check usage cdb the

Linux:user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported 解决方法

学习自:user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported 解决方法_一路奔跑94的博客-CSDN博客 1、原因 没有在权限文件中说明该用户具有sudo权限 2、解决步骤 1)以root身份去/etc/sudoers文件中, ......
incident reported sudoers 方法 Linux

异常FutureWarning: In the future `np.object` will be defined as the corresponding NumPy scalar.

AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'object'. 原因:numpy版本问题,卸载重新安装对应的版本 方法 pip uninstall numpy==1.19.2(根据自己的版本需要,安装对应的版本) 操作如下: ......

git mesage usage

~/.gitmessage.txt 可以是任意的文件名,参考 git 官网文档,搜索default message git config --global commit.t ......
mesage usage git

[Algorithm] Compare two Binary tree are the same in both value and shape

export default function compare( a: BinaryNode<number> | null, b: BinaryNode<number> | null, ): boolean { if (a null && b null) { return true; } if (a ......
Algorithm Compare Binary shape value

QOJ875 Arrange The Piranhas

题意:大小为 $1 \times n$ 的棋盘上有一些棋子,一次可以选择一个空的位置,将左边第一个棋子往该位置拉一格,右边第一个往这拉一格,操作完这个位置也必须是空的(也就是左右至少得有一格的空隙),问能不能把所有棋子变成目标状态。 将棋子位置的前缀和 $s_i$ 求出,每次操作相当于将一个 $s_ ......
Piranhas Arrange QOJ 875 The


##英语中哪些地名前必须加the? 在写作中总是分不清什么时候加the,直到最近看到一篇贴子。 把它翻译总结出来: **1. 大陆前不加the, ......
地名 the

The Report Viewer Web Control HTTP Handler has not been registered in the application's web.config file. Add

system.webServer 内加 <handlers> <add name="ReportViewerWebControlHandler" preCondition="integratedMode" verb="*" path="Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl. ......

服务器执行hbase shell报错: ipc.AbstractRpcClient: SASL authentication failed. The most likely cause is missing or invalid credentials. Consider 'kinit'.

2023-08-01 21:02:09,923 FATAL [main] ipc.AbstractRpcClient: SASL authentication failed. The most likely cause is missing or invalid credentials. Consi ......

The 10th Shandong Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest

The 10th Shandong Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest K - Happy Equation 思路:a,x的奇偶性相同(因为都对偶数取模),且打表得出a为奇数时,答案为1。(¿) a为偶数时,令 a=t1*2q → ax=t1x*2qx ......

Removing the remembered login and password list in SQL Server Management Studio

Removing the remembered login and password list in SQL Server Management Studio This works for SQL Server Management Studio v18.0 The file "SqlStudio. ......

关于调用Web API时出现的错误“The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send”

客户需求,要求调用他们的API来添加,查找,删除数据。 前些时候写了一个测试程序,调用API是OK的,但是今天突然就出现了"The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send."的错误。当时的第一反 ......

发电站乐队歌词全中译 / The Comprehensive Chinese Translation of Kraftwerk Lyrics

# 发电站乐队歌词全中译 / The Comprehensive Chinese Translation of Kraftwerk Lyrics 发电站所有英文版录音室专辑的歌词中文翻译。《The Mix》和《Minimum-Maximum》为重混(remix)或演唱会专辑,故《Expo 2000》 ......

2023牛客暑期多校5 I The Yakumo Family

# 题意 Ran feels boring at home and wants to propose a math problem with Yukari and Chen! So, here's The Yakumo Family Problem: Given an integer array a ......
Family Yakumo 2023 The

JDK 版本异常导致 flutter doctor --android-licenses 出错 (class file version 61.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0

flutter doctor --android-licenses Error: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again Exception in thread "main" java.lang.U ......

Centos 7安装k8s 报hostPath type check failed:/sys/fs/bpf is not a direcctory错误解决方法

原创文档编写不易,未经许可请勿转载。文档中有疑问的可以邮件联系我。 邮箱 说明 Centos 7 系列操作系统在安装k8s时可能会遇到hostPath type check failed:/sys/fs/bpf is not a direcctory错误,该问题为内 ......
direcctory hostPath 错误 方法 Centos

The difference between Chrome and Firefox

The difference about digital certificates. # Firefox See the alarm info. ![]( ......
difference Firefox between Chrome The

chkdsk(Check Disk)是一个用于检查和修复硬盘驱动器上错误的Windows命令。它可以扫描磁盘并识别损坏的文件系统、坏道、目录结构问题等,并尝试修复这些问题

chkdsk(Check Disk)是一个用于检查和修复硬盘驱动器上错误的Windows命令。它可以扫描磁盘并识别损坏的文件系统、坏道、目录结构问题等,并尝试修复这些问题。 chkdsk的语法如下: chkdsk [驱动器:] [/参数] 常用的参数包括: /f:修复被发现的错误。这将尝试自动修复文 ......
问题 驱动器 磁盘 命令 错误

