solution p9194 the of

One specific Eco-Environmental Protection Measure of light pollution

In this section, I will show the specific legal measures for light pollution in a comparative form. Foreign light pollution legislation experience On ......

A solution to soil erosion

A specific measure to cope with soil erosion is to increase vegetation cover in China. How it works and its impact : Firstly, vegetation is the first ......
solution erosion soil to

A solution to soil erosion

A special measure to cope with soil erosion is to increase vegetation cover in China. Vegetation is the first barrier to protect land from outside. Ta ......
solution erosion soil to

Bioremediation Technology—— A Solution to Soil Pollution

Bioremediation Technology for Soil Polution 1. What is bioremediation technology? Bioremediation is a natural process based remediation technology for ......

Drawdown——A New Way of Thinking About and Acting on Global Warming

Definition of drawdown: Drawdown is that point in time when atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases begin to decline on a year-to-year basis. M ......
Drawdown Thinking Warming Acting Global

The art of shellcode

目录1-如何编写shellcode1-1 纯手搓1-1-1 纯汇编1-1-2 内联汇编1-1-3 使用tiny_libc1-2 借助工具1-2-1 pwntools的shellcraft1-2-2 alpha31-2-3 AE641-2-4 shellcode encoder1-2-5 msf生成1 ......
shellcode The art of

Glibc堆利用之house of系列总结

目录1-前言2-house of系列2.1-house of spirit漏洞成因适用范围利用原理相关技巧利用效果2.2-house of einherjar漏洞成因适用范围利用原理相关技巧利用效果2.3-house of force漏洞成因适用范围利用原理相关技巧利用效果2.4-house of ......
Glibc house


目录GlibcHeap-house-of-muney分析前言利用原理ELF文件解析符号查找利用过程POC思考参考 GlibcHeap-house-of-muney分析 house of muney的学习笔记。 前言 遇到了好几次hosue of muney相关的题目,之前并没有深入地分析house ......

House of apple 一种新的glibc中IO攻击方法 (3)

目录House of apple 一种新的glibc中IO攻击方法 (3)前言利用条件利用原理利用思路利用_IO_wfile_underflow函数控制程序执行流利用_IO_wfile_underflow_mmap函数控制程序执行流利用_IO_wdo_write函数控制程序执行流使用_IO_wfil ......
方法 House apple glibc of

House of apple 一种新的glibc中IO攻击方法 (2)

目录House of apple 一种新的glibc中IO攻击方法 (2)前言利用条件利用原理利用思路利用_IO_wfile_overflow函数控制程序执行流利用_IO_wfile_underflow_mmap函数控制程序执行流利用_IO_wdefault_xsgetn函数控制程序执行流例题分析总 ......
方法 House apple glibc of

TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'level')

一、分析问题 1、一个下拉框组件的更新由另一个下拉框组件控制被动更新列表,子级下拉框的值是由父级下拉框的值调用接口获取,每次父级下拉框值的改变都会改变子级下拉框的数据源也就是会改变子级下拉框的options,切换后之前的父级节点找不到就会报了这个错,父级节点不改变(即不切换)的话不会报错 二、解决方 ......
properties TypeError reading Cannot level

Codeforces Round 428 (Div. 2) B. Game of the Rows

题目链接 题面翻译 现在有 \(K\) 个队,飞机有 \(N\) 排座位,每排能坐 \(8\) 个人,不同队伍的人不能坐相邻的位置。 相邻情况有 \(5\) 种 \((1, 2), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (7, 8)\)。请问这 \(n\) 排座位是否够坐。 (\(K\) ......
Codeforces Round Game Rows 428

Control measures of land pollution

Soil is a necessary condition for human survival and reproduction, and soil environmental quality is related to people's livelihood and well-being, ec ......
pollution measures Control land of

CF1381D The Majestic Brown Tree Snake

原题链接 膜拜 APJ 大神。 某人说这个题让他联想到“詹天佑”了。 考虑将图画成——给定链在最上方,不在给出链上的点都相当于挂在这条链上某个点上的树。 有两种情况:一种情况是进入一颗树,在其中完成调头,然后原路返回;还有一种情况是进入一颗树,然后出去的时候走向进来的反方向,然后再倒着回去。 第一种 ......
Majestic 1381D Brown Snake 1381

LeetCode #1131 Maximum of Absolute Value Expression 绝对值表达式的最大值

安装Flutter环境首先配置flutter3开发环境,照着官方教程傻瓜式安装即可。>>安装和环境配置 | Flutter 中文文档 | Flutter 中文开发者网站注意在国内网络环境下需要进行一些额外的环境配置:>>在中国网络环境下使用 Flutter | Flutter 中文文档 | Flut ......

