morning four the in

Learn Git in 30 days——第 01 天:认识 Git 版本控制

写的非常好的一个Git系列文章,强烈推荐 原文链接: 笔者使用 Subversion (SVN) 已经将近 10 年,从来都不觉得有任何必要换成其他版本控制平台,直到 ......
Git 版本 Learn days 30

安装MinGW时报错“The file has been downloaded incorrectly!”解决方案

这篇文章提供了Windows下安装MinGW报错“The file has been downloaded incorrectly!”的解决方案,简单来说,就是不用下载器,自己找好文件下载就行。 ......

Programming abstractions in C阅读笔记:p107-p110

《Programming Abstractions In C》学习第46天,p107-p110,3.1小节——“The concept of interface”,总结如下: 一、技术总结 1.client p108,调用library的program称为client。 2.interface p1 ......
abstractions Programming 笔记 107 110

解决Mac 上码云gitee或者github出现The requested URL returned error: 403

出现场景 要把某个项目push到码云上,已经设置了仓库地址,在最后一步直接报错。 adodeMacBook-Pro:yimabao ado$ git push --set-upstream origin master remote: [session-774b45b9] Access denied ......
requested returned github gitee error

Auto-registering all your components in Vue 3 with Vite

Auto-registering all your components in Vue 3 with Vite #vue#vitejs#components Why auto-register components? I'm actually a big fan of manually import ......

番茄工作法 All In One

番茄工作法 All In One 番茄工作法(英语:Pomodoro Technique)是一种时间管理方法,在1980年代由Francesco Cirillo创立。 该方法使用一个定时器来分割出一个一般为25分钟的工作时间和5分钟的休息时间,而那些时间段被称为 pomodoros,为意大利语单词 ... ......
工作法 番茄 All One In

How to compare two linked lists are equal in Python All In One

How to compare two linked lists are equal in Python All In One 在 Python 中如何比较两个链表是否相等 ......
compare Python linked equal lists

How to use Javascript JSON.stringify similar method in Python All In One

How to use Javascript JSON.stringify similar method in Python All In One 如何在 Python 中使用类似 JavaScript JSON.stringify 的方法 ......
Javascript stringify similar method Python

【转载】The secret to success

## Article Format Source ChatGPT ## Main Content Source Title: The secret to success Source: Author:壹号课堂 ## Main ......
success secret The to

程序局部性原理 All In One

# 程序局部性原理 All In One > 性能优化 ## 数组 vs `链表` 数组: 内存地址连续,顺序读取 链表: 内存地址非连续,非顺序读取 如果数据以`查找`为主,很少涉及到增和删,选择`数组`; 如果数据涉及到频繁的`插入`和`删除`,或元素所需分配`内存`空间过`大`,则优先选择`链 ......
局部性 局部 原理 程序 All

Go - What's the point of one-way channels in Go?

A channel can be made read-only to whoever receives it, while the sender still has a two-way channel to which they can write. For example: func F() <- ......
channels one-way point Go What

Google Earth Studio All In One

Google Earth Studio All In One 3D 地图特效制作 Google Earth Studio is a browser-based animation tool for Google Earth's 3D and satellite imagery. Google Ear... ......
Google Studio Earth All One

[React Typescript] Generics in Class Component

interface TableProps<T> { rows: T[]; renderRow: (row: T) => ReactNode; } export class Table<T> extends React.Component<TableProps<T>> { render(): Reac ......
Typescript Component Generics React Class

.NET后台任务-Worker services in .NET

## 来自你的消息: 怎么理解 Worker services in .NET ? ## 来自ChatAI的消息: Worker Services是.NET Core中的一个特性,它使开发人员能够轻松创建和托管长时间运行的后台任务或服务。Worker Services使用.NET Core的异步编程 ......
NET 后台 services 任务 Worker

Striving for Simplicity and Performance in Off-Policy DRL: Output Normalization and Non-Uniform Sampling

![]( **发表时间:**2020(ICML 2020) **文章要点:**这篇文章基于SAC做简单并且有效的改进来提升 ......

