where list in

java 不重复的list(集合)

在Java中,可以使用Set接口的实现类来创建一个不重复的列表。Set接口不允许重复元素,因此可以保证列表中的元素不重复。 import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; public class Main { public static void m ......
java list

What I Learned In 2023 - Alexandr Wang

一篇共鸣的博文:https://alexw.substack.com/p/what-i-learned-in-2023 小小年纪,已悟到这个层次,实至名归。 每年年底,我都会写下过去一年的主要经验教训并发送给At the end of every year, I write up the major ......
Alexandr Learned What 2023 Wang

NVIDIA-Driver in Linux Ubuntu

NVIDIA-Driver in Linux Ubuntu Before all DKMS stands for Dynamic Kernel Module Support. It is a framework that allows third-party kernel modules, such ......
NVIDIA-Driver NVIDIA Driver Ubuntu Linux

NVIDIA-Driver in Linux Ubuntu

NVIDIA-Driver in Linux Ubuntu Before all DKMS stands for Dynamic Kernel Module Support. It is a framework that allows third-party kernel modules, such ......
NVIDIA-Driver NVIDIA Driver Ubuntu Linux

Cycle-Dependency in apt when encourtering space limit

Happens in the process when installing cuda-toolkit-12-3 Problem Install cuda-toolkit-12-3, but there is no space, so use ctrl-C to terminate the inst ......


1.创建列表 创建一个列表,只需要把逗号分隔的不同数据项使用方括号 [] 括起来即可。方括号 [] 中数据类型可以不同,可以包含整数、浮点数和复数等,当然,也可以包含列表、元组、字典和集合等 list0 = [] list1 = [123,456,123,"1223","shting"] 也可以使用 ......
基础 python list

使用tidevice list命令报错提示“ConnectionRefusedError: [WinError 10061] 由于目标计算机积极拒绝,无法连接”解决方案

1、安装tidevice第三方库后,执行 tidevice info 报错: 原因:电脑上未安装iTunes 2、在电脑上安装iTunes 下载地址:https://www.apple.com.cn/itune 3、安装后启动iTunes 4、再次回到命令行执行: tidevice info,当前已 ......


导读 数据库的查询优化器是整个系统的"大脑",一条SQL语句执行是否高效在不同的优化决策下可能会产生几个数量级的性能差异,因此优化器也是数据库系统中最为核心的组件和竞争力之一。阿里云瑶池旗下的云原生数据库PolarDB MySQL版作为领先的云原生数据库,希望能够应对广泛用户场景、承接各类用户负载, ......
内核 PolarDB IN-List 数据库 数据

component lists rendered with v-for should have explicit keys.

报错 component lists rendered with v-for should have explicit keys. vue2项目启动告警 告警信息 Module Warning (from ./node_modules/@vue/vue-loader-v15/lib/loaders/ ......
component explicit rendered should lists

gsamplerCubeArrayShadow isn't supported in textureGrad, textureLod or texture with bias

问题描述 跑rust的Bevy示例程序 运行3d的示例,cargo run --example 3d_shapes 发现报错: INFO bevy_render::renderer: AdapterInfo { name: "Mesa Intel(R) Graphics (ADL GT2)", ve ......

computer graphics in matlab

Introducing Fundamentals of Computer Graphics Using MATLAB Galvez_Iglesias_Gutierrez.pdf Computer Graphics Environment in Matlab: https://animadversio ......
computer graphics matlab in

富文本编辑器wangEdiotr,编辑表格后,重新打开组件报错Error in callback for watcher “value“: “Error: Cannot find a descenda(json爆红)

报错内容 原因:每次打开对话框,editor组件只创一次,关闭对话框也不会被销毁。所以:只要每次打开都重新渲染Editor组件就好了。 解决办法:在上加上v-if <editor v-model="form.noticeContent" :min-height="192" v-if="open"/> ......
Error 编辑器 wangEdiotr 组件 表格

scrapy爬取图片时遇到错误:ValueError: Missing scheme in request url: //scpic3.chinaz.net/Files/pic/pic9/202103

错误原因是在请求资源的时候没有使用完整的url只向//scpic3.chinaz.net/Files/pic/pic9/202103发送了资源请求,而完整的资源地址需要前面加上https:所以在pipelines.py文件的get_media_requests方法中,在发送request请求时修改为 ......
ValueError pic 错误 Missing request

DFIR-LNK & Jump List

LNK Files 1. 记录内容: a. LNK文件,通常称为快捷方式文件,是Windows中的一种特殊文件类型,用于指向另一个文件或目录的路径。 b. 它们包含许多有用的信息,例如目标文件的路径、创建和访问时间、图标位置、以及有时候的网络位置和卷标序列号。 2. 取证意义: a. LNK文件在取 ......

