artifactory notes on

How to Configure SSL/TLS on ORACLE RAC

Goal This document will demonstrate the steps required to configure SSL/TLS on RAC or SIHA. Instruction is by example and also shows various methods t ......
Configure ORACLE How SSL RAC

Codeforces Round 850 (Div. 2, based on VK Cup 2022 - Final Round) E. Monsters (hard version) 线段树二分

传送门 详细题解传送门 ** 抄的ygg代码,向在这里说一下刚开始没看懂的部分。** ** 求答案的时候是把所有的当前为止的所有数值加起来减去一个从1开始并且公差为1的等差数列的前size项和。其中size是当前最多能用到哪个位置,满足前size项能构成1,2,3,....,sz这样的形式。** * ......
线段 Round Codeforces Monsters version


cc0000想获得一些智慧! cc0000想记住更多的trick 人家想让你查合法的排列数量时: 考虑在状态里设计“总共已经放了i个数,最后一个数在当前状态下的排名”(人在飞机上,例题忘了) 考虑在一个n x n 的网格图上,横行代表数字大小,纵列代表排名,那么就相当于在这张图里放n个车(中国象棋吧 ......
trick Note

Crash on AIX produces no core or a truncated core

Crash on AIX produces no core or a truncated core Troubleshooting Problem This document outlines what needs to be done to ensure that a full core file ......
core truncated produces Crash AIX

ts报错:Property '$xxx' does not exist on type

问题 在catch中统一处理异常信息,就想着写到一个函数里面,然后需要用到的地方自行调用就可以。 一般两种方法,要不通过mixin,要不绑定到vue的prototype上面。 这里采用的是后者。 在以前没引入ts之前,是那么简单的一件事情。 // 先绑定 Vue.prototype.$catchRe ......
Property exist 39 does type

Rendering the Whole Wide World on the World Wide Web - Kevin Ring,2013 - Cesium&AGI

Kevin Ring,Analytical Graphics, Inc. December 2, 2013 1. Massive Terrain Rendering(大批量地形渲染) 2. Cesium Platform - Javascript,webgl,web workers,typed ar ......
World Wide Rendering the Cesium

Failed to execute 'toDataURL' on 'HTMLCanvasElement': Tainted canvases may not be exported 设置crossOrigin无效

最近在使用图片导出base64 的时候遇到下面的报错 我的代码如下 let myImage = new Image(); myImage.src =imgSrcData; myImage.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous'; 网上查阅资料,都说 给图片设置 crossOrigin 值 ......


环境:OS:Centos 7DB: 拓扑:1主1从的 dataguard 1.从库查看参数enabled_PDBs_on_standby SQL> show parameters enabled_PDBs_on_standby NAME TYPE VALUE enabled_PDBs ......

Rocky Linux 安装 JFrog Artifactory

一、概要 1. 环境 (1) Rocky Linux 9.1 (2) JFrog Artifactory 7.55.10 2. 概念 JFrog Artifactory是一个通用的二进制仓库,它可以存储Docker镜像、IOS/Android/EXE软件包,或者Maven Jar包。 JFrog A ......
Artifactory Rocky Linux JFrog

Codeforces Round 625 (Div. 1, based on Technocup 2020 Final Round) A. Journey Planning(dp) ###A. Journey Planning 题目大意: 给定一组数,问我们ai-aj==i-j的时候就可以把ai的值加起来,问我们可以凑到的最大总值是多少? input 6 10 7 1 9 10 15 o ......
Round Codeforces Technocup Planning Journey

gesture segmentation notes

Alon J , Athitsos V , Yuan Q , et al. A Unified Framework for Gesture Recognition and Spatiotemporal Gesture Segmentation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Pat ......
segmentation gesture notes


PBS 命令罗列 检查节点任务状态 pbsnodes –a 提交作业 qsub [ script.pbs ] 检查作业状态 qstat -f -x [ job_id ] 删除作业 qdel [ job_id ] -W: waiting time PBS脚本 注释以“#”开头 PBS运行参数以 “#P ......