Number Theory: The set of Real实数系构造:实数公理化(R, +, ×, ≥)之Field/Order/Continuity + Dedkind分割

Number Theory: The set of Real实数系构造 实数公理化(R, +, ×, ≥)之Field/Order/Continuity F(域):定义 +, ×, ≥: +: 加法的 交换律、结合律、0单位元、负元 ×: 乘法的 交换律、结合律、1单位元、逆元、乘法×对加法+的分配 ......
实数 公理化 Continuity Dedkind Number

Python报错 | ImportError: To be able to use evaluate-metric/seqeval, you need to install the following dependencies['seqeval'] using 'pip install seqeval' for instance'

**报错信息** 使用`metric = evaluate.load("seqeval")`的时候,报如下错误: ```python ImportError: To be able to use evaluate-metric/seqeval, you need to install the fol ......

Angular:error TS2717: Subsequent property declarations must have the same type. Property 'contentRect' mu st be of type 'DOMRectReadOnly', but here has type 'DOMRectReadOnly'.

# 解决方案 在`tsconfig.json`的`compilerOptions`选项中添加如下内容`"skipLibCheck": true`。 如下图所示 ![image]( ......

Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref

[TOC] # Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref ## 1. 执行 git pull 命令时,错误提示: Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref 'refs/heads/ ......
configuration specifies merge Your with

[USACO13DEC] The Bessie Shuffle S 洗牌 题解

提供一种思路,可以做到$O(n)$。\ 目前是全`OJ`最优解,跑到了`79ms`。 `update 2023.07.29` 完工,期望无bug(暑假快乐吖o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ)\ `update 2023.07.27` ~~(要原题检测了,先占个坑,有时间再补)~~ ## 原题大意 [P3095 [ ......
题解 Shuffle Bessie USACO DEC

[LeetCode] 486. Predict the Winner

You are given an integer array nums. Two players are playing a game with this array: player 1 and player 2. Player 1 and player 2 take turns, with pla ......
LeetCode Predict Winner 486 the


## 0X01 和get_started_3dsctf_2016类似 ![]( ![]( ......
not_the_same 3dsctf dsctf 2016 same

The Final —— NOI2023

终于到这一天了。 ## Day 0 试机的时候讲了有 SelfEval 这个东西,很好啊!CCF 终于愿意改善一点选手参赛体验了。 笔试 AK 了。 非常相信日报“不必担心睡不着,因为国赛不可能使人睡着”,似乎睡的还可以? ## Day 1 进场看题。 T1 不是扫描线板子吗?斜线就爆枚一下就行,比 ......
Final 2023 The NOI

.NET Core|--SkiaSharp 生成图像报错|--The type initializer for 'SkiaSharp.SKAbstractManagedStream' threw an exception.

### 前言 ```bash #SkiaSharp - 版本 2.88.3 #SkiaSharp.NativeAssets.Linux.NoDependencies - 版本 2.88.3 #部署服务器环境 Linux / docker / #Visual Studio 版本 Microsoft V ......

Mapbox—geocoder搜索地点error eaching the server

# Mapbox—geocoder搜索地点error eaching the server [——There was an errorr eaching the server](#focus) 环境说明: vue3.3.4 mapbox-gl: 2.13.0 @mapbox/mapbox-gl-ge ......
geocoder 地点 eaching Mapbox server

题解 Gym 103960K【Kalel, the Jumping Frog】

## problem 一只青蛙,他会跳,现在要从 $1$ 跳到 $n$。跳一次有 $m$ 种跳法,假设现在在 $x$,那么第 $i$ 次可以从 $x$ 跳到 $x+d_i$,同时消耗 $p_j$ 的能量。问你有多少种跳的方案使得消耗能量不超过 $k$。$n\leq 10^9,m\leq 10^5,1 ......
题解 103960K Jumping 103960 Kalel

NET6 EF Error: The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted

Error A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: SSL Provider, error: ......
certificate authority trusted issued Error

docker compose 更新报错 permission denied while trying to connect to the docker daemon socket

今天更新签到docker的时候输入了 ``` # 先 cd 到 docker-compose.yml 所在目录, 执行命令后重启容器 docker compose pull && docker compose up -d ``` 结果发现 `permission denied while tryin ......
docker permission compose connect denied