majority 134c arc the

【pwn】[HGAME 2023 week1]choose_the_seat --数组越界,劫持got表

查一下程序保护情况 发现是partial relro,说明got表是可以修改的,下一步看代码逻辑 看到这一段 puts(&seats[16 * v0]);存在数组越界的漏洞,因为上面的代码没有对v0进行负数的限制,v0可以是负数,我们来看一下seat的数据 可以发现seat上面的数据就是got表,s ......
数组 choose_the_seat choose HGAME week1

[ARC106E] Medals 题解

题意 有一个商店和 \(N\) 名员工,其中第 \(i\) 名员工在第 \(1 \sim A_i\) 天工作,在第 \(A_i + 1 \sim 2 \times A_i\) 休息,接下来每 \(A_i\) 天改变一次状态。 每一天你都可以选择一名来上班的员工并为其颁一个奖,求使得每名员工都获得至少 ......
题解 Medals 106E ARC 106

[ARC092F] Two Faced Edges 题解

题意 给定一张有向图,询问将每条有向边反向过后整个图的强连通分量的个数是否发生改变。 数据范围:$n\le 1000,m\le 200000$。 思路 分类讨论,讨论强连通分量是增加了还是减少了,假设修改的边是 $u\to v$。 强连通分量减少 因为只修改了一条边,所以强连通分量减少的情况肯定是 ......
题解 Faced Edges 092F ARC

pip下载python软件包时报错 Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement requests_toolbelt (from versions: none)

pip下载python软件包时报错,使用了国内源等各种方法,后来才知道是电脑中打开了抓包工具;打开抓包工具后一定要关闭抓包工具,这样下载软件包就下载下来了 关闭抓包工具后,下载成功了 ......

husky——The '.husky/pre-commit' hook was ignored because it's not set as executable

前言 系统:mac hint: The '.husky/pre-commit' hook was ignored because it's not set as executable. hint: You can disable this warning with `git config advic ......
husky executable pre-commit 39 because

ARC119F 题解

前言 ARC119F 好厉害,是没见过的自动机 DP。 正文 [1] 分析 主要分析一下为什么这么写。 [2] 状态设计 [3] 自动机状态转移 感觉状态设计中最难的就是如何处理带 \(O\) 的。 见参考资料。 [4] 代码 还没写。写ing 这是自动机的初始化(有点麻烦)。 int to[Kin ......
题解 119F ARC 119

nginx / 引发的400 The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port

问题: 使用nginx反向代理并将所有80转到443,访问 https://域名/login 出现问题如下,访问 https://域名/login/ 正常显示,但是点击登录无法发送请求仅仅刷新验证码。求解答 <html> <head> <title> 400 The plain HTTP reque ......
request nginx HTTPS plain HTTP

RuntimeError: The scheduler seems to be running under uWSGI, but threads have been disabled. You must run uWSGI with the --enable-threads option for the scheduler to work报错

解释 RuntimeError: The scheduler seems to be running under uWSGI, but threads have been disabled. You must run uWSGI with the --enable-threads option fo ......

【论文阅读笔记】【OCR-文本识别】 CLIPTER: Looking at the Bigger Picture in Scene Text Recognition

CLIPTER ICCV 2023 读论文思考的问题 论文试图解决什么问题? 现有的文本识别方法只关注于局部截取的文本区域,识别模型并没有利用全图的上下文信息,导致其可能对有挑战性的文本的识别效果较差 能否以某种方式使识别器利用上global feature的信息? 文章提出了什么样的解决方法? 提 ......
Recognition 文本 CLIPTER Looking Picture

A Protection Measure-the river chief system

The river and lake chief system, namely the river chief system, is an ecological civilization construction system innovation in which the party and go ......
Measure-the Protection Measure system river

The prevention of water contamination

In order to prevent and control water contamination, China has formulated many policies and laws, such as the Water Pollution Prevention and Control L ......
contamination prevention water The of

使用反编译软件jd-gui.exe,打开提示:The application requires a Java Runtime Environment 1.8.0

jd-gui.exe,打开提示:The application requires a Java Runtime Environment 1.8.0 但是已经是java1.8版本了 这时候修改注册表win+R 输入 regedit 打开注册表 找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE ......

