artifactory notes on

Top 5 Best Open Source Projects on GitHub 2023

这里介绍Github上 5 个增长最快的开源项目,它们为原有的解决方案提供了更加具有成本效益的替代方案,并为开发者、数据分析师和企业提供了高可用的工具产品。利用开源的优势,这5个项目拓展了强大而有效的解决方案,是值得收藏、分享以及探索尝试的。 **1. ChatGLM-6B:Open Source ......
Projects GitHub Source Best 2023

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on

## 远程挂在NAS盘或NFS共享盘报错 ``` # 中文: [root@node02 ~]# mount -t nfs /data/ mount: 文件系统类型错误、选项错误、 上有坏超级块、 缺少代码页或助手程 ......
xxx superblock bad NAS_NFS option

MySQL 服务无法启动, 无法连接/ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

错误情况: 状态1:ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) 状态2:mysql 服务正在启动 .mysql 服务无法启动 第一步先配置环境 新增系统变量 变量名:MYSQL_HOME 变量值:m ......
MySQL localhost 39 connect server

VUE Error: Cannot call .tap() on a plugin that has not yet been defined. Call plugin('preload').use(<Plugin>) first.

在对一个vue项目执行过“npm audit fix --force”命令之后,就出现了如下错误: ERROR Error: Cannot call .tap() on a plugin that has not yet been defined. Call plugin('preload').us ......
plugin defined preload Cannot Plugin

11_install Ubuntu Full GUI Desktop on an Ubuntu VPS

地址: How to install Ubuntu Desktop with Full GUI on an Ubuntu VPS This post will expl ......
Ubuntu install Desktop Full GUI

13_How to Deploy NodeJs app on Ubuntu in Production

地址: How to deploy a Node.js application in production In this post, we will see how ......
Production Deploy NodeJs Ubuntu How

12_How to deploy Flask apps on Ubuntu VPS Using gunicorn and Ngnix

地址: How to deploy flask app on Ubuntu VPS using Nginx and gunicorn In thi ......
gunicorn deploy Ubuntu Flask Ngnix

8_How to install LEMP stack on Ubuntu VPS_

地址: How to install LEMP stack (Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP) on Ubuntu 20.04 In this tutori ......
install Ubuntu stack LEMP VPS_

9_How to install phpMyAdmin on Nginx (in 5 minutes)

地址: How to install PhpMyAdmin on Ubuntu running Nginx (LEMP stack) In this post ......
phpMyAdmin install minutes Nginx How

5_How to install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu_

地址: Installing phpMyAdmin and adding password authentication to MySQL on Ubuntu In th ......
phpMyAdmin install Ubuntu_ Ubuntu How

4_How to Host Multiple Websites on One Server

地址: How to Host Multiple Websites on Ubuntu VPS? An apache2 web server provid ......
Multiple Websites Server Host How

3_Installing Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) Stack on Ubuntu 20.04

地址: Installing LAMP stack on Ubuntu 20.04 in 5 Minutes This post will explain how to in ......
Installing Apache Ubuntu 20.04 Linux

Vue2项目开发时遇到:<template v-for> key should be placed on the <template> tag

问题缘由: Vue2和Vue3中,对待template中存在v-for行为的组件正好相反 Vue2中key必须写在子元素中,Vue3中key必须写在template中,不然会报错 使用volar插件,使用Vue3语法检测代码,导致错误 解决方案: 1、禁用volar 2、貌似可以修改配置项,但尚未尝 ......
template 项目开发 项目 should placed

Rogue7: Rogue Engineering-Station Attacks on S7 Simatic PLCs 阅读笔记

![image]( ### **基本信息** **题目:** **Rogue7: Rogue Engineering-Sta ......

Note.regular write

##方正的格式还是书籍结构,但我们的知识没法书籍,那就参考同类层级 2.2 2.2.1 ......
regular write Note

Note&browser collect

#浏览器收藏的问题就在于,没有将东西变成自己的产出 ![image]( ......
browser collect Note amp

doris/starrocks on ES

在doris/starrocks中创建外部表 USE simon;CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `soe_t1` ( `k1` bigint(20) NULL COMMENT "", `k2` datetime NULL COMMENT "", `k3` varchar(20) NUL ......
starrocks doris ES on


```HTML count的值是{{count}} +1 -1 +1 -1 --> ``` ......
简写 指令 模式 事件 v-on

(输出路径搜索)[USACO06OCT] Cows on Skates G

题目描述 本题使用 Special Judge。 Farmer John 把农场划分为了一个 r 行 c 列的矩阵,并发现奶牛们无法通过其中一些区域。此刻,Bessie 位于坐标为 (1,1)(1,1) 的区域,并想到坐标为 (,)(r,c) 的牛棚享用晚餐。她知道,以她所在的区域为起点,每次移动至 ......
路径 Skates USACO Cows OCT

nohup execute command,both write info to file and print on console

nohup ./h1 >>write.log |tail -f write.log ......
execute command console nohup write


Vue插值语法: 总结:插值语法使用{{}}传入变量,相当于形参 script中data中传入变量值,相当于实参,vue将data的值传给{{}}中 html中: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <titl ......
指令 语法 属性 文本 事件

Incrementer:Transformer for Class-Incremental Semantic Segmentation with Knowledge Distillation Focusing on Old Class论文阅读笔记

## 摘要 目前已有的连续语义分割方法通常基于卷积神经网络,需要添加额外的卷积层来分辨新类别,且在蒸馏特征时没有对属于旧类别/新类别的区域加以区分。为此,作者提出了基于Transformer的网络incrementer,在学习新类别时只需要往decoder中加入对应的token。同时,作者还提出了对 ......


# 事件绑定指令 vue提供了`v-on事件绑定`指令,用来辅助程序员为DOM元素绑定事件监听。语法格式如下: ```HTML count的值是{{count}} +1 ``` ......
指令 事件 v-on on

sqlalchemy.orm.exc.DetachedInstanceError: Instanceis not bound to a Session; attribute refresh operation cannot proceed (Background on this error at:

在使用sqlalchemy 的orm时,在一个循环中,如果一开始select时用了session,中间update某条记录后,session被关闭,就会出现对象not bound to a Session的问题. DBSession = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine,e ......

mysql 特有的 重复的主键 更新on duplicate key update

insert into harm_behavor_info (id, name, age, hobby, del_status) values (1, 'xc', '28','跑步', 0) on duplicate key update del_status = 0,age=values(age) ......
duplicate update mysql key

Machine Learning 【note_02】

# note_02 Keywords: Classification, Logistic Regression, Overfitting, Regularization ## 1 Motivation Classification: - "binary classification": $y$ ca ......
Learning Machine note 02

Machine Learning 【note_01】

Declaration (2023/06/02): This note is the first note of a series of machine learning notes. At present, the main learning resource is *the 2022 Andre ......
Learning Machine note 01

按照官方指导 Install Docker on CentOS 时遇到的问题 问题一: GPG key retrieval failed: [Errno 14] curl#6 - ......
Install 官方 Docker CentOS 问题

Resource [logback.xml] occurs multiple times on the classpath.

15:16:57,390 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Could NOT find resource [logback.groovy] 15:16:57,390 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback. ......
classpath Resource multiple logback occurs