pollution problem solve how

Reference and inspiration from China's strategy for addressing water pollution issues in Africa

According to China's three line one permit measures, we believe that this has a certain reference value for water pollution issues in Africa. The "thr ......

[ABC327G] Many Good Tuple Problems

题目链接 简化题意:有一个 \(n\) 个点的图,问有多少个长度为 \(M\) 的边序列,满足连边后图是二分图。 \(n\le 30,m\le 10^9\) 考虑先强制要求无重边。 定义 \(f_{i,j}\) 为 \(i\) 个点,\(j\) 条边的图的二分图染色数量(染色方式不同算多次)。这个是 ......
Problems Tuple 327G Many Good

How Can South Asia Adapt Integrated River Basin Management to Its Soil Erosion

Due to the instability of the monsoon, floods and droughts are frequent in South Asia, resulting in severe soil erosion. Every year, South Asia suffer ......
Integrated Management Erosion Adapt Basin

USACO 2022 December Contest, Silver Problem 3. Range Reconstruction 题解

Link USACO 2022 December Contest, Silver Problem 3. Range Reconstruction Question \(r_{l,r}\) 表示 \(max[l,r]-min[l,r]\) 给出所有的 \(r_{i,j}\) 求一个可行的序列 Solu ......

OI_problem 玛丽卡_洛谷P1186

题意 一个 \(N\) 个点 \(M\) 条边的带边权无向图,要求输出最小的 \(V\) 使得不管去掉哪一条边,都存在从 \(1\) 到 \(n\) 的路径使得边权和不超过 \(V\) 。 思路 感觉朴素不太好做,考虑二分。 对于一个二分值,即要判断在关于这个值的生成图中, \(1\) 和 \(n\ ......
OI_problem problem P1186 1186 OI

[Codeforces] CF1703F Yet Another Problem About Pairs Satisfying an Inequality

时间限制 \(2s\) | 空间限制 \(250M\) 题目描述 给你一个序列$ a_1, a_2, \dots a_n $ 。请计算出满足下面条件的 $(i,j) (1 \leq i, j \leq n) $个数 。 $ a_i < i < a_j < j $ . 输入格式 第一行包含一个整数 $ ......

[Codeforces] CF1858C Yet Another Permutation Problem

Yet Another Permutation Problem - 洛谷 这题本来很简单,思路我也想到了,但是代码一直没写对,思路也一直换来换去(悲 然而发现最开始的思路是对的 题意 Alex 收到了一个名为 "GCD 排列" 的游戏作为生日礼物。这个游戏的每一轮进行如下操作: 首先,Alex 选择 ......
Permutation Codeforces Another Problem 1858C

[ABC327D] Good Tuple Problem 题解

分析: 这一道题很容易发现可以用并查集来维护 (不知道为什么其他人都用了图论),\(a_i\) 与其对应的 \(b_i\) 代表着 \(a_i\) 这个集合里不能存在着 \(b_i\)。 根据只有存在两个集合,所以我们会发现,若 \(x\) 与 \(y\) 不在一个集合且 \(x\) 与 \(z\) ......
题解 Problem Tuple 327D Good

How to use 微PE to install WinOS. 怎么使用微PE安装系统.(no USB drive)

1.Download 微PE Install it. https://www.wepe.com.cn/download.html 2. Reboot your system, Select 微PE to start. 3. Open CGI备份还原 . Tips. Step 3 , choose y ......
install 系统 WinOS drive to

CF1858C Yet Another Permutation Problem

CF1858C Yet Another Permutation Problem Yet Another Permutation Problem - 洛谷 这题本来很简单,思路我也想到了,但是代码一直没写对,思路也一直换来换去(悲 然而发现最开始的思路是对的 题意 Alex 收到了一个名为 "GCD ......
Permutation Another Problem 1858C 1858

How to remove Symbolic Link

要移除软链接(symbolic link)在Linux中,你可以使用以下两种方法:使用rm命令或者使用unlink命令。 方法一:使用rm命令移除软链接 例如,如果你的软链接名称是mylink,你可以使用以下命令移除它: rm mylink 请注意,移除软链接不会影响软链接所指向的原始文件。 如果你 ......
Symbolic remove Link How to

git SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

错误: git SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate 这个问题是由于没有配置信任的服务器HTTPS验证。默认,cURL被设为不信任任何CAs,就是说,它不信任任何服务器验证。 解决方法 git config - ......
certificate problem issuer unable local

The United States adopts China's air pollution control measures

China has accumulated rich experience in air pollution control. When the United States faced a serious air pollution problem, it began to learn from C ......
pollution measures control States United

JWT - Problem of JWT

JWT Problem of

Applying sewage charging system to deal with water pollution problem in Russia.

What is the sewage charging system? Although manufacturing has always been a key driving force for China's economic growth, it is also the root cause  ......
pollution Applying charging problem sewage

The Application of River Chief System on Water Pollution in Britain

Water pollution is a global concern that affects the health and well-being of both humans and ecosystems. In Britain, despite efforts to address this ......
Application Pollution Britain System River

How Powerful are Spectral Graph Neural Networks?