On Anaconda

安装 安装anaconda 离线环境中新增环境 可以直接拷贝base文件夹 卸载 可以直接删除anaconda文件夹,并且删除相应的环境变量 rm rf ~/anaconda3 # delete the anaconda dirvi ~/.bashrc # delete the export var ......
Anaconda On

[Flink] Flink作业报错:Caused by: The connector is trying to read binlog starting at GTIDs ..., but this is no longer available on the server[转载]

这个问题,属于偶现问题。通常几个月才偶现一次。 因为上周五又出现了一次,且团队内多位小伙伴都遇到过。故此,这次特别记录下,以加强印象。 1 问题描述 Flink作业报错:Caused by: The connector is trying to read binlog starting at GTI ......
Flink available connector starting Caused

A Crash Course on the Depths of Win32™ Structured Exception Handling

January 1997 A Crash Course on the Depths of Win32™ Structured Exception Handling At its heart, Win32 structured exception handling is an operating sy ......
Structured Exception Handling Course Depths

Maximum sum on a torus UVA - 10827

求 n×nn×n 的环状方阵上的最大子矩阵和。 构造 2*n *( 2*n) 的正方形 #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; const int N=300; int a[N] ......
Maximum 10827 torus sum UVA


2023-04-15 QA on friendship Datetime: 2023-04-15T07:50+08:00 Categories: Essay Tags: Diary 我很想把这一篇随笔起名为 Dandelion's Promise。 一次参加圆桌会议的笔记与感想,是一些问题和我自己的 ......
QA-on-friendship friendship 2023 04 15

2023-04-14 Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_assoc() on a non-object in C:\wamp\www\work\user.php on line 860

问题:php报错。 业务场景:使用update语句去更新数据库字段。 原因:update接收值不正确。 原代码: $query = "UPDATE student SET date = now() WHERE id = $id"; $result = $mysqli->query($query2) ......

How to use command line find all users on Linux All In One

How to use command line find all users on Linux All In One Linux 系统中一切皆文件, 就像 js 中一切皆对象一样 /etc/passwd ......
command Linux users line find

R语言:Some 'from' names in value not found on 'x' 报错

升级了dplyr后运行命令inter=inter %>% rename("gene"="V4") 就一直报错:Some 'from' names in value not found on 'x',如下所示: Error in rename(., gene = "V4") : Some 'from' ......
39 语言 found names value

how to create one command line configuration tool with shell language on Linux All In One

how to create one command line configuration tool with shell language on Linux All In One 如何在 Linux 上用 shell 语言创建一个命令行配置工具 raspi-config ......
configuration language command create Linux

Guide to Regen on VW Passat TDI with Launch x-431 Pro5

Launch X-431 PRO5 opens the era of innovative dual diagnostic modes (local diagnosis and SmartLink remote diagnosis). It inherits the powerful diagnos ......
Passat Launch Guide Regen Pro5

how to use crontab to send an email on Linux All In One

how to use crontab to send an email on Linux All In One ......
crontab Linux email to send

a note when using docker locally

when building the getting-started application provided by official site, I got a error saying, #0 138.4 node-pre-gyp ERR! install request to https://g ......
locally docker using note when

There is a chart instance already initialized on the dom原因及解决办法

原因:这是因为在我们重复使用了初始化了echars实例,每个组件使用时,如果调用两次及以上的初始化方法时,就会出现这个警告,并且如果是实时监控的标表,会出现浏览器卡顿及响应慢,因为要一直重新渲染新的Dom。 解决办法,初始化代码只出现一次,js中只要执行一次实例化代码,VUE中调用生命周期mount ......
initialized instance 原因 already 办法

Codeforces Educational Codeforces Round 145 (Rated for Div. 2) C. Sum on Subarrays 题解

题意 Codeforces Educational Codeforces Round 145 (Rated for Div. 2) C. Sum on Subarrays 给你 $n$ 和 $k$ ,要求生成一个长度为 $n$ 的数组 $a$,且他的非空正子数组的数量为 $k$ ,非空负子数组的数量 ......

Can not construct instance of, problem: Should never call 'set' on setterless property

报错全部信息: JSON parse error: Can not construct instance of, problem: Should never cal ......

Segmentation Fault upon importing eventlet on macOS 11/arm64 (M1)

在M1 机器 Big Sur, python3.8 环境的机器上面 import evenlet 模块导致 python 崩溃 dnspython==1.16.0 eventlet==0.30.1 greenlet==1.0.0 six==1.15.0 Which seemed to indicat ......
Segmentation importing eventlet Fault macOS

intellij idea 中On 'Update' action 下无Update classes and resources选项

intellij idea 中使用tomcat发布项目时,On ‘Update’ action 下无Update classes and resources选项,这时在tomcat设置中Deployment要使用exploded模式的war包。只有exploded模式下才会有update class ......
Update resources intellij classes action

Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Error setting driver on UnpooledDataSource. Cause: java.lang.ClassNot

(1)一开始的时候看到 Cause: java.sql.SQLException: 觉得是sql语句写错了,经过检查sql并没有错误 (2)再次看了下报错,后面还有半句话 Error setting driver on UnpooledDataSource.Cause: java.lang.Clas ......