flexibility the enabling focuses

CF1575I Illusions of the Desert

prologue 还是太菜了,这个 154 行的树剖20min才敲完。 analysis 首先,处理这个给到我们的这个式子。 \[\max(\mid a _ u + a _ v \mid, \mid a _ u - a _ v \mid) \]我们可以分类讨论: \(a > 0, b > 0\): ......
Illusions Desert 1575I 1575 the

The solution of P3012

problem & blog 很明显是个 DP。 于是我们定义 \(dp_{i,j,k}\) 为末尾的字符的 ASCII 码为 \(i\),有 \(j\) 个大写字母,\(k\) 个小写字母。 然后在枚举能接在 \(i\) 之后所有字母即可。 然后考虑 \(dp_{i,j,k}\) 给后面的 DP ......
solution P3012 3012 The of

The 2022 ICPC Asia Xi'an Regional Contest

C. Clone Ranran 最优解一定是先复制,在做题。最多只需要复制大约 30 次,直接枚举即可 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define int long long int a , b, c; void solve(){ ci ......
Regional Contest 2022 ICPC Asia

mlpack is an intuitive, fast, and flexible header-only C++ machine learning library

https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack README.md a fast, header-only machine learning library Home | Documentation | Community | Help | IRC Chat Download: c ......

Go - Logging to the System Log Service

Problem: You want to log in to the system log instead of your logfiles. Solution: Use the log/syslog package to write to syslog. Syslog is a standard ......
Logging Service System Log the

The solution of ABC144F

都不知道什么时候做的题了 problem & blog 一开始很容易想到枚举断边然后 DP 算代价。 于是很容易想到 DP 状态定义:设 \(dp_u\) 为从 \(u\) 出发到 \(n\) 的期望步数。 那么显然有 \(dp_u = \sum^{v_n}_{v_1} \dfrac{dp_{v_{ ......
solution 144F The ABC 144

vue_error_Runtime directive used on component with non-element root node. The directives will not function as intended

翻译: '运行时指令,用于非元素根节点的组件。这些指令将无法发挥预期的作用'; 这个错误发生在我将v-show放在自定义组件上时, 我想是因为自定义组件在渲染时会被自定义组件的内部元素替换, 因此设置是无效的 解决: 在自定义组件外加一个div, 把v-show写在div上 ......

Go - Change What Is Being Logged by the Standard Logger

Problem: You want to change what the standard logger logs. Solution: Use the SetFlags function to set flags and add fields to each log line. The defau ......
Standard Change Logged Logger Being

Gym 104270 The 2018 ICPC Asia Qingdao Regional Programming Contest (The 1st Universal Cup, Stage 9: Qingdao)

A. Sequence and Sequence B. Kawa Exam 可以发现,对答案会产生影响的只有割边,把所有边双缩起来,然后就是一个森林。 考虑一个树的时候怎么做,就是对于每条边求出这条边两端的众数个数,考虑线段树合并,每次动态维护子树内的众数和子树外的众数。 #include<iost ......
Qingdao Programming The Universal Regional

Go - Using Multiple Versions of the Same Dependent Packages

Problem: You want to use multiple versions of the same dependent packages in your code. Solution: Use the replace directive in the go.mod file to rena ......
Dependent Multiple Packages Versions Using

Road of the King

2023-09-28 题目 Road of the King 难度&重要性(1~10):8.5 题目来源 luogu 题目算法 (纯)dp 解题思路 一道非常好而有意思的题目,码量巨短。 首先观察数据范围,发现是 \(n\le 300\),考虑 \(O(n^3)\) 的 dp。 主要的难点在于如何去 ......
Road King the of

pip安装包报错:PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop> pip install request ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement request (from versions: none)

PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop> pip install requestERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement request (from versions: none)ERRO ......

The Out-of-Memory Syndrome, or: Why Do I Still Need a Pagefile?

The Out-of-Memory Syndrome, or: Why Do I Still Need a Pagefile? July 19, 2016 aziusMemory Management 13 Comments Windows’ memory management—specifical ......
Out-of-Memory Syndrome Pagefile Memory Still

qoj6735. Tree (The 1st Universal Cup. Stage 22: Shaanxi)

https://qoj.ac/contest/1287/problem/6735 考虑定一个根,然后把每个点的点权附属在父边权上,让每条边的边权变成一个 pair。 这样,一个符合条件的路径需要满足的条件是:路径内所有边的边权 pair 相同,以及 路径根节点(lca)的颜色符合。 对于当前树上每个 ......
Universal Shaanxi Stage 6735 Tree

Snapshot appears to have been created more than one day into the future!

