majority 134c arc the


比赛链接:arc168 A 题意: 读入一个由<和>构成的字符串,在最开始,最后,字符之间可以填上任意数字,任意两个相邻数字之间必须满足字符代表的大小关系。求问最后填入的数字组成的数组最少有多少对逆序对。 题解: 签到。 <可以不去考虑,因为不会对答案造成影响。 >如果不是在连续段内,也可以不去考虑 ......
题解 ARC 168 A-C

初中英语优秀范文100篇-005 The Person I Admire Most

记忆树 1 My teacher Lily is the person I admire most. 翻译 我最敬佩的人是我的老师莉莉。 简化记忆 敬佩的人 句子结构 主句:My teacher Lily is the person I admire most. 主语:My teacher Lily ......
范文 初中 Person Admire Most

The 2021 ICPC Asia Nanjing Regional Contest (XXII Open Cup, Grand Prix of Nanjing)

Preface 来场我最爱的SUA的题,而且恰逢南京站因此袋鼠题懂得都懂 然而好家伙点开题目一看怎么全是OP题,我们队没一个玩原的这下大输特输了 因此这场前中期可以说是崩完了,一个签到因为没判\(n=1\)从20min挂到150min,除此之外其它题目基本上都要挂上三四发 不过好在最后20min连着 ......
Nanjing Regional Contest Grand 2021

mujoco安装报错:mujoco_py/cymj.pyx:67:5: Exception check on 'c_warning_callback' will always require the GIL to be acquired.

参考: 安装mujoco报错: 环境: python3.1 ......

Linux系统奇安信浏览器报错跨域:the resource is in more-private address space 'local'

报错: Access to XMLHttpRequest at "123" from origin "456" has been blocked by CORS policy:the request client is not a secure context and the resource is ......

Transferability of the Chinese Eco-environmental Protection Measure

The United States faces multiple air pollution problems, some of which mainly include:1. Carbon dioxide emissions The United States is one of the larg ......

[951] Understanding the pattern of "(.*?)" in Python's re package

In Python's regular expressions, (.*?) is a capturing group with a non-greedy quantifier. Let's break down the components: ( and ): Parentheses are us ......
quot Understanding pattern package Python

ARC168F Up-Down Queries

考虑一次询问怎么做: 我们想求的答案就是 每次减时为 \(0\) 的位置个数之和(这些位置会与 \(0\) 取 \(\max\) 从而使答案变大) + \(\sum (m-2\times a_i)\)(所有操作的总和)。 考虑维护 \(y\) 的差分数组,分析一次操作 \([1,x]\) 减 \(1 ......
Up-Down Queries 168F Down ARC

The United States adopts China's air pollution control measures

China has accumulated rich experience in air pollution control. When the United States faced a serious air pollution problem, it began to learn from C ......
pollution measures control States United

UVA1396 Most Distant Point from the Sea 题解

Link UVA1396 Most Distant Point from the Sea Question 在大海的中央,有一个凸 \(n\) 边形的小岛,求出岛上离海边最远的一个点到海边的距离 Solution 二分答案,然后去验证是否有一个点,距离海的距离大于 \(mid\) 如何验证? 把每条 ......
题解 Distant Point 1396 Most

The Redemption of the Moon

ZJOI2022 树 考虑一下容斥,钦定若干个节点满足要么都为叶子,要么只有一遍是叶子,另一边无所谓。 记 \(dp_{i,j,k}\) 表示前 \(i\) 个节点, \(T_1\) 中有 \(j\) 个 \(1\to i-1\) 的节点不是叶子,\(T_2\) 中有 \(k\) 个 \(i+1\t ......
Redemption Moon The the of

ARC144E GCD of Path Weights

Description 给定 \(n\) 个点,\(m\) 条边的有向图,图中的任意一条有向边满足 边起点的编号小于边终点的编号。每个点有点权,但其中有些点的点权未知。 你需要找到一种给未知点权值的方案,使得 所有 \(1\to n\) 的路径点权和的最大公因数最大,或者告知答案可以无限大。输出这个 ......
Weights 144E Path ARC 144


简要题意 给定一个长度为 $n$ 的序列 $a$,将 $a$ 划分为 $k$ 个连续段,最大化满足连续段中元素和 $\geq s$ 的连续段数。 题解 首先发现是恰好 $k$ 个连续段,这种类型的题套路地考虑 wqs 二分,然后你会惊喜的发现这玩意不是凸的,我的思考也就卡在这里了。 正确的做法是观察 ......
168E ARC 168

The Application of River Chief System on Water Pollution in Britain

Water pollution is a global concern that affects the health and well-being of both humans and ecosystems. In Britain, despite efforts to address this ......
Application Pollution Britain System River

Transferability of the Chinese Eco-environmental Protection Measure

London Convention and London ProtocolThe London Convention and London Protocol establish the global rules and standards for preventing, reducing, and ......

poj3017 Cut the Sequence

Cut the Sequence Time Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 131072K Total Submissions: 15419 Accepted: 4735 Description Given an integer sequence { an } of leng ......
Sequence 3017 poj Cut the

Transferability of the Chinese Ocean Trash Protection Measure

PROBLEMS Researchers at The University of Western Australia have found that although the Indian Ocean is the world's biggest dumping ground for plasti ......