The selected directory is not a validhome for Go SDK

安装IDE集成开发工具配置 IDE版本:goland-2020.2.3_Protable 错误:下边指定go的sdk错误解决 报“The selected directory is not a validhome for Go SDK”报错解决方法 出现这个错误的原因是 idea 的Go-plugi ......
directory validhome selected The SDK

WSL2 Cannot connect to the Docker daemon [已解决]

如果你已经在网上找了很多方法了,那建议你再试试这个。 1,进入WSL2,去除WSL1遗留的环境变量 ``` shell unset DOCKER_HOST ``` 2,设置Docker-Desktop指定运行的wsl2环境,默认是docker-desktop ![image](https://img ......
connect Cannot Docker daemon WSL2

G. Vlad and the Mountains

G. Vlad and the Mountains Vlad decided to go on a trip to the mountains. He plans to move between $n$ mountains, some of which are connected by roads. ......
Mountains Vlad and the

MySql中You can't specify target table for update in FROM clause

## MySql中You can't specify target table for update in FROM clause 问题描述:当我执行下面这段语句时,出现了这个bug ```sql UPDATE account set status=1 where id in ( select id ......
specify clause target update MySql

The MySQL server is running with the LOCK_WRITE_GROWTH option so it cannot execute this statement

然后百度 参考:The MySQL server is running with the LOCK_WRITE_GROWTH option so it cannot execute this statement_冰尘s1的博客-CSDN博客 mysql报错The MySQL server is ru ......

cross-reference creating in ms word

# equation How to create a cross-reference to an equation in Word - Microsoft Word 365 ......

How to set z-index order in Canvas using javascript All In One

How to set z-index order in Canvas using javascript All In One 如何使用 javascript 在 Canvas 中设置 z-index 顺序 ......
javascript z-index Canvas index order

Programming abstractions in C阅读笔记:p91-p106

《Programming Abstractions In C》学习第45天,p91-p102,完成第二章内容学习。总结如下: 一、技术总结 1.垃圾回收 p91,"Some language, including Java support a system for dynamic allocatio ......
abstractions Programming 笔记 106 91

如何使用原生 JavaScript Canvas API 实现视频中的绿幕背景替换功能 All In One

如何使用原生 JavaScript Canvas API 实现视频中的绿幕背景替换功能 All In One Canvas & Video ......
JavaScript 背景 功能 Canvas 视频

题解 Gym 102978F【Find the LCA】

## problem You are given an integer sequence $A_1,A_2,\ldots,A_N$. You'll make a rooted tree with $N$ vertices numbered from $1$ through $N$. The vert ......
题解 102978F 102978 Find Gym

Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do

今天在idea里面创建了一个项目,然后又在gitee中创建了一个项目,然后我打算把idea上面的那个小demo上传到我的gitee仓库中,结果一直报 Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do这样的错误,其中原 ......
rejected contains Updates because remote

Tarjan例题:洛谷 P2863 [USACO06JAN] The Cow Prom S

### [在洛谷中查看]( 模板题,缩完点后扫一遍就行了。 巩固基础。 ```cpp #include using namespace std; const int N = 1e4+5; int n,m,dfn[N],lo ......
例题 Tarjan P2863 USACO 2863

pg库报UnicodeDecodeError 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe4 in position 0 ordinal not in range 128

UnicodeDecodeError 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe4 in position 0 ordinal not in range 128 其实就是加个:client_encoding配置 #1、直接使用 psycopg2 def __init__( ......

CUDA 配置环境(三):nvcc fatal : Could not set up the environment for Microsoft Visual Studio using 已解决

解决在QT中编写CUDA程序出现nvcc fatal : Could not set up the environment for Microsoft Visual Studio using的问题问题详情 在QT编写CUDA代码,在已经配好.pro文件中的代码,并且CUDA安装没有问题,还可以在VS ......
environment Microsoft 环境 Visual Studio

使用 Kafka Tools(现已更名为 Offeset Exploer)无法连接虚拟机的 Kafka 集群,报错error connecting to the cluster

发生缘由 学习 Kafka 的使用,结果发现使用 Kafka Tools(现已更名为 Offeset Exploer)无法连接虚拟机的 Kafka 集群,报错信息:error connecting to the cluster. unable to connect to zookeeper serv ......
Kafka 集群 connecting Exploer Offeset