artifactory notes on

How to Set the Default Gateway on Ubuntus

ip route list ip r | grep default sudo ip route add default via sudo ip route add default via dev enp0s3 sudo ip route delete defa ......
Default Gateway Ubuntus How Set

abc253F - Operations on a Matrix

F - Operations on a Matrix 初看起来感觉不是很好搞,主要是有赋值操作,我们需要知道的是最近一次在这个行上的赋值操作以及之间的贡献 那么我们离线处理,每个3操作都往前找一个最近的同行2操作,然后两个做差就能得到中间的和。 #include<algorithm> #includ ......
Operations Matrix 253F abc 253

v-on.v-bind 用法

![]( ![]( ......
v-bind v-on bind on

gorm stdErr = sql: Scan error on column index 0, name "total": converting NULL to float64 is unsupported

前言 使用 gorm 查询时,报错:stdErr = sql: Scan error on column index 0, name "total": converting NULL to float64 is unsupported 代码如下 var total float64 res := db ......
quot unsupported converting column stdErr

Image decoding on the web

Image decoding on the web Inian ParameshwaranJun 12, 2019 What is decoding Image decoding is the process of converting the encoded image back to a unc ......
decoding Image the web on

[VLDB 2012]Efficient Subgraph Matching on Billion Node Graphs

[VLDB 2012]Efficient Subgraph Matching on Billion Node Graphs 重点了解实现star-join的具体过程。 分解query和STwigs排序 文中把star叫做STwigs,每一个STwigs查询为\(q=(r, L)\),其中r是跟节点标 ......
Efficient Subgraph Matching Billion Graphs

Oracle 引发No space left on device+扩容Inode

Oracle 引发No space left on device+扩容Inode 背景 很久没遇到数据库存储和文件系统相关的问题,碰到了就复习一下。现象是: 某个小应用跑在很老的服务器上【准备淘汰废弃待定中】,突然应用报错,检查发现是数据库查询插入都异常了【自建oracle数据库】,这时候登上数据库 ......
Oracle device Inode space left


1. 直接更改字段值 Insert into table(code,name) values('a','aa') ON DUPLICATE KEY update updateTime=now() 2. 根据原值修改当前值 传入参数 #{step} INSERT INTO table(code,ver ......


/ They’re designed for storage, not sparking insights. Can AI change that? / 它们专为存储而设计,而不是激发见解。人工智能能改变这一点吗? By Casey Newton, a contributing editor who ......

ElasticSearch+Kibana on K8s 讲解与实战操作(版本7.17.3)

目录一、概述二、ElasticSearch 节点类型与作用三、K8s 集群部署四、ElasticSearch on K8s 开始部署1)下载安装包2)构建镜像3)修改yaml编排4)开始部署5)测试6)elasticsearch-head5)卸载五、Kibana 编排部署1)下载安装包2)构建镜像3 ......
ElasticSearch 实战 版本 Kibana K8s

[题解] CF29D Ant on the Tree

CF29D Ant on the Tree 题目知识点:LCA。 题目传送门 题意 给定一棵以 \(1\) 为节点的树,再给定树的所有叶子节点的一个序列。 现在执行一个操作:从 \(1\) 开始遍历每个节点,并返回根,要求每条边经过的次数一定为 \(2\) 。 问是否能够使得访问节点序列中叶子节点的 ......
题解 Tree 29D Ant the

AnnotationTransactionAttributeSource is only available on Java 1.5 and higher和windows同时安装jdk7和jdk8

AnnotationTransactionAttributeSource is only available on Java 1.5 and higher和windows同时安装jdk7和jdk8 出错原因: 因为spring core org.springframework.core.JdkVer ......

Machine learning note(1)

注:本笔记不给出完整解释 ## 正规方程 设$z=\theta^{T}x$ 设损失函数为$J(\theta)$,求令$\frac{\partial J}{\partial \theta}=0$的$\theta$ 由此得出最优的$\theta$ ## 牛顿迭代 回顾一下梯度下降:$\theta'=\t ......
learning Machine note

P2633 Count on a tree 题解(外加DFS序求LCA)

`2023-07-22 09:53:59 顶置3` # P2633 Count on a tree ## 前置小知识 # 冷门小科技:DFS-RMQ 求LCA 最近跟着洛谷榜一的博客学了一个冷门科技:DFS序求LCA,这道题刚好要求LCA,所以就刚好适用一下。 [$\color{Red}{原博客地址 ......
题解 P2633 Count 2633 tree


v-bind="$attrs" 主要用于组件之间的隔代传值。例如有 父组件A,子组件B,孙组件C 三个组件。 A组件中的值需要直接传给C,那么就需要在B中设置v-bind="$attrs",然后在C组件中用prop接收,此时就直接把值传给了C组件。 父组件A <template> <B_zujian ......
quot listeners v-bind attrs bind