目录概符号说明Spectral GNNChoice of Basis for Polynomial FiltersJacobiConv代码 Wang X. and Zhang M. How powerful are spectral graph neural networks? ICML, 2022 ......
Powerful Networks Spectral Neural Graph

Solving 0/1 knapsack problem with dynamic programming (英语课汇报)

Solving 0/1 knapsack problem with dynamic programming Introduction 0/1 knapsack problems A long time ago, an explorer went to an island where there we ......

Local Policies in China and Light Pollution in Singapore

Our measures to combat light pollution can be described as drastic. The main causes of light pollution can be categorized as light-emitting diodes and ......
Pollution Singapore Policies Local China

java.io.IOException: Problem reading font data.

字体库问题:运行命令fc-list 在运行yum install fontconfig后并没有解决这个问题那就是是临时文件的问题 在查看Tomcat下bin/catalina.sh 文件找到java 的JVM临时目录java.io.tmpdir的配置是CATALINA_TMPDIR=“$CATALI ......
IOException Problem reading java font

NEFU OJ Problem 1496 绿巨人吃绿苹果 题解

Problem:H Time Limit:1000ms Memory Limit:65535K Description 从前有一个绿巨人,他有个习惯是每餐只吃n个绿苹果。他有一棵神树,无限大,每一层都有且仅有k个枝杈,这k个枝杈上正好分别有1,2,3...,k个苹果。为了锻炼身体,他在同一层仅仅能选 ......
题解 巨人 苹果 Problem NEFU

Makefile - What is a Makefile and how does it work?

If you want to run or update a task when certain files are updated, the make utility can come in handy. The make utility requires a file, Makefile (or ......
Makefile What does work and

NEFU OJ Problem 1489 青蛙赶路 题解【动态规划DP】

Problem:G Time Limit:2000ms Memory Limit:65535K Description 有一只青蛙,每秒选择走1米或跳m米,青蛙体力不足,所以不能连续两秒都在跳。 青蛙将移动到[l,r]之间,它想知道有多少种不同的方式来实现其目标。 两种方式是不同的,当且仅当它们移动 ......
题解 青蛙 Problem 动态 NEFU

NEFU OJ Problem1485 贪吃蛇大作战 题解

Problem:F Time Limit:1000ms Memory Limit:65535K 题目 Description 贪吃蛇大家一定都玩过吧,现在宋哥也要玩这个游戏,最初的时候贪吃蛇从屏幕的左下角出发,但是有一个非常不幸的事情,就是宋哥的游戏机的左键和下键坏掉了,这意味着什么?没错!他只能操 ......
题解 Problem NEFU 1485 OJ

How Attentive are Graph Attention Networks?

目录概符号说明GATv2代码 Brody S., Alon U. and Yahav E. How attentive are graph attention networks? ICLR, 2022. 概 作者发现了 GAT 的 attention 并不能够抓住边的重要性, 于是提出了 GATv2 ......
Attentive Attention Networks Graph How

NEFU OJ Problem1487 时空乱流题解

时空乱流 Problem:E Time Limit:1500ms Memory Limit:65535K Description 星际飞行员Alice在一次航行中遭遇了时空乱流,时空乱流将导致Alice乘坐的飞船在n个位面之间穿梭。 星际宇航局管理员Bob收到了Alice的求救信号,决定在某些位面上 ......
乱流 题解 时空 Problem NEFU

T399753 counting problem(计数问题)题解

Link T399753 counting problem(计数问题) Question 给出一个正整数 \(n\) ,求 \(AB+CD=n\) 的方案数, \(A,B,C,D\) 都是要求是正整数 Solution 考虑直接枚举 \(ABCD\) 显然是不切实际的 那么就折半枚举 设 \(F_i ......
题解 counting T399753 problem 399753

T399751 Liangle's Rose Problem(亮亮的玫瑰问题)题解

Link T399751 Liangle's Rose Problem(亮亮的玫瑰问题) Question 给出一个数组 \(a\) ,有 \(Q\) 次询问,每次询问 \([L,R]\) 种随便挑选几个连续的 \(a_i\) 使得,他们几个的或的值最大 Solution 考虑贪心,如果把负数视为 ......
题解 玫瑰 T399751 Liangle Problem

How To Delete Reservations Using Standard API INV_RESERVATION_PUB.Delete_Reservation (Doc ID 2219367.1)

Solution Summary: The reservation API INV_RESERVATION_PUB.Delete_Reservation will delete reservations accepting the reservation id and optionally seri ......

How to use SUM and DINSTINCT with GreenDao?

How to use SUM and DINSTINCT with GreenDao querybuilder? Ask Question Asked 7 years ago Modified 6 years, 7 months ago Viewed 1k times Part of Mobile ......
DINSTINCT GreenDao with How SUM