runtimeerror application working outside

uniapp运行启动时候出现 The current application is running in a custom debugging base....

突然出现这个,原来是uniapp说的自定义基座,是在app/src/main/assets/data/dcloud_contro.xml中 需要修改hbuilder标签中的debug的值,如果为true则会出现标题的提示,如果改为false则不会出现标题提示的弹窗 <hbuilder debug=" ......
application debugging current running 时候

uniapp打包Android,出现崩溃Didn't find class "io.dcloud.application.DCloudApplication"

自己创建的新的Android项目打包的时候一直崩溃,报错:Didn't find class "io.dcloud.application.DCloudApplication" 查找之后在app/build.gradle中发现添加 multiDexEnabled true compileOption ......

KET.Application 报错:pywintypes.com_error: (-2147221005, '无效的类字符串', None, None)

电脑突然有一天调用 KET.Application 总是报错,代码: import win32com.client xcl = win32com.client.DispatchEx("KET.Application") xcl.Quit() 报错:pywintypes.com_error: (-21 ......

vcpkg install polyclipping:x64-windows Could not locate a manifest (vcpkg.json) above the current working directory. This vcpkg distribution does not have a classic mode instance.

错误信息表明 vcpkg 在当前工作目录及其父目录中找不到 vcpkg.json 文件,因此无法确定要安装的库。 这可能是因为你执行 vcpkg install 命令的位置不在包含 vcpkg.json 文件的项目目录中。 以下是解决方法: 确保在包含 vcpkg.json 的项目目录中运行命令: ......

The Pktgen Application

Pktgen, (Packet Gen-erator) is a software based traffic generator powered by the DPDK fast packet processing framework. Pktgen(数据包生成器)是一款基于软件的流量生成器,由 ......
Application Pktgen The

从HumanEval到CoderEval: 你的代码生成模型真的work吗?

本文主要介绍了一个名为CoderEval的代码生成大模型评估基准,并对三个代码生成模型(CodeGen、PanGu-Coder和ChatGPT)在该基准上的表现进行了评估和比较。 ......

RuntimeError: The scheduler seems to be running under uWSGI, but threads have been disabled. You must run uWSGI with the --enable-threads option for the scheduler to work报错

解释 RuntimeError: The scheduler seems to be running under uWSGI, but threads have been disabled. You must run uWSGI with the --enable-threads option fo ......

使用反编译软件jd-gui.exe,打开提示:The application requires a Java Runtime Environment 1.8.0

jd-gui.exe,打开提示:The application requires a Java Runtime Environment 1.8.0 但是已经是java1.8版本了 这时候修改注册表win+R 输入 regedit 打开注册表 找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE ......


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Application Interface DDD

"Go to Source" for Latex on VS Code does not seem to work

I recommend installing LaTeX Workshop instead of LaTeX Preview. Then use the following shortcuts for synctex (aka 'jumping' between code and pdf): fro ......
quot Source Latex Code does

Entering China's strategies of water pollution and identifying an effective measure, as well as its working principle and impact

Water Pollution Control Strategies in China(Some examples) (1)China’s strategy for controlling water pollution focused first on reducing the discharge ......

C# WinFrom Application下的方法以及用法 Application.Exit(): 用于退出应用程序 ......
Application WinFrom 方法


一、生产者 直接使用HelloWorld模式下的应用案例依赖和代码,将生产者Give类拷贝一份。 将发送消息部分调整为遍历发送,连发10次: //遍历发送多条消息 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { //发送内容 channel.basicPublish("",QUEUE, ......
队列 Rabbitmq 消息 模式 Work

Mac OS XML禁用app模板 配合work space one 使用

参考link: 支持禁用字段:name/cdhash/path/bundleId 1 <dict> 2 <key>Restrictions</key> 3 <array> 4 <dict> 5 <key>Attr ......
模板 space work Mac XML

#链表#CF706E Working routine

题目 给出一个 \(n*m\) 的矩阵,每次交换两个等大的矩阵,输出 \(q\) 次操作后的矩阵 分析 维护向右和向下的指针,考虑最后输出只需要从每行的头指针向右跳, 那么修改实际上是将矩阵左边一列、上面一行、最后一行和最后一列向右下指针交换 时间复杂度 \(O((n+m)Q)\) 代码 #incl ......
Working routine 706 CF

From monolithic application to microservice framework

challenges: 1. version control After testing the branch A, pull the latest code(merged B) -> confilcts ? no conflicts? -> regression testing 2. change ......