【MySQL优化】小表驱动大表 IN和EXISTS的合理利用

//假设一个for循环 for($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $i < 50; $j++) { } } // 更优 for($i = 0; $i < 50; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $i < 10000; $j++) { } } ......

SciTech-BigDataAIML-Tensorflow-Introduction to modules, layers, and models

Introduction to modules, layers, and models Model: To do machine learning in TensorFlow, you are likely to need to define, save, and restore a model. ......

SciTech-BigDataAIML-Tensorflow-Introduction to graphs and tf.function

Graphs are data structures that contain: a set of tf.Operation objects, which representing units of computation; and tf.Tensor objects, which represen ......

如何在无窗口模式下运行GPG——如何在命令行模式下使用gpg生成秘钥:How to make gpg prompt for passphrase on CLI——GPG prompt for password in command line

参考: Unable to generate a key with GnuPG (agent_genkey failed: No such file or directory) ["No such file or directory" when generating a gpg key](https ......
模式 prompt passphrase GPG gpg

SciTech-BigDataAIML-Tensorflow-Introduction to Gradients and Automatic Differentiation

In this guide, you will explore ways to compute gradients with TensorFlow, especially in eager execution. Automatic Differentiation and Gradients Auto ......

Golang标准库 container/list(双向链表) 的图文解说

Golang标准库 container/list(双向链表) 的图文解说 提到单向链表,大家应该是比较熟悉的了。今天介绍的是 golang 官方库提供的 双向链表。 1、基础介绍 单向链表中的每个节点包含数据和指向下一个节点的指针。其特点是每个节点只知道下一个节点的位置,使得数据只能单向遍历。 示意 ......
双向 container 图文 标准 Golang

java list深拷贝

可以通过将list转成json,在把json转成list即可 List<SysUser> a = Lists.newArrayList(); SysUser u1 =new SysUser(); u1.setUserId(1L); a.add(u1); List<SysUser> b = JSONU ......
拷贝 java list

SciTech-BigDataAIML-Tensorflow-Introduction to Tensors

https://tensorflow.google.cn/guide/tensor Introduction to Tensors Tensors are multi-dimensional arrays with a uniform type (called a dtype). tf.dtypes ......

利用强化学习算法解释人类脑对高维状态的抽象表示:how humans can map high-dimensional sensory inputs in actions

论文: 《Using deep reinforcement learning to reveal how the brain encodes abstract state-space representations in high-dimensional environments》 地址: http ......

appium报错DeprecationWarning: desired_capabilities argument is deprecated and will be removed in future versions. Use options instead.

不再用desired_capabilities,用options代替 原来的 desired_caps = { "platformName": "ios", "platformVersion": "11.4", "deviceName": "iPhone 6 Plus", "noReset": Tr ......

上海 110 报警后,警察出警时间规定 All In One

上海 110 报警后,警察出警时间规定 All In One 公安部《110报警服务工作规范化标准》 处警人员在接到处警指令后要做到快速反应。 凡危及公民人身、财产安全的重大、紧急报警、求助,在市区,必须5分钟内到达现场;在郊区,必须10分钟内到达现场。 ......
警察 时间 110 All One


#include<iostream> #include<list> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; int main(){ list<int> a; int b[]={1,2,3,4}; list<int> c(b,b+sizeof(b)/sizeo ......
容器 代码 list


#include <iostream> #include <list>//引入list容器的头文件 #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int main(){ list<int> a; int b[]={1,2,3,4}; list<int> c(b, ......
容器 list


#include<iostream> #include<list>//引入头文件 #include<algorithm> using namespace std; int main(){ list<int> a; int b[]={1,2,3,4}; list<int> c(b,b+sizeof(b ......
容器 list

Applied Statistics - 应用统计学习 - numpy array交换两行 ? How to Swap Two Rows in a NumPy Array (With Example)

https://www.statology.org/qualitative-vs-quantitative-variables/ https://www.statology.org/numpy-swap-rows/ How to Swap Two Rows in a NumPy Array (Wit ......
Statistics Applied Example Array NumPy

多组学数据整合 | Multifaceted SOX2-chromatin interaction underpins pluripotency progression in early embryos

最近这篇Science文章不错,Multifaceted SOX2-chromatin interaction underpins pluripotency progression in early embryos - 15 December 2023 需要复刻里面的一些思路、解法和可视化。 复刻【 ......
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