beautiful 1883f are you

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION; ERROR 1410 (42000): You are not allowed to create a user with GRANT

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION;ERROR 1410 (42000): You are not allowed to create a user with GRANT 解决办法 以下是 8.0版本的 ......

vue报错:Module parse failed: Unexpected token (5:2) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.

报错信息: ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors 10:09:02 error in ./node_modules/axios/lib/platform/index.js Module parse failed: Unexpected token (5:2) Y ......
appropriate Unexpected Module failed loader

We Are Just Beginning

We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite... I do not know who wrote those words, but I have always liked ......
Beginning Just Are We

No appropriate protocol (protocol is disabled or cipher suites are inappropriate)衫德钱包http请求时候

问题原因:jdk版本过高导致,jdk1.8高版本对ssl做了限制 1、在URL中添加在数据库后面添加?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true&useSSL=false 2、修改JDK 下的为 java.security文件 文件里查找:jdk.tls.disabledAlgori ......

(补题)CF1348B. Phoenix and Beauty

CF1348B. Phoenix and Beauty 思路 最后输出的一定是一个周期为k的数值。我们只需要查看输入进来的数组中的元素的种类和k的关系即可。元素种类大于k输出-1;小于等于k,输出每个不同的元素,不够k个的话就用1补齐 ac代码 #include <bits/stdc++.h> us ......
Phoenix Beauty 1348 and CF

8 You Are So Beautiful

如果要是子数组唯一,没有子序列与之相同,那么就要找同一个字母的第一个出现的位置和最后一个出现的位置 #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define int long long using namespace std; const int N=1e5+10; int a[N]; voi ......
Beautiful You Are So

If you are running inside a VM, you may need to enable SSE4.2 pass-through. 报错问题解析

W20240108 05:46:22.718271 1] Enabled unsafe flag: --use_hybrid_clock=false Not implemented: The CPU on this system (Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold ......
pass-through you running through inside

Mysql 数据库ERROR 1820 (HY000): You must reset your password using ALTER USER 解决办法

Mysql 5.7数据库原来一直都能正常访问,突然访问不了,查看日志提示数据库需要修改密码, 具体解决办法如下操作: Windows 下: mysql的bin目录下, mysql> use mysql; 判断“password_expired”是否为Y mysql> select authentic ......
password 办法 数据库 数据 Mysql

mysql--You must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement

新安装数据以后,在我们成功登陆数据库之后,原以为可以操作数据库了,但是当我们随机运行一个 sql 语句时,mysql 命令窗口却提示: ERROR 1820 (HY000): You must reset your password using ALTER USE statement before ......
statement executing password before mysql

System.InvalidOperationException: Synchronous operations are disallowed. Call ReadAsync or set AllowSynchronousIO to true instead

报错: System.InvalidOperationException: Synchronous operations are disallowed. Call ReadAsync or set AllowSynchronousIO to true instead 产生原因: 在做 net6 we ......

【tensorboard】No dashboards are active for the current data set.

这个问题找了很久,不管是相对路径,绝对路径都是无数据集,但是日志文件里面有文件。 【敲】【重】【点】: 版本更新前是 tensorboard --logdir ="D:\Users\Administrator\PycharmProjects\Test\TTest\logs" 而更新后将=改为空格 t ......
tensorboard dashboards current active data

Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners

郑重声明:原文参见标题,如有侵权,请联系作者,将会撤销发布! OpenAI blog, 2019 ...... How to install Android on PC: These are your best options How to install Android on PC: These are you ......
android-x android Android install options

Sqoop连接数据库报错:Caused by: No appropriate protocol (protocol is disabled or cipher suites are inappropriate)

Sqoop连接数据库报错:Caused by: No appropriate protocol的解决方法。 控制台报错: [root@bigdata1 sqoop-1.4.2.bin__hadoop-2.0.0-alpha]# ......

