operate connect failed host

.Net 5.0 程序在 Linux 环境访问 SqlServer 2008R2 莫名报错:Connection reset by peer

同样的代码,在 Windows 上运行的好好的,拿到 CentOS 7 上运行就出现报错 Connection reset by peer 的处理方法。 ......
Connection SqlServer 环境 程序 2008R2

Failed to load plugin '@typescript-eslint' declared in '.eslintrc.cjs

项目配置依赖: vue3.3.4 + vite4.4.11 + eslint8.46.0 报错信息 Failed to load plugin '@typescript-eslint' declared in '.eslintrc.cjs » @vue/eslint-config-typescrip ......

采坑-阿里云 kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer

自己买了台阿里的测试服务器,打开终端,输入命令 ssh root@xxx 等待输入密码。 **报错:kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer****** 昨天刚用的,今天咋回事,然后试了试公司的服务器是可以的。然后就开始百 ......

Ubuntu 修改主机名和hosts文件并克隆虚拟机初步搭建集群

进入终端输入 sudo vim /etc/hosts 像红框里一样,添加自己虚拟机的主机名称映射 然后终端输入reboot 重启虚拟机 然后操作参考Ubuntu20虚拟机克隆以及克隆后静态IP和主机名的修改_ubuntu克隆后修改ip-CSDN博客 ......
集群 主机 文件 Ubuntu hosts

【zabbix】configure: error: Unable to use libevent (libevent check failed)解决方案

安装zabbix,在zabbix目录下执行编译命令时报错configure: error: Unable to use libevent (libevent check failed),如图: 说明:新服务器,一般依赖不足,需要视情况安装依赖,问题解决。 解决方案: yum install libe ......

CPP操作符重载:operator T()

operator T()提供了一个本类型到T的隐式转换,不允许使用参数 `class B { private: int _b; public: B(int b):_b(b){} ~B(){} const int getB()const{return _b;} bool operator ==(B& ......
操作符 operator CPP

nginx报错 [error] 612#4188: CreateFile() "C:\yjzx\nginx-1.24.0/logs/nginx.pid" failed (2: The system cannot find the file specified)

背景 无论是nginx -s stop还是nginx -s reload命令,都会出现这个错误。 [error] 612#4188: CreateFile() "C:\yjzx\nginx-1.24.0/logs/nginx.pid" failed (2: The system cannot fin ......
nginx quot CreateFile specified cannot

PHP file_get_contents(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error message...

在调试php脚本代码时,发现使用 file_get_contents() 函数请求HTTPS的网址链接时出现了报错,其报错代码如下面所示“file_get_contents(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error message...”百 ......

mysql docker容器中导入数据库失败 Failed to open file ‘‘****.sql‘‘, error: 2

mysql docker 容器中导入数据库失败【Failed to open file ‘’****.sql’’, error: 2】使用浑身解数docker exec -it xxxxxxxxx sh 进入mysql容器。mysql -uroot -pxxxx 登陆use database; 切换 ......
容器 数据库 数据 docker Failed


正式环境全局事务获取失败导致审批不了申请, 报错:io.seata.rm.datasource.exec.LockWaitTimeoutException: Global lock wait timeout 执行以下步骤可行: 1、hosts连天津服务 【此电脑】-》【c盘】-》【Windows】- ......

network提示use --host to expose

项目运行之后,想要通过局域网ip访问项目,无法访问: 查了一下问题,没有配置netWork,在vite.config.ts如下配置,就可以了 server: { host: '' } 有问题欢迎交流!!! ......
network expose host use to

容器报错 Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint

在启动容器时的容器时,会出现报错:Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint XXX(端口映射或启动容器时报错) 如下: 原因:在我们启动了Docker后,我们再对防火 ......

问题记录 <VSCode Copilot 连接问题:Extension activation failed: "getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN api.github.com"

问题描述 VSCode 使用Copilot时遇到如下问题: Extension activation failed: "getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN api.github.com" 解决方式 笔者尝试了修改hosts、代理、重装插件等方法,但没有起效。 下面的方法解决了问题(在VSCo ......
问题 quot getaddrinfo activation Extension

bsc的dummyId, 在非0的情况下,如果出现重复,bscscan会报fail

bsc的dummyId, 在非0的情况下,如果出现重复,bscscan会报fail: 主要代码是这样: func main() { serverAddress, contractAddress, ownerPublicKey, ownerPrivateKey := GetConfig() fmt.P ......
dummyId bscscan 情况 fail bsc

Jenkins问题记录:Git SSH方式访问,报错:Host key verification failed. (Windows)

问题:在本地windows机器上安装了jenkins,并且设置好Git SSH凭据,在git bash命令行窗口可以使用git pull命令,但是在jenkins 中执行git pull就会报错。 报错信息: Host key verification failed. fatal: Could no ......
verification Jenkins Windows 方式 failed

本地起服务报错Logging system failed to initialize using configuration from 'file:config/log4j2.xml'

问题现象: 本地起服务报错Logging system failed to initialize using configuration from 'file:config/log4j2.xml' 解决方法: 1、检查一下依赖 <dependency> <groupId>org.springfram ......

