achieve split gain to

sshpass报错 Permission denied, please try again.和 connect to host localhost port 10022: Connection refused

最近在做自动化时,自动化脚本用sshpass给远程机器发送命令(sshpass -p "123456" ssh -p 10022 root@localhost -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "poweroff") 报错:Permission denied, please t ......

How to enable Vsync with Software Rendering in SDL [SOLVED]. 如何在SDL2下实现垂直同步

How to enable Vsync with Software Rendering in SDL [SOLVED]. Hi, I just figured out the dirty way to enable vsync with software rendering on SDL. This ......
Rendering SDL Software enable SOLVED

git 报错:fatal: unable to access 'https://XXXX.../': Failed to connect to port 443 after 21023 ms: Timed out

问题: 下载github开源项目时报错 原因: 以前用过代理,这里取消代理就可以了 git config --global --unset http.proxy 结果: ......
to connect access Failed unable

How to find the TLS used for the SQL Server connection

本文是How to find the TLS used for the SQL Server connection这篇英语文章的翻译,此文出处请见于文章底部链接:原文出处[1] 对于客户,我做了一些研究,如何找出SQL Server数据库会话连接使用了哪一种TLS协议。唯一的方式就是创建一个扩展事件 ......
connection the Server find used

Git-fatal: unable to access ‘https://gitlab.XX.git/‘: Could not resolve host:

git提交时报错: `fatal: unable to access 'https://gitlab.XX.git/': Could not resolve host:` 此时需要配置代理: `git config --global http.proxy XX.XX ......
gitlab Git-fatal resolve access unable

Linux-find: missing argument to `-exec'

报错提示:find: missing argument to `-exec' 今天写一个清理脚本,用到了find命令。本来是这么写的: find . -type f -mtime +7 -name "*.log" -exec rm -rf {} \ 结果报错,find: missing argume ......
Linux-find argument missing Linux find

use SSH to connect to Raspberry Pi methods All In One

# use SSH to connect to Raspberry Pi methods All In One > `Raspberry Pi` ## user@hostname ```sh # 无需知道 Raspberry Pi 的 IP Address, 即可使用 SSH 连接 👍 $ ssh ......
Raspberry connect methods to use

flask_SQLAlchemy 出现了 Lost connection to MySQL server during query Mysql主机连接超时 错误。如何解决

使用python flask框架 flask_sqlalchemy 时出现了 Lost connection to MySQL server during query Mysql主机连接超时的问题 由于Mysql会定时处理长时间未连接使用的连接池 具体时长可通过 查看 show variables ......

LeeeSe/MessAuto: 自动提取Mac平台的短信验证码,2FHey的免费替代品;Automatic extraction of SMS verification code for Mac platform, free alternatives to 2FHey (

DreamSaddle/MacCopier: MacCopier 是一个提供在 Macos 中收到短信验证码后自动复制到剪贴板功能的软件。 ( LeeeSe/MessAuto: 自动提取Mac平台的短信验证码,2FHey的免费替代品;Automatic extraction o ......

How to Delete a Git Branch Both Locally and Remotely

# TL;DR version ``` // delete branch locally git branch -d loc ......
Remotely Locally Delete Branch Both

【macOS】brew update报错:fatal: unable to access xxx & LibreSSL SSL_connect 解决方案

# ✨报错提示 ![]( ```bash fatal: unable to access 'https://mirrors ......

rails 前后端数据传递hash to json

controller.rb @data = {a: 1, b: 2}@data_new = {"a": 1, "b": 2} index.html var arr = <%= @data %> #=> {:a =>1, :b =>2} var arr = <%= raw @data %> #=> a ......
数据 rails hash json to

k8s Error: failed to prepare subPath for volumeMount "custom-logo" of container "grafana"

# 前言 使用 `k8s` 挂载卷文件时,使用了 `hostPath`,`type: File` ``` volumeMounts: - mountPath: /usr/share/grafana/public/img/grafana_icon.svg name: custom-logo subPa ......

java.lang.IllegalStateException: failed to obtain node locks, tried [[/usr/local/elasticsearch/data/]] with lock id [0]

## 原因 如果你是更改了elasticsearch的配置,有可能是新旧缓存数据冲突 ## 解决办法 删除es根路径下data文件夹 PS:经测试不影响生成的索引数据,如果数据重要,请谨慎操作,暂未知道原理。 ......

Git拉取代码报错:Can't Update No tracked branch configured for branch dev or the branch doesn't exist.To make your branch track a remote branch call

错误: 解决方法: 第一步: git pull origin(远程仓库名称) develop(远程分支名称) --allow-unrelated-histories 第二步: git branch --set-upstream-to origin(远程仓库名称)/develop(远程分支名称) de ......
branch configured tracked 代码 Update