Django 报错(You have 18 unapplied migration(s))

python runserver 时报错: You have 18 unapplied migration(s). Your project may not work properly until you apply the migrations for ......
unapplied migration Django have You

GPT-3《Language Models are Few-Shot Learners》解读

GPT-3 和 GPT-2差别 1. 效果上,超出 GPT-2 非常多,能生成人类难以区分的新闻文章;2. 主推 few-shot,相比于 GPT-2 的 zero-shot,具有很强的创新性;3. 模型结构略微变化,采用 sparse attention 模块;4. 海量训练语料 45TB(清洗后 ......
Few-Shot Language Learners Models Shot

hdfs报错:There are 0 datanode(s) running and 0 node(s) are excluded in this operation

namenode的日志还是打印There are 0 datanode(s) running and 0 node(s) are excluded in this operation.吗 报错信息如下所示。其中,【X】是当前正在运行的DataNode数量,【Y】是被排除在此操作之外的DataNode ......
are operation datanode excluded running

GPT-2 《Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners》解读

背景 GPT1采用了pre-train + fine-tuning训练方式,也就是说为了适应不同的训练任务,模型还是需要在特定任务的数据集上微调,仍然存在较多人工干预的成本。GPT-2 想彻底解决这个问题,通过 zero-shot,在迁移到其他任务上的时候不需要额外的标注数据,也不需要额外的模型训练 ......

Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; 问题的解决

问题描述 Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version ......

Q:以非root用户编辑定时任务报错You are not allowed to use this program(crontab)

编辑定时删除文件任务时报错 crontab -e 编辑定时任务时报错,如下图所示 问题原因:/etc/cron.allow中没有添加对应的用户名解决办法:切换到root用户,在/etc/cron.allow中添加对应的用户名 编辑定时任务:crontab -e #每天中午13点,定时删除/var路径 ......
任务 allowed crontab program 用户

强化学习研究方向(研究领域)现有的不足(短板、无法落地性) —— Why You (Probably) Shouldn’t Use Reinforcement Learning

外文原文: Why You (Probably) Shouldn’t Use Reinforcement Learning 地址: ......

致21岁的自己——May all the beauty be blessed.

[错峰跨年第一弹]长文预警,本文长达不知道多少字(本文同时发布于博客园)先说一下,博客园快要倒闭了233说起博客园又得提一嘴他的好朋友csdn,so f**k you csdn,盗我博客不得house每年到这个时候都是最忙的时候,期末周(月)加课设,画图画得焦头烂额,机械工程狗都不学。这一年倒是身体 ......
blessed beauty May all the

org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisSystemException: nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.binding.BindingException: Parameter 'keyWord' not found. Available parameters are [keyword, param1]

Request processing failed; nested exception is org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisSystemException: nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.binding.BindingExcepti ......

牛客2022多校DAY10-K You are given a tree

「牛客2022多校DAY10-K」 You are given a tree... 简要题意 给一棵带点权和边权的树,找到至多 \(k\) 个点权不同的点,使得它们之间路径覆盖的边权和最大。 \(n\le 5000,k\le 5\)。 Solution 考虑颜色数量不大的时候怎么暴力。显然可以直接状 ......
given 2022 tree DAY You

mybatis错误:Parameter 'companyName' not found. Available parameters are [arg3, arg2, arg1, arg0,..]

问题: mybatis.binding.BindingException: Parameter 'companyName’ not found. Available parameters are [arg3,arg2 解决: 原因是DAO层传入参数mapper无法识别, 只需要在在DAO中的方法中前 ......

Codeforces Round 638 (Div. 2)B. Phoenix and Beauty

B. Phoenix and Beauty 这道题目学到的东西: 从给出的数据范围观察,得到一些有用信息(峰哥教的) 考虑无解的情况‘ 其实这题考虑怎么操作是比较难的,如果能想出来满足条件的结果就比较好了(我在说什么我自己也不知道,算了直接看下面的图吧) 假设\(k=3\),下面是我们得到的结果数列 ......
Codeforces Phoenix Beauty Round 638

Github Actions - Error: The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?

Run kubectl apply -f eks/aws-auth.yaml kubectl apply -f eks/aws-auth.yaml kubectl apply -f eks/deployment.yaml kubectl apply -f eks/service.yaml shell ......
connection the localhost Actions refused

What do you think of Crazy Shopping on Novermber?

What do you think of Crazy Shopping on Novermber? As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or feelings about shopping on November or a ......
Novermber Shopping Crazy think What
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