videos watch the

Quartus Prime-can't launch the ModelSim software 的解决办法

19.1 版本的Quartus Prime Lite版本,安装了免费版的modelsim, 已经设置了modelsim 的 路径: 但是还是提示: 打开Setting这里 设置选中Modelsim-Altera 就可以了: ......
Prime-can ModelSim software Quartus 办法

[INS-42017] The Grid home is inconsistent on the following nodes: [11grac2]

1、一套11.2.0.4 RAC的测试环境,集群被捣鼓坏了,打算deconfig后,运行config.sh脚本重新配置集群。 2、运行config.sh脚本,在检测环境时,遇到如下故障: [INS-42017] The Grid home is inconsistent on the followi ......
inconsistent following 42017 grac2 nodes

Codeforces Round 866 (Div. 1) C. The Fox and the Complete Tree Traversal (构造)

传送门 题目大意: ** 给定一个有n个点的树,我们可以任意选择一个点作为起点,这个点可以跳到跟自己距离为1或者距离为2的点,已经到达的点不能再到达(最终必须回到起点),询问是否存在一种方案可以从一个点出发经过所有的点最终再回到这个点来。** ** 输入一个整数n。紧接着输入n-1条边。** 大致思 ......
Codeforces Traversal Complete Round Tree

Introducing the QCN9074: A Revolutionary New Chip for the Internet of Things

The QCN9074 is a high-performance chip designed to meet the demanding needs of the Internet of Things (IoT) market. With its powerful processing capab ......

CF1699A The Third Three Number Problem

###题意简述 构造出一个三元组a,b,c使得(a ⊕ b)+(a ⊕ c)+(b ⊕ c) = n,若无解输出-1。 符号 ⊕ 的意思为异或 ###个人分析 首先要了解异或符号的性质: 1,x⊕0=x 2,x⊕x=x 根据异或符号的性质可以得到一下构造: a=b=0,c=n/2 c=0,a=b=n ......
Problem Number 1699A Third Three

How to get Linux kernel Information using the command line All In One

How to get Linux kernel Information using the command line All In One 如何使用命令行获取 Linux 内核信息 ......
Information command kernel Linux using

JPG 100 vs JPG 20: What’s The Difference?

JPG 100 vs JPG 20: What’s The Difference? So you’re into photography and while you’re showing some skill and getting a handle on camera settings for t ......
Difference JPG What 100 The

As a restaurant owner, write a professional email to the supplier to get these products every week: - Wine (x10) - Eggs (x24) - Bread (x12)

As a restaurant owner, write a professional email to the supplier to get these products every week: Wine (x10) Eggs (x24) Bread (x12) Dear Supplier, I ......

vue3 ref、computed、watch...

setup() { let jg = reactive({foor:'bar',far:{ a:'ccc' }}) // 解构赋值 foor 为一个普通变量 没有响应式 // 解构赋值 far 为一个响应式,far获得了Proxy的引用 let { foor ,far} = jg function ......
computed watch vue3 vue ref

[PART 1-1] The Transaction

This chapter is talking about some affairs happened in a school speech. I perceive this as the author casually talking. But this section is still a ge ......
Transaction PART The

Correct the classpath of your application so that it contains a single, compatible version of xxx报错解决

1.背景 有时候引入包有冲突,比如在Maven项目中的不同模块多次重复引入等 这里遇到的问题是重复映入了如下包: <dependency> <groupId>com.baomidou</groupId> <artifactId>mybatis-plus-boot-starter</artifactI ......

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge 解决方案

拉取代码出现 error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge 解决方案 你团队其他成员修改了某文件并已提交入库。 你在pull之前修改了本地该文件,等你修改完代码再pull时,这时会报错如下 ......

SpringBoot上传文件报错The field multiFile exceeds its maximum permitted size of 1048576 bytes

问题原因:在上传文件中文件的大小超过默认大小,所以抛出此异常。 解决办法:在SpringBoot的配置文件中修改上传文件大小的配置 1、 spring.servlet.multipart.max-request-size=200MB spring.serv ......

