pollution light

Water Pollution in China

Water pollution is a major environmental problem worldwide, especially in developing countries. By 1989, 436 of China's 532 rivers were polluted. In 1 ......
Pollution Water China in

3 ways light pollution harms the planet - and what we can do about it

Light pollution not only impacts the environment, but our health too. ·Global light pollution has increased by 49% over 25 years to 2017, new research ......
pollution planet light harms about

Water Pollution

causes:1. Industrial pollution: industrial wastewater, which contains many pollutants and complex compositions, is not only not easy to purify in wate ......
Pollution Water

Air Pollution in China

Detail Air pollution Of the 522 cities monitored in 2005, 11% were considered heavily polluted and only 56% had air quality that met the State Environ ......
Pollution China Air in

Water Pollution

What Is Water Pollution? Water pollution occurs when harmful substances—often chemicals or microorganisms—contaminate a stream, river, lake, ocean, aq ......
Pollution Water

Water pollution

Water pollution refers to the reduction or loss of water use value caused by harmful chemicals, which pollutes the environment. ......
pollution Water

Water Pollution

Human activities will make a large number of industrial, agricultural and domestic waste into the water, so that the water is polluted. At present, mo ......
Pollution Water

Light Pollution

Light pollution, unwanted or excessive artificial light. Like noise pollution, light pollution is a form of waste energy that can cause adverse effect ......
Pollution Light

Air Pollution

What Is Air Pollution? Smoke from a factory. Image credit: Anastasiia Tymoshenko/Shutterstock Since toxins accumulate up the animal food chain, top pr ......
Pollution Air

Indoor air pollution: What causes it and how to tackle it

Most people think of air pollution as something that comes from factories or motor vehicles. However, did you know that the air inside your home or pl ......
pollution Indoor causes tackle What

2023ICCV_Generalized Lightness Adaptation with Channel Selective Normalization

一. Motivatetion 跨域效果不好:在已知亮度的数据集上表现良好,在未知亮度的数据集上表现不好,泛化性能较差。 挑战:如何识别和亮度相关的通道并进行选择,并且获得泛化能力 归一化:从给定特征中提取不变的良好的良好特性,特别对于亮度分量 [ 归一化和亮度相关的特性: 1. 亮度一致性: 实例 ......

2023ICCV_Retinexformer: One-stage Retinex-based Transformer for Low-light Image Enhancement

一. Motivation (1) Retinex理论没有考虑到噪声,并且基于Retinex分解的网络通常需要很多阶段训练。 (2)直接使用从CNN从低光图像到正常光图像的映射忽略了人类的颜色感知,CNN更适合捕获局部信息,对于捕获远程依赖和非局部自相似性方面存在局限。 二.Contribution ......

Codeforces Global Round 17 A. Anti Light's Cell Guessing

给一个 \(n \times m\) 的网格,里面藏了一个炸弹 \((x_0, y_0)\) 。你可以选择 \(k\) 个坐标 \((x_1, y_1), (x_2, y_2), \cdots, (x_k, y_k)\) 。第 \(i\) 次选择计算机会回复你一个数 \(d_i = |x_0 - x ......
Codeforces Guessing Global Round Light

Idea2023侧边栏快速切换主题IntelliJ Light、Light、Dark

这是2023新版的,可以通过侧边栏,快速切换适用于白天、晚上的编辑主题,而不用每次去设置里面操作,很方便。 ......
侧边 Light IntelliJ 主题 Idea

[ARC105F] Lights Out on Connected Graph

前置芝士:[[ABC213G] Connectivity 2](https://www.cnblogs.com/adam01/p/17681390.html) #### 题目大意 给你一张 $n$ 个点 $m$ 条边的图,求有多少种删边方法使得删完后的图是一张联通二分图。 $n\le 17,m\le ......
Connected Lights Graph 105F ARC

2023.08.29T4 - light - solution

# light [P9111 [福建省队集训2019] 最大权独立集问题](https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/P9111) ## Problem 给定一棵 $n$ 个节点的树,并给定每个点的点权 $a_i$。 定义一次操作为: - 选择一个未被删除的节点 $u$,$w ......
solution light 2023 08 29

P3011 [USACO11JAN] Traffic Lights S

# P3011 [USACO11JAN] Traffic Lights S [TOC] ## 题目 ### **题目描述** 和FJ靠的最近的城市Kenosha市有 $M$条道路。(编号为$1-M$) 连接着$N$个路口 (编号为$1-N$) 。保证没有重边和自环。 从点$i$到点$j$需要的时间是 ......
Traffic Lights P3011 USACO 3011

SocialLGN Light graph convolution network for social recommendation

[TOC] > [Liao J., Zhou W., Luo F., Wen J., Gao M., Li X. and Zeng J. SocialLGN: Light graph convolution network for social recommendation. Information ......

