factory caused dead why

llama-factory fine-tuning

data preparation for llama-factory fine-tuning, here is the instruction for custom dataset preparation. dataset classification alpaca stanford_alpaca ......

Why I see scss file in my chrome inspector?

Why I see scss file in my chrome inspector? Because there are map files in your CSS folder like *.css.map and *.scss.map. It basically reverse maps th ......
inspector chrome scss file Why

Caused by: io.debezium.DebeziumException: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the RELOAD privilege(s) for this operation

1.情景展示 如上图所示: 在使用debezium读取mysql数据操作日志时(io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlConnector),报错: Caused by: io.debezium.DebeziumException: java.sql.SQLSyntaxEr ......

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCurrentlyInCreationException 解决

BeanCurrentlyInCreationException是BeanCreationException的一个子类,经常在发生在错误的使用构造方法注入bean。 例如循环依赖的情况 比如再serviceA中注入serviceB。然后又在serviceB中注入serviceA,这样就会造成循环依赖 ......

nacos 异常报错“Caused by: java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException: isValid”

nacos 异常报错“Caused by: java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException: isValid” 现象 登录验证服务重启,发现起不来了,查看日志一直刷如下报错 Caused by: java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedExce ......

神经网络入门篇:详解为什么需要非线性激活函数?(why need a nonlinear activation function?)

为什么需要非线性激活函数? 为什么神经网络需要非线性激活函数?事实证明:要让的神经网络能够计算出有趣的函数,必须使用非线性激活函数,证明如下: 这是神经网络正向传播的方程,现在去掉函数\(g\),然后令\(a^{[1]} = z^{[1]}\),或者也可以令\(g(z)=z\),这个有时被叫做线性激 ......

Azure Data Factory(十)Data Flow 组件详解

一,引言 随着大数据技术的不断发展,数据处理和分析变得越来越重要。为了满足企业对数据处理的需求,微软推出了 Azure Data Factory (ADF),它是一个云端的数据集成服务,用于创建、安排和管理数据工作流。在本文中,我们将重点介绍 Azure Data Factory 的数据流(Data ......
Data 组件 Factory Azure Flow


Seeder 和 Factory 都是用于填充模拟数据的工具,但它们在使用方式和应用场景上有一些区别。 Seeder(数据填充器): Seeder 是 Laravel 框架中的一种机制,用于填充数据库表中的初始数据。Seeder 允许您定义和执行数据库表的初始数据填充操作。您可以创建一个或多个 Se ......
Laravel Factory 数据 Seeder

CS61A hw03 make_anoymous_factorial()

CS61A hw03 make_anoymous_factorial() 自问自答&写在前面 ​ 写这些是因为这道练习没写出来,刚开始看到官方的solution也没看明白,通过从答案反推之后,有了一些对lambda表达式的一些理解,在此分享,观看之前还是希望经过自己思考之后再看,毕竟聪明的你都来学c ......

Water Pollution: The defination, types, causes, effects and meatures.

What is water pollution? Water pollution can be defined in many ways. Usually, it means one or more substances have built up in water to such an exten ......
defination Pollution meatures effects causes

Indoor air pollution: What causes it and how to tackle it

Most people think of air pollution as something that comes from factories or motor vehicles. However, did you know that the air inside your home or pl ......
pollution Indoor causes tackle What

Why do I hear a NoiseHiss in the IEM system

# Why do I hear a Noise/Hiss in the IEM system? ``` Why do I hear a Noise/Hiss in the IEM system? The most common hiss that is referred to is caused b ......
NoiseHiss system hear Why IEM

《打包篇》Setup Factory打包去掉协议

参考链接:https://blog.csdn.net/Pei_hua100/article/details/121605056 其他内容可以去参考链接看,非常有用! ......
Factory Setup

《打包篇》Setup Factory使用

打包 参考链接:https://blog.csdn.net/yujing1314/article/details/85840498 1.打开软件之后直接点OK创建新项目(也可以使用之前自己保留的项目) 2.直接点下一步 3.点下一步(选择系统,安装软件的电脑是64位的需要选一下64-bit) 4.选 ......
Factory Setup

esp32 factory+双OTA分区

# Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flags # Note: if you have increased the bootloader size, make sure to update the offsets to avoid overlap,,,, nvs ......
factory esp OTA 32

docker exec 报错 decoding init error from pipe caused \"read parent: connection reset by peer\""

复现方法,限制容器内pid个数 docker run --pids-limit=1000 -d centos sleep 100000 docker exec -it id bash 3.执行 for i in $(seq 1 2000); do (sleep 100&) ; done [root@ ......
quot connection decoding docker caused

Desertification in China: Causes and Effects

Research show that currently, 27.4% of land in China has undergone desertification affecting about 400 million people. Studies are increasingly focusi ......
Desertification Effects Causes China and

ERROR Error: No component factory found for Edit2Component. Did you add it to @NgModule.entryComponents?at noComponentFactoryError (core.js:9877:1)

原文链接:https://www.longkui.site/error/no-component/4843/ angular项目调用组件的时候开始报这个错误,大概的意思是NgModule中没有Edit2Component这个组件。 解决方法: 我们找到组件的xxxx.module.ts。在entry ......

