programming computer using isom

Elasticsearch专题精讲——Installing Elasticsearch ——Install ECK using the Helm chart

Install ECK using the Helm chart Starting from ECK 1.3.0, a Helm chart is available to install ECK. It is available from the Elastic Helm repository a ......

2023 Hubei Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest

链接: C 画个图看看,复杂度 $O(1)$。 C++ Code #include "bits/stdc++.h" using namespace std; using i64 = long long; int main() { io ......

Object-oriented Programming

Object-oriented Programming Source: What Is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)? A Complete Guide What is OOP Object-oriented programming is a programmi ......

Think Python-How to Think Like a Computer Scientist_chapter4_练习 4-3

# coding=gbk import math import turtle bob = turtle.Turtle() print(bob) def pie(t,r,n): """画一个包含 n 个三角形的饼图。 t:Turtle object r:三角形腰长 n:包含几个三角形或几边形 """ ......

4、题目:Creativity in Electrical Engineering Degree Programs: Where Is the Content?

期刊信息 (1)作者:Adams,Scott (2)期刊:IEEE Transactions on Education, 2019/11, 62-4: 288-296 (3)DOI:10.1109/TE.2019.2912834 (4)ISSN:0018-9359 (5)IF:2.74 (Q2) 研 ......


c/c++程序中获取当前可执行文件所在的目录路径 对于大型工程中,可执行文件中通过c/c++代码获取到当前路径,可以很大方便于工程后续的部署与运维工作。 比如说根据当前的可执行文件路径获取到配置文件的路径,然后加载读取配置文件。 有了这个能力就不用再在操作系统中配置环境变量来指定当前工程的目录了,让 ......

Web server failed to start. Port 7014 was already in use.

在idea里面运行java,控制台提示Web server failed to start. Port 7014 was already in use. 原因:端口被占用了 解决方案:找到端口被那个程序占用了,然后停掉即可 1. 打开cmd窗口,输入netstat -aon|findstr 7014 ......
already server failed start Port

Using base64 encoding and decoding for file transfer in AX 2012

Base64 BinData If you want to transfer small file data using AX and do not want to make use of shared folders or file uploading, sending your file dir ......
encoding decoding transfer Using 2012

How to use axios.js instead of request.js to get data as a buffer All In One

How to use axios.js instead of request.js to get data as a buffer All In One 如何使用 axios.js 代替 request.js 获取数据作为缓冲区 ......
instead request buffer axios to

How to get Linux kernel Information using the command line All In One

How to get Linux kernel Information using the command line All In One 如何使用命令行获取 Linux 内核信息 ......
Information command kernel Linux using

How to decompose combined emoji using js All In One

How to decompose combined emoji using js All In One 如何使用 js 分解组合的表情符号 ......
decompose combined emoji using How

vue3 ref、computed、watch...

setup() { let jg = reactive({foor:'bar',far:{ a:'ccc' }}) // 解构赋值 foor 为一个普通变量 没有响应式 // 解构赋值 far 为一个响应式,far获得了Proxy的引用 let { foor ,far} = jg function ......
computed watch vue3 vue ref

Cycle GAN:Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks

paper: [2017] code 参考: ......

kotlin use函数

简述 use函数是kotlin的语法糖,用于在使用资源(如文件、流等)后自动关闭它们。使用 use 函数可以确保资源在不再需要时被正确释放,从而避免资源泄漏和其他问题。 和我们写try with resource是一样的,使用use会自动close资源 use函数只能用于实现了 Closeable ......
函数 kotlin use

Spatiotemporal Remote Sensing Image Fusion Using Multiscale Two-Stream Convolutional Neural Networks

Spatiotemporal Remote Sensing Image Fusion Using Multiscale Two-Stream Convolutional Neural Networks abstract 地表反射率图像的渐变和突变是现有STF方法的主要挑战。(Gradual and ......

