while rust loop for

Educational Codeforces Round 159 (Rated for Div. 2)

Educational Codeforces Round 159 (Rated for Div. 2) A - Binary Imbalance 解题思路: 有一对\((0,1)\),那么\(0\)就能无限增长。 代码: #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespac ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 159

archlinux开机出现错误Dependency failed for /home. Dependency failed for Local File System Time outwaiting for device /dev/disk/...

错误如下 Dependency failed for /home. Dependency failed for Local File System Time outwaiting for device /dev/disk/... 应该是文件系统表不正确了,导致访问文件系统失败。 使用救援盘挂载分区 ......
Dependency failed for outwaiting archlinux

Educational Codeforces Round 134 (Rated for Div. 2)

基本情况 AB秒了。 C搞了一个错的二分答案,虽然过样例了。 C. Min-Max Array Transformation 错误分析 没有进一步推导性质,而是觉得数据单调递增估计是二分,然后就无脑写,实际上 check 的正确性没有保证。 bool check(int ind, int now) ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 134

go--for 循环、continue、break、goto

for 循环 go 里面的循环只有一个 for 循环 for 循环有下面四种方式的写法 第一种方式,for 后面什么都不写 死循环,在代码中,如果一个 for 循环没有结束条件,则代码会陷入死循环 package main import ( "fmt" "time" ) func main() { ......
continue break goto for go

Ansor:Generating High-Performance Tensor Program for Deep Learning

Ansor:Generating High-Performance Tensor Program for Deep Learning Abstract 高性能的张量程序对于保证深度神经网络的高效执行十分关键,但是在不同硬件平台上获取高性能的张量程序并不容易。近年的研究中,深度学习系统依赖硬件供应商提 ......

Fully Attentional Network for Semantic Segmentation:FLANet

Fully Attentional Network for Semantic Segmentation * Authors: [[Qi Song]], [[Jie Li]], [[Chenghong Li]], [[Hao Guo]], [[Rui Huang]] 初读印象 comment:: (F ......

Segmentation Transformer: Object-Contextual Representations for Semantic Segmentation;OCRNet

Segmentation Transformer: Object-Contextual Representations for Semantic Segmentation * Authors: [[Yuhui Yuan]], [[Xiaokang Chen]], [[Xilin Chen]], [[ ......

Educational Codeforces Round 139 (Rated for Div. 2) D. Lucky Chains(数论)

Educational Codeforces Round 139 (Rated for Div. 2) D. Lucky Chains 思路: 假设幸运为k , 则 gcd(x+k,y+k) ≠ 1 , k取最小整数(k>=0) 由此可设 因子为 d , (x+k)%d = 0 , (y+k)%d ......
数论 Educational Codeforces Chains Round

Educational Codeforces Round 159 (Rated for Div. 2) C. Insert and Equalize (贪心+数论)

Educational Codeforces Round 159 (Rated for Div. 2) C. Insert and Equalize 思路: 首先对 \(a\) 进行排序, 然后对所有差值取gcd ,获得可用的最大因子 \(gc\), 答案有两种情况: 一种是 \(a_{n+1}\) ......

Failed to convert property value of type 'java.lang.String' to required type 'java.util.Date' for property 'endTime';

后端springboot项目使用getMapper接受,字段写了转换注解 @JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", timezone = "GMT+8") 还报错Failed to co ......
39 property java type required

React报错:Warning: Invalid hook call. Hooks can only called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for one of the following reasons: .......

报错截图: 问题可能原因: 我之前是用 npm install,后面有些依赖用的是 cnpm install 解决方法: 用统一的安装方式 删除 node_modules,重新执行 cnpm install 我这里解决问题 ......
component following the function of

34. 干货系列从零用Rust编写负载均衡及代理,异步测试在Rust中的实现

测试是编程中不可缺少的伙伴,他可以让我们更早的发现问题解决问题,编写测试用例可能看起来会慢一些,但是对后期可能潜在的Bug的排查会节省大量的时间。 ......
干货 Rust 34

cpp configuration for vscode on Mac

直接运行 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/103308900 调试 //cpp_.... { "configurations": [ { "name": "Mac", "includePath": ["${workspaceFolder}/**"], "defines": ......
configuration vscode cpp Mac for

Educational Codeforces Round 158 (Rated for Div. 2)C. Add, Divide and Floor(思维/数学)

C. Add, Divide and Floor 这里我们选择固定最小数不变,然后每次让其他数向最小数靠近,模拟一下可以发现,只要最大值变为和最小值一样,其他都会和最小值一样。 #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define rep(i,a,b) for(register int ......
Educational Codeforces 思维 数学 Divide

Template Engines for Spring: FreeMarker | Java Server Pages | Thymeleaf | Jade4j

Besides the template engines described so far, there are quite a few more available which may be used. Let’s review some of them briefly. Velocity is ......
FreeMarker Thymeleaf Template Engines Spring

SuperMap iClient3D for WebGL/WebGPU

主要介绍 SuperMap iClient3D for WebGL/WebGPU 的入门用法,详细的接口参数请参考 API 页面。 准备 获取 SuperMap iClient3D for WebGL/WebGPU 开发时需要引入 SuperMap iClient3D for WebGL/WebGP ......
iClient3D SuperMap iClient3 iClient WebGPU

LetGo: A Lightweight Continuous Framework for HPC Applications Under Failures

letgo 摘要 HPC需要容错,而检查点技术开销太大。 提出letgo,能在崩溃时继续执行HPC。为什么能提?1.有的HPC应用有比较好的内在容错能力,可以重新利用默认机制。 用五个benchmark,结果不错 introduction letgo能够存在的依据: 一旦发出导致崩溃的错误信号,就可 ......

