average keep high the

[ARC105E] Keep Graph Disconnected 题解

题意 给定一张由 \(N\) 个点和 \(M\) 条边组成的简单无向图 \(G\),定义一个无向图是好的当且仅当这张图满足以下条件: \(1\) 号节点和 \(N\) 号节点不联通 图中不存在重边和自环 现有两人轮流采取操作,每轮操作如下: 选择两个点 \(u, v\),将边 \((u, v)\) ......
题解 Disconnected Graph 105E Keep

[翻译]——How the MySQL Optimizer Calculates the Cost of a Query (Doc ID 1327497.1)

本文是对这篇文章How the MySQL Optimizer Calculates the Cost of a Query (Doc ID 1327497.1)的翻译,翻译如有不当的地方,敬请谅解,请尊重原创和翻译劳动成果,转载的时候请注明出处。谢谢! 适用于: MySQL 4.0 及后续更高的版 ......
Calculates 1327497.1 the Optimizer 1327497

查询列表时参数有限制提示The server supports a maximum of 2100 parameters.

1 public ActionResult Export(SAPPRItemSearchVM searchvm) 2 { 3 searchvm.SetFilter(MyPRItemReader, this.GetWorkingUser(true)); 4 5 IList<SAPPRItemDTO> ......
parameters supports 参数 maximum server

【转载】The Beginner’s Guide to Creating and Selling Cheat Sheets

【from】https://medium.com/practice-in-public/the-beginners-guide-to-creating-and-selling-cheat-sheets-23756af06b12 This is 10x better than your 50-page ......
Beginner Creating Selling Sheets Guide

第五周阅读笔记|人月神话————胸有成竹(Calling the Shot)

这个章节标题是胸有成竹,而要做到胸有成竹就必须在项目计划阶段我们对项目的预测和估算都需要很准确。因此整个章节的内容就是在讲估算,而估算就涉及到预测和估算模型,估算要做到准确必须通过前期多个历史项目和版本的积累,同时通过历史版本和数据的积累来发现预测指标Y和相应的估算因子X之间的关系。这样建立出来的估 ......
胸有成竹 神话 Calling 笔记 Shot


本文深入探讨了TCP协议的超时重传、流量控制、keep-alive机制及端口号等相关内容。超时重传是根据RTT计算的,通过平滑往返时间(SRTT)来灵活调整超时重传时间。流量控制使用滑动窗口机制,根据接收方窗口大小调整发送数据量。Keep-alive机制通过定期发送探测报文保持TCP连接活跃。端口号... ......
keep-alive 口号 流量 alive keep

The Policy to Solve Air Pollution

One of the many specific measures and policies China has implemented to solve the problem of air pollution is to implement the Action Plan for the Pre ......
Pollution Policy Solve The Air

[LeetCode] 1535. Find the Winner of an Array Game

Given an integer array arr of distinct integers and an integer k. A game will be played between the first two elements of the array (i.e. arr[0] and a ......
LeetCode Winner Array 1535 Find

Store config in the environment

Store config in the environment https://12factor.net/config The twelve-factor app stores config in environment variables (often shortened to env vars ......
environment config Store the in

e1000e 0000:00:1f.6: The NVM Checksum Is Not Valid

Ubuntu20.04系统,遇到 I219 网卡不能用的问题,查看dmesg得到如下信息: 解决办法: 1. 下载Intel官方工具Boot Utility: 下载地址:https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download/15755/intel-ethe ......
Checksum e1000e e1000 1000e Valid

prometheus Error on ingesting samples that are too old or a re too far into the future

目录prometheus Error on ingesting samples that are too old or a re too far into the future磁盘问题时间问题版本问题历史prometheus旧数据 prometheus Error on ingesting samp ......
prometheus ingesting too samples future

The sultion of P4959

problem & blog 首先我们看到 \(x,y\) 有可能为负数,所以我们先把它旋转到第一象限。 然后我们发现如果 \(x_a \ge x_b\) 且 \(y_a \ge y_b\) 那么 \(b\) 点就是无效的,应为他肯定可以被以左下角为 \((0,0)\),右上角为 \((x_a,y_ ......
sultion P4959 4959 The of

"none" is not exported by the List::Util module

001、make命令报错如下: "none" is not exported by the List::Util module 002、解决方法 。 ......
quot exported module none List

[934] Run the python file directly (ArcGIS Pro)

ref: The Edit with IDLE and Run with ArcGIS Pro options are not available in the context menu when right-clicking Python files Description In some ins ......
directly ArcGIS python file 934

[LeetCode] 2265. Count Nodes Equal to Average of Subtree

Given the root of a binary tree, return the number of nodes where the value of the node is equal to the average of the values in its subtree. Note: Th ......
LeetCode Average Subtree Count Equal

【Azure Web Job】Azure Web Job执行Powershell脚本报错 The term 'Select-AzContext' is not recognized as the name

问题描述 Azure Web Job执行Powershell脚本报错 Select-AzContext : The term 'Select-AzContext' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or ......