Linux中出现“No space left on device”错误的排查与解决方法

转载: 最近这两天登陆服务器,发现用 wget 下载文件的时候提示“No space left on device”,而且连使用 tab 键进行补全时也会提示该错误。 之前遇到过一次这种问题,是由于磁盘空间 ......
错误 方法 device Linux space

mysql insert into on duplicate key update

新增如果遇到主键冲突,则更新 新建一张表,除了主键`id`,还有唯一健`mobile` ```sql create table example_user ( id int(4) not null auto_increment, name varchar(20) , mobile varchar(20 ......
duplicate insert update mysql into

OperationError: Failed to execute 'setLocalDescription' on 'RTCPeerConnection': Failed to set local offer sdp: Called in wrong state: have-remote-offer

webRTC报“OperationError: Failed to execute 'setLocalDescription' on 'RTCPeerConnection': Failed to set local offer sdp: Called in wrong state: have-rem ......

论文解读(MTEM)《Meta-Tsallis-Entropy Minimization: A New Self-Training Approach for Domain Adaptation on Text Classification》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:Meta-Tsallis-Entropy Minimization: A New Self-Training Approach for Domain Adaptation on Text Classific ......

MAPF Paper Reading Note

随便写写记录一下 ## 1. 2005-Cooperative Pathfinding ### 1.1. LRA* local repair A* - 依次做A* - 即将开始碰撞时,replan - a general replan solution: 每次重规划时,新增noise,按照比例加入$ ......
Reading Paper MAPF Note

[ARC105F] Lights Out on Connected Graph

前置芝士:[[ABC213G] Connectivity 2]( #### 题目大意 给你一张 $n$ 个点 $m$ 条边的图,求有多少种删边方法使得删完后的图是一张联通二分图。 $n\le 17,m\le ......
Connected Lights Graph 105F ARC

pytorch分布式训练报错:Duplicate GPU detected : rank 1 and rank 0 both on CUDA device 35000

之前使用的比较老的torch 1.8.1,换到torch 2.0后报错 "rank 1 and rank 0 both on CUDA device 35000" 将main函数开头部分的初始化 ```python distributed.init_process_group(backend='nc ......
分布式 rank Duplicate detected pytorch

[VLDBJ 2019]Distributed Subgraph Matching on Timely Dataflow

# [VLDBJ 2019]Distributed Subgraph Matching on Timely Dataflow **只关注这篇中的subgraph matching的内容** ## 定义 $g = (V_g, E_g, L_g)$分别表示点、边,以及把任意点或边映射成label的函数。 ......

$('.panel-collapse').on('', function () {})详解

`$('.panel-collapse').on('', function () {});` 这段代码是在使用 jQuery来绑定事件。 - `$('.panel-collapse')`部分是一个选择器,它选择了当前页面上所有有`panel-collapse`这个类的 ......
collapse 39 panel-collapse function panel

解决命令行提示“cannot create temp file for here-document: No space left on device”但磁盘使用率并未满的问题

问题如题,出现“cannot create temp file for here-document: No space left on device”,且部分应用出现故障,比如重启后Docker容器无法启动 先使用 df -h 检查磁盘使用率,显示使用率50%还不到 继续排查,使用 lsof | g ......

SSH连接远程CENTENOS服务器报如下错误:Bad owner or permissions on。。。。

由于使用git的缘故,导致WIN10 .ssh下面有了config文件,使得连接外部CENTENOS服务器报如下错误:Bad owner or permissions on。。。。 最后的解决办法是找到.ssh文件夹,进行权限修改。 可以参考这篇博文:Bad owner or permissions ......
permissions CENTENOS 错误 服务器 owner

"" study Notes P52 53 Dropout

# reason why dropout could resolve overfitting ## the first: smaller neural network seems like it should have a regularizing effect(P52) ## the second ......
quot deepleraning Dropout Notes study

"" study Notes P51 为什么正则化可以减少过拟合

# L2 regulization * what we have done is add a regularization item in the cost function * the cost function in neural network will be # why is it that ......
正则 quot deepleraning Notes study

[AIGC] experience on new code LLM(WizardCoder-Python-34B-V1.0) by Wizard

Today I have a try on new large model designed by code generating named WizardCoder-Python-34B-V1.0. It's quite astonishing. You can have a try throug ......

"" study Notes P47 1.1 训练 测试 开发

# How to make your neural network work well _Ranging from things like hyperparameter tuning ,to how to set up your data, to how to make sure your opti ......
quot deepleraning Notes study 1.1