Solution to OpenSSL Connection Problems With Github

Problems Uploading Files with Git Sometimes we can use git tool to successfully upload projects to Github, but in other time especially after a period ......
Connection Solution Problems OpenSSL Github

Docker_报错:Host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking. Host key verification failed.

Host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking. Host key verification failed. 问题原因用OpenSSH的人都知ssh会把你每个你访问过计算机的公钥(public ......
Host verification key requested checking

centos7.9重启网卡提示Failed to start LSB: Bring up/down networking.

前几天给一台机器状态centos7.9系统,设备有2个网口,今天重启网卡一直失败, 查看network状态,怀疑是eth0网卡有问题 查看eth0的网卡配置,发现是eth0网卡的BOOTPROTO=dhcp,且ONBOOT=yes,但eth0网口没插网线,这导致重启网卡时,一直重启eth0,但是没插 ......
网卡 networking centos7 centos Failed

在CentOS7上更改端口号时报错:Job for sshd.service failed because the control process exited with error

1、问题描述 在在CentOS7×上更改端口号时报错: “Job for sshd.service failed because the control process exited with error code.See ‘systemcl status& sshd service" and fo ......
口号 时报 CentOS7 because control

Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsaxxx

/usr/sbin/sshd 错误提示: Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key Could not load host key: ......
host ssh_host_rsaxxx ssh rsaxxx Could

CF1889B. Doremy's Connecting Plan

一开始不会先跳 C 了!差点满盘皆输! 设 \(i<j\),则 \(i,j\) 合并可以看作 \(a_i\leftarrow a_i+a_j\) 后删掉 \(j\)!此时和初始局面本质相同!所以不妨先只看初始局面! 不等式右侧和下标有关!显然若右侧 \(i,j\) 中只要有一个是 \(1\),就会让 ......
Connecting Doremy 1889 Plan CF

D. Doremy's Connecting Plan

D. Doremy's Connecting Plan Doremy lives in a country consisting of $n$ cities numbered from $1$ to $n$, with $a_i$ people living in the $i$-th city. ......
Connecting Doremy Plan 39


import operator somelist = [(1,5,8),(6,2,4),(9,7,5)] somelist.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0)) print(somelist) # [(1, 5, 8), (6, 2, 4), (9, 7, 5)] som ......
字段 包裹 operator 大小 数字

python 安装包时 ERROR: Failed building wheel for webrtcvad

报错信息: error: subprocess-exited-with-error × Building wheel for webrtcvad (pyproject.toml) did not run successfully. │ exit code: 1 ╰─> [9 lines of out ......
webrtcvad building python Failed ERROR

CF1890D Doremy's Connecting Plan

Problem - 1890D - Codeforces 这个式子左边是加法,右边是乘法,很不好算 但其实是降智题,不过同时也是我不擅长的找性质 因为式子左边是加法而不是乘法,因此像类似于并查集那样求出当前每个联通块内 \(\sum a_i\) 等价于固定一个点从这个点的联通块向外扩展。 \(i\) ......
Connecting Doremy 1890D 1890 Plan

Cannot connect to the Docker

执行docker基础命令失败! Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running? 原因:docker服务没有启动。 解决方法:执行 systemctl s ......
connect Cannot Docker the to


1、获取执行SQL对象 2、管理事务 setAutoCommit(bool) true为自动提交false为手动提交 commit()提交事务 rollback()回滚事务 package com.avb.jdbc; import java.sql.Connection; import java.s ......
API-Connection Connection javaweb JDBC API

Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, mkdir 'C:\Program Files\nodejs\cache\_cacache\index-v5\00\c2'

使用下面命令创建react项目爆出的错误 npx create-react-app react-basic 显示nodejs里面的文件权限不够,需要进行文件夹的权限更改,改为完全控制就可以了。 ......
operation permitted Program cacache index-v

Python:爬取某软件站数据报错requests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.***.cn', port = 443):

使用Python爬取某网站数据时候,之前一直是好好的。突然就报错:requests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.***.cn', port = 443): Max retries exceeded with url: /acc ......
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