What causes "Invalid Address specified to RtlValidateHeap"?

Forum Visual C++ & C++ Programming Visual C++ Programming What causes "Invalid Address specified to RtlValidateHeap"? If this is your first visit, be ......

CF53E Dead Ends 题解

Dead Ends \(n\le10\),我还是第一次见到这么小的状压 我们设 \(f[S][s]\) 表示:将集合 \(S\) 内的点连成一棵树,且集合 \(s\) 里的节点是叶子节点的方案数。 则有 \[f[S\cup\{j\}][\{s\setminus i\}\cup\{j\}]+=f[S] ......
题解 Dead Ends 53E CF


工厂是干什么的?工厂是生产标准规格的商品的地方,建好工厂,投入原料(参数),产出特定规格的产品。so,工厂模式就是把对象的创建 —— new() 封装起来,在工厂里实现对象的创建(商品的生产)。这样做的好处是用来解耦,解耦对象的消费(使用)和创建(实现),面向抽象编程 ......
模式 设计模式 前端 工厂 Factory

[题解]P3656 [USACO17FEB] Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I P

思路 首先,\(A\) 和 \(B\) 只会移动一个,那么,我们分开来算,我们先假定 \(B\) 会动。 不妨令 \(A\) 与 \(b\) 连边的端点为 \(x,y\)。如果有线段 \(pq\) 能与 \(xy\) 相交,一定满足如下其中一条规律: \(p < x \wedge q > y\) \ ......
题解 the P3656 Cross USACO


权力是人性内心对贪婪需求所具备的一种工具。人都是趋利避害,人性使然。内心向往公平正义,但内心实际选择都是利己,自私的;所以,拥有权力,就可给自己谋求更多的利益! 绝对的权利就会导致腐败和剥削,由于没有对权利的约束(三权分立:司法权、立法权、行政权)。 权力的迷恋,就不会允许有阻碍自己的实质的制度存在 ......
权力 Why

挑战程序设计竞赛 2.2 poj 2393 Yogurt factory

https://vjudge.net/problem/POJ-2393 奶牛们购买了一家酸奶厂,生产世界闻名的 "Yucky Yogurt "酸奶。在接下来的 N (1 <= N <= 10,000) 周里,牛奶和劳动力的价格每周都会波动, 因此在第 i 周生产一单位酸奶将花费公司 C_i (1 < ......
程序设计 factory 程序 Yogurt 2393

防止react-re-render: Why Suspense and how ?

近期内部项目基础项目依赖升级,之前使用的路由缓存不再适用,需要一个适配方案。而在此过程中react re-render算是困扰了笔者很久。后来通过多方资料查找使用了freeze解决了此问题。本文主要论述react re-render问题一般的解决方案和freeze在react内部的实现原理。reac ......
react-re-render Suspense render react Why

Why does Windows claim to be low on memory when I have swap space available?

Why does Windows claim to be low on memory when I have swap space available? Ask Question Asked 8 years, 1 month ago Modified 8 years, 1 month ago Vie ......
available Windows memory claim space

The Out-of-Memory Syndrome, or: Why Do I Still Need a Pagefile?

The Out-of-Memory Syndrome, or: Why Do I Still Need a Pagefile? July 19, 2016 aziusMemory Management 13 Comments Windows’ memory management—specifical ......
Out-of-Memory Syndrome Pagefile Memory Still

Caused by: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLTransactionRollbackException: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

153392398 RUNNING 2023-08-23 09:10:09 6 397413 0 2 4 1136 2 2 0 REPEATABLE READ 1 1 0 0 0 0 328854561014064 RUNNING 2023-08-23 09:19:03 0 397493 0 0 0 ......

记一次springboot启动失败,org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean

我的情况是,这个应用启动的java进程在系统中未结束掉导致的, 原进程仍存在,再次启动项目时报了org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean 这个错,通过ps -ef|grep tomcat ......