morning four the in

Learn Git in 30 days——第 14 天: Git for Windows 选项设定

写的非常好的一个Git系列文章,强烈推荐 原文链接: 使用 Git for Windows 指令列工具绝对比通过 GUI 工具操作来的有效率,原因就在于你可以把许多重 ......
Git Windows Learn days for

Why Kiki's Delivery Service Is The Perfect Coming of Age Story

# Why Kiki's Delivery Service Is The Perfect Coming of Age Story Studio Ghibli is well known for producing timeless classics that have engaging protag ......
Delivery Service Perfect Coming Story

SP19147 INS14F - Save CodeVillage题解

# 思路 任意两个序列都有至少一个相同的元素,但相同的元素不必在相同的位置。 保证每两个之间都要有相同的元素? 我们先考虑一下 $n=k\times 2$ 的情况,此时如果你左边取一半,右边取一半,这时两边的元素才可能不一样。 那么当 $n using namespace std; typedef ......
题解 CodeVillage 19147 Save 14F

Apktool编译时报error: No resource identifier found for attribute XXX in package 'android'

问题描述 使用apktool编译android源码时,报W:XXX.xml:X: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'iconTint' in package 'android'错误。 解决方案 这是由于API版本较低。处理方法:找到 ......
identifier attribute resource 时报 Apktool

CF1850H The Third Letter

[题目链接]( # 题解 **知识点:贪心,图论建模。** 考虑对约束 `a b d` 建边 $a \mathop{\to}\limits^d b$ 与 $b \mathop{\to}\limits^{ ......
Letter 1850H Third 1850 The

CF1872B The Corridor or There and Back Again

## 思路 假设第 $0$ 时刻走进有陷阱的房间,那么必须在第 $t_i$ 时刻前返回到这个房间之前,因为出去还需要回来,假设到达这个房间后的第 $k$ 个房间,那么到达需要 $k$ 的时间,回来需要 $k+1$ 的时间,因为陷阱会困住当前在房间里的人,所以我们需要提前回去。 那么如果走到一个有陷阱 ......
Corridor 1872B Again There 1872

[network] netcat install in windows os

# Netcat Install in Windows OS + Netcat is a simple `Unix` tool. it uses `UDP` , `TCP` Protocol. > Netcat 是一个可靠的容易被其他程序所启用的后台操作工具,同时它也被用作**网络的测试工具**或* ......
network install windows netcat in

The Power of Diagnostic Kits: Unleashing the Potential of John Deere Service Advisor EDL v2,Interface

In the rapidly evolving world of automotive diagnostics, the importance of reliable and efficient diagnostic tools cannot be overstated. These tools s ......

Learn Git in 30 days——第 13 天:暂存工作目录与索引的变更状态

写的非常好的一个Git系列文章,强烈推荐 原文链接: 有没有遇过这种情境,某个系统开发写到一半,结果被老板或客戶「插单」,被要求紧急修正一个现有系统的 Bug 或添加 ......
索引 状态 目录 Learn days

GitHub workflows env All In One

GitHub workflows env All In One $GITHUB_ENV ......
workflows GitHub All env One

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: PELICAN: Exploiting Backdoors of Naturally Trained Deep Learning Models In Binary Code Analysis

## Abstract 背景: 1. 本文研究的不是被恶意植入的后门,而是products of defects in training 2. 攻击模式: injecting some small fixed input pattern(backdoor) to induce misclassifi ......