Snapshot appears to have been created more than one day into the future! Raspberry PI 4b上安装freebsd13.2 aarch系统后,使用ssh链接,输入portsnap fetch extract命令,提示: ......
Snapshot appears created future have

The 2021 China Collegiate Programming Contest (Harbin) JBEIDG

The 2021 China Collegiate Programming Contest (Harbin) 目录The 2021 China Collegiate Programming Contest (Harbin)VP概况J - Local MinimumB - Magical Subseq ......
Programming Collegiate Contest Harbin JBEIDG

Gym 104172 The 2023 ICPC Asia Hong Kong Regional Programming Contest (The 1st Universal Cup, Stage 2Hong Kong)

A. TreeScript 令 \(f_u\) 表示 \(u\) 及 \(u\) 子树中的节点都创建的最小数量。 如果 \(u\) 只有一个儿子,那么可以将子树最后一个节点存储在当前的 \(u\) 中,答案就是 \(f_v\)。 若 \(u\) 有多个儿子: 令 \(t=\max\limits_{v ......
Hong Kong Programming The Universal


对整体网络架构的解读,请集合博客末尾附录资料(两个网络架构图、配置文件)。 一、Focus 如下图是Focus模块,对应下面配置文件中的第三十行: [[-1, 1, Focus, [64, 3]], # 0-P1/2 在网络前面,Focus模块的用作是加速数据处理,但并不能提升网络速度。如下图,将左 ......

[892] Change the background color of a table in a Word document

ref: python-docx Changing Table Cell Background Color. To change the background color of a table in a Word document using Python, you can use the pyth ......
background document Change color table

el-select @focus 事件没有弹出下拉框

el-select 获取焦点的时候没有出现下拉框,解决办法示例 <template> <el-select v-model="selectedValue" ref="select" @focus="handleFocus"> <el-option label="Option 1" value="op ......
el-select 事件 select focus el

How to get the original size of an image using JavaScript All In One

How to get the original size of an image using JavaScript All In One 如何使用 JavaScript 获取一个图片像的原始大小 naturalWidth & naturalHeight aspect ratio / 纵横比 ......
JavaScript original image using size

Android ViewPager切换页面点击触发不了focus问题

viewPager.registerOnPageChangeCallback(new ViewPager2.OnPageChangeCallback() { @Override public void onPageSelected(int position) { // 页面选中时执行操作 Botto ......
ViewPager Android 页面 问题 focus

Knights of the Round Table

prologue 相信很多人都感觉这个题不就是求一下这个二分图的最大独立集嘛,有什么难的,(劈里啪啦、库里跨啦、叮里哐啷)好,不对,好好好,题解! analysis 这个题目实际上并不是一个完整的最大独立集问题,因为在这个题里面,是可以有相互仇恨的骑士的,只要不让他们二人坐成同桌就行。 那么我们就不 ......
Knights Round Table the of

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement selunium (from versions: none)

错误信息 ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement selenium (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for selenium ......

[LeetCode] 2582. Pass the Pillow

There are n people standing in a line labeled from 1 to n. The first person in the line is holding a pillow initially. Every second, the person holdin ......
LeetCode Pillow 2582 Pass the

[889] To enable arcpy in VS Code

To enable arcpy in VS Code, you need to configure your Python interpreter to use the ArcGIS Pro Python environment. Here are some steps you can follow ......
enable arcpy Code 889 To

「解题报告」The 1st Universal Cup. Stage 3: Poland

大概按难度排序。签到题没写。 QOJ M. Minor Evil 有 \(n\) 个球与 \(k\) 个操作,初始所有球都是白色的。第 \(i\) 个操作为如果 \(a_i\) 是白色的,那么就将 \(b_i\) 染成黑色,否则什么都不做。你可以选择每个操作执行或不执行,但是不能改变操作之间的相对顺 ......
Universal 报告 Poland Stage The

[888] How to get the directory of the current Python file

To get the directory of the current Python file, you can use the os.path module in combination with the __file__ attribute. Here's how you can do it: ......
directory the current Python file

VSCode 安装插件 Unity 后,一直弹 The .NET Core SDK cannot be located

如题。 明明已经安装了.Net 7.0。并且添加到了 PATH 中。 (也就是在 终端/CMD 可以通过 dotnet 命令访问到。) 但 Vscode 还是一直弹 The .NET Core SDK cannot be located。 然后开始下载 .Net7.0。 解决方案 写在了 .NET ......
插件 located VSCode cannot Unity