
Learning Graph Filters for Spectral GNNs via Newton Interpolation

目录概符号说明MotivationNewtonNet代码 Xu J., Dai E., Luo D>, Zhang X. and Wang S. Learning graph filters for spectral gnns via newton interpolation. 2023. 概 令谱 ......

Weighted Nonlocal Laplacian on Interpolation from Sparse Data

目录概符号说明WNLL Shi Z., Osher S. and Zhu W. Weighted nonlocal laplacian on interpolation from sparse data. 2017, J. Sci. Comput. 概 针对 graph laplacian 提出的一 ......

May 2022-Neighborhood Mixup Experience Replay: Local Convex Interpolation for Improved Sample Efficiency in Continuous Control Tasks

提出了邻域混合经验回放(NMER),一种基于几何的回放缓冲区,用状态-动作空间中最近邻的transition进行插值。NMER仅通过混合transition与邻近状态-动作特征来保持trnaistion流形的局部线性近似。 ......

拉格朗日插值法 (Lagrange interpolation approach) 学习笔记

Lagrange interpolation approach 是要解决一种如下的问题: 给定 $n$ 个坐标,$(x_1, y_1), (x_2, y_2), \dots, (x_n, y_n)$,确定一个多项式 $f(x) = a_0 + a_1x + a_2x^2 + \dots + a_dx ......

三十分钟理解:线性插值,双线性插值Bilinear Interpolation算法 ......
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