
Infinity: Set Theory is the true study of Infinity

AN INTRODUCTION TO SET THEORY - Professor William A. R. Weiss, October 2, 2008 Infinity -> Set Theory -> Mathematics Set Theory is the true study of I ......
Infinity Theory study true Set

Cannot read property 'clearValidate' of undefined

Cannot read property 'clearValidate' of undefined ![](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/1119068/202308/1119068-20230827143618946-1052389559.png) 这个错误是因 ......
clearValidate undefined property Cannot 39

【Land of Lisp】一次练习:巫师文本冒险游戏

# 绪论 Common Lisp是一门多范式语言,支持多种编程模式,包括面向对象编程、函数式编程。但Common Lisp鼓励函数式编程,并且包含有许多函数式编程相关的功能。 《Land of Lisp》是一本寓教于乐的学习Lisp语法的书籍。这本书配以漫画插图来进行表达,并且将小游戏的制作作为演示 ......
巫师 文本 Land Lisp of

2023-08-26 关于JSON.stringify会过滤调undefined值的问题 ==》在格式化之前先用type of来判断该值是否为undefined,是就为空即可

今天传参给后端的时候就发现了这么个问题,明明对象里面有这个字段a,但是打印出来死活没有, 去掉json格式化后才发现是该值a为undefined,遂百度,故得知该值会被过滤掉。 被过滤掉的原因是因为undefined值不符合JSON.stringify的规范。 ......
undefined stringify 格式 问题 2023

[CF1158F] Density of subarrays

Let $ c $ be some positive integer. Let's call an array $ a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n $ of positive integers $ c $ -array, if for all $ i $ condition $ 1 \l ......
subarrays Density 1158F 1158 CF

ORA-12514, TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor

ORA-12500 to ORA-12699 ORA-12514, TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor 数据库没有启动 https://community.oracle.com ......

javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: class XXXX nor any of its super class is known to this context

[javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: class org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.x509.X509CRLObject nor any of its super class is known to this contex ......
class JAXBException context javax known

git中Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind解决方案

出现错误原因是操作过程中出现失误,git上进行的修改没有同步到本地的git仓库 解决方案:git push -u origin master -f 在远程仓库中进行的相关修改会被删除,是远程仓库回到你本地仓库为修改之前的版本。然后上传你本地仓库的修改。 注意:如果是多人开发则其他人的开发结果将会被恢 ......

Warning: /root/software/sqoop/../hcatalog does not exist! HCatalog jobs will fail. Please set $HCAT_HOME to the root of your HCatalog installation.问题的解决

# 问题描述 ![](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/2808014/202308/2808014-20230825110459231-452577103.png) # 问题解决 进入到sqoop/bin的文件目录下: ![](https://img2023.cnb ......

Commit failed (details follow): Working copy text base is corrupt Checksum mismatch for text base of

问题:提交一个svn文件报错,提交其他文件没有报错 解决办法:(网上看了很多方法都解决不了): 1、把文件拷贝到svn目录外放着 2、把svn目录下文件移除,然后commit svn 3、把目录外的文件拷贝进来,先Add,然后commit 就成功了 ......
base text Checksum mismatch details

Resolving Android Dependencies 时报错 "Could not create an instance of type org.gradle.initialization.DefaultSettings_Decorated." for InMobi Unity

解决方案: Edit->Preferences->External Tools,在打开的窗口中,删除底部的复选框并给出相同的路径! ......

SAP GUI Scripting VBA Code Snippet to Detect all IDs of the UI Elements

'-Begin Option Explicit Dim gColl() As String Dim j As Integer Sub GetAll(Obj As Object) ' '- '- Recursively called sub routine to get the IDs of all ......
Scripting Elements Snippet Detect Code

Leetcode 349.两个数组的交集(Intersection of two arrays)

[题目链接🔗](https://leetcode.cn/problems/intersection-of-two-arrays) 给定两个数组 nums1和 nums2 ,返回 它们的交集 。输出结果中的每个元素一定是 唯一 的。我们可以 不考虑输出结果的顺序 。 示例 1: ``` 输入:num ......
数组 交集 Intersection Leetcode 两个

Mixture-of-Domain-Adapters: Decoupling and Injecting Domain Knowledge to Pre-trained Language Mod...

### 1. Abstract 经过预训练的语言模型(PLM)表现出在通用领域理解文本的出色能力,同时在特定领域中表现不佳。**尽管在大型领域特定语料库上继续预训练是有效的,但调整领域上的所有参数是昂贵的**。在本文中,我们研究了是否可以通过只调整几个参数来有效地调整PLM。具体来说,我们将Tran ......

