
SciTech-BigDataAIML-Tensorflow-Writing your own callbacks

Introduction A powerful callback was used to customize the behavior of a Keras model during training, evaluation, or inference. Examples include tf.ke ......


PicoCTF_2018_rop_chain 函数参数劫持 整数型绕过 \x00绕过len() 函数vuln中存在栈溢出 flag是后门函数,只要满足win1 && win2和a1 = 0xDEADBAAD就可以得到flag 3.win1 & win2存在于.bss段上,但是可以利用win_func ......
wanna_pwn wanna 2own pwn own

PostgreSQL. 异常“more than one owned sequence found”的解决方案

一、异常信息描述 执行数据库操作时,主键id没有自增,且报“more than one owned sequence found”的异常,造成数据没有insert进去,下面是详细的异常信息: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at sun.ref ......

How to add your own library in MATLAB Simulink Library Browser

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxFBXEZo0VI&ab_channel=HighVoltageEngineeringbyMGNiasar https://ww2.mathworks.cn/help/simulink/ug/creating-block-libra ......
Simulink Browser Library library MATLAB

Pwn2own 2022 Tesla 利用链 (ConnMan 堆越界写 RCE)

Pwn2own 2022 Tesla 利用链 (ConnMan 堆越界写 RCE) Opening the doors and windows 0-click RCE on the Tesla Model3 HEXACON2022 - 0-click RCE on the Tesla Model 3 ......
Pwn2own ConnMan Tesla 2own 2022

Pwn2own 2023 Tesla 利用链摘要

Pwn2own 2023 Tesla 利用链摘要 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KddjKKKEL4 ‍ ‍ ‍ 攻击链: 利用蓝牙协议栈自己实现的 BIP 子协议中的堆溢出,实现任意地址写,修改函数指针 ROP 修改蓝牙固件,由于 wifi 和 蓝牙固件位于同一 ......
摘要 Pwn2own Tesla 2own 2023

如何在voj上用自己的账号提交(Submit with your own account)

用voj交题的时候大部分情况都是voj用一个虚拟的bot账号帮你提交到对应题目所在的oj上进行判题 但有些oj平台并不喜欢这种方式,它想让用户去用自己真实的账号提交,比如pta,洛谷,计蒜客...... 在voj上用自己的账号提交的方法如下: 拿pta举例: 在上图中我们发现我们需要一个叫做PTAS ......
账号 account Submit with your

Running Large Language Models locally – Your own ChatGPT-like AI in C#

For the past few months, a lot of news in tech as well as mainstream media has been around ChatGPT, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) product by the fol ......

the solution of Mining Your Own Business

the description of problem (我看的是 PDF 里面的原题所以这里描述会和题目不一样,但是大意一致) 给定一个未必连通的无向图,问最少在几个点设置出口,可以保证任意一个点坍塌后,工人们仍然可以从出口逃生,同时问设置最少出口的方案数量。 thoughts & solution ......
solution Business Mining Your the

[git] 报错unsafe repository xxx is owned by someone else解决方法

git进行了版本升级,添加了新的目录安全限制。造成在进行git常规操作时,或在各类编辑器如VSCode中无法发现.git文件,报错: fatal: unsafe repository(xxx is owned by someone else.) To add an exception for thi ......
repository someone 方法 unsafe owned

Every derived table must have its own alias(sql语句错误解决方法)

1、执行下面语句时,报错Every derived table must have its own alias select * from (select * from jt_notes where createUser = 'b548323007b647809bb8e4192cf44195' li ......
语句 错误 derived 方法 Every

virtual judge [Submit with your own account]

https://vjudge.net/article/2790 然后要启用开发者模式,然后就可以打开开发者工具。 (Safari–Preferences呼出首选项面板(或用快捷键 command+, 直接呼出)。 在 Advanced 菜单面板下,勾选 Show Develop Menu in me ......
virtual account Submit judge with

UVA1108 Mining Your Own Business 题解

[题目传送门](https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/UVA1108) # 题意 在一个无向图上选择尽量少的点涂黑,使得删除任意一个点后,每个连通分量里都至少有一个黑点(多组数据)。 # 正文 观察题意,发现这是个 Tarjan 求点双连通分量的板子。 考虑在求点双连通分 ......
题解 Business Mining 1108 Your

Training Your Own LoRAs

https://tfwol.github.io/text-generation-webui/Training-LoRAs.html#format-files text-generation-webui Training Your Own LoRAs The WebUI seeks to make t ......
Training LoRAs Your Own

终端运行roscore时,报错:Unable to contact my own server at...

### 问题现象: ### 问题原因: 以上问题是由于ROS环境变量ROS_MASTER_URI设置错误导致的,重新设置该变量即可。 ### 解决方法: 打开~/.bashrc文件,添加或修改环境变量ROS_HOSTNAME和ROS_MASTER,即改为: ```bash export ROS_HO ......
终端 roscore contact Unable server

Using kconfig for own projects

2023-06-06 https://www.cnblogs.com/NJ-Leon/ Intro Every Linux professional write scripts. Someеimes light, linear. Sometimes complex script with funct ......
projects kconfig Using for own

Creating your own OpenID Connect server with ASOS: testing your authorization server with Postman

This post is the eighth part of a series of blog posts entitled Creating your own OpenID Connect server with ASOS: Introduction Choosing the right flo ......
server your with authorization Creating

Tool-CMake-Own Finder(-I -L -l)-compiling

Tool-CMake-Own Finder(-I -L -l)-compiling What is a finder When compiling a piece of software which links to third­party libraries, we need to know: W ......
Tool-CMake-Own compiling Finder CMake Tool

Pwn2Own Austin 2021 Cisco RV34x RCE 漏洞链复现

前言 这个RCE漏洞利用链的实现是由几个逻辑洞的结合而导致的,这几天我花了一些时间复现了一遍,在此记录一下。 固件解压 我下载的是RV345 v1.0.03.24,从官网下载到压缩包解压之后可以看到它的rootfs是ubi格式的img。之前我都是使用kali里的 binwalk 对其进行解压可以直接 ......
漏洞 Pwn2Own Austin Cisco 2Own
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