regionals multiply contest problem

AtCoder Beginner Contest 296

295? 上周ECF玩去了,咕咕咕 A - Alternately (abc296 a) 题目大意 给定一个包含$MF$的字符串,问是否是 $M,F$交替出现的。 解题思路 判断相邻字母是否相等即可。 神奇的代码 ```cpp #include using namespace std; using ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 296

What is X/Y problem?

X/Y problem means you have a problem X, you think you should solve another problem Y to solve the original problem X, you ask people for help you solv ......
problem What is

AtCoder Beginner Contest 152

AtCoder Beginner Contest 152 F我看了半天,编码方式那里还算是感觉比较玄乎,这题确实妙。 D - Handstand 2 只需记录两端数字即可,不要想太复杂。 #include <bits/stdc++ ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 152

Perceptron, Support Vector Machine and Dual Optimization Problem (3)

Support Vector Machines Perceptron and Linear Separability 假设存在一个 linear decision boundary,它可以完美地对 training dataset 进行分割。 那么,经由上述 Perceptron Algorithm ......

P1865 A % B Problem

P1865 A % B Problem 题目链接 题意简述 求区间 $[l,r]$ 内质数的个数 解析 前置知识: 素数判断 / 素数筛法 前缀和 质数是指在大于 $1$ 的自然数中,除了 $1$ 和它本身以外不再有其他因子的自然数。 一层循环判断 $2\sim n-1$ 的每一个数是否是它的因子 ......
Problem P1865 1865

AtCoder Beginner Contest 295

题解报告 基本的一些理解和问题都在注释中 A:Probably English //水题 #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 295

AtCoder Beginner Contest 151

AtCoder Beginner Contest 151 这一套质量一般 E - Max-Min Sums 组合数学 #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define ll long long using name ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 151

AtCoder Beginner Contest 150

AtCoder Beginner Contest 150 def都蛮不错的 D - Semi Common Multiple 先推一下:$x=a_i\times(p+0.5)\rightarrow x=\frac{a_i}2(2p ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 150

Problem Y: Understanding Used Sailboat Prices

Like many luxury goods, sailboats vary in value as they age and as market conditions change. The attached “2023_MCM_Problem_Y_Boats.xlsx” file include ......
Understanding Sailboat Problem Prices Used

Problem Z: The Future of the Olympics

Background The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is facing a decreasing number of bids to host the Olympics – both Summer and Winter Games[1]. In ......
Olympics Problem Future The the

AtCoder Beginner Contest 149

AtCoder Beginner Contest 149 D - Prediction and Restriction 读题的锅!!没说输了要扣分!!! 两种做法。 贪心 对于相同格子 $i,i+k,i+2k,...$ 采取赢,平 ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 149

AtCoder Beginner Contest 245

A - Good morning #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int32_t main() { int a , b , c , d; int ta , ao; cin >> a >> b >> c >> d; ta = a * 60 * ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 245

AtCoder Beginner Contest 246

AtCoder Beginner Contest 246 A (思维) A 这个题大意是告诉你一个矩形的三个点,求第四个点,并且已知每条边都是平行于$x$轴或者是$y$轴的,那么我们可以确定,$x$坐标只有两种,并且每一种都有两个,$y$坐标也是 题目输入三个坐标,那么答案就是缺少的那个个(数量为$ ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 246

Perceptron, Support Vector Machine and Dual Optimization Problem (1)

Linear Decision Boundary(线性决策边界) Example. (classification problem) 给定一个二元的特征空间 $\mathcal{X} = \left{ \text{weight} \times \text{height} \right}$,对标签 $ ......

