codeforces round sort with

Codeforces Round 916 (Div. 3) (A~E2)

A. Problemsolving Log 签到题,对于给出的字符串,用数组记录每个字母出现的次数,然后遍历一边记录数组,如果对应的字母出现次数大于它的位次,则说明该字母对应的题目被解出来了,最后输出解题数量即可 void solve() { int n; cin >> n; string s; c ......
Codeforces Round 916 Div E2

[Codeforces] CF1795C Tea Tasting

CF1795C Tea Tasting 题意 有 \(n\) 个人和 \(n\) 杯茶,第 \(i\) 个人每次会喝 \(b_i\) 毫升的茶。第 \(i\) 杯茶有 \(a_i\) 毫升。总共会喝 \(n\) 轮茶,第 \(j\) 轮第 \(i\) 个人会尝试喝第 \(i+1-j\) 杯茶。喝的量 ......
Codeforces Tasting 1795C 1795 Tea

Educational Codeforces Round 160 (Rated for Div. 2) 题解A~D

Educational Codeforces Round 160 (Rated for Div. 2) A. Rating Increase 纯暴力,分割字符串,如果n1<n2就输出,如果遍历完整个数组都不存在n1<n2就输出-1. const int N = 2e5 + 10; int toint ......
题解 Educational Codeforces Round Rated

Build Secure Web Services With SOAP Headers and Extensions

原文如下: 摘录我最想要的Extensions部分 <%@ WebService Langua ......
Extensions Services Headers Secure Build

Educational Codeforces Round 160 (Rated for Div. 2) A~C

A. Rating Increase 题意: 将一个字符串分成两个整数a和b,要求没有前导0,且a < b 思路: 遍历字符串s,若当前位置不是0,则拆分字符串,比较大小 // #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <iostream> #include <string ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 160

Educational Codeforces Round 160 (Rated for Div. 2)

基本情况 A题秒了。 B题卡了实在太久,BC题最后虽然都过了,但是耗时太久。感觉C对我来说更好写。 B. Swap and Delete 经典+3。 总是一条路偏要走到黑了才会想着换思路,早该换了。 一开始想了一大堆乱七八糟的思路,但都错了。 后面往简单了想,这题毕竟最后必须要左对齐的,直接从左往右 ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 160

[AGC054C] Roughly Sorted 题解

题意 定义一种操作为交换 \(a_{i}\) 和 \(a_{i-1}\)。对于一个长度为 \(n\) 的排列,你需要操作若干次,使这个序列变合法,一个序列合法指:满足对于每一个 \(1\le i \le n\),都满足包含 \(a_i\) 的逆序对的个数不超过 \(k\),并且要求最小化操作次数。现 ......
题解 Roughly Sorted 054C AGC

Freezing with Style 题解?

好像不是题解,算是记录。 记一个 Trick:当求路径边权的中位数的最大值的时候,可以先二分一个答案 \(mid\),然后把大于 \(mid\) 的边设为 \(1\),否则设为 \(-1\)。这样只需要看路径长度是否大于零就可以判断出有没有中位数大于等于 \(mid\) 的情况了。 当然类似到求一个 ......
题解 Freezing Style with

报错 MEDIA_URL setting must end with a slash

报错 MEDIA_URL setting must end with a slash 构建Django报错, MEDIA_URL setting must end with a slash 分析 根据报错找到media url配置,查看官方文档 MEDIA_URL 必须以/结尾 #根据报错找到med ......
MEDIA_URL setting MEDIA slash must

C. Game with Multiset

原题链接 反思:要把各种可能的情况都判断一遍再提交!不要急着提交 简介 仓库里有若干个二次方数,请问是否能取出若干数使得刚好等于给定数? 情况讨论 情况1.仓库里只有一个4,但是我要求2,求不得 情况2.仓库里有三个1,我要求3,能求 大概思路 从\(i\in[log2(v),0]\)遍历(从大到小 ......
Multiset Game with


CodeForces-1913A Rating Increase 依题意模拟。 提交记录:Submission - CodeForces CodeForces-1913B Swap and Delete 交换免费就是能任意重排,从头开始尽量填相反的,剩下只能删去了。 提交记录:Submission ......
题解 CodeForces 1913

Docker error: "host" network_mode is incompatible with port_bindings

原因 这个错误的原因是在Docker的配置中,使用了"host"网络模式,同时又试图绑定端口(port_bindings)。"host"网络模式意味着容器将直接使用主机的网络,而不是使用Docker创建的虚拟网络。在这种模式下,容器的网络栈不会被隔离,容器可以直接监听主机的网络端口。 因此,当使用" ......