PHP Warning: PHP Startup: redis: Unable to initialize module

redis已安装,且已经在php中安装了,但升级php版本后不能使用原来的redis.so扩展,需要重新编译安装phpredis。今天安装后重启php-fpm时出现了以下错误: [root@kermit etc]# php-fpm restartGracefully shutting ......
initialize PHP Warning Startup Unable

vue页面报错vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:1888 Error: please transfer a valid prop path to for item

经排查 是prop带上了表单名称, 例如data()里把表单的参数写在一个对象里 queryForm:{ InputA, InputB } v-model是“queryForm.InputA”, prop写“InputA”即可, 这种情况下不要把prop写成和v-model一样的,prop把值默认当 ......
vue transfer runtime 页面 please

JAVA 截取字符串的三种方法 subString,StringUtils,split

JAVA 截取字符串的三种方法 subString,StringUtils,split 主要有以下几种方法: 1、通过subString()方法来进行字符串截取(最常用) 2、通过StringUtils提供的方法 3、split()+正则表达式来进行截取 1、通过subString()方法来进行字符 ......

Learning Affinity from Attention: End-to-End Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Transformers概述

0.前言 相关资料: arxiv github 论文解读 论文基本信息: 领域:弱监督语义分割 发表时间: CVPR 2022(2022.3.5) 1.针对的问题 目前主流的弱监督语义分割方法通常首先训练分类模型,基于类别激活图(CAM)或其变种生成初始伪标签;然后对伪标签进行细化作为监督信息训练一 ......

AtCoder Grand Contest 062 B Split and Insert

[洛谷传送门]( "洛谷传送门") [AtCoder 传送门]( "AtCoder 传送门") 妙妙题。 像这种最 ......
AtCoder Contest Insert Grand Split

From Java To Kotlin:空安全、扩展、函数、Lambda很详细,这次终于懂了

Kotlin 是什么? 可以做什么? Android 官方开发语言从Java变为Kotlin,Java 有哪些问题? Kotlin的优点 Kotlin 特性(Features) ......
函数 Kotlin Lambda From Java

QT QTcpSocket write发送字符串 error: no matching member function for call to 'write'

先看源码: // 按钮,发送消息 void MainWindow::on_pushButton_2_clicked() { QString send_msg = ui->textEdit_2->toPlainText(); // 获取文本框内容 new_sock->write(send_msg); ......
write 字符串 QTcpSocket 字符 matching

elasticsearch 启动报错 SearchPhaseExecutionException[Failed to execute phase [query], all shards failed]

Elasticsearch 启动报错: [2023-05-19T22:39:32,161][DEBUG][o.e.a.s.TransportSearchAction] [X-111.ecs] All shards failed for phase: [query] [2020-05-19T22:39 ......

From Java To Kotlin:空安全、扩展、函数、Lambda很详细,这次终于懂了

From Java To Kotlin, 空安全、扩展、函数、Lambda 概述(Summarize) * • Kotlin 是什么? * • 可以做什么? * • Android 官方开发语言从Java变为Kotlin,Java 有哪些问题? * • Kotlin的优点 * • Kotlin 特性 ......
函数 Kotlin Lambda From Java

permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fd dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied

001、普通用户操作docker遇到如下问题 permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get "http://%2Fvar%2Frun% ......
permission connect denied docker sock

Redirect the Output of systemd Service to a File

By default stdout and stderr of a systemd unit are sent to syslog. 以filebeat service 为例: [Unit] Description=filebeat StartLimitIntervalSec=0 [Service] ......
Redirect Service systemd Output File

Cannot cast Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject to Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken.

@@Cannot cast Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject to Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken 解决方法 方法参数为[FromBody]object content JObject jo = (JObject)JsonConvert.Deseria ......
Newtonsoft Json Linq JObject Cannot

Peripheral Instance Augmentation for End-to-End

Peripheral Instance Augmentation for End-to-End Anomaly Detection Using Weighted Adversarial Learning abstract 对边缘样本的实例学习不足,可能会导致较高的假阳性 提出方法用少量样本来指导对抗 ......

Unable to retrieve version information from Elasticsearch nodes

问题描述 es启动正常;但当kibana时,报了如下错误 Unable to retrieve version information from Elasticsearch nodes. connect ECONNREFUSED XXX.X.X.X:9200 解决方法 网上大多是将配置文件中的相关地 ......

运行 variant-form3-vite 报错 Error: Failed to resolve force included dependency: quill

代码库地址: 运行项目 variant-form3-vite 报错 环境依赖 进入 variant-form3-vite 项目,执行 pnpm i 报错: error when starting dev se ......