artifactory notes on

Element Plus错误警告 | Popper: Detected CSS transitions on at least one of the following CSS properties: "transform", "top", "right", "bottom", "left".

这个错误的解决方案如下: 1. 禁用 "computeStyles" 修饰符的 adaptive 选项:这将允许平滑过渡,但可能会降低性能。 禁用 "computeStyles" 修饰符的 adaptive 选项,可以在创建 Popper 实例时指定 modifiers 参数,并将 computeS ......
quot transitions properties CSS following

Installing MySQL 5.7 On Ubuntu Using Generic Binaries

Installing MySQL 5.7 On Ubuntu Using Generic Binaries 1、安装依赖 apt-get install libaio1 2、获取软件包 wget ......
Installing Binaries Generic Ubuntu MySQL

安装python第三方库报:is not a supported wheel on this platform

1,在cmd中输入pip debug --verbose,如下图圈红的就是当前python使用的标签,所以可以把cryptography-40.0.1-pp39-pypy39_pp73-win_amd64.whl改成cryptography-40.0.1-py39-none-any.whl就能安装成 ......
第三方 supported platform python wheel

C# System.lnvalidOperationException:"A second operation started on this context before a previousoperation completed. This is usually caused by different threads using the same instance...

项目中使用了依赖注入,这个错误在我项目中的原因:在async修饰的异步方法中,调用执行数据库操作的方法时,没有使用await关键字调用,因为没有等待该调用,所以在调用完成之前将继续执行该方法。因此,已处理了注入的依赖项。 ......

Raspberry Pi 3B won't turn on after being powered on All In One

Raspberry Pi 3B won't turn on after being powered on All In One 树莓派 3B 通电后无法开机 指示灯只有红色的 LED 亮,绿色的 LED 不亮了 ❓ 红色亮说明通电了,但是绿色不亮,即 ACT 指示灯工作异常 ✅ ......
Raspberry powered after being turn

csv read note

Error "(unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 2-3: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape" [duplicate] Solutions below 1: Just put  ......
read note csv


GNN 学习笔记 Datetime: 2023-04-01T16:28+08:00 Categories: MachineLearning 初学者一定要看:【GNN 入门】综述篇 - 知乎用户 MxLVSX 的文章 -,包括频域和空域、任务类型、经典模型。 最早的 GNN,介于迭 ......
GNN-learning-notes learning notes GNN

Error occurred while running `from import *`HINT: make sure you have OpenGL install. On Ubuntu, you can run 'apt-get install python-opengl'.

安装mujoco后运行可视化界面代码报错: Error occurred while running `from import *`HINT: make sure you have OpenGL install. On Ubuntu, you can run 'apt-get i ......
install python-opengl you occurred apt-get

Numerical Approximation Chapter 5 Notes

考虑在某个范围$[a,b]$上的$n+1$个点值所确定的插值$n$次多项式$p$满足 $$ p(x_i)=f(x_i) $$ 其中$f\in \mathscr L[a,b]$ , $p$是$\mathscr P_n$中满足条件的polynomial. 考虑到按照条件可以列出一个$n+1$元方程组,未 ......
Approximation Numerical Chapter Notes

npm is known not to run on Node.js v8.15.0

########### >npm install --legacy-peer-deps ERROR: npm is known not to run on Node.js v8.15.0 You'll need to upgrade to a newer Node.js version in ord ......
known Node 15.0 npm not

vue中 ref、$refs、$emit、$on、$bus、$off 详解和使用

1.ref 和 $refs ref 被用来给元素或子组件注册引用信息, 引用信息将会注册在父组件的 $refs 对象上,如果是在普通的DOM元素上使用,引用指向的就是DOM元素,如果是在子组件上,引用就指向组件的实例。 $refs 是一个对象,持有已注册过 ref 的所有的子组件。 ref用法: r ......
emit refs vue ref bus

11 zkrpChain Towards multi-party privacy-preserving data auditing for consortium blockchains based on zero-knowledge range proofs

![](![]( ......

21An efficient message-authentication scheme based on edge computing for vehicular ad hoc networks

![]( ![]( ......

解决oracle之ORA-01075: you are currently logged on

#################### 1.问题如下: [oracle@xxx ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Apr 7 08:20:33 2023 Copyright (c) 1982 ......
currently oracle logged 01075 ORA


![]( ![]( ......