nginx报错 [error] 612#4188: CreateFile() "C:\yjzx\nginx-1.24.0/logs/nginx.pid" failed (2: The system cannot find the file specified)

背景 无论是nginx -s stop还是nginx -s reload命令,都会出现这个错误。 [error] 612#4188: CreateFile() "C:\yjzx\nginx-1.24.0/logs/nginx.pid" failed (2: The system cannot fin ......
nginx quot CreateFile specified cannot

The Last Battle —— 2023~2024 赛季考场代码合辑

\[\Huge\mathfrak{CSP - S 2023} \]\(\textrm{A}\;\text{密码锁}\) \({\color{limegreen}\textrm{100}}\textrm{ / 100}\) \(\textrm{We decide.}\) \(\textrm{We ch ......
考场 赛季 代码 Battle Last

The Parade

here 二分的单调性:如果\(mid\)可以,那么小于\(mid\)的也一定可以(从每排末尾剔除一些人即可)。 主要问题是贪心的选法。 原问题所引出的可能得选人的方案可能是离散的,比如: 2 2 5 当每排人数是2时,一下方案是一种最优解: 1个身高为1的,1个身高为2的 1个身高为1的,1个身高 ......
Parade The


线段树 一般线段树维护的东西是什么?设其维护的信息的半群 \((A,+)\),维护标记的半群 \((T,\times)\) 和一种运算 \(*\mapsto A*T\to A\)。 要求 \((b+c)*a=b*a+c*a\)。 一般而言,矩阵是满足这东西的最一般东西,所以线段树一定可以用矩阵搞。 ......

[933] In ArcPy, how to get the geometry of a feature from a shapefile

In ArcPy, you can get the geometry of a feature from a shapefile using the SearchCursor or UpdateCursor and the SHAPE@ token to access the geometry of ......
shapefile geometry feature ArcPy from

[932] In ArcPy, how to get the extent of a shapefile

In ArcPy, you can get the extent of a shapefile using the Describe function and the extent property. Here's how you can do it: import arcpy # Set the ......
shapefile extent ArcPy 932 how

PageOffice保存时The file format is not allowed

情景描述:最新用PageOffice做word在线编辑功能,但是保存时一直报错The file format is not allowed。如下图: 问题分析:把word文件放到官方demo中,编辑保存没有问题,最后排查到是pageofficeCtrl.WebOpen传入的参数DocumentURL ......
PageOffice allowed format file The

【图形学笔记】Lectre11-The Rendering Equation-渲染方程

Lectre11-The Rendering Equation-渲染方程 目录Lectre11-The Rendering Equation-渲染方程Models of Scattering 散射模型表面散射——BRDF(双向反射分布函数)一个点上的反射镜面反射Transmission 传播(似乎是 ......
方程 Rendering Equation 图形 笔记

[Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking <some> event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive.

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39152877/consider-marking-event-handler-as-passive-to-make-the-page-more-responsive Passive event listeners:https: ......

后台springboot启动失败-The bean 'productMapper' could not be injected because it is a JDK dynamic proxy

报错信息 The bean 'productMapper' could not be injected because it is a JDK dynamic proxy The bean is of type 'com.sun.proxy.$Proxy224' and implements: pw ......

The 2023 CCPC Guilin 游记

Preface 纯在偷懒,比赛结束过了这么多天才把这篇游记摸出来 这场CCPC桂林算是我们全队第一次线下打区域赛,虽然赛前VP往年CCPC时偶尔也能打进金牌区(一般都是徐神切出字符串或是祁神切掉计算几何时) 但鉴于没啥经验而且这场桂林强队如云,因此心理预期能守银就算成功 最后的结果也算是中规中矩地完 ......
游记 Guilin 2023 CCPC The

Please take a look at the provided example service unit files in this directory, and adapt and install them. Sorry!

安装Redis,执行 install_server.s 脚本时,出现如下报错: 解决方案,注释掉 install_server.sh 中的部分代码,注释代码详情如下: 再次执行 install_server.sh 脚本,结果如下: ......
and directory provided example install

Mind the Gap 队伍实录

正式比赛 \(**Year2023**\) \(ICPC Nanjing:\)未开始 \(CCPC Shenzhen:\)未开始 \(ICPC Jinan:\)未开始 交题圣经 " 语言别交错 题目别交错 long long 有没有开 空间够不够 大小够不够 自己的样例试过没 格式'\n'有没有 板 ......
队伍 Mind Gap the

题解 ABC326E【Revenge of "The Salary of AtCoder Inc."】

根据期望的线性性,总工资的期望等于在每一个 \(i\) 处获得的工资的期望之和,而在 \(i\) 处获得的工资的期望 \(E(i)=A_i\times p(i)\),其中 \(p(i)\) 表示掷骰子掷到 \(i\) 且有效的概率。 初始 \(p(0)=1\),则只有从 \(0\sim i-1\) ......
题解 quot Revenge AtCoder Salary