informed teaching learning题目

选修-4-Optimization for Deep Learning

# 1. Some Nitations 在本小节开始之前,需要知道的符号含义. ![image]( # 2. What is ......
Optimization Learning Deep for

【笔记】learning git branching

git图是由子节点指向父节点(可能有多个父节点) ### git commit ![]( ### git branch ![ ......
branching learning 笔记 git

了解基于模型的元学习:Learning to Learn优化策略和Meta-Learner LSTM

摘要:本文主要为大家讲解基于模型的元学习中的Learning to Learn优化策略和Meta-Learner LSTM。 本文分享自华为云社区《深度学习应用篇-元学习[16]:基于模型的元学习-Learning to Learn优化策略、Meta-Learner LSTM》,作者:汀丶 。 1. ......
Meta-Learner Learning 模型 策略 Learner


const myObject = { foo: 'hello', func: function () { const self = this console.log(1, console.log(2, function a() { console.log(3, ......
题目 一道 事件 基础


第三次博客:PTA题目集6-8总结 前言:菜单系列终于结束了,但是接踵而至的是全新的选课系列,明明JAVA课都已经上完了,但是大作业的更新却并没有停止,由此可见蔡老师真的太爱我们了。 这次的选课系统个人感觉是和点菜大同小异的,菜单==课表,选课==点菜,算价钱==算分。 题目概述: 7-1 课程成绩 ......
题目 博客 PTA

深度学习应用篇-元学习[16]:基于模型的元学习-Learning to Learn优化策略、Meta-Learner LSTM

# 深度学习应用篇-元学习[16]:基于模型的元学习-Learning to Learn优化策略、Meta-Learner LSTM # 1.Learning to Learn Learning to Learn by Gradient Descent by Gradient Descent 提出了 ......
Meta-Learner 深度 Learning 模型 策略

5、题目:Training in Creative Problem Solving: Effects on Ideation and Problem Finding and Solving in an Industrial Research Organization

期刊信息 (1)作者:George B. Graen,Stephen G. Graen (2)期刊:Organizational Behavior and Human Performance (3)DOI:10.1016/0030-5073(82)90233-1 (4)ISSN:0030-5073 ......
Problem Solving Organization Industrial and

[Fullstack] Learning note for Fullstack developer - FrontendMaster

Command Line 1. Navigate to your home directory cd ~ 2. Make a directory call "temp" mkdir temp 3. Move into temp cd temp 4. List the idrectory conten ......

English Learning Articles 2022-06-11 Your teen wants to get in shape this summer? What to say and when to worry

Your teen wants to get in shape this summer? What to say and when to worry | CNN If your children say they want to start exercising or working out mor ......
Articles Learning to English summer


#题目double_code ![]( ##解法 解法不是很难,但是没见过。 下载下来是一个exe和一个文本文档 ![](h ......
double_code 题目 NSSCTF double 2023


# CF840D [题目链接]( 注意到一个很有趣的事情是,一个数如果在长度为 $l$ 的区间中出现次数严格大于 $\frac{l}{k}$ 次,那我从这个区间中期望随机 $k$ 次就能随到它。 所以我们对于每个询问,都 ......

COMP9417 Machine Learning 机器学习

COMP9417 - Machine LearningHomework 1: Regularized Regression & NumericalOptimizationIntroduction In this homework we will explore some algorithms for ......
Learning 机器 Machine COMP 9417

会议主题:Federated Learning in Healthcare

主题: Federated Learning in Healthcare日期: 2023-06-07 08:47:33录制文件: ......
Healthcare Federated Learning 会议 主题


# 八股文--JAVA基础 [TOC] ## 1.JDK、JRE、JVM有什么区别 JDK 的全称(Java Development Kit Java 开发工具包) JRE(Java Runtime Environment Java 运行环境) JVM:Java虚拟机用于运行Java字节码文件,跨平 ......
八股文 八股 全网 题目 基础


#总览 enc tea rc4 smc加密 easyenc int逐位转char #题目enc ![]( ##解法 感觉还 ......
题目 easyenc NSSCTF 2023 enc

Supervised Machine Learning Regression and Classification - Week 1

# 1. 机器学习定义 > Field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. -- Arthur Samuel(1959) ![](https://img2023 ......