珂朵莉树不就是用set维护线段吗。~~所以我们怎么写都可以~~ 咱也不知道这玩意有啥问题。要是真有问题请务必告诉我 我们用set维护线段,里面所有的线段互不相交。我们用一个结构体维护线段。具体写法如下: struct node { int l,r; bool operator <(const nod ......

Spark on Yarn配置

1、Spark on Yarn配置 1.)在搭建好的Spark上修改spark-env.sh文件: # vim $SPARK_HOME/conf/ 添加以下配置: export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=${HADOOP_HOME}/etc/hadoop export ......
Spark Yarn on


一、2016年43题 1、问题描述 2、答案解析 (1)、算法的基本设计思想 由题意知,将最小的n/2个元素放进A1中,剩余元素放在A2中,分组结果即可满足题目要求。 仿照快速排序的思想,基于枢轴把n个整数划分成两个子集,根据划分后枢轴所处的位置i分别处理: ①、若i=n/2,则分组完成,算法结束; ......
王道 真题 算法 实战 阶段


1,v-for指令 根据数据生成列表结构 <div id='app'> <input type="button" value="添加数据" @click="add"> <input type="button" value="删除数据" @click="remove"> <ul> <li v-for= ......
v-model v-for model v-on vue


leetcode中行程和用户 SELECT request_at as 'Day', round(avg(Status!='completed'), 2) as 'Cancellation Rate'FROM trips t JOIN users u1 ON (t.client_id = ......
功能 mysql


<meta charset="utf-8"> <title>layui.form小例子</title> <script src="layui-v2.7.6/layui/layui.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="layui.css" media= ......
例子 layui form on

06.Sentiment Analysis Based on Deep Learning: A Comparative Study

Sentiment Analysis Based on Deep Learning: A Comparative Study 深度学习的情感分析的比较研究 目前在社交网络中的情绪分析已经成为了解用户意见的有力手段,并有着广泛应用。然而情感分析的效率和准确性受到自然语言处理中遇到的挑战和障碍 本问综述 ......

es(Elasticsearch)查询报错: Set fielddata=true on [level] in order to load fielddata in memory by uninverting the inverted index

Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is ElasticsearchStatusException[Elasticsearch exception [type=search_phase_execution_exception, rea ......

【组会】water_on_floor_image & 总结

实验场景 channel 1 channel 4 | 文章 | 内容 | 用到的特征 | 机器学习算法 | | | | | | | On The Feasibility of Estimating Soluble Sugar Content Using Millimeter-wave | 60GHz ......
water_on_floor_image water floor image amp

点击事件on和onclick 两者之间的区别(很重要)

点击事件on和onclick 两者之间的区别 左又 于 2018-04-20 09:20:36 发布 10897 收藏 5分类专栏: js版权 js专栏收录该内容45 篇文章0 订阅订阅专栏点击事件on和onclick 两者之间的区别(很重要)第1种事件 $('.XX').click('.xxx', ......
之间 onclick 事件

Find (and kill) process locking port 9000 on Mac

You can try netstat netstat -vanp tcp | grep 9000 For macOS El Capitan and newer (or if your netstat doesn't support -p), use lsof lsof -i tcp:9000 su ......
process locking Find 9000 kill

Learning Blender: A Hands-On Guide to Creating 3D Animation(2nd Edition)

参考1:书) 参考2:视频) ......
Animation Learning Hands-On Creating Blender

Solution Set - Atcoder (on scene)

/ 哪怕只是一瞥见谜底就坠落 还有无数个想探求的巧合 / / 哪怕只是领悟到答案的晦涩 也全力证明所经过都值得 / ......
Solution Atcoder scene Set on

解决hbase错误 Call to localhost/ failed on connection

问题: hbase伪分布式部署下,使用JAVA API操作,发生错误:Call to localhost/ failed on connection Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MasterNotRunningException ......
connection localhost 错误 failed hbase

Install Ansible on CentOS 8

环境准备: 1.至少俩台linux主机,一台是控制节点,一台是受控节点 2.控制节点和受控节点都需要安装Python36 3.控制节点需要安装ansible 4.控制节点需要获得受控节点的普通用户或root用户的权限,控制节点需要ssh客户端,受控节点需要ssh服务端 5.控制节点和受控节点之间网络 ......
Install Ansible CentOS on