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Cannot download Packages/expat-devel-2.2.5-4.el8.x86_64.rpm: All mirrors were tried

错误原因 从错误可以看出无法下载此包,因为所有镜像都已经尝试过了。可能是因为该软件包不再可用或镜像服务器当前不可用。 解决方法 因为CENTOS8自带 rpm,所以就不需要下载rpm了。 检查依赖包是否安装:(这步可忽略) rpm -q make autoconf automake cmake pe ......
expat-devel download Packages mirrors Cannot


这一篇介绍关于范围,日期的筛选 in range date year week weekday quarter hour 1、in in 对应于 MySQL 中的 in 操作,可以接受数组、元组等类型数据作为参数: Blog.objects.filter(id__in=[1,2,3]) 对应的 SQ ......
日期 笔记 Django date

people who change the files in the active changelist also change

people who change the files in the active changelist also change 原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/kingyc123456789/article/details/107247184/ Android studio ......
change changelist the people active


1、区别 FOR ALL ENTRIES IN 与 INNER JOIN 内表,目的都是通过内表找数据库表与之对应的数据,但是有区别。 1.1、写法 FOR ALL ENTRIES IN " @斌将军 SELECT acdoca~rldnr,"总账会计中的分类账 acdoca~rbukrs,"公司代 ......

【】Java Error: Port 9095 was already in use

问题描述 Java Error: Port 9095 was already in use 问题原因 端口被占用导致 解决方案 Windsow系统 netstat -ano|findstr 9090 查询到占用 9090 端口的进程PID为 9784。 tasklist|findstr 9784 查 ......
already Error Java 9095 Port

[转]Transformation in OCCT

transformations-in-occt 原文链接: https://unlimited3d.wordpress.com/2021/03/28/transformations-in-occt/ ......
Transformation OCCT in

Micro-Estimates of Wealth for all Low 数据搜集

Micro-Estimates of Wealth for all Low- and Middle-Income Countries 1. The first test uses data from 15 LMICs that have collected and published census ......

es(Elasticsearch)查询报错: Set fielddata=true on [level] in order to load fielddata in memory by uninverting the inverted index

Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is ElasticsearchStatusException[Elasticsearch exception [type=search_phase_execution_exception, rea ......

Leetcode刷题--最长回文子串/dp = [[False] * n for _ in range(n)]

官方动态规划解决最长回文串问题代码解释: class Solution: def longestPalindrome(self, s: str) -> str: n = len(s) #字符串的总长度 if n < 2: return s #如果字符串长度为1,则s本身就是最长回文串 max_len ......
回文 Leetcode False range for

文献阅读——Understanding the Role of Mixup in Knowledge Distillation: An Empirical Study

Hongjun Choi, Eun Som Jeon, Ankita Shukla, Pavan Turaga; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2023 ......

更新pip失败解决方法ValueError: Unable to find resource t64.exe in package

更新pip pip install --upgrade pip 结果提示: ValueError: Unable to find resource t64.exe in package pip._vendor.distlib 提示需要: python.exe -m pip install --upg ......
ValueError resource package 方法 Unable

It's all but a dream(JSOI2023 追忆)

联赛 220,队线 265,哈哈。 day 0 下午先去了华山,进行了一个喝茶???看着联赛 270+ 的队爷们,感觉人类的悲欢并不相通。 晚上试机,由于并不会用 Vim,计划 sublime 写+ code::blocks 调。先配了 code::blocks,然后发现并不能运行???查了下发现是 ......
dream 2023 JSOI all but

[论文阅读] Diff-Font: Diffusion Model for Robust One-Shot Font Generation

pre title: Diff-Font: Diffusion Model for Robust One-Shot Font Generation accepted: arxiv 2022 paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.05895 code: none ref: ......
Font Generation Diff-Font Diffusion One-Shot

中国清明节祭祀流程 All In One

中国清明节祭祀流程 All In One 大陆农村清明节祭祀流程 / 大陆城市清明节祭祀流程 zh-CN / zh-Hans 祭祀祭祖流程 一、修坟 修坟可以提前一两天回去,带上铁锹与推车,清除杂草,添土,把坟修整规矩后,等到清明节带上自己的孝心与纸钱去祭拜。 二、上香 1、首先要上三炷香。很多人老 ......
流程 All One In

