learning summary second the

[920] Copy the font style from one cell in a table of a Word document to another cell using Python

To copy the font style from one cell in a table of a Word document to another cell using Python and the python-docx library, you can access the font p ......
cell document another Python style

Paper Reading: Sample and feature selecting based ensemble learning for imbalanced problems

为了克服现有集成方法的缺点,本文提出一种新的混合集成策略——样本和特征选择混合集成学习 SFSHEL。SFSHEL 考虑基于聚类的分层对大多数样本进行欠采样,并采用滑动窗口机制同时生成多样性的特征子集。然后将经过验证训练的权重分配给不同的基学习器,最后 SFSHEL 通过加权投票进行预测。SFSHE... ......

Codeforces Round 872 (Div. 2) B. LuoTianyi and the Table

给一个 \(n \times m\) 的矩阵和 \(n \times m\) 个数,你需要把这些数填入矩阵。保证 \[\sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^m \left ( \mathop{max}\limits_{1 \leq x \leq i, 1 \leq y \leq j} a_ ......
Codeforces LuoTianyi Round Table 872


1 Q-Learning 强化学习中有state和action的两个重要概念。而Q-Learning算法就是用来得到在state上执行action的未来预期奖励。具体的算法流程如下: 初始化一个Q-table。 在当前状态\(s\)选择一个动作\(a\)。 执行动作\(a\),转移到新的状态\(s' ......
算法 Q-Learning Learning DQN

CF367C Sereja and the Arrangement of Numbers

这题首先上来会发现题目中的很多信息都是假的,核心就是问要构造一个\(x\)个点的完全图至少要多长的序列 我们把序列中相邻的两个元素看作图上的一条边,则可以把问题转化为:给一个\(x\)个点的完全图,问至少要走多长的路径才可以遍历图中的所有边至少一次 简单讨论下会发现当\(x\)为奇数时,此时图中每个 ......
Arrangement Numbers Sereja 367C 367

[题解]CF1881G Anya and the Mysterious String

思路 发现如果一个字符串中有长度大于等于 \(2\) 回文子串,必定有长度为 \(2\) 的回文子串或长度为 \(3\) 的回文子串,并且形如:aa 和 aba。 所以考虑用线段树这两种情况。维护一段区间的最左、次左、最右、次右的元素,同时用两个标记变量 \(f_1,f_2\) 分别表示这个区间中是 ......
题解 Mysterious String 1881G 1881

PAT_A 1038 Recover the Smallest Number

Given a collection of number segments, you are supposed to recover the smallest number from them. For example, given { 32, 321, 3214, 0229, 87 }, we c ......
Smallest Recover Number PAT_A 1038

How to get macOS CPU details information in the command line All In One

How to get macOS CPU details information in the command line All In One 如何通过命令行获取 macOS CPU 的详细信息 ......
information details command macOS line

[QOJ6555] The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 5. J : Sets May Be Good

先给 EI 磕三个 首先考虑用 \(n\) 个变量 \(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n\in\{0,1\}\) 表示第 \(i\) 个点选不选,那么导出子图的边数的奇偶性就是 \[f(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n)=\left(\sum_{(i,j)\in E}x_ix_j\right ......
Universal Stage 6555 Good Sets

asp.net core signalr 客户端调用服务端方法报:Error:Failed to invoke 'adduserToConnection' due to an error on the server

TS端调用方法为: connection.start() .then(() => { connection.invoke("adduserToConnection",account,connection.connectionId); }) .catch((err) => { console.erro ......

CF1257E The Contest

用桶存,做一遍前缀和,令 \(b_{x,y}\) 表示序列 \(x\) 包含 \(1\sim y\) 的数字个数。考虑枚举第一个序列保留的前缀 \(1\sim i\),对于第三个序列,如果其保留了后缀 \(j\sim n(i<j)\),考虑哪些数需要被移掉,那么答案就是: \[b_{1,n}-b_{ ......
Contest 1257E 1257 The CF

The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 5: Northern J Sets May Be Good

题解 我们考虑计算 \(\sum_{S\subseteq\{1,2,3,\cdots,n\}} (-1)^{cnt(S)}\),这里 \(cnt(S)\) 表示 \(S\) 集合的导出子图的边数。 我们记 \(x_i=[i\in S]\)。 我们考虑删掉 \(n\) 号点。 注意到如果 \(x_i\ ......
Universal Northern Stage Good Sets

【题解 CF840C & P4448】 On the Bench & 球球的排列

On the Bench 题面翻译 给定一个序列 \(a(a_i\le 10^9)\),长度为 \(n(n\le 300)\)。 试求有多少 \(1\) 到 \(n\) 的排列 \(p_i\),满足对于任意的 \(2\le i\le n\) 有 \(a_{p_{i-1}}\times a_{p_i} ......
题解 amp Bench P4448 4448