The 16-th BIT Campus Programming Contest - Onsite Round

链接:[]( ## A. Gifts in box ```cpp #include "bits/stdc++.h" using namespace std; usin ......
Programming Contest Campus Onsite Round

The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 1- Qingdao

# A. Live Love 最大值就是把所有的$P$放在一起,最小值是尽可能的均分. ```cpp #include using namespace std; #define int long long void solve() { int n , m , d ; cin >> n >> m , ......
Universal Qingdao Stage The 2nd

js:Simple pagination in javascript @{ ViewBag.Title = "Index"; Layout = null; } <div id="listingTable"></div ......
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Automate the Boring Stuff with Python(读后感)

这里主要就是记录下这本书的主要内容,自己以后想起来的时候可以直接看这个博客 整本书的内容看目录就很清楚了,所以下面就是目录加自己的一点心得体会 ### Python编程基础 基础中的基础,但有个很重要的轮子 `PrettyPrint`:把输出打印的更漂亮 ### 自动化任务 这是重点,一次性肯定记不 ......
读后 读后感 Automate Boring Python

# Codeforces Round 887 E Ina of the Mountain(反悔贪心)

~~被这个题折磨了好久,决定写一篇题解~~ 先考虑没有这个$k$的限制的情况,等价于对原来的$a_i$序列的差分数组$b_i$,每次找到两个位置$1\le x 0$的位置进行$-1$的操作,后面对应的$+1$可以放在$b_ic[i]$,那么$c[i]$减去$k$对答案的贡献就是$0$,因为$d[i] ......
Codeforces Mountain Round 887 Ina

The Road Not Taken

"The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And look ......
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Exception Handling in MFC

Learn Microsoft C++, C, and Assembler MFC MFC concepts Delete_exception This is defined at STDAFX.h Code: #define DELETE_EXCEPTION(e) do { e->Delete() ......
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【论文阅读】CAT: Cross Attention in Vision Transformer

论文地址:[2106.05786] CAT: Cross Attention in Vision Transformer ( 项目地址: 一、Abstract 由于Transformer在NLP中得到了广泛的应 ......
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Working With Files in Python

# 文件操作 ## Python中文件的读和写 参考文档[Working With Files in Python]( Python的读写非常简单,但是需要在合适的模式下打开。通常都是使用以下规 ......
Working Python Files With in

OperationError: Failed to execute 'setLocalDescription' on 'RTCPeerConnection': Failed to set local offer sdp: Called in wrong state: have-remote-offer

webRTC报“OperationError: Failed to execute 'setLocalDescription' on 'RTCPeerConnection': Failed to set local offer sdp: Called in wrong state: have-rem ......

Four in the Morning

BY Wislawa Szymborska The hour from night to day The hour from side to side The hour for those past thirty The hour swept clean to the crowing of cock ......
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Linux shell script set -eux All In One

# Linux shell script set -eux All In One ```sh #!/usr/env/bin # ??? set -eux ``` ## man `set` ## demos --> ## (🐞 反爬虫测试!打击盗版⚠️)如果你看到这个信息, 说明这是一篇剽窃的文章, ......
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How to tell which version of HW your Tesla Model 3 is using All In One

How to tell which version of HW your Tesla Model 3 is using All In One 如何判断你的 Tesla Model 3 使用的是那个版本的 HW ......
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> 有的时候博客内容会有变动,首发博客是最新的,其他博客地址可能会未同步,认准`` [首发博客地址]( [系列文章地址](技术文 ......

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: IvySyn: Automated Vulnerability Discovery in Deep Learning Frameworks

## Abstract 本文:IvySyn Task: discover memory error vulnerabilities in DL frameworks BugType: memory safety errors, fatal runtime errors Method: 1. 利用na ......

CF1852C Ina of the Mountain

*2400 如果没有 $\mod k$ 的限制的话,我们都会做,因为都是正数,那么 $\sum_i^n d_i>0$,因此,答案即为 $\sum[d_i>0]d_i$。 但是现在多了一个操作,即为区间加 ......
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JavaScript Date UTC & GMT All In One

JavaScript Date UTC & GMT All In One js 时期时区转换 ......
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【ICML2022】Understanding The Robustness in Vision Transformers

来自NUS&NVIDIA 文章地址:[2204.12451] Understanding The Robustness in Vision Transformers ( 项目地址: 一、Motivation CNN使用滑动 ......

The chromedriver.exe file does not exist in the current directory

The chromedriver.exe file does not exist in the current directory or in a directory on the PATH environment variable. The driver can be downloaded at ......
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