professional efficient chapter writing

20230818 CHAPTER 6 Functions and the Stack 函数和栈

x31 arm SP寄存器 16byte对齐 调用函数,必须保存当前位置以便函数调用完成后返回,the link register (LR) which is X30, branch with link (BL) bl 与b 类似,不同的是 bl 在跳转前把下一条指令的地址保存在LR寄存器中,这样b ......
函数 Functions 20230818 CHAPTER Stack

20230818 CHAPTER 5 Thanks for the Memories arm64汇编内存使用

.data 段的内存引用实例 十进制数不要以0开头,否则会被认为是8进制数 一个数前面可以加-负号或者~取反符号; 申请一个内存块; 重复! 转义字符! 内存对齐 The offset from the PC has 19 bits in the instruction, which gives a ......
20230818 Memories 内存 CHAPTER Thanks

20230818 CHAPTER 4 Controlling Program Flow 程序流程控制

Unconditional Branch The simplest branch instruction is B label 无条件分支跳转 有符号数为负则设置N标志,否则clear 结果为0 设置此标志,否则clear 加法中溢出了则设置此标志,减法不需要借也就是结果不为负则设置,移位中保存最后 ......
Controlling 20230818 流程 CHAPTER Program

20230817 chapter3 tooling up 学习make GDB git 等工具

make -B 强制重新make gdb之前,需要先在编译时加入 -g 参数以开启debug模式,修改一下makefile; TARGET=move ifdef DEBUG DEBUGFLGS = -g else DEBUGFLGS = endif $(TARGET): $(TARGET).o ld ......
20230817 chapter3 chapter tooling 工具

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2024(三维可视化实体模拟软件)中文永久使用

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2024 是一款功能强大的三维计算机辅助设计(CAD)软件,以下是对其的详细介绍: 点击获取Autodesk Inventor Professional 2024 三维建模工具:Autodesk Inventor Professional ......

20230814 chapter2

负数的表示方法,补码 比如一个正数 1的补码就是 加上就溢出等于0的值, byte范围内,256就溢出了,所以1的补码就是256-1=255,0xFF,所以-1就是FF 另一种计算方法是,负数等于正数的反码加一; 1补数就是反码! 大小端:arm同时支持大小端,但一般都采用小端, carry fla ......
20230814 chapter2 chapter

[论文精读][计算生物][蛋白质预训练表示]Data-Efficient Protein 3D Geometric Pretraining via Refinement of Diffused Protein Structure Decoy

笔者正在调研市面上的蛋白表示方法,论文方法过于数理的部分会被抽象带过。 ## Basic Information: * Title: Data-Efficient Protein 3D Geometric Pretraining via Refinement of Diffused Protein St ......

Burp Suite Professional / Community 2023.9 (macOS, Linux, Windows) - Web 应用安全、测试和扫描

Burp Suite Professional / Community 2023.9 (macOS, Linux, Windows) - Web 应用安全、测试和扫描 Burp Suite Professional, Test, find, and exploit vulnerabilities. ......
Professional Community Windows 2023.9 Suite


**** > ​ Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book, called Ture Stories From Nature, about the primeval forest. It was a pic ......

The MySQL server is running with the LOCK_WRITE_GROWTH option so it cannot execute this statement

然后百度 参考:The MySQL server is running with the LOCK_WRITE_GROWTH option so it cannot execute this statement_冰尘s1的博客-CSDN博客 mysql报错The MySQL server is ru ......

java 服务异常崩溃 JVM报错:Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled.

java 服务异常崩溃 JVM报错:Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. bigDataShare 于 2020-06-23 13:59:19 发布 10492 收藏 11分类专栏: 03-jvm版权 华为开发者联盟鸿蒙专 ......
disabled Failed dumps write java


shp-write · Doraemon22333/前端 - 码云 - 开源中国 ( 参考 (1) ......
乱码 多条 前端 shp shp-write

CMU15445-2023 笔记:Project 0 - Copy-On-Write Trie

# CMU15445-2023 笔记:Project 0 - Copy-On-Write Trie In this project, you will implement a key-value store backed by a copy-on-write trie. Tries are effi ......
Copy-On-Write Project 笔记 15445 Write


# 强化学习Chapter4——两个基本优化算法(2) 上一节,介绍了依据贝尔曼方程得出的策略迭代算法(policy iteration),本节将介绍另一种根据贝尔曼最优方程提出的,**价值迭代算法(value iteration)**。在此之后,本文将阐述这两种算法的共性与区别,由此总结出一种** ......
算法 Chapter4 两个 Chapter


