programming computer using isom

If you use STDIN or specify a URL pointing to a plain text file, the system places the contents into a file called Dockerfile, and any -f, --file option is ignored.

docker build | Docker Documentation In most cases, it’s best to put each Dockerfile in an ......
file Dockerfile the contents pointing

How to fix the problem that Raspberry Pi cannot use the root user for SSH login All In One

How to fix the problem that Raspberry Pi cannot use the root user for SSH login All In One 如何修复树莓派无法使用 root 用户进行 SSH 登录的问题 ......
Raspberry the problem cannot login

2022 Shanghai Collegiate Programming Contest

# A. Another A+B Problem 暴力枚举出所有的情况,然后特判一下 ```cpp #include using namespace std; set res; int t; string a , b , c = "????????"; #define f(d) ((d[0]-'0' ......
Programming Collegiate Shanghai Contest 2022

[4] Secret Key Extraction using Bluetooth Wireless Signal Strength Measurements 论文精读

近日在找和BLE或者RSS相关的baseline,不好找,找到了一篇2014年的文章,感觉CCF B的文章工作量其实也还好吧。 Secret Key Extraction using Bluetooth Wireless Signal Strength Measurements 题目:通过蓝牙测试R ......

bat脚本在C:\Program Files (x86)使用普通权限运行与使用管理员权限运行获取当前路径的差异

bat脚本在C:\Program Files (x86)使用管理员权限运行获取当前路径不对。 bat脚本如下: @echo off set "current_dir=%cd%" echo Current directory: %current_dir% set "filepath=%current_ ......
权限 脚本 路径 差异 管理员

Vue computed property values was assigned to but it has no setter

vue 文件中的核心代码写法 <template> <div> <v-select :items="filters" label="查询条件" solo dense class="select-size" v-model="filterKey" clearable ></v-select> </di ......
computed assigned property values setter

The 2023 Guangdong Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest

# A - 算法竞赛 ```cpp #include using namespace std; #define int long long void solve(){ int st , n , ed; cin >> st >> n; map cnt; for( int i = 1 , x ; i > ......

real-time 3D terrain engine using C++ and directX

GAIA引擎是Greg Snook在书籍 Real-Time 3D Terrain Engines Using DirectX 9 中随书附带的一个地形引擎。该书后来又被承天一翻译成了中文版,名叫《实时地形引擎》。 参考: ......
real-time directX terrain engine using

Programming: loop

while initialize test change operation change, test, operation's order will affect the first line number ......
Programming loop

How to use the shell command to get the version of Linux Distributions All In One

How to use the shell command to get the version of Linux Distributions All In One 如何使用 shell 命令获取 Linux 发行版的版本 hostnamectl cat /etc/os-release lsb_rel... ......
Distributions the command version shell

【Oracle】Clean all objects belong to particular the user but not using drop user xxx cascade

# -- WX:DBAJOE399 -- DEST_SCHEMA=Expected_user_name sqlplus / as sysdba << !EOF set serveroutput on set echo off set feedback off WHENEVER SQLERROR EX ......
user particular objects cascade Oracle

关于在 computed 使用 ref 获取 dom 结点为 undefined的问题

原因: 因为 ref 本身是作为渲染结果被创建的,在初始渲染的时候你不能访问它们,它们还不存在 computed 里面无法获取到 ref 解决方法: 方法一: data: { isMount: false, }, mounted() { this.isMount = true }, computed ......
结点 undefined computed 问题 ref

【Oracle】Check size of datafiles and tempfile tablespaces used in CDB and PDB

set line 200 pages 999 column name for a10 column tablespace_name for a15 column "MAXSIZE (GB)" format 9,999,990.00 column "ALLOC (GB)" format 9,999,9 ......
tablespaces datafiles and tempfile Oracle

flutter开发Nuget.exe not found, trying to download or use cached version解决方法

问题:Nuget.exe not found, trying to download or use cached version 解决方法: 1. 首先确保Visual Studio安装,这个是flutter构建Window应用必须的,并且安装了对应的Windows SDK,通过Visual Stu ......
download flutter version 方法 cached