为什么 Go 和 Rust 语言都舍弃了继承?

为什么go和rust语言都舍弃了继承? ❎ 舍弃了 Class ✅ 舍弃或弱化子类型 类的继承是一段儿弯路 OO 发明了继承,然后发现真正有意义的是 interface 的组合(更准确的说,是 Product type of interfaces or abstract classes),语义上相当 ......
语言 Rust Go

C++ for循环的使用

以前for循环的使用一直都是for(int i=0;i<10;i++)初始值,判断条件,变量处理这种形式用的,直到前两天看到有一个代码的写法是使用冒号,才知道原来C++还有这种写法。 #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int a[ ......

springcloudalibabada搭建过程中springboot启动卡住起不来 (Started MoonceProviderApplication in 11.254 seconds (JVM running for 13.896))

如下图一样springcloudAlibaba在创建新模块之后启动新模块没有注册到nacos上,而是直接卡住起不来原因 原因是:引入了错误的web包: 解决办法: 引入相应的 spring-boot-starter-web 包: <dependency> <groupId>org.springfra ......


shell补-循环案例-for循环 格式 格式 说明 格式1:必备 for var in 列表 1 2 3 或 {1..10} {a..z} 、`cmd语句如ls -lah` 格式2:c语言格式 for ((i=1;i<=0;i++)) 一般用于数字,数组中 for 变量 in 变量取值列表 do ......
案例 shell for

shell补-循环案例-当型循环while和直到型循环do until

shell补-循环案例-当型循环while和直到型循环do until 循环分类: 类型 含义 应用场景 while循环 当型循环(当满足或不满足) 死循环 循环读取文件或管道内容 do until 循环 直到型循环(一直进行循环直到不满足条件) 很少使用 for 循环 通用 while循环应用场景 ......
案例 shell while until

Parallel.For 并发控制

普通并发 Parallel.For(1, 500, new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 2 }, i => { Console.WriteLine(i); Thread.Sleep(2000); }); 异步并发 此时,内部并不会等待方法 ......
Parallel For

Spring CSP & Cors: Content Security Policy with Spring Security | Enabling Cross Origin Requests for a RESTful Web Service

* [Spring Security 配置 Content Security Policy(CSP) - spring 中文网](https://springdoc.cn/spring-security-csp/)* [Getting Started | Enabling Cross Origin ......
Security Spring Enabling Requests Content

《Progressive Learning of Category-Consistent Multi-Granularity Features for Fine-Grained Visual Classification》阅读笔记

论文标题 《Progressive Learning of Category-Consistent Multi-Granularity Features for Fine-Grained Visual Classification》 细粒度视觉分类中类别一致多粒度特征的渐进学习 作者 Ruoyi D ......

C-Kermit AND C-Kermit for Android

C-Kermit for Android: http://github.com/tesneddon/cka cka - C-Kermit for Android This archive contains the source code for building C-Kermit for Andro ......
C-Kermit Kermit Android AND for

Win 10 Rust Installtion in D Disk with VSCode

(只记录了必须要内容,日后完善!) \1. rust的安装与环境变量: 要提前把下面两个环境变量配置好,这样是为了指定安装路径。否则会默认安装在 C 盘下。 CARGO_HOME: D:\Soft\Language\Rust\.cargo RUSTUP_HOME: D:\Soft\Language\ ......
Installtion VSCode Rust Disk with

202312142321_《遍历 for customised data structure 》

function calculateAssembledSetsAndReturnSkus(suitComponents, inventory) { let componentCount = {}; let minComponent = {}; let result = {}; // Count co ......
202312142321 customised structure data for

PANE-GNN Unifying Positive and Negative Edges in Graph Neural Networks for Recommendation论文阅读笔记

Abstract 目前利用GNN的推荐系统主要关注用户的正面反馈,而忽略了负面反馈提供的见解。于是我们提出了PANG- GNN,该模型将图神经网络的正面和负面边统一在一起。PANG-GNN首先将原始评分图根据正面和负面反馈划分为两个不同的二分图。接下来分别使用两个独立的嵌入,即感兴趣嵌入和无兴趣嵌入 ......

several top diagnostic tools available for trucks

Heavy-duty scan tools have become essential for commercial truck fleet operators and maintenance technicians. These tools provide detailed information ......
diagnostic available several trucks tools