zzz模块路径

问题描述:react+antd业务中删掉了一个文件夹,重新编译报错。 报错:在'D:\xx\xx\src\.umi\core'路径里面无法找到模块zzz。 原因:是因为你只是把本地文件zzz给删了,但是在route.js里面还保留着它的路径,所以umi识别不到就报错了。 解决方案:在route.js ......
39 xx 路径 src zzz

docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name "/web" is already in use by container ......

问题:docker启动docker容器时报错docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name is already in use by container You have to remove (or rename) t ......
container quot Conflict response already

CF1883D In Love

思路 如果每一次加或者删一个区间,再去暴力找有没有互不相交的区间的话,铁定 TLE。 那么,我们考虑维护有多少对互不相交的区间,那么每次加或者删一个区间,就去算这个区间对答案的贡献,然后再看答案是否为 \(0\) 即可快速判断有没有互不相交的区间。 现在考虑如何计算一个新加入或者删去的区间能让互不相 ......
1883D 1883 Love CF In

Fence & FencedFrameConfig All In One

Fence & FencedFrameConfig All In One Fence // ƒ Fence() { [native code] } Fence() // VM241:1 Uncaught TypeError: Illegal constructor f = new Fence() / ......
FencedFrameConfig Fence All amp One

Data truncation: Invalid JSON text in argument 1 to function json_extract: "The document is empty." at position 0.问题解决

问题描述: json格式不规范导致的,仅使用where+json_valid清洗似乎并不足以解决问题 解决方法: select order_number,sku_code,CASE WHEN JSON_VALID(sales_price) THEN sales_price ELSE null END ......

cypress 无法启动No version of Cypress is installed in: /Users/xxx/Library/Caches/Cypress/13.3.3/

使用npx cypress open 启动cypress 提示 No version of Cypress is installed in: /Users/xxx/Library/Caches/Cypress/13.3.3/ npx cypress open No versio ......
Cypress installed cypress Library version

You can't specify target table 'Person' for update in FROM clause

问题原因 待更新的目标表不能直接出现在from子句中; 错误写法 DELETE FROM Person WHERE id NOT IN ( SELECT min( id ) FROM person t1 GROUP BY email ) 正确写法(多封装一层) DELETE FROM Person ......
39 specify Person clause target

How to tell whether a file is a symbolic link in shell script All In One

How to tell whether a file is a soft symbolic link in shell script All In One shell 脚本中如何判断一个文件是否是软链接 / 软符号链接 ......
symbolic whether script shell tell

A piece of code for loading and caching Skeleton Animation in IO task [Cocos2dx.3.17.2]

/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd. http://www.cocos2 ......
Animation Skeleton Cocos2dx caching loading

Unity DOTS系列之Filter Baking Output与Prefab In Baking核心分析

最近DOTS发布了正式的版本, 我们来分享一下DOTS里面Baking核心机制,方便大家上手学习掌握Unity DOTS开发。今天给大家分享的Baking机制中的Filter Baking Output与Prefab In Baking。 Filter Baking Output 机制 在默认情况下 ......
Baking 核心 Filter Output Prefab

eslint提示 xxx should be listed in the project's dependencies

有时候手动安装了一个npm包A,npm包A里面包含了npm包B,这时候如果 import xxx from 'npm包B'; eslint会报错,提示 npm包B 不在 package.json 里面 解决方法:在 eslintrc.js 增加配置 module.exports = { rules: ......
dependencies project eslint should listed

CF1467E Distinctive Roots in a Tree

突然发现深究一些树上问题还是挺有意思的哈。 显然对于同一种权值的任意两个结点,其两端的部分都是不合法的。 维护两个标记表示子树内均不合法与子树外均不合法即可。但相同权值的点对数量是 \(O(n^2)\) 的,我们要优化这个过程。 发现很多点对都是无用的。DFS 下去,遇到一个 \(x\) 权值的结点 ......
Distinctive 1467E Roots 1467 Tree