AtCoder Beginner Contest 295

A - Probably English #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int read() { int x = 0, f = 1, ch = getchar(); while ((ch < '0' || ch > '9') && ch ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 295

nowcoder contest/911/F 值域上维护右括号的个数,遇到左括号就查询前面有几个右括号 #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <queue> using namespace std ; ......
nowcoder contest 911


Prism内置了几个区域适配器 ContentControlRegionAdapter ItemsControlRegionAdapter SelectorRegionAdapter ComboBox ListBox Ribbon TabControl 所以我们可以在ContentControl当中 ......
适配器 RegionAdapter 区域 Region

Unable to start the daemon process . This problem might be caused by incorrect configuration of the daemon. For example, an unrecognized jvm option is used.

创建springboot项目的时候报这个错 是因为你选择了Gradle环境 但是你本地没有这个Gradle环境 选择maven环境就可以了 ......

AtCoder Beginner Contest 145

AtCoder Beginner Contest 145 D - Knight 乍一看以为是dp,但是数据范围不允许。 仔细一看发现,两种操作的次数是固定的,可以枚举出来每种操作分别进行了多少次,如 $(1,2)$ 走了 $a$ ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 145

AtCoder Beginner Contest 148

AtCoder Beginner Contest 148 这场比较简单 D - Brick Break 二分 or LIS #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define ll long long using n ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 148


定义Region的方式有两种: 一种是在XAML定义 RegionManager.RegionName(XAML) 一、View代码 1 <Viewbox Grid.Column="1" > 2 <ContentControl prism:RegionManager.RegionName="Cont ......
区域 Region

AtCoder Beginner Contest 147

AtCoder Beginner Contest 147 C - HonestOrUnkind2 推理题,爆搜。好那好难,一直不知道怎么下手 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 147


使用新版本字符设备驱动函数(register_chrdev_region)编写字符驱动和在驱动模块加载的同时创建设备节点;结合了IMX6ULL阿尔法开发板,编写了LED驱动模块。 ......

Codeforces Contest 1798

这场比较经典但是不太困难(都经典了说明没啥思维题)。 A. Showstopper 枚举一下交不交换,然后前面的状态就固定了,最后判断是否合法。 B. Three Sevens 从后往前把不行的都划掉。 C. Candy Store 考虑一段 $c_l=c_{l+1}=\dots c_{r}$,必然 ......
Codeforces Contest 1798

转)关于逆问题(inverse problem)的阅读名单

【注1】虽然咱不看这方面的内容,但是既然莫名其妙地下了这么个东西,就想着不能扔了,至少留一份于***当中。 【注2】简单排版,但并未校正,无法保证质量。 【注3】与原文不同,这里按照Mx做了重排,排法类似于大名鼎鼎的冒泡排序,故而more不保证质量。 A Reading List in Invers ......
名单 inverse problem 问题

AtCoder Beginner Contest 295 A-D题解

比赛地址 A.Probably English 1 void solve() 2 { 3 int n;cin>>n; 4 set<string>st; 5 st.insert("and"); 6 st.insert("not"); 7 st.insert("that"); 8 st.insert(" ......
题解 Beginner AtCoder Contest 295

AtCoder Beginner Contest 146

AtCoder Beginner Contest 146 C - Buy an Integer 这个O(1)推式子的做法不知道为什么WA: ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 146

AtCoder Beginner Contest 248 F(连通性状压dp)

F 连通性状压dp 思路 看了dls的讲解后才明白一点点。 状态$dp[i][j][k]$表示到表示到i列,删除了j条边,点i和n-1+i是否联通,对于下一列点, 若当前i和n-1+i连通,则多出来的三条边连任意两条,使得下一列点i+1和n+i连通,否则下一列点不连通。 若当前点i和n-1+i不连通 ......
性状 Beginner AtCoder Contest 248

AtCoder Educational DP Contest

1.A 没什么难度,直接算就可以了。 点击查看代码 #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define int long long #define Yes printf("Yes\n") #define No printf("No\n") #define YES printf("YES\ ......
Educational AtCoder Contest DP

assembly of tiny problems I come across when using Ubuntu

1. flameshot couldn't work properly. after running, it doesn't act to enable selecting area as expected, but pop out a frame and I need to click 'shar ......
assembly problems across Ubuntu using