Focus On 3D Terrain Programming三维地形渲染-Trent Polack-2003

前言:你有多少次访问过你最喜欢的编程论坛或邮件列表,并对大量关于地形渲染算法的帖子感到惊讶,这些帖子似乎从各个角度向你袭来?地形渲染似乎是当今业余程序员最喜欢的主题;它是一个很好的门户网站,可以了解更高要求的问题及其解决方案。然而,地形渲染决不是一个简单的问题,特定的解决方案可能会变得相当复杂。来自 ......
地形 Programming Terrain Polack Focus

关于 using namespace std

我刚接触c++,写Hello, World 是这个样子的 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello, World" << endl; return 0; } 但是一直令我不解的是 using n ......
namespace using std

Programming: print

find out diagonal for(let b = 1; b <= 9; ++b) { let res = '' for(let p = 1; p <= 9; ++p) { if(b > p) res += ' ' else res += '*' } console.log(res) } f ......
Programming print


在C#中,实现IDisposable接口的类型可以使用using语句进行资源管理,具体如下: 1. System.IO.Stream:表示字节流的抽象类。它是所有文件I/O操作的基类,包括文件读取和写入。 using (Stream stream = new FileStream("file.txt ......
资源管理 类型 资源 using

动态路由 出现 for supported dynamic import formats. If this is intended to be left as-is, you can use the /* @vite-ignore */ comment inside the import() call to suppress this warning.

for supported dynamic import formats. If this is intended to be left as-is, you can use the /* @vite-ignore */ comment inside the import() call to sup ......
import this 路由 vite-ignore supported

Webpack and Babel — What are they, and how to use them with React

摘抄自: Webpack and Babel — Tools we can’t cod ......
and Webpack Babel React What

Basics of Neural Network Programming

[TOC] # Basics of Neural Network Programming ## Logistic Regression given x , want $\hat{y}=P(y=1|x)$, $x\in\R^{n_x}$ > $\hat{y_1}=w_{11}*x_{11}+w_{12 ......
Programming Network Basics Neural of

Compute Is Easy, Memory Is Harder And Harder

Compute Is Easy, Memory Is Harder And Harder - The Next Platform ......
Harder Compute Memory Is Easy

How to Control an External USB Web Camera Using a Raspberry Pi All In One

How to Control an External USB Web Camera Using a Raspberry Pi All In One 如何使用树莓派控制外接 USB 网络摄像头 ......
Raspberry External Control Camera Using


# vue3中computed计算属性函数 ``` 目标:现在vue3的使用越来越普遍了,vue3这方面的学习我们要赶上,今天说一下vue3中computed计算属性的使用。 ``` **computed函数在vue2中我们都了解过,当我们需要一个值,这个值随着其他值变化而变化,我们就将其放进com ......
函数 computed 属性 vue3 vue

Vue computed出现Error in render: "TypeError: XXX is not a function"问题

原来: computed:{ currentTimeA: function() { return; } } <div>{{currentTimeA()}}</div> 在运行的时候出现vue.js:634 [Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeEr ......
quot TypeError computed function render

MySQL OEM报警Increase the binlog_cache_size variable dynamically and monitor the ratio of Binlog_cache_disk_use to Binlog_cache_use .

Increase the binlog_cache_size variable dynamically and monitor the ratio of Binlog_cache_disk_use to Binlog_cache_use . When it reaches an acceptable ......

2023 CCPC Henan Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest

链接:[]( ## A. 小水獭游河南 使用 $\text{hash}$,$O(\sum n)$。 C++ Code ```cpp #include "bits/st ......

Density estimation using Real NVP

[TOC] > [Dinh L, Sohl-Dickstein J. and Bengio S. Density estimation using real nvp. ICLR, 2017.]( ## 概 一种可逆的 flow, 感觉很 ......
estimation Density using Real NVP

使用 TensorFlow 自动微分和神经网络功能估算线性回归的参数(Estimate parameters for linear regression using automatic differentiation or neural network functions of TensorFlow)

大多数的深度学习框架至少都会具备以下功能: (1)张量运算 (2)自动微分 (3)神经网络及各种神经层 TensorFlow 框架亦是如此。在《深度学习全书 公式+推导+代码+TensorFlow全程案例》—— 洪锦魁主编 清华大学出版社 ISBN 978-7-302-61030-4 这本书第3章 ......