artifactory notes on

Proj. CAR Paper Reading: CodeBPE: Investigating Subtokenization Options for Large Language Model Pretraining on Source Code

## Abstract 本文:探索LLM在source code上pretrain时的subtokenization效果。 subtokenization: split long tokens into smaller subtokens, in order to ensure the relati ......

es ctags for code on win

# setup ```ps1 # dep: tar, 7z, pwsh, java $theGrokRoot="D:/sevtest/opengrok" $theTomcatRoot="D:/sevtest/tomcat" $theGrokFile="./opengrok-1.12.11.tar.g ......
ctags code for win es


v-model 在表单输入元素或组件上创建双向绑定。v-model指令用于在表单控件或者组件上创建双向绑定。 期望的绑定值类型:根据表单输入元素或组件输出的值而变化 v-bind v-bind指令可以用来绑定标签的属性和样式。要绑定的内容是作为一个JS变量,因此只需要对该内容编写合法的JS表达式。基 ......
指令 v-model 三大 v-bind model

AtCoder Regular Contest 141 E Sliding Edge on Torus

[洛谷传送门]( "洛谷传送门") [AtCoder 传送门]( "AtCoder 传送门") $(i, j) \ ......
AtCoder Regular Contest Sliding Torus

mysql -u root -p启动报错:ERROR 2003 (HY000) Can‘t connect to MySQL server on ‘localhost3306‘ (10061)

正常安装完mysql后,在mysql的bin文件夹下运行 mysql -u root -p,提示:ERROR 2003 (HY000) Can‘t connect to MySQL server on ‘localhost3306‘ (10061) 解决步骤: 1、配置好mysql文件下的 ......
localhost connect server mysql ERROR

Neutral Network Notes

# Table of Contents * [卷积]() ### 卷积 #### 卷积公式 $ \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} f(\tau )g(x-\tau)d\tau $ | 符号 | 意义 | | | | | $f(t)$ | $t$时刻的进食量 | | $\int_{0} ......
Neutral Network Notes


《小王子》读书笔记 Created: 2023-06-04T09:09+08:00 Published: 2023-06-19T09:08+08:00 Categories: ReadingNotes 第 26 章关于生离死别的印象深刻,water、bell …… > On the 31st of ......

How to Install Nerd Fonts on Linux

Installing Nerd Fonts - Documentation ( How to Install Nerd Fonts on Linux ( 没什么鸟用,我估计是因为我是wsl的关系,windows是不是要装这上面 Nerd Font ......
Install Fonts Linux Nerd How

PicoRV32-on-PYNQ-Z2: An FPGA-based SoC System——RISC-V On PYNQ项目复现

> **本文参考:** > 👉 [1️⃣ 原始工程]( > 👉 [2️⃣ 原始工程复现教程]( ......
PYNQ FPGA-based on-PYNQ-Z 项目 PicoRV

【C++】Effective Modern C++ Key Notes

[errata very important]( > Argument, Actual Argument> Parameter, Formal Parameter ## 一 类型推导C++98 ......
Effective Modern Notes Key

Primes on Interval(欧拉筛+二分+滑动窗口)

【题面】 你决定用素数定理来做一个调查. 众所周知, 素数又被称为质数,其含义就是除了数字一和本身之外不能被其他任何的数字除尽. 现在给定一个正整数序列 ,+1,⋯ ,a,a+1,⋯,b (≤)(a≤b), 请找出一个最小值 l, 使其满足对于任意一个长度为 l 的子串, 都包含 k 个质数. 找到 ......
Interval Primes on

How to enable auto restart of a docker container on system reboot ?

How to enable auto restart of a docker container on system reboot ? ......
container restart enable docker reboot

Models, Mappings, Request Validation Notes

Request Validation API Gateway can perform basic validation. This enables you, the API developer, to focus on app-specific deep validation in the back ......
Validation Mappings Request Models Notes

What is API Gateway Notes, API Driven Dev Notes

API Driven Development What is API Driven Development? API Driven Development is a process that allows developers to focus on API design before writin ......
Notes API Gateway Driven What

Mark Fan:A computational model study on the mechanical response mechanism of asphalt under uniaxial tension

Wuhan Jiangxia Road and Bridge Engineering Co., Ltd School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Wuhan Institute of Technology Mark Fan 159 2760 2711 ......

How to Stopping System-Versioning on a System-Versioned Temporal Table in SQL Server 2016?