English Learning Articles 2023-06-08 Multiple insomnia symptoms raise stroke risk in people under 50, study says

Multiple insomnia symptoms raise stroke risk in people under 50, study says If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, wake up too early mo ......
Articles Learning Multiple insomnia symptoms


### 5 月 NOIP 2018 模拟 Day2: [ending](给定一棵 $n$ 个点的树,边权 $w\in\{0,1\}$。求出有多少个三元组 $(i,j,k)$,满足 $dist(i,j),dist(i,k)>0$。$1\le n\le 10 ......
题目 2023

English Learning Articles 2023-06-07 Nonsurgical cat contraception could help curb overpopulation, study says

Nonsurgical cat contraception could help curb overpopulation, study says There are an estimated 600 million domestic cats in the world, and 80% of the ......

nature-deep learning

Title:Deep learning Authors:Yann LeCun Yoshua Bengio & Geoffrey Hinton doi:10.1038/nature14539 # 1. 概述 使用多处理层学习数据不同层次的抽象表示,在语音识别、视觉识别、目标检测,以及药物发明、基因学等 ......
nature-deep learning nature deep

2.3类神经网路训练不起来怎么办 (三):自动调整学习速率 (Learning Rate)

# 1. 自适应学习率调整(Adaptive Learning Rate) ## 1.1 为什么需要调整学习率 首先认识一个现象.Training stuck ≠ Small Gradient 训练卡住的原因不一定是因为 gradient 太小,即critical point,也有可能是因为振荡. ......
速率 网路 Learning 神经 怎么办

Learning to Pre-train Graph Neural Networks 学习如何预训练GNN

![image]( ![image]( ......
Pre-train Learning Networks Neural Graph

Exploiting Positional Information for Session-based Recommendation

[TOC] > [Qiu R., Huang Z., Chen T. and Yin H. Exploiting positional information for session-based recommendation. ACM Transactions on Information Syst ......


链表类题目虽然难度不会特别大,但是有的题目还是很具有技巧性,而且在刷题过程中,我经常对循环体的条件感到纠结,用这篇文章记录一下: 1. 链表反转类 206. 反转链表 - 力扣(LeetCode) 这道题比较经典,采用双指针即可解决,可以作为一个模板记下来: /** * Definition for ......


# GDB ## 基本gdb命令 ### 运行有关命令 ```shell run(简写r): 运行程序,当遇到断点后,程序会在断点处停止运行,等待用户输入下一步的命令。 continue(简写c):继续执行,到下一个断点处(或运行结束) next(简写n): 单步跟踪程序,当遇到函数调用时,直接调用 ......
gdb_learn learn gdb

Reward Modelling(RM)and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback(RLHF)for Large language models(LLM)技术初探

Reward Modelling(RM)and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback(RLHF)for Large language models(LLM)技术初探 ......

Contrastive Learning for Representation Degeneration Problem in Sequential Recommendation

[TOC] > [Qiu R., Huang Z., Ying H. and Wang Z. Contrastive learning for representation degeneration problem in sequential recommendation. WSDM, 2022.] ......

Personal Information Exchange (PKCS #12)

The Personal Information Exchange format (PFX, also called PKCS #12) supports secure storage of certificates, private keys, and all certificates in a ......
Information Personal Exchange PKCS 12

Achieving a Better Stability-Plasticity Trade-off via Auxiliary Networks in Continual Learning论文阅读笔记

## 摘要 连续学习过程中的稳定性-可塑性权衡是一个重要的问题。作者提出了Auxiliary Network Continual Learning (ANCL),通过auxiliary network提高了模型的可塑性。 ## 方法 ### The Formulation of Auxiliary ......

火山引擎DataLeap的Catalog系统搜索实践(三):Learning to rank与后续工作

Learning to rank Learning to rank主要分为数据收集,离线训练和在线预测三个部分。搜索系统是一个Data-driven system,因此火山引擎DataLeap的Catalog系统设计之初就需要考虑数据收集。收集的数据可以用来评估和提升搜索的效果。数据收集和在线预测前 ......
火山 DataLeap Learning Catalog 引擎