CodeForces-1905A Constructive Problems 发现沿着对角线放就行了,答案是 \(\max(n+m)\)。 提交记录:Submission - CodeForces CodeForces-1905B Begginer's Zelda 最优操作每次删两个叶子(除了最后一 ......
题解 CodeForces 1905

Educational Codeforces Round 160 (Rated for Div. 2)

比赛录屏 \(A. Rating Increase\) \(B. Swap and Delete\) ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 160

Educational Codeforces Round 160

总结 被edu撅飞力 只会前三题,掉绿指日可待 我这种彩笔还是不适合div.2 A 直接模拟,注意细节 #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define ll long long using namespace std; ll p[15] = {1}; void solve() { l ......
Educational Codeforces Round 160

Educational Codeforces Round 132 (Rated for Div. 2)

基本情况 AB秒了。C跨度有点太大,题解暂时都还没理解。 C. Recover an RBS Problem - C - Codeforces 待补题 ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 132

Vision Transformer with Super Token Sampling

Vision Transformer with Super Token Sampling * Authors: [[Huaibo Huang]], [[Xiaoqiang Zhou]], [[Jie Cao]], [[Ran He]], [[Tieniu Tan]] Local library 初读 ......
Transformer Sampling Vision Super Token

InternImage: Exploring Large-Scale Vision Foundation Models with Deformable Convolutions 可变形卷积v3

InternImage: Exploring Large-Scale Vision Foundation Models with Deformable Convolutions * Authors: [[Wenhai Wang]], [[Jifeng Dai]], [[Zhe Chen]], [[Z ......

SegViT: Semantic Segmentation with Plain Vision Transformers

SegViT: Semantic Segmentation with Plain Vision Transformers * Authors: [[Bowen Zhang]], [[Zhi Tian]], [[Quan Tang]], [[Xiangxiang Chu]], [[Xiaolin We ......

BiFormer: Vision Transformer with Bi-Level Routing Attention 使用超标记的轻量ViT

alias: Zhu2023a tags: 超标记 注意力 rating: ⭐ share: false ptype: article BiFormer: Vision Transformer with Bi-Level Routing Attention * Authors: [[Lei Zhu] ......
轻量 Transformer 标记 Attention BiFormer

Adaptive Sparse Convolutional Networks with Global Context Enhancement for Faster Object Detection on Drone Images

Adaptive Sparse Convolutional Networks with Global Context Enhancement for Faster Object Detection on Drone Images * Authors: [[Bowei Du]], [[Yecheng ......

CF Round 906 (Div. 1)

CF Round 906 (Div. 1) C. Doremy's Drying Plan (√2000 / *2600) Easy ver. 可以得出只有被覆盖 1 / 2 次的才能被消除。 覆盖一次枚举线段,覆盖两次枚举点。 Hard ver. D. Game of Stacks (*3000) ......
Round 906 Div CF

Codeforces Round 834 (Div. 3)

Codeforces Round 834 (Div. 3) A. Yes-Yes? 题意:就是Y后面跟e,e后面跟s,s后面跟Y #include <iostream> using namespace std; void solve() { string x; cin >> x; int l = x ......
Codeforces Round 834 Div

Codeforces Round 839 (Div. 3)

Codeforces Round 839 (Div. 3) A. A+B? 跳过太水了、、、、、 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int t; cin >> t; while (t--) { int a,b; sc ......
Codeforces Round 839 Div

PORSCHE PIWIS 3 VCI Tool with V43.300.22+V38.250 Software Free Download

PORSCHE PIWIS 3 is the latest professional workshop diagnostic tool available in the market. It is designed specifically for Porsche vehicles and offe ......
Download Software PORSCHE 38.250 PIWIS

Django报错UnorderedObjectListWarning: Pagination may yield inconsistent results with an unordered object_list

Django报错UnorderedObjectListWarning: Pagination may yield inconsistent results with an unordered object_list 报错 报错信息如下: Django报错Django报错UnorderedObject ......

Error creating bean with name ‘globalTransactionScanner‘ defined in class path resource [io/seata/sp

Error creating bean with name ‘globalTransactionScanner‘ defined in class path resource [io/seata/sp ......

Occluded Person Re-Identification with Deep Learning: A Survey and Perspectives

应对行人信息丢失、噪声干扰、视角错位等挑战 局部特征学习:人体分割、姿态估计、语义分割、属性注释、混合法 ***语义分割*** ECCV-2020)用于行人重识别的身份引导人类语义解析 ......

Educational Codeforces Round 131 (Rated for Div. 2)

基本情况 AB秒了。C知道是二分答案,check死活写不出来。 C. Schedule Management Problem - C - Codeforces 错误分析 这题比较绕,搞了一个对应关系,大脑转不过来。 写check的时候完全想不出合理的思路。 很明显的要用桶来计数,但是怎么用不知道了。 ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 131
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