Linux shell script function All In One

Linux shell script function All In One shell 脚本函数 ......
function script Linux shell All

c: thread in windows

/*****************************************************************//** * \file helloworld.C * \brief 业务操作方法 * VSCODE c11 安装插件“Doxygen Documentation Ge ......
windows thread in

2023 互联网 1024 程序员节 All In One

2023 互联网 1024 程序员节 All In One 1024 程序员节 1024 Programmer’s Day ......
程序员 互联网 程序 2023 1024

CF809D Hitchhiking in the Baltic States-平衡树+DP

CF809D Hitchhiking in the Baltic States-平衡树+DP Statement 给出 \(n\) 个区间 \([l_i,r_i]\) 和 \(n\) 个未知数 \(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n\),现在你要确定这 \(n\) 个数,使得 \(a_i\in[l_ ......
Hitchhiking Baltic States 809D 809

Unity DOTS系列之Filter Baking Output与Prefab In Baking核心分析

最近DOTS发布了正式的版本, 我们来分享一下DOTS里面Baking核心机制,方便大家上手学习掌握Unity DOTS开发。今天给大家分享的Baking机制中的Filter Baking Output与Prefab In Baking。 对啦!这里有个游戏开发交流小组里面聚集了一帮热爱学习游戏的零 ......
Baking 核心 Filter Output Prefab

c: thread in Ubuntu 22.04

/** * @file helloworld.c * @author your name ( * @brief thread * @version 0.1 * @date 2023-10-24 * ide: vscode c11,c17 Ubuntu 22.04 * ......
thread Ubuntu 22.04 in 22

CF1523D Love-Hate 题解

抽象化题意: 一共有 \(m\) 个元素,给定 \(n\) 个集合,每个集合的元素不超过 \(15\) 个,求出一个元素个数最多的集合 \(S\) 是至少 \(\lceil \dfrac{n}{2} \rceil\) 个集合的子集。 其中$ p $ $ (1 \le n \le 2 \cdot 10 ......
题解 Love-Hate 1523D 1523 Love

Maven打包报错问题的解决-- No goals have been specified for this build. You must specify a valid lifecycle phase or a goal in the format

问题描述 在使用maven执行打包操作时,出现了这样的错误: 上面的图片是网上的图,我的图片忘记截图了; 问题解决 在我们创建的项目里面的pom.xml文件里面的dependencies标签后面,新建一个build标签, 并在build标签里面放上这句代码: <defaultGoal>compile ......
specified lifecycle specify format 问题

[925] GDA2020_MGA and change the spatial reference in ArcGIS Pro

ZONE50: 114.0 120.0 -"GDA2020_MGA_Zone_50") ZONE51: 120.0 126.0 -"GDA2020_MGA_Zone_51") ZONE52: ......
reference spatial ArcGIS change 2020

Kth Largest Element in a Stream

study/java Design a class to find the kth largest element in a stream. Note that it is the kth largest element in the sorted order, not the kth distin ......
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How To Clear Quick Access And Recent File And Folders In Windows 10

How To Clear Quick Access And Recent File And Folders In Windows 10 Here are the instructions to clear the Quick Access and Recent Files and Folders c ......
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How to fix EventSource onmessage not working in JavaScript All in One

How to fix EventSource onmessage not working in JavaScript All in One SSE Server-Sent Events / 服务端推送 Node.js Buffer.from ......
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flask学习-03 模型Model 解决flask migtate 时报No changes in schema detected

报如上错误说明建表示失败 flask-migrate是检测上下文中db.Model的子类来创建表的..,所有我们必须让这个app能够知道有这个models文件的存在,所以,在app文件导入类user ......
flask detected 时报 模型 changes

Go - Print struct with one filed in one line

package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" ) type Person struct { Name string Age int Email string } func main() { p := Person{ Name: "Drake", Age: 3 ......
one struct Print filed line