How to Stopping System-Versioning on a System-Versioned Temporal Table in SQL Server 2016? 回答1 My problem was solved when i using following query: -- ......

Docsify on VPS,搭建最简个人博客

最近把个人博客从Ghost平台迁到了Docsify,整体感觉还可以,想要搭建个人博客的,并且喜欢极简风格的,又怕麻烦的小伙伴可以试试看。 ......
Docsify 个人 博客 VPS on

python: enforcing type check on function using decorator

def typeassert(*ty_args, **ty_kwargs): """ 利用装饰器对函数参数强制性类型检查 enforcing type check on function using decorator :param ty_args: :param ty_kwargs: :retur ......
enforcing decorator function python check

xtrabackup 备份从库报错,原因是uper_read_only =ON

######################## MySQL版本:8.0.26 xtrabackup 备份从库报错,官方bug: 问题描述: xtrabackup报错 Undo tablespace number 1 w ......
uper_read_only xtrabackup 备份 原因 uper

海康SDK注册报错 Structure.getFieldOrder() on class$NET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V30 does not provide enough names [0]

Structure.getFieldOrder() on class$NET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V30 does not provide enough names [0] 海康依赖的版本较低,项目引用的较高,导致海康注册报错,所以降低jna版本 ......

关于xfs文件系统-在操作系统中遇到两个uuid一样的-挂载报错-wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/nvme2n1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error

当操作系统中,出现了两个uuid一样的文件系统(笔者这里是xfs),那么默认就只能挂载成功一个 [root@qq-5201351 ~]# blkid |grep xfs |grep 1ea9e784-0692-403c-bed1-bf34a5a86a57 /dev/nvme1n1: UUID="1e ......
系统 superblock bad codepage 两个

On Python

# Chapter 11 Test-Driven Development + Test-Driven Development Principles > TDD consists of writing test cases that cover a desired feature, then writ ......
Python On

Web.Config中customErrors的使用方法(mode=On|Off|RemoteOnly) 1)customErrors 中的mode “On” 始终显示自定义(友好的)信息。 “Off” 始终显示详细的 ASP.NET 错误信息。 “RemoteOnly” 只对不在本地 Web 服务器 ......

5、题目:Training in Creative Problem Solving: Effects on Ideation and Problem Finding and Solving in an Industrial Research Organization

期刊信息 (1)作者:George B. Graen,Stephen G. Graen (2)期刊:Organizational Behavior and Human Performance (3)DOI:10.1016/0030-5073(82)90233-1 (4)ISSN:0030-5073 ......
Problem Solving Organization Industrial and

[ABC305E] Art Gallery on Graph

[Art Gallery on Graph の 传送门]( ## Problem 有一个由 $N$ 个点 $M$ 边的简单无向图,顶点编号为 $1$ 到 $N$,边的编号为 $1$ 到 $M$。 第 $ i $ ......
Gallery Graph 305E ABC 305

[Fullstack] Learning note for Fullstack developer - FrontendMaster

Command Line 1. Navigate to your home directory cd ~ 2. Make a directory call "temp" mkdir temp 3. Move into temp cd temp 4. List the idrectory conten ......


使用python连接阿里云iot平台时遇到的问题及解决方法 on_connect打印的rc值为9,上传物模型值 目的:在Windows端PYCharm软件上连接阿里云iot平台以获得、上报数据。 情况: 在使用网上相关资料后使用其代码,运行后出现错误: 经分析,情况为:lk.connect_asyn ......
on_connect 模型 connect 方法 python

[Vue warn]: Error compiling template: Component template should contain exactly one root element. If you are using v-if on multiple elements, use v-else-if to chain them instead.

##报错信息: [Vue warn]: Error compiling template: Component template should contain exactly one root element. If you are using v-if on multiple elements, ......

DSU on tree

DSU on Tree DSU on Tree 是指在树上利用类似于并查集的启发式合并的方法处理一类统计的问题。比如这些问题:对于每一个子树T,计算: 1)T中结点的值组成的众数 2)T中不同的结点的值的个数 3)T结点的值从小到大排序后最接近T的根结点的值 以子树中不同的结点的值的个数为例,如果直 ......
tree DSU on

StarWind V2V Converter报错V2V convert to VMDK 'unrecoverable error' on win10

解决方法:避免在源名称和目标名称中使用任何非 ASCII 符号 修改文件名,不能使用特殊字符 VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit ErrorVMware Virtual Disk Development Kit unrecoverable error: (vthr ......
unrecoverable Converter V2V StarWind convert