The Prevention of Water Contamination

The prevention and control of water contamination should adhere to the principles of giving priority to prevention, protection, combination of prevent ......
Contamination Prevention Water The of

How To Solve The Problem Of Air Pollution

How To Solve The Problem Of Air PollutionThe report "China's Carbon Neutrality and Clean Air Synergy Pathway (2023)" was published in Beijing on Novem ......
Pollution Problem Solve How Air

some solutions for deforestation

Deforestation is a serious problem facing our planet,and it is critical that we find ways to solve it.Forests play a vital role in our ecosystem,provi ......
deforestation solutions some for

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘addEventListener‘ of null 求助!!!!!!

今天在项目中遇到个问题如下: vue项目中public的index.html文件script标签引入了一个外部的js文件,里面有一个方法 每次调用的时候都会报错Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘addEventListener‘ of null,网上 ......

npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be installed: create-remix@2.2.0

报错 执行 npx create-remix@latest --template ryanflorence/remix-tutorial-template 提示如下: npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be inst ......

【Azure Durable Function】PowerShell Activity 函数遇见 Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: The reader's MaxDepth of 64 has been exceeded.

问题描述 创建PowerShell Azure Durable Function,执行大量的PowerShell脚本操作Azure Resource,遇见了一个非常非常奇怪的问题: Function 'Hello1 (Activity)' failed with an error. Reason: ......

神经网络基础篇:详解logistic 损失函数(Explanation of logistic regression cost function)

详解 logistic 损失函数 在本篇博客中,将给出一个简洁的证明来说明逻辑回归的损失函数为什么是这种形式。 回想一下,在逻辑回归中,需要预测的结果\(\hat{y}\),可以表示为\(\hat{y}=\sigma(w^{T}x+b)\),\(\sigma\)是熟悉的\(S\)型函数 \(\sig ......

The following perl modules required by RepeatModeler are missing from your system. Please install these first: JSON; JSON::PP; File::Which

001、问题 RepeatModeler 编译安装报错如下: 002、尝试逐个安装确实的perl模块; 也是各种问题; 最后不想折腾, 就大力出奇迹,全安装, 可一次解决所有报错; (base) [root@pc1 RepeatModeler-2.0.2a]# yum -y install perl ......

The solution of P5339

problem 容斥好题,结果题解里面一堆 \(\text{NTT}\)。 如果我们去掉有多少个人喜欢什么东西的条件,那么这个题就直接枚举有 \(i\) 组同学会一起讨论蔡徐坤。这一个问题十分容易。 使用容斥原理来做,然后容斥的系数是 \((-1)^i\) 想必这个东西对于大家来说是十分简单的。 如 ......
solution P5339 5339 The of

Methods of garbage disposal

After the collection and transportation of household waste, it enters the treatment process. The treatment method for household waste is centralized a ......
disposal Methods garbage of

[CF1588F] Jumping Through the Array

不妨认为 \(n,q\) 同阶。 考虑根号重构。如果没有第 3 种操作的话,我们每 \(\mathcal O(\sqrt n)\) 操作整体更新一次,每个询问只需要考虑块内的修改所在置换环上有多少 \([l,r]\) 内的数。这个是容易 \(\mathcal O(n\sqrt n)\) 做的。 然后 ......
Jumping Through 1588F Array 1588

“Job for network.service failed because the control process exite”问题

[root@node3 ~]# service network restart Restarting network (via systemctl): Job for network.service failed because the control process exited with err ......
because control network service process

[Javascript] Prevent JavaScript Object Tampering with the SES Library harden Function Lockdown The lockdown() function also tames some objects including regular expressions, locale methods, and errors. ......

[LeetCode] 2609. Find the Longest Balanced Substring of a Binary String

You are given a binary string s consisting only of zeroes and ones. A substring of s is considered balanced if all zeroes are before ones and the numb ......
Substring LeetCode Balanced Longest Binary

The Solutions of Ocean Trash

10 Things You Can Do to Save the Ocean 1. Mind Your Carbon Footprint and Reduce Energy Consumption Reduce the effects of climate change on the ocean b ......
Solutions Ocean Trash The of