use a script run by gromacs to analysis protein protein complex dynamic

using gromacs to write a script for protein-protein complex moleculer dynamics from force field selection to trajectory analyze step by step,and give ......
protein analysis gromacs complex dynamic

How use the RegExp to filter IP address in js All In One

How use the RegExp to filter IP address in js All In One 如何使用 RegExp 在 js 中过滤 IP 地址 < 192.168.18.N < ignore IPs: 192.168.1 ......
address RegExp filter How All

[CMU 15-418] (Lecture4) Parallel Programming Basics

本系列文章为 CMU 15-418/15-618: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming, Fall 2018 课程学习笔记 课程官网:CMU 15-418/15-618: Parallel Computer Architecture and ......
Programming Lecture4 Parallel Lecture Basics


computed和watch的区别 computed 和watch的相同点。底层都会创建一个 watcher(用法的区别:computed 定义的属性可以在模板中使用,watch 不能在视图中使用) computed 默认不会执行 只有取值的时候才会执行 内部会维护一个 dirty 属性,来控制依赖 ......
源码 computed watch vue2 vue

Video Stream Analytics Using OpenCV, Kafka and Spark Technologies

Key Takeaways For reliable handling and efficient processing of large scale video stream data, there is a need for a scalable, fault tolerant and loos ......
Technologies Analytics Stream OpenCV Video

解决Some index files failed to download.They have been ignored, or old ones used instead报错

使用ping测试一下网络,如果出现:ping: Temporary failure in name resolution就是网络问题了 以下是解决办法,修改两处后重启即可,下面详细说明 第一处修改的地方: sudo vim /etc/syst ......
download ignored instead failed index

[CMU 15-418] (Lecture3) Parallel Programming Abstractions

本系列文章为 CMU 15-418/15-618: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming, Fall 2018 课程学习笔记 课程官网:CMU 15-418/15-618: Parallel Computer Architecture and ......

CA2 Evolutionary Computation

CA2 Continuous Assignment - Evolutionary Computation 2022 1. Average and maximum path length of graphs. (a) Calculate the average pathlength of the fo ......
Evolutionary Computation CA2 CA

java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''',b_5='17',b_6='' wher

java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right s ......

KEIL5--Error: L6915E: Library reports error: __use_no_semihosting was requested报错解决方法

__use_no_semihosting was requested:要求不使用半主机模式。 比较简单的一个解决方法就是点击“魔术棒” ,在Target标签下有个Use MicroLIB,勾选Use MicroLIB,再编译就不会报错了。 ”Use MicroLIB”,这是KEIL自带的一个简易的库 ......

Linux shell script programming All In One

Linux shell script programming All In One shell 脚本编程 ......
programming script Linux shell All

iOS:use_frameworks 的作用

Swift 项目中的 Podfile 中默认会有一个 use_frameworks!,本篇说一下 use_frameworks!。 1. Pod 引入组件的类型 iOS 使用 Pod 引入组件,主要引入以下类型的组件。 类型 1:静态库类型组件。可以为 `.a` 或 `.framework` 类型的 ......
use_frameworks frameworks 作用 iOS use

Fast-DDS GEN using IDL

Using IDL to define a data type Supported IDL types [] Primitive types ......
Fast-DDS using Fast DDS GEN

A simple ROS2demo using fastdds

Statement Here I will do a simple experment about the Publisher/Subscriber model in BOTH FastDDS and ROS2(humble, latest), as well as cross communicat ......
ROS2demo fastdds simple 2demo using

【Azure Spring Cloud】在Azure Spring Apps上看见 App Memory Usage 和 jvm.menory.use 的指标的疑问及OOM

问题描述 在Azure的Spring Cloud服务 (官名为:Spring Apps)中,在Metrics 页面中查看 App Memory Usage 和 jvm.memory.use,发现两则在下图中出现巨大差距。 App Memory Usage还是在逐渐上升 jvm.memory.use ......
Spring Azure 指标 Memory menory