to do

安装celery后,提示WARNING/ should set broker_connection_retry_on_startup to True.解决办法

调用了Celery的config_from_object方法,并新建文件celery_config.py存放设置 在celery中设置broker_connection_retry_on_startup = True 效果没有提示了。 ......

where do you come from ? (调试用打印堆栈信息和线程信息)

void print() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); sb.append("\n【Time】: "); sb.append(System.currentT ......
堆栈 信息 线程 where come

Maven报错:Failed to read artifact descriptor for xxx:jar的问题解决

问题: 这种报错非常具有迷惑性,因为不知道是什么导致的,而一般如果是maven找不到依赖的话,会提示missing 这样。 其实这种报错,我遇到的原因,因为下载包异常导致的。 你看到也把jar和pom下载下来了,但是jar包很可能是个无效的jar包。其实你可以看jar包的大小,如果是几KB这种 显然 ......
descriptor artifact Failed 问题 Maven

javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: class XXXX nor any of its super class is known to this context

[javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: class org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.x509.X509CRLObject nor any of its super class is known to this contex ......
class JAXBException context javax known

stoi(),atoi() ,to_string

stoi(),atoi() ,to_string 这三个函数都是对字符串处理的函数,前两者是将字符串转化为十进制 int 类型,最后一个是将十进制类型 int、double 等转化为string头文件都是:#include<cstring> stoi() 和 atoi()这两个功能虽然都是将字符串转 ......
to_string string stoi atoi to

Warning: /root/software/sqoop/../hcatalog does not exist! HCatalog jobs will fail. Please set $HCAT_HOME to the root of your HCatalog installation.问题的解决

# 问题描述 ![]( # 问题解决 进入到sqoop/bin的文件目录下: ![](https://img2023.cnb ......

SpringDataJPA级联更新保存报错org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: detached entity passed to persist: com.example.springbootsecurityconcise.bean.Role

SpringDataJPA级联更新保存报错org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: detached entity passed to persist: com.example.springbootsecurityconc... ......

SAP GUI Scripting VBA Code Snippet to Detect all IDs of the UI Elements

'-Begin Option Explicit Dim gColl() As String Dim j As Integer Sub GetAll(Obj As Object) ' '- '- Recursively called sub routine to get the IDs of all ......
Scripting Elements Snippet Detect Code

Spring源码搭建导依赖时报错:Failed to apply plugin 'kotlin'.

原因是kotlin插件的版本与gradle中指定的版本不一致,我的是1.8.0,spring5.3.x版本gradle配置文件指定的kotlin版本是1.5.32,修改成1.8.0 ![]( ......
源码 时报 Spring Failed plugin

解决Failed to load module canberra-gtk-module错误

在Ubuntu环境里,通过./triangulation 1.png 2.png 命令运行高翔的ch7的triangulation程序时报错: Gtk-Message: 09:10:26.571: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" 查看一下模块位 ......

Navicat Premium保存密码失败:Failed to save password Error code: -34018

卸载 卸载干净后重装15.0.29或之后的版本,卸载参见: sudo rm -Rf /Applications/Navicat\ sudo rm -Rf /priv ......
password 密码 Navicat Premium Failed

The database operation was expected to affect 1 row(s), but actually affected 0 row(s); 解决乐观并发

# [The database operation was expected to affect 1 row(s), but actually affected 0 row(s); 解决乐观并发]( ......
operation row database actually affected

How to choose your first programming language All In One

How to choose your first programming language All In One 如何选择你的第一门编程语言 ......
programming language choose first your

elasticsearch from + size must be less than or equal to: [10000] but was [100000]

说明:当分页查询时,默认最大总数是10000(from+size<=10000),当我现在业务需要查询最大100000条时,就报错了。 方案1:可以为某个es放开到指定的返回总数,也可以对整个es的索引做设置。但这样对内存消耗很大, 可能导致内存溢出,elasticsearch重启又会恢复默认100 ......
elasticsearch 100000 10000 equal from

WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable问题的解决

# 问题描述 使用****命令开启hdfs服务时,爆出这样的警告信息 ![]( # 问题解决 可以先 ......

error: undefined reference to `cv::imread(cv::String const&, int)' 解决方法

方法1 原文链接: 编译时出现下列错误: undefined reference to 'cv::imread(cv::String const&, int)' undefined refe ......
undefined reference 方法 String imread


## Abstarct 存在的问题:在Text-to-SQL问题中,之前的基准(Spider和WikiSQL)聚焦于数据库中较少的行,学术研究和现实应用的距离较大。 BIRD主要重视dirty content,external knowledge和SQL的效率三方面。 对比了human和ChatGP ......
基准 text-to-sql BIRD text sql


# Content You are given an array prices where prices[i] is the price of a given stock on the ith day. You want to maximize your profit by choosing a s ......