SAP: 1、Large time difference between application server and database. 求解决

1、Large time difference between application server and database. 请解决 环境: WIN2003(X64) + SQL SERVER2008 + SAP ECC6 EHP7 ......

【资讯阅读】CIO-Application security

![]( ![]( ......

RuntimeError: “nll_loss_forward_reduce_cuda_kernel_2d_index“ not implemented for ‘Int‘

RuntimeError: "nll_loss_forward_reduce_cuda_kernel_2d_index" not implemented for 'Int' Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:/MyWorkspace/EEG/Pyt ......

How to fix EventSource onmessage not working in JavaScript All in One

How to fix EventSource onmessage not working in JavaScript All in One SSE Server-Sent Events / 服务端推送 Node.js Buffer.from ......
EventSource JavaScript onmessage working in

【已应用】落地项目中使用的JdbcTemplate-包含application.properties配置 【JdbcTemplateDemo】【实用】

JdbcTemplatedemo2:是某落地项目中使用的JdbcTemplate。是来检测JdbcTemplate合规性。包含JdbcTemplate封装、sql操作、application.properties数据连接配置等。 GitLab项目地址:liuguiqing / JdbcTemplat ......

Go - Testing a Web Application or a Web Service

Problem: You want to do unit testing on a web application or a web service. Solution: Use the httptest.NewRecorder function to create an httptest.Resp ......
Application Web Testing Service Go

kubeadm 加入work 节点集群时报 http://localhost:10248/healthz处理方法

现象: [kubelet-check] The HTTP call equal to 'curl -sSL http://localhost:10248/healthz' failed with error: Get "http://localhost:10248/healthz": dial tc ......
节点 集群 localhost 时报 kubeadm

Go - Using Templates for Go Web Applications

Problem: You want to use Go’s templating system to create a web application. Solution: Use the html/template package to create a web application. pack ......
Applications Templates Using Go for

Work Group

analysis 我们很明显能够发现这个题目的性质: 奇数是由孩子的奇数和我的偶数,或者是孩子的偶数我的奇数取一个最大值进行更新。 偶数就是我的偶数和孩子的偶数,或者是孩子奇数和我的奇数取一个最大值进行更新。 我们不妨用 \(0\) 表示已经选择了偶数个节点,用 \(1\) 表示已经选择了奇数个节点 ......
Group Work

Go - Uploading a File to a Web Application

Problem: You want to upload a file to a web application. Solution: Use the net/http package to create a web application and the io package to read the ......
Application Uploading File Web Go

macOS 如何设置 Finder 打开某种类型的文件时候使用指定的默认 Application 程序 All In One

macOS 如何设置 Finder 打开某种类型的文件时候使用指定的默认 Application 程序 All In One ......
Application 类型 时候 文件 程序

Go - Creating a Simple Web Application

Problem: You want to create a simple web application that responds to an HTTP request and sends back an HTTP response. Solution: Use the net/http pack ......
Application Creating Simple Web Go

Build ASP.NET Core applications deployed as Linux containers into an AKS/Kubernetes orchestrator

原文: ......

RuntimeError: Attempting to deserialize object on CUDA device 1 but torch.cuda.device_count() is 1.

问题:服务器上多块卡,使用其中一张训练的模型,在本地预测的时候报错。 解决:在torch.load中加入map_location,指定一块卡 ......