objectives you for and

As a project I always want to create for myself as a gift, the MVVM framework is more or less satisfying

I used to want to build a MVVM project for myself, especially since I wrote my mementowriter project which is no jQuery, and that was very time consum ......
satisfying framework project always create


1.for循环: 2. 3.for循环案例 package com.itheima.loop; public class For2 { public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i = 0; i <=100 ; i++) { System.o ......
for 案例 基础 java

✂️ Copy and Paste Emoji Emoji 表情符号大全

✂️ Copy and 📋 Paste Emoji 👍 Emoji 表情符号大全 搬运自 https://getemoji.com/ 表情符号支持iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, Linux和ChromeOS。复制和粘贴表情符号Twitter, Facebook, Sl ......
Emoji 符号 表情 大全 Paste

llama-factory fine-tuning-3 (conception and technologies explanation)

train method supervised fine-tuning Reward Modeling PPO training DPO training full-parameter partial-parameter LoRA QLoRA command parameter fp16 gradi ......

Mysql - Error 1055: Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'user.nickname' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause

编写SQL时需要如下错误,即出现错误 ERROR 1055,SELECT列表不在GROUP BY语句内且存在不函数依赖GROUP BY语句的非聚合字段'edusassvc.u.nickname',这是和sql_mode=only_full_group_by不兼容的(即不支持)。 分析问题 1)原理层 ......

java 打包后jmeter使用Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributes错误

ideal 编写代码后,打包了一个jar 是连关联的第三方jar一起打的 用到jmeter 后置处理器中 报错: Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributes 解决方案1:(手动删除文件) 通过压缩软件查看程序生成的jar包,可 ......
attributes signature Manifest 错误 Invalid

神经网络入门篇之深层神经网络:详解前向传播和反向传播(Forward and backward propagation)

深层神经网络(Deep L-layer neural network) 复习下前面的内容: 1.逻辑回归,结构如下图左边。一个隐藏层的神经网络,结构下图右边: 注意,神经网络的层数是这么定义的:从左到右,由0开始定义,比如上边右图,\({x}_{1}\)、\({x}_{2}\)、\({x}_{3}\ ......

medical custom dataset for fine-tuning llama2

data preparation we use huggingface shibin6624/medical to fine-tuning llama2, please note that this dataset is consist of en and cn data, here we just ......
fine-tuning medical dataset custom llama2

Educational Codeforces Round 158 (Rated for Div. 2)

A. Line Trip There is a road, which can be represented as a number line. You are located in the point \(0\) of the number line, and you want to travel ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 158

[WARNING] The POM for com.alibaba:druid:jar:1.1.21 is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable debug logging for more details是什么问题

这个警告表明 Maven 在尝试下载或处理 com.alibaba:druid:1.1.21 这个依赖项时遇到了问题。警告的具体内容是说 POM(Project Object Model)文件无效,这可能会导致 Maven 无法正确地处理传递性依赖关系。有几种可能的原因和解决方法: 1.网络问题: ......

measures for air pollution in India

India is a country that is also struggling with severe air pollution problems, particularly in its urban centers. The environmental issues India is de ......
pollution measures India for air

论文:Multistep ahead prediction of temperature and humidity in solar greenhouse based on FAM-LSTM model

Multistep ahead prediction of temperature and humidity in solar greenhouse based on FAM-LSTM model 基于 FAM-LSTM 模型的日光温室温湿度多步提前预测 题目:“Multistep ahead pr ......

CF992E Nastya and King-Shamans

题意 给定一个序列 \(s\),记其前缀和序列为 \(g_i\),\(q\) 次修改。 每次修改后输出任意满足 \(s_i = g_{i - 1}\) 的解。 Sol 前缀和数组,每次答案使 \(s_i \times 2\)。 也就是答案的个数不会超过 \(log\)。 再想,\(s_i - g_{ ......
King-Shamans Shamans Nastya 992E King

CA-TCC: 半监督时间序列分类的自监督对比表征学习《Self-supervised Contrastive Representation Learning for Semi-supervised Time-Series Classification》(时间序列、时序表征、时间和上下文对比、对比学习、自监督学习、半监督学习、TS-TCC的扩展版)

现在是2023年11月27日,10:48,今天把这篇论文看了。 论文:Self-supervised Contrastive Representation Learning for Semi-supervised Time-Series Classification GitHub:https://g ......
时间序列 时间 序列 supervised 时序

MQTT vs. HTTP: which one is the best for IoT?

MQTT vs. HTTP: which one is the best for IoT? 翻译 搜索 复制 ......
which MQTT HTTP best IoT

《Visual Analytics for RNN-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning》

摘要 准备开题报告,整理一篇 2022 年TOP 论文。 论文介绍 该论文是一篇 2022 年,有关可视化分析基于RNN 的深度强化学习训练过程的文章。一作是 Junpeng Wang ,作者主要研究领域就是:visualization, visual analytics, explainable ......