[LeetCode] 2418. Sort the People

You are given an array of strings names, and an array heights that consists of distinct positive integers. Both arrays are of length n. For each index ......
LeetCode People 2418 Sort the

C. Restore the Array - 构造 + 思维

对于长度为n的数组a,存在长度为n-1的数组b有b[i]=max(a[i],a[i+1]),t组测试数据,给出n和b数组,构造a数组。 分析: ......
思维 Restore Array the

C# Under the Hood: async/await ......
Under async await Hood the

【Vue】如何watch v-for中的元素属性值

如果你想watch一个v-for中的变量,你可以在vue组件的watch对象中创建一个函数,来监听这个变量。 假设你有一个数组items,它是一个对象数组,你想要监听每个对象的name属性。那么你可以这样写: <template> <div v-for="item in items" :key="i ......
属性 元素 watch v-for Vue


视频标签(<video>)加载速度的优化可以从以下几个方面入手: 压缩视频文件大小:可以使用视频压缩工具来压缩视频文件大小。压缩后的视频文件大小更小,加载速度更快。 使用适当的视频格式:不同的浏览器支持不同的视频格式。因此,可以使用流行的视频格式,如MP4、WebM和Ogg,以确保视频在各种浏览器上 ......
速度 标签 video

tracecompass mac 安装JVM shared library does not contain the JNI_CreateJavaVM symbol问题解决

最近在学习tracecompass,因为mac 系统版本有点高,直接运行发现起不来 可能的原因 jvm 版本问题 可以通过修改Info.plist 文件添加jvm 信息 依赖库签名问题 我的jvm 是正确的,但是还是提示上边的问题,结果通过直接命令行启动,发现提示签名问题 如下 ver/libjvm ......

How use the RegExp to filter IP address in js All In One

How use the RegExp to filter IP address in js All In One 如何使用 RegExp 在 js 中过滤 IP 地址 < 192.168.18.N < ignore IPs: 192.168.1 ......
address RegExp filter How All


computed和watch的区别 computed 和watch的相同点。底层都会创建一个 watcher(用法的区别:computed 定义的属性可以在模板中使用,watch 不能在视图中使用) computed 默认不会执行 只有取值的时候才会执行 内部会维护一个 dirty 属性,来控制依赖 ......
源码 computed watch vue2 vue

Video Stream Analytics Using OpenCV, Kafka and Spark Technologies

Key Takeaways For reliable handling and efficient processing of large scale video stream data, there is a need for a scalable, fault tolerant and loos ......
Technologies Analytics Stream OpenCV Video

Watching Mooloo(USACO23 FEB Bronze T3)

题目: 题意简洁明了,一边输入一遍判断,如果是第一个就开始第一次的订阅,如果不是,就比较是继续订阅好还是重新订阅好,十分暴力。 程序: #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N=1e5+10; long long n,k,ans ......
Watching Mooloo Bronze USACO FEB

Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SYSTEM_USER privilege(s) for this operation

原因是由于root用户没有SYSTEM_USER权限,把权限加入后即可解决: grant system_user on *.* to 'root'; ......

The binary version of its metadata is 1.8.0, expected version is 1.5.1.

C:/Users/sdt16354/.gradle/caches/transforms-3/b92f389f516aa233b37ae70b7a7c1337/transformed/jetified-annotation-jvm-1.6.0.jar!/META-INF/annotation.kotl ......
version expected metadata binary is


package com.hw.curator; import org.apache.curator.RetryPolicy; import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework; import org.apache.curator.framewo ......
示例 Watch

Introducing the QCN9074: A Revolutionary New Chip for the Internet of Things

The QCN9074 is a high-performance chip designed to meet the demanding needs of the Internet of Things (IoT) market. With its powerful processing capab ......

The Bells are Ringing UVA-12119

已知M 为T1,T2,T3 的LCM 输出满足 Ti-Tj<=25 的所有可能情况 #include<iostream> #include<cmath> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> using namespace std; const int N= 1 ......
Ringing Bells 12119 The are

java调用GDAL,接口运行一次出现A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment,需要手动释放指针对象(DataSource)

参考文章: 问题描述:通过调用GDAL写的SpringBoot接口,第一次访问成功,第二次报错,显示报错的位置为gdal库。 尝试了很多方法 ......