如何解决树莓派开机后无法获取到 WI-FI IP 问题 All In One

如何解决树莓派开机后无法获取到 WI-FI IP 问题 All In One fix 树莓派开机后无法链接 WI-FI IP 问题 开机后自动发送 IP 接入到 钉钉/飞书/微信 消息机器人 ......
树莓 问题 WI-FI All One

信息搜寻理论-Information Foraging in Information Access Environments

信息搜寻环境中的信息搜寻 P. Pirolli和S.K. Card Peter Pirolli,Stuart K. Card(1995).Information Foraging in Information Access Environments. Conference: Human Factor ......

报错 qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin “xcb“ in ““ even though it was found

参考: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_39938666/article/details/120452028 使用ubuntu系统下python的seaborn模块画图,报错: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin ......
plugin platform though Could found

Linux df command All In One

Linux df command All In One df disk free $ df --help 用法:df [选项]... [文件]... Show information about the file system on which each FILE resides, or all f ......
command Linux All One In

Repository base is listed more than once in the configuration Repository updates is listed more than once in the configuration Repository extras is listed more than once in the configuration 报错

下载软件包时报错: Repository base is listed more than once in the configuration Repository updates is listed more than once in the configuration Repository ex ......
configuration Repository listed more than

How to find the "usbmodem" of Raspberry Pi Pico on macOS All In One

How to find the "usbmodem" of Raspberry Pi Pico on macOS All In One /dev/tty.usbmodem0000000000001 not exist bug ❌ ......
quot Raspberry usbmodem macOS find

Facebook 《Embedding-based Retrieval in Facebook Search》

背景 这是Facebook应用在社交搜索召回上的一篇论文,与传统搜索场景(google,bing)不同的是,fb这边通常需要更加考虑用户的一些画像,比如位置,社交关系等。举个例子:fb上有很多John Smith,但用户使用查询“John Smith”搜索的实际目标人很可能是他们的朋友或熟人。 或者 ......

How to check the USB devices connected to Linux by using Terminal All In One

How to check the USB devices connected to Linux by using Terminal All In One Raspberry Pi macOS ......
connected Terminal devices check Linux

CSharp: Tesseract OCR V5.0 in donet core 3.1

Reference resourceshttps://github.com/alex-doe/open-ocr-dotnethttps://github.com/tleyden/open-ocr/ gohttps://github.com/DayBreak-u/chineseocr_litehttp ......
Tesseract CSharp donet core 3.1

PDU 插线板 All In One

PDU 插线板 All In One (🐞 反爬虫测试!打击盗版⚠️)如果你看到这个信息, 说明这是一篇剽窃的文章,请访问 https://www.cnblogs.com/xgqfrms/ 查看原创文章! refs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYm7rypIX ......
插线板 PDU All One In

White Xbox Series X All In One

White Xbox Series X All In One 白色的 XSX / White XSX ......
Series White Xbox All One

Minicom All In One

Minicom All In One minicom bugs / minicom errors Minicom 2.8 # 0000000000001 ❌ $ minicom -b 115200 -o -D /dev/tty.usbmodem0000000000001 # tty ❌ $ mini ......
Minicom All One In

报错:想用echarts但是报错Error in mounted hook: “TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘init‘)“

解决方案: 1.版本问题,main.js文件中, 5.0以下版本写:import echarts from 'echarts ' 5.0以上版本写: import * as echarts from ‘echarts 都要写:Vue.prototype.$echarts = echarts 2.删掉 ......

use macOS terminal can not install MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico bug All In One

use macOS terminal can not install MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico bug All In One 使用 macOS 终端无法在 Raspberry Pi Pico 上安装 MicroPython bug ......
MicroPython Raspberry terminal install macOS

Raspberry Pi Pico All In One

Raspberry Pi Pico All In One Raspberry Pi Pico Raspberry Pi Pico Datasheet An RP2040-based microcontroller board https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/pi ......
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1.基础概念: 在Oracle中,any()表示括号内任何一个条件,只要有一个满足即可;而all()表示所有的条件都满足才可以。 2.代码演示: 1).all用法 --大于最大值 select * from A where id >= all(select id from A) --这相当于 sel ......
oracle all any