solution p9194 the of

error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

错误内容如下: error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge: xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/ Please move or remove them b ......

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: DeepTest: automated testing of deep-neural-network-driven autonomous cars

## Abstract 本文: DeepTest Task: a systematic testing tool for DNN-driven vehicles Method: 1. generated test cases with real-world changes like rain, fo ......

The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 1: Qingdao

### G #### Description 给定一个数列,每次ban一个位置,在每次ban之前,求连续子序列逆序对数的最大值,强制在线。(6s)$n\leq10^5, \sum n \leq10^6$ #### Solution 先考虑用权值线段树来维护区间逆序对数,不难支持在原数列前后加或删除一 ......
Universal Qingdao Stage The 2nd

The colossus

BY SYLVIA PLATH I shall never get you put together entirely, Pieced, glued, and properly jointed. Mule-bray, pig-grunt and bawdy cackles Protected fro ......
colossus The

1141 PAT Ranking of Institutions(附测试点5分析)

题目: After each PAT, the PAT Center will announce the ranking of institutions based on their students' performances. Now you are asked to generate the ......
Institutions Ranking 1141 PAT of

[论文阅读] Prototypical contrastive learning of unsupervis

# Prototypical contrastive learning of unsupervised representations ## abstract 这篇论文介绍了原型对比学习(PCL),一种将对比学习与聚类相结合的无监督表示学习方法。PCL不仅为实例区分任务学习低层特征,更重要的是==* ......


offset_of 宏 定义:include/linux/stddfx.h 功能:给出两个参数:结构体和它的成员,获取其成员关于结构体首地址的偏移: #define offset_of(type, member) (unsigned long) &((type*)0)->member 这个想法挺精巧 ......
offset_of 随笔 offset linux of

解决编译告警unrecognized command line option ‘-Wno-address-of-packed-member’

问题 在编译dperf的过程中报错如下: 解决 以上问题为编译告警选项使用错误,在-Wno-address-of-packed-member前面加入 -w即可。 -w -Wno-address-of-packed-member ......

E. Ina of the Mountain 优先队列

题意:给你一个长度为n的序列。问你最少进行多少次操作,使得最终整个序列的值都为k 操作:选一段区间,然后把这段区间的数全减一。 这个序列还有一个特性,就是当一个数为0时,这个数会变成k。 解法:一眼丁真P1969 [NOIP2013 提高组] 积木大赛 - 洛谷 | 计算机科学教育新生态 (luog ......
队列 Mountain Ina the of

The native HTML dialog tag All In One

The native HTML dialog tag All In One ......
native dialog HTML The All

What's the best approach for generating a new API key? Edit: I've spoke to a few friends (email/twitter) an ......
generating approach What best API

CF1848B Vika and the Bridge 题解

# CF1848B Vika and the Bridge 题解 ## 题目大意 ~~给个题目传送门吧,感觉题意已经很清楚了~~ [题目传送门]( ## 分析 (~~我不会告诉你我第一眼看过去是二分~~) 因为我们只能 ......
题解 Bridge 1848B 1848 Vika

[LeetCode] 1921. Eliminate Maximum Number of Monsters

You are playing a video game where you are defending your city from a group of n monsters. You are given a 0-indexed integer array dist of size n, whe ......
Eliminate LeetCode Monsters Maximum Number

1335B - Construct the String

## B. Construct the String #### 分析: 首先不要被他的示例迷惑掉,这个问题可以看作若干个小问题 Q: 1. 如何简单的构造a个长度里有b个不同的值 2. 如何是n里的所有 ......
Construct String 1335B 1335 the

Implementing Domain Driven Design (A practical guide for implementing the Domain Driven Design with the ABP Framework)

##CONTENTS **Introduction**.................................................. * **Goal**...................................................... * **Sim ......