IDEA修改SpringBoot多模块项目设置提示“Module A must not contain source root B. The root already belongs to module B”的解决办法

“Module A must not contain source root B/java/src/. The root already belongs to module B”的解决办法 ......
root SpringBoot 模块 contain already


fork 是linux创建进程的系统调用,相关的函数(不只是系统调用)还有 vfork,clone,sys_frok等。这些函数会整理不同参数,再调用到 do_fork 中。 本篇文章主要介绍do_fork 函数。(sys_call_table 是 系统调用表, fork -> syscall(nu ......
do_fork fork do

Mixture-of-Domain-Adapters: Decoupling and Injecting Domain Knowledge to Pre-trained Language Mod...

### 1. Abstract 经过预训练的语言模型(PLM)表现出在通用领域理解文本的出色能力,同时在特定领域中表现不佳。**尽管在大型领域特定语料库上继续预训练是有效的,但调整领域上的所有参数是昂贵的**。在本文中,我们研究了是否可以通过只调整几个参数来有效地调整PLM。具体来说,我们将Tran ......

docker You must install or update .NET to run this application. 问题解决方案

FROM AS base WORKDIR /app 修改为 FROM AS base WORKDIR /app ......

Oracle script to check the database growth

1、Oracle script to check the database growth SET LINESIZE 200 SET PAGESIZE 200 COL "Database Size" FORMAT a13 COL "Used Space" FORMAT a11 COL "Used in ......
database Oracle script growth check


Don't worry, they won't Google you or say hi to you at the bar. 别担心,他们不会谷歌你或在酒吧和你打招呼。 [ ![Casey Gueren]( ......

语音合成技术6:DuTa-VC: A Duration-aware Typical-to-atypical Voice Conversion Approach with Diffusion Probabilistic Model

DuTa-VC: 一种具有扩散概率模型的时长感知典型到非典型语音转换方法 摘要 我们提出了一种新颖的典型到非典型语音转换方法(DuTa-VC),它具有以下特点:(i)可以使用非平行数据进行训练,(ii)首次引入了扩散概率模型,(iii)保留了目标说话者的身份,(iv)了解目标说话者的音素持续时间。D ......

pandas 写入pd.to_csv()中文乱码

tta.to_csv("d:/tt/xx"+str(ab)+".csv",index=False,encoding="utf_8_sig") ......
乱码 pandas to_csv csv pd


Breaking Changes When Upgrading from EF Core 6 to 7: What You Need to Know March 7, 2023/0 Comments/in General development/by ajtowf Entity Framework ......

Python How-To1-制定务实的学习策略

#1 制定务实的学习策略 本章包括 - 务实意味着什么 - Python能做什么 - 何时应该考虑其他语言 - 你能从本书中学到什么 Python是一种了不起的编程语言。其开源、通用、平台独立的特性使其拥有了一个庞大的开发者社区,以及一个包括数以万计的免费库在内的令人难以置信的生态系统,这些库可用于 ......
策略 Python How-To How To

[LeetCode] 2337. Move Pieces to Obtain a String

You are given two strings start and target, both of length n. Each string consists only of the characters 'L', 'R', and '_' where: The characters 'L'  ......
LeetCode Pieces Obtain String 2337

Paper Reading: PCTBagging: From inner ensembles to ensembles. A trade-off between discriminating capacity and interpretability

针对 CTC 分类性能较差和 Bagging 的可解释性较差的问题,本文提出了一种结合 CTC 和 Bagging 的算法 PCTBagging。首先构建一棵不完整的 CTC,CTC 的规模由超参数合并比来确定,接着使用 Bagging 完成后续的树结构的生成。将 PCTBagging 的结果与 B... ......