The measures of China's air pollution

The expiring action plan The earlier Air Pollution Action Plan, released in September 2013, may have been China’s most influential environmental polic ......
pollution measures China The air

The measures of solving water issues

(1)Proper Sewage TreatmentAs a way of reducing the pollution load to zero, there is a need for the more advanced engineered cleaning process. Some dev ......
measures solving issues water The

Fight Hard for Ecological Protection and Governance of the Yellow River to Address the Water Contamination

1.Effective measure aimed at addressing the water contamination: We will fight hard for ecological protection and governance of the Yellow River. We w ......

The 2023 ICPC Nanjing Regional Contest G,F

G. 背包 我们要是选一个集合出来 并且免除k个宝石的话 我们一定是选最贵的k个宝石免费 这样我们的做法就是对wi排序 然后前面的做背包 后面直接贪心选vi最大的k个 这样是一定包含了最优解的 当然你可以用二分bit 也可以直接维护另一个dp int n,tr1[200010],tr2[200010 ......
Regional Contest Nanjing 2023 ICPC

The solution of soil erosion

Solution of soil erosion (1) Engineering measures: building terraces, damming and silting land, using earthwork and concrete works, fish scale pits, e ......
solution erosion soil The of

cf1325D. Ehab the Xorcist(位运算trick) 有一个非常经典的结论 a+b=(a^b)+2(a&b) 这个题就可以往上面靠,首先我们观察一下,对于两个数的情况,如果(v-u) mod 2=1,必然无解,试着将它扩展一下,也是对的,因为最低一位没有进位。 ......
Xorcist trick 1325 Ehab the

Kattis - A Complex Problem (The 2023 ICPC Rocky Mountain Regional Contest)

Intro This was one of the problems I didn't do during the regional contest. One of my teammates solved it. Observation There are few things to note. F ......
Mountain Regional Complex Contest Problem

The governance measures of marine oil pollution

The governance measures (1). Preventive measures. Prevention is one of the most effective control methods, including the following aspects: a. Strengt ......
governance pollution measures marine The

kubeadm部署的k8s证书过期问题 k8s问题排查:the existing bootstrap client certificate in /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf is expired

解决问题: 估计跟移动有关,下面那个没解决问题,是因为在原有文件的基础上修改的吧?而这里直接是移走,重新生成了新的。不太清楚是不是这个原因。 $ cd /etc/kubernetes/pki/ $ mv {apiserver.crt,apiserver-etcd-client.key,apiserv ......
问题 certificate kubernetes k8s bootstrap

The PRC's Policy of Tackling Water Pollution

THE POLICY CONTEXT The industrial water management system in the PRC is spread over two phases (see Figure 1). The first phase is "before-process", wh ......
Pollution Tackling Policy Water The

the use of photovoltaic to prevent and control desertification

Land desertification is one of the main causes of sandstorm disaster. With the further intensification of global warming, desertification is becoming ......

Get environmentally friendly, biodegradable plastics into the market

Now digital techs empower plastic pollution combat in China, and our new material combined with non-enzymic hydrolysis, water dissolution and biodegra ......

The 10th Jimei University Programming Contest

外校打星队伍,排名22/450,还算凑合吧。 A. A+B问题 直接枚举进制 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using vi = vector<int>; void solve() { string str; vi a, b, s; ci ......
Programming University Contest Jimei The

The methods for Global Warming

The methods for deal with Global Warming: China's emission reduction measures to address climate change: mainly through market means, supplemented by ......
methods Warming Global The for

How does China solve the water pollution?

How does China solve the water pollution? One River, One Plan and One Map With the continuous development of China's economy and society, sudden water ......
pollution China solve water does

The use of green energy can effectively solve the problem of air pollution

The use of green energy can effectively solve the problem of air pollution 一、the operation of green energy Green energy refers to a way of producing a ......
effectively pollution problem energy green

EF报错:Unable to create an object of type 'XXXXXXX'. For the different patterns supported at design time, see

这个是在EF迁移的时候报错: 解决方案:修改你的MyDbcontext: 代码如下: public class StoreDbContexttFactory : IDesignTimeDbContextFactory< ‘你的类名’> { public ‘你的类名’CreateDbContext(s ......

The Measures of Ocean Trash

Ocean Trash Solutions: 7 Things You Can Do Today Everyone can do something to help solve the plastic pollution problem, and millions of people worldwi ......
Measures Ocean Trash The of