Note of SHU Computer Graphics (01): 计算机图形学概述

# 什么是计算机图形学? 研究怎样利用计算机来显示、生成和处理图形的原理、方法和技术的一门学科,这里的图形是指三维图形的处理。 - **图形**: 计算机图形学的研究对象 - 能在人的视觉系统中产生视觉印象的客观对象 - 包括自然景物、拍摄到的图片、用数学方法描述的图形等等 - **构成图形的要素* ......
Computer Graphics 图形 计算机 Note

Qt编译报错:multiple definition of

解决方法一:在.pro文件下查看SOURCES +=和HEADERS +=也没有重复引入文件,删除重复的文件即可。 解决方法二:把debug文件夹下的.o文件都删除,然后再编译下。 解决方法三:如果.h文件中有类的定义和实现,则实现时在每个成员前加inline。 转载于:QT项目出现multiple ......
definition multiple of

266B - Queue at the School

## A. Team []( ##### During the break the schoolchildre ......
School Queue 266B 266 the

C. The Football Season 数学exgcd

题意: 给你四个数,n,p,d,w。让你求出任意一组x,y,z,要满足下面的条件 做法: 对于第一个式子,我们可以先用exgcd求出合法的解,在他的整个解系中进行mod(k)+k再mod(k)的操作,判断x和y能否同时非负。 对于第二个式子,我们要让z非负,那么x+y要尽可能小。而还要满足第一个式子 ......
Football 数学 Season exgcd The

AtCoder Beginner Contest 317 C - Remembering the Days

# C - Remembering the Days [原题链接]( 题意:每个点最多经过一次,求最长路 思路:数据范围很小,深搜每个点能到其他点的所有路,取最大 ```c++ #include us ......
Remembering Beginner AtCoder Contest Days

Further reading: Theory of computation

找了些: 提到的书籍: Textbooks aimed at computer scientists (There are many textbooks in this area; this lis ......
computation Further reading Theory of

【CF1503A】Balance the Bits(构造)

**题目大意:** *** ```cpp #include using namespace std; typedef long long ll; ll n; char s[200000+10]; char a[200000+10],b[200000+10]; int main(){ ios::syn ......
Balance 1503A 1503 Bits the

CF1615F O(n) solution

$O(n)$ 做法,目前 CF 最优解。 首先,考虑如何计算两个串的答案。 把奇数位置的值取反,那每次操作相当于 $01\to10$ 或 $10\to 01$。于是当两个串 $1$ 的个数相等时可以达成。 可以看作若干个 $1$ 在一条链上移动到新的位置。答案为距离之和,把移动贡献均摊到每条边上,那 ......
solution 1615F 1615 CF

codeforces div 3 contest 894 solutions

IOI失利day1了,打div 3休息一下吧 A. Gift Carpet 贪心寻找第一个v, 其他的找最早的i,k,a就好了。 应该不需要多说(?) B.Sequence Game 就是想想看当我们有4 3的时候应该怎么做? ......
codeforces solutions contest 894 div

[LeetCode] 2240. Number of Ways to Buy Pens and Pencils

You are given an integer total indicating the amount of money you have. You are also given two integers cost1 and cost2 indicating the price of a pen ......
LeetCode Pencils Number 2240 Ways

The 2022 ICPC Asia Nanjing Regional Contest

# [The 2022 ICPC Asia Nanjing Regional Contest]( [出题人题解]( [TOC] vp的不是很好,就不放出来 ......
Regional Contest Nanjing 2022 ICPC

What's the difference between Async Await and Promise in JavaScript All In One

# What's the difference between Async Await and Promise in JavaScript All In One > `Async` vs `Promise` ## demos --> ## (🐞 反爬虫测试!打击盗版⚠️)如果你看到这个信息, 说明 ......
JavaScript difference Promise between Async

The repository ' jessie Release' does not have a Release file.

设置Debian源为国内网易源 tee /etc/apt/sources.list << EOF deb jessie main non-free contrib deb je ......
Release repository mirrors debian jessie

CF1174E Ehab and the Expected GCD Problem 题解

## 题意 对于一个排列 $p$,定义 $g$ 为 $p$ 的前缀最大公约数序列,即 $g_i = \gcd\limits_{j = 1}^{i} p_j$。定义 $f(p)$ 为 $g$ 的元素种类数。 给定 $n$,求长度为 $n$ 的且使得 $f(p)$ 取最大值的排列个数,对 $10^9 + ......
题解 Expected Problem 1174E 1174

how to get the SVG document content that inside a object tag in javascript

# how to get the SVG document content that inside a object tag in javascript > object tag & SVG document content in javascript ## demos ```js ``` ![im ......
javascript document content inside object