# 强化学习Chapter4——两个基本优化算法(1) 上一节导出了状态价值函数的贝尔曼方程以及最优状态价值函数: $$ \begin{aligned} V^\pi(s) &=E_{a\sim \pi,s’\sim P}[r(s,a)+\gamma V^\pi(s‘)]\\ &= \sum_{a}\ ......
算法 Chapter4 两个 Chapter

PTE Reading and writing

多选题 备考时间紧张 可以放弃 选错 倒扣分 建议 不是特别确定 就单选 ......
Reading writing PTE and

A Compiler Writing Journey

DoctorWkt/acwj: A Compiler Writing Journey ( A Compiler Writing Journey In this Github repository, I'm documenting my journey to write a se ......
Compiler Writing Journey


代码是这样的: 1 def func1(): 2 file = open("test.txt", "a+", encoding="utf-8") 3 list1 = [("20", "10")] 4 list2 = [{"name": "Tom", "age": 20}] 5 file.writel ......
函数 writelines 错误 文件 python

Efficient and Accurate Diagnostic Tool

Diagnostic tools play a crucial role in the automotive industry, allowing technicians to accurately identify and troubleshoot vehicle issues. Among th ......
Diagnostic Efficient Accurate Tool and

Burp Suite Professional / Community 2023.8 (macOS, Linux, Windows) - Web 应用安全、测试和扫描

Burp Suite Professional / Community 2023.8 (macOS, Linux, Windows) - Web 应用安全、测试和扫描 Burp Suite Professional, Test, find, and exploit vulnerabilities. ......
Professional Community Windows 2023.8 Suite

Classical Management: emphasized rationality and making organizations and workers as efficient as possible

Classical approach: First studies of management, which emphasized: * rationality * making organizations and workers as efficient as possible **Max Web ......

GLoRA:One-for-All: Generalized LoRA for Parameter-Efficient Fine-tuning

# GLoRA:One-for-All: Generalized LoRA for Parameter-Efficient Fine-tuning ## O、Abstract 本文在 LoRA 的基础上,提出一种广义 LoRA (GLoRA,Generalized LoRA)。与 LoRA 相比,G ......

P&KU2 Write up (P1)

写在前面 咕了两个月终于有精力来写write up,教训是以后什么东西都先起个头,如果五月份就开始敲这段话的话现在可能已经写完了() 一些说(tao)明(dun):这篇write up并不包含P&KU2中所有的题目。 全资料请走P&KU2资料站:简介 - Puzzle and Key Univers ......
Write amp KU2 KU P1

更新旧版本的 Deno 报错解决 error: You do not have write permission to /opt/homebrew/bin/deno

# 更新旧版本的 Deno 报错解决 error: You do not have write permission to /opt/homebrew/bin/deno 参考1: 参考1 ......
permission homebrew 版本 error write

proteus 8 professional

安装看: 如何新建工程+解决新建工程的错 ......
professional proteus

Xv6 Lab6: Copy-on-Write Fork for xv6

思路 经过 lab5: lazy page allocation 之后,对 xv6 的 page fault 的处理,算是有所了解了。 今天这个 COW 实验,在 2020 年的课程视频中有对思路的讲解,可以先看看 课程翻译,厘清一下思路。 整体思路其实也不难,默认情况下,fokr 会调用 uvmc ......
Copy-on-Write Write Lab6 Copy Fork

You don't have write permissions for the /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/x.x/usr/lib/ruby/gems/x.x.x directory.

Gem Error ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError) You don't have write permissions for the /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework ......


write 向指定登录用户终端上发送信息 ## 补充说明 **write命令** 用于向指定登录用户终端上发送信息。通过write命令可传递信息给另一位登入系统的用户,当输入完毕后,键入EOF表示信息结束,write命令就会将信息传给对方。如果接收信息的用户不只登入本地主机一次,你可以指定接收信息的 ......

writing vocabulary

the necessity of ... is discussed by the public in recent yeras. ... is valuable leads to the decline of have extra time are widely adotped should be ......
vocabulary writing


# Fork&Copy-On-Write 1. Fork 的作用是复制一个与当前进程一样的进程。新进程的所有数据(变量、环境变量、程序计数器等) 数值都和原进程一致,但是是一个全新的进程,并作为原进程的子进程 2. 在Linux 程序中,fork()会产生一个和父进程完全相同的子进程,但子进程在此后 ......
Copy-On-Write Write Fork Copy amp