SP19543 GSS8 - Can you answer these queries VIII 题解

更好的阅读体验 SP19543 GSS8 - Can you answer these queries VIII fhq + 二项式定理。提供一个不太一样的思路。默认下标从 \(1\) 开始。 首先插入删除,区间查询,想到可以平衡树维护或者离线下来做线段树。本文中是用的是 fhq,好写一些。 \(k ......
题解 queries answer 19543 these

Can Pre-Trained Text-to-Image Models Generate Visual Goals for Reinforcement Learning

概述 Learning form the Void (LfVoid) 根据给定的language instruction对observation进行appearance-based and structure-based修改得到goal images,为RL提供奖励信号。提升了example-bas ......

秦疆的Java课程笔记:42 流程控制 增强For循环

Java5引入的一种主要用于数组或集合的增强型for循环。这里只是先了解一下。 格式如下: for(声明语句:表达式) { //代码语句 } 声明语句:声明新的局部变量,该变量的类型必须和数组元素的类型匹配。其作用于限定在循环语句块,其值与此数组元素的值相等。 表达式:表达式是要访问的数组名,或者是 ......
流程 课程 笔记 Java For

[Script][2d_poly_examples][2D Polygon - Simulation Object]

来源:官网案例,侵删。 2D Polygon - Simulation Object – Ansys Optics https://optics.ansys.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034901613-Structures-2D-Polygon 2d_poly_exampl ......

Computer vision: models, learning and inference

http://www.computervisionmodels.com/ 13.2.3 SIFT detector SIFT 尺度不变特征转换 s a second method for identifying interest points 一个尺度和对应兴趣点定位 14 15 16 ......
inference Computer learning vision models

CrossOver 23.7 for Mac:在 macOS 上运行 Windows 应用

CrossOver 23.7 for Mac:在 macOS 上运行 Windows 应用 请访问原文链接:https://sysin.org/blog/crossover-23/,查看最新版。原创作品,转载请保留出处。 作者主页:sysin.org CrossOver:在 macOS、Linux ......
CrossOver Windows macOS 23.7 for

activation functions summary and comparision

written in the foreword Any nonlinear function that has good derivative properties has the potential to become an activation function. So here, we wil ......
comparision activation functions summary and

Drawdown——A New Way of Thinking About and Acting on Global Warming in Mexico

小组成员:张怡婷、郑乔鸿、饶佳欣、程小英 小组分工:集中讨论,共同完成 Introduction In the face of global climate change, countries around the world are confronted with similar challeng ......
Drawdown Thinking Warming Acting Global

centos8 yum时总报错Failed to synchronize cache for repo ‘AppStream‘, ignoring this repo.

进入/etc/yum.repos.d/找到对应的CentOS-AppStream.repo文件,把原始的baseurl换成​​​​​​https://mirrors.aliyun.com/centos/8-stream/AppStream/$basearch/os/ 跟其他的不一样的地方在8-str ......
repo synchronize AppStream ignoring centos8

CF1901 B Chip and Ribbon 题解

Link CF1901 B Chip and Ribbon Qustion 初始有 \(n\) 个格子,刚开始每个格子都是 \(0\) ,Monocarp 刚开始在一号格子中,并使得 \(a[1]+1\),每一轮,Monocarp 可以进行两个操作 操作 1 ,Monocarp 移动到下一个格子, ......
题解 Ribbon 1901 Chip and

Vue3中 使用v-for嵌套 获取其他数组中的值作为key值 渲染数据

<tbody> <tr v-for="(row, idx) in rows" :key="idx"> <td v-for="(item, key) in title" :key="key">{{ row[key] }}</td> </tr> </tbody> rows是一个数组,但是我不知道他的键值 ......
数组 数据 v-for Vue3 Vue

ABC330 E Mex and Update 题解

Link ABC330 E Mex and Update Question 给一个数组 \(a\),有 \(Q\) 次修改 每次把 \(a_i\) 改成 \(x\) 问每次修改后,不在 \(a\) 数组中的最小非负数时多少 Solution 记录每个 \(a_i\) 出现的次数 \(num\) 每个 ......
题解 Update ABC 330 Mex

SP1557 GSS2 - Can you answer these queries II 题解

SP1557 GSS2 - Can you answer these queries II 更好的阅读体验 扫描线。把询问挂在右端点上,扫描右端点,纵轴仍为序列维。 对于这种出现多次的数只算一次的,记 \(pre_i\) 表示 \(i\) 这个值上一次的出现位置,套路化的可以强制让出现多次的在 \( ......
题解 queries answer these 1557

2023/11/27,新尝试,try and gain back,happy ,

如图所示,可以安心去上一段时间了哈哈哈,晚饭又没吃,, 自律,吃饭,作息,运动,身体的弹性是有限度的? 哈哈哈,但是尝试有正反馈很开心,虽然可能很小白, 之前一致纠结要不要save这一步,搞得不大清楚,但也能先跑起来试试,哈哈哈 ......
happy 2023 gain back try