Failed to execute 'btoa' on 'Window': The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range

在使用浏览器内置API btoa() 编码base64时: 报错Failed to execute 'btoa' on 'Window': The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range 报错信息解释: ......
39 characters contains execute encoded

MySQL告警"[Warning] Connection attributes of length 571 were truncated"

有时候会在mysql的错误日志中看到如下报错"[Warning] Connection attributes of length 571 were truncated"。比如: 2023-08-20T13:23:15.265489Z 47753433 [Warning] Connection att ......
quot Connection attributes truncated Warning

Google classic interview questions, throwing eggs the least number of times All In One

Google classic interview questions, throwing eggs the least number of times All In One 谷歌经典面试题, 扔鸡蛋最少次数 你在一栋 100 层的大楼里工作,你得到 2 个相同的鸡蛋。 你需要计算出鸡蛋可以掉落到最高... ......
interview questions throwing classic Google

Number of Beautiful Integers in the Range

Number of Beautiful Integers in the Range You are given positive integers low, high, and k. A number is beautiful if it meets both of the following co ......
Beautiful Integers Number Range the

leetcode: TC of top-down memorization

example to explain how to calculate Time Complexity the memo size means each state will be calculated only once how about the TC in each state? class ......
memorization leetcode top-down down top

《Zero Stability Well Predicts Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks》

# 《Zero Stability Well Predicts Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks》 ## 文章结构1. 摘要2. 引言3. 预备知识4. 来自现存CNNs的观察5. 零稳定性网络ZeroSNet6. 实验-- 通过零稳定预测性能 ......

Leetcode 160. 链表相交(Intersection of two linked lists lcci)

[题目链接](https://leetcode.cn/problems/intersection-of-two-linked-lists-lcci/description) 给定两个单链表的头节点headA和headB, 请找出并返回两个单链表相交的起始节点. 如果两个链表没有交点, 返回null. ......
Intersection Leetcode linked lists lcci

读取xls文件时报错 Initialisation of record 0x203(NumberRecord) left 4 bytes remaining still to be read.

项目背景 :公司的一个客户报告项目需要同步及抽取客户方的文件数据,文件类型为xls格式,文件为客户方的第三方厂商系统批量生成,工具及方法不明 问题 :读取该类xls文件后,无法成功创建Workbook,报错提示“Initialisation of record 0x203(NumberRecord) ......

[AGC003F] Fraction of Fractal 题解

一道很好的矩阵题,可以尝试作为矩阵转移的优质练习题。 ### 思路 考虑由于黑点在原图中处于联通的状态。 分三种情况讨论。 1. 上下左右联通。 考虑这种情况下,不断分形后。 最终产生的依然是一整个的大连通块。 故,答案为一。 2. 上下左右都不连通。 那么每一次分形后就会产生黑色点个连通块。 最终 ......
题解 Fraction Fractal 003F AGC

CF847C Sum of Nestings 题解

[题目链接](https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/CF847C) ## 思路 一道简单的**递归**题,题目要求我们构建一个有 $n$ 对括号且有 $k$ 对嵌套的括号序列(一对嵌套表示的是两对对应的括号一个被另一个包含)。如果无法构建满足条件的括号序列,则输出 Imp ......
题解 Nestings 847C 847 Sum

CF1787E The Harmonization of XOR 题解

# CF1787E The Harmonization of XOR ## 题目大意 给定 $n$ 个数 $[1, 2, 3, \cdots, n]$ 和两个正整数 $k$ 和 $x$。 将这些数分成恰好 $k$ 组使得每组的异或和都是 $x$。 ($1 \le k \le n \le 2 \cdo ......
题解 Harmonization 1787E 1787 The

CF1787E The Harmonization of XOR 题解

## 题面 将集合 $\left\{1, 2, \cdots, n\right\}$ 划分为 $k$ 个非空不交子集,使得每个子集的异或和均为 $x$。 ($1 \le n,k \le 2 \times 10^5$)。 ## 题解 首先显而易见的判断一下无解的情况,记 $sum = \bigoplu ......
题解 Harmonization 1787E 1787 The

Leetcode 19. 删除链表的倒数第N个结点(Remove nth node from end of list)

[题目链接](https://leetcode.cn/problems/remove-nth-node-from-end-of-list) 给你一个链表, 删除链表的倒数第n个结点, 并且返回链表的头结点. 示例 1: ``` 输入:head = [1,2,3,4,5], n = 2 输出:[1,2 ......
结点 Leetcode Remove node from

spring注入bean错误-Bean named 'abc' is expected to be of type 'AAA' but was actually of type 'BBB'

@Resource注解有两个重要的属性:name和type。在一个使用@Resource来注入bean的声明语句中,@Resource优先是按name来解析bean的 ......
39 type actually expected 错误

Argo CD App Of Apps

## `Argo CD App of Apps` ### 什么是 `App of Apps` 您可以创建一个应用程序来创建其他应用程序,而其他应用程序又可以创建其他应用程序。这允许您以声明方式管理一组可以协同部署和配置的应用程序。这就是 `App of Apps` > 官方文档:https://ar ......
Argo Apps App CD Of

报错TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'length')

可能是某个数组属性不存在, 但是判断了他的长度,比如下方代码 <template v-if="arr.length"> <div v-for="(item,idx)in arr" :key="idx"> {{ item }}</div> </template> 解决方法 v-if="arr&&arr ......
properties TypeError reading Cannot length