P4 UVA11400 Lighting System Design

很好的一道 DP 题。 首先按照电压排序。 然后考虑 $dp[i]$ 表示前 $i$ 盏灯的最小花费,则应该有 $dp[i]=min(dp[j]+(s[i]-s[j])*c[i]+k[i])$,其中 $s[i]$ 表示前 $i$ 盏灯的总需求数。 为什么可以这样子直接用前缀,而不用考虑 "跳着选" ......
Lighting Design System 11400 UVA

Set A Light 3D Studio Mac三维模拟影棚布光软件

SetA Light3D Studio是一款全新的专业三维模拟影棚灯光布光软件,支持在 Mac平台上制作虚拟摄影棚,能够快速制作出真实影棚布光效果,可以使用专业的灯光器材和道具。软件功能强大,操作简单,是一款功能强大的专业三维模拟影棚灯光软件。 SetA Light3D Studio Mac版是一个 ......
Studio Light 软件 Set Mac

P9017 [USACO23JAN] Lights Off G 题解

## Description 给定正整数 $N$,和两个长为 $N$ 的 $01$ 序列 $a$ 和 $b$。定义一次操作为: 1. 将 $b$ 序列中的一个值翻转(即 $0$ 变成 $1$,$1$ 变成 $0$,下同)。 2. 对于 $b$ 序列中每个值为 $1$ 的位置,将 $a$ 序列中对应位 ......
题解 Lights P9017 USACO 9017

set.a.light 3D STUDIO - 3D摄影棚模拟布光软件mac/win版

set.a.light 3D STUDIO是一款专业的摄影灯光模拟软件,为摄影师和摄影爱好者提供了一个真实、细致的虚拟摄影棚环境。它可以帮助用户在计算机上进行灯光设置和调整,以达到理想的照片效果。 →→↓↓载set.a.light 3D STUDIO set.a.light 3D STUDIO具有丰 ......
摄影棚 STUDIO light 软件 set

hackthebox pollution insane

start of namp it's bannber tells us it's apache also running debian and more importatntly we get a php session cookie id back so chances are this is g ......
hackthebox pollution insane

[CSS] Easy dark or light mode

You only require a few lines of CSS to enable a dark/light mode on your website. You just need to let browsers know that your website can display corr ......
light Easy dark mode CSS

cvxpylayer使用(基于Compressive Structured Light for Recovering Inhomogeneous Participating Media论文复现)

论文中Gini系数的计算 ``` def cal_sparsity(x): # print(x.shape) n=x.shape[0] # x=x.reshape(x.shape.prob) x=x.abs() x,_=x.sort() # print(x) Gx=0 for k in range( ......

P3134 [USACO16JAN] Lights Out G 关灯

# P3134 [USACO16JAN] Lights Out G 关灯 [TOC] [题目传送门洛谷链接](https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/P3134) # [USACO16JAN] Lights Out G ## 题面翻译 ### 题目描述 Farmer Joh ......
Lights P3134 USACO 3134 JAN

WPF在win10/11上启用模糊特效 适配Dark/Light Mode

先看效果图 win11: win10: 大佬们已经总结了许多在WPF上开启亚克力效果的方法,本文只是做一些填坑和适配工作. 正文开始 先来看看部分版本Windows的模糊效果和我的适配方案: 1).早期Windows10:SetWindowCompositionAttribute 方法参照:在 Wi ......
特效 Light Dark Mode WPF

Set A Light 3D Studio Mac三维模拟影棚布光软件

SetA Light3D Studio是一款全新的专业三维模拟影棚灯光布光软件,支持在 Mac平台上制作虚拟摄影棚,能够快速制作出真实影棚布光效果,可以使用专业的灯光器材和道具。软件功能强大,操作简单,是一款功能强大的专业三维模拟影棚灯光软件。 SetA Light3D Studio Mac版是一个 ......
Studio Light 软件 Set Mac

【数据集】 Bosch Small Traffic Lights Dataset(BSTLD)

前言 参考 1. GitHub - berktepebag/Traffic-light-detection-with-YOLOv3-BOSCH-traffic-light-dataset; 2. Bosch Small Traffic Lights Dataset; 3. GitHub - bosc ......
Dataset Traffic 数据 Lights Bosch

2023ICLR_Embedding fourier for ultra-high-definition Low-light image enhancement

1. # narrow切片 x1, x2 = (x.narrow(1, 0, self.split_len1), x.narrow(1, self.split_len1, self.split_len2)) 假设输入的张量是x,那么这句代码的作用是将x在第1维(即行数)上分别切割为两个长度分别为se ......