The 2019 ICPC Asia Yinchuan Regional Contest

Preface 好久没有一场比赛做出两位数以上的题了,评价是写代码写得好爽 感觉这种时间比较古早的场的拿奖难度和现在比起来低好多的说,这场在现场如果有10题都能捧个亚军的杯了 但感觉主要是我们J题最后5分钟乱搞了个做法过了样例交上去就直接过了,后面看了其它人的做法好像和我们的都不一样的说,不知道是数 ......
Regional Yinchuan Contest 2019 ICPC

The 'China Solution' in Nigeria

Nigeria, The northern region of Nigeria, particularly the Sahel region, is experiencing severe desertification due to factors such as deforestation, o ......
Solution Nigeria China 39 The

On the Opportunities and Risks of Foundation Models

引用链接: 论文链接: 正文分四部分,阐述内容如下: 能力:模型的能力,模型可以做到的事 语言、视觉、机器人学、推理、交互、理解等; 应用:可应用领域 ......
Opportunities Foundation Models Risks the

org.elasticsearch.client.transport.NoNodeAvailableException: None of the configured nodes are available es端口号及集群名称

org.elasticsearch.client.transport.NoNodeAvailableException: None of the configured nodes are available elasticsearch有两个端口:http_port和transport.tcp.por ......

初中英语优秀范文100篇-001 The Best Teacher in My Heart

PDF格式公众号回复关键字:SHCZFW001 记忆树 1 It has been four years since I graduated from my primary school but I have always remembered my teacher Ms. Lin. 翻译 我小学毕 ......
范文 初中 Teacher Heart Best

The 2020 ICPC Asia Yinchuan Regional Programming Contest

Preface 好久没有和队友一起打比赛了,然后今天纯战犯,G一个初值设错WA了三发还卡了1h,最后冲D也因为细节原因没调出来 但这场现场的榜只能用惨淡来形容,6题就稳Au了,而且感觉如果最后能出7个题的话甚至能有出线机会?看来还是前面题目区分度太小了 A. Best Player 签到题,按题意模 ......
Programming Regional Yinchuan Contest 2020

Transferability of the Chinese Eco-environmental Protection Measure

Most of Saudi Arabia is desert, so it faces serious problems of water shortage and desertification. China has employed technological methods and has t ......

Can't locate Devel/ in @INC (you may need to install the Devel::Size module)

001、perl 模块报错如下:Can't locate Devel/ in @INC (you may need to install the Devel::Size module) 002、解决方法: 安装该模块 (base) [b20223040323@admin1 003_an ......
Devel Size install locate module

T399752 The Maze of the Imperial Sister(御姐的迷宫)题解

Link T399752 The Maze of the Imperial Sister(御姐的迷宫) Question 判断图内是否有环 Solution 先判断连通性,所有点是不是在一个块内,然后用树的性质,点数 \(=\) 边数 \(+1\) 判断 Code #include<bits/std ......
题解 迷宫 Imperial T399752 399752

Atcoder 中高分段 选做 与 ARC vp

开坑,主推红题和铜牌题,来源乱七八糟,目前一部分来自学校给的。 一眼秒了标绿,想了很久或是接受了提示标蓝,看了题解或者认为题很难标红。意义重大标星。很主观(然后发现其实基本上大多数题都不会,狠狠地难过了)。 以后有时间可能会开始板刷 ARC,现在,还是,慢慢来吧。 upd-2023-10-30:和 ......
Atcoder ARC vp

Decoupling the Depth and Scope of Graph Neural Networks

目录概符号说明Shadow-GNN代码 Zeng H., Zhang M., Xia Y., Srivastava A., Malevich A., Kannan R., Prasanna V., Jin L. and Chen R. Decoupling the depth and scope o ......
Decoupling Networks Neural Depth Scope

[ARC106F] Figures 题解

题意 给定 \(N\) 个带有若干洞的节点,其中第 \(i\) 个点上有 \(d_i\) 个洞。 先可以在两个不同的节点的洞之间连边,一个洞最多连一条边,求使得最终形成的图是一棵树的方案数,对 \(998244353\) 取模。 洞之间相互区分,两个方案不同当且仅当存在一条边在两个方案中的连的洞不同 ......
题解 Figures 106F ARC 106

The 2020 ICPC Asia Shenyang Regional Programming Contest J. Descent of Dragons

来道喜闻乐见的DS题,这题虽然比较套路但还是挺有趣的 一个朴素的想法就是用类似于珂朵莉树那样的方式维护所有内部等级相同的区间,但当操作数量上去后,显然分出的区间数量就变得不可控了,无法处理 另一个朴素的想法就是对于不同等级的龙维护它们的所有信息,直接暴力记录的话肯定不行,但考虑到操作的方式是从\(x ......