Go - Changing the Timing for Running Performance Tests

Problem: You want to run performance tests for a specific duration or a specific number of iterations. Solution: You can increase the minimum duration ......
Performance Changing Running Timing Tests

Learn Git in 30 days—— 第 30 天:分享工作中几个好用的 Git 操作技巧

写的非常好的一个Git系列文章,强烈推荐 原文链接:https://github.com/doggy8088/Learn-Git-in-30-days/tree/master/zh-cn 终于来到了最后一天,这篇文章将分享几个好用的 Git 操作技巧,或许可以节省你不少 Git 版控过程的时间。 如 ......
Git 技巧 Learn 30 days

论文阅读:Knowledge Distillation via the Target-aware Transformer

摘要 Knowledge distillation becomes a de facto standard to improve the performance of small neural networks. 知识蒸馏成为提高小型神经网络性能的事实上的标准。 Most of the previo ......

Nginx配置错误:connect() failed (10061: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it) while connecting to upstream

问题描述 今天本打算学一下Nginx反向代理发送请求到OpenResty(其实也就是个Nginx,可以把它理解成Anaconda中的python版本),再通过OpenResty使用Lua脚本向Redis或数据库查找缓存来着,在配环境的时候报了个502错误。 我把我的环境描述下,这样如果有遇到这个问题 ......

Robust Graph Representation Learning via Neural Sparsification

目录概符号说明NeuralSparse Zheng C., Zong B., Cheng W., Song D., Ni J., Yu W., Chen H. and Wang W. Robust graph representation learning via neural sparsifica ......

ERROR: The Python ssl extension was not compiled. Missing the OpenSSL lib?

CentOS7 pyenv安装Python 3.10.13 报错 yum install -y openssl-devel openssl11-devel openssl11-lib CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include/openssl11" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib64/ ......
extension compiled Missing OpenSSL Python

[914] In Python's datetime library, you can format dates using the strftime() method

In Python's datetime library, you can format dates using the strftime() method. This method allows you to create a formatted string representation of ......
datetime strftime library Python format

论文阅读 Generalized Focal Loss: Learning Qualified and Distributed Bounding Boxes for Dense Object Detection

原始题目:Generalized Focal Loss: Learning Qualified and Distributed Bounding Boxes for Dense Object Detection 中文翻译:Generalized Focal Loss:学习用于密集目标检测的 Qual ......

[911] Read Data from Google Sheets into Pandas without the Google Sheets API (.gsheet)

ref: Read Data from Google Sheets into Pandas without the Google Sheets API import pandas as pd sheet_id = "1XqOtPkiE_Q0dfGSoyxrH730RkwrTczcRbDeJJpqRB ......
Google Sheets without Pandas gsheet

definition of the convex optimization

A convex optimization problem is one in which the objective and constraint functions are convex, which means they satisfy the inequality \(f_i(\alpha ......
optimization definition convex the of

The solution of P9194

10黑寄。 problem & blog 考虑到处理加边并不简单,所以我们可以考虑一个黑点 \(p\),连边\((u,p)(p,v)\)。 考虑在现在这棵树上连个点在原图中有变相连相当于有一个公共的 \(p\) 是它们的邻居。 于是删边操作等价于将一个点的儿子黑点并到父亲黑点上。 为了统计答案我们设 ......
solution P9194 9194 The of

Meta Learning概述

Meta Learning概述(一) 回顾Machine Learning 定义一个function(神经网络等),该function上有很多参数,参数统一定义为θ,对于一个猫狗分类器来说,当猫狗的图片经过f(θ)时,函数会输出一个猫或狗的结果 定义一个Loss function,L(θ) 使用优化 ......
Learning Meta

CF837G Functions On The Segments

CF837G Functions On The Segments Functions On The Segments - 洛谷 | 计算机科学教育新生态 (luogu.com.cn) 目录CF837G Functions On The Segments题目大意思路code 题目大意 你有 \(n\) ......
Functions Segments 837G 837 The

D. Monocarp and the Set

D. Monocarp and the Set Monocarp has $n$ numbers $1, 2, \dots, n$ and a set (initially empty). He adds his numbers to this set $n$ times in some order ......
Monocarp and Set the

[908] Implementation of the progress bar in Python

You can implement a progress bar in Python to visually represent the progress of a task using various libraries. One commonly used library for this pu ......
Implementation progress Python 908 bar

[905] The replace() method in Pandas

In Pandas, the replace() method is used to replace values in a DataFrame or Series. You can use this method to replace one or more specified values wi ......
replace Pandas method 905 The

【转载】How to solve the problem that getting timestamp from Mysql database is 8 hours earlier than the normal time

This article introduces the relevant knowledge of "how to solve the problem of obtaining timestamp from Mysql database 8 hours earlier than the normal ......
the timestamp database problem getting