microservices why

强化学习研究方向(研究领域)现有的不足(短板、无法落地性) —— Why You (Probably) Shouldn’t Use Reinforcement Learning

外文原文: Why You (Probably) Shouldn’t Use Reinforcement Learning 地址: https://towardsdatascience.com/why-you-shouldnt-use-reinforcement-learning-163bae193 ......

Why caused the dead factory?

The death of a factory can be caused by various factors, which can be broadly categorized into economic, social, and environmental reasons. Some of th ......
factory caused dead Why the

Why the developed country choose the countries of southeast Asia to build processing factory used their labour force?

The developed countries choose countries in Southeast Asia to build processing factories and utilize their labor force for various reasons. Some of th ......
processing the developed countries southeast

Why Choose Noregon JPRO Professional Diagnostic 2023 v3 Software?

Welcome to the world of automotive diagnostics, where precision meets efficiency. With the Noregon JPRO Professional Diagnostic 2023 v3 software, mech ......

神经网络优化篇:为什么正则化有利于预防过拟合呢?(Why regularization reduces overfitting?)

为什么正则化有利于预防过拟合呢? 通过两个例子来直观体会一下。 左图是高偏差,右图是高方差,中间是Just Right。 现在来看下这个庞大的深度拟合神经网络。知道这张图不够大,深度也不够,但可以想象这是一个过拟合的神经网络。这是的代价函数\(J\),含有参数\(W\),\(b\)。添加正则项,它可 ......

12.How do you understand the three “C”s(Concise,Clear & Coherent)in an academic Abstract writing?Why are they so important and worthy of a careful study?

Round 1: Understanding the Three "C"s in Academic Abstract Writing Speaker 1 (Researcher A): Greetings, everyone. Today, we're delving into the signif ......


微服务(Microservices) 出处 本文是于2014年由James Lewis和Martin Fowler共同编写的文章-微服务(Microservices)的译文 原文网址:https://martinfowler.com/articles/microservices.html 前言 "微 ......

Spring Cloud Alibaba (SCA) Microservices panorama 微服务图景

SpringCloudAlibaba | Spring Cloud Alibaba Spring Cloud Alibaba 是什么 | Spring Cloud Alibaba 微服务引擎MSE_Nacos企业版_ZooKeeper企业版_容器与中间件-阿里云 ......
图景 Microservices panorama Alibaba Spring

Why java21 is faster?

After upgraed from jdk8 to jdk21, we gain ~16% performance improvements, here are some possible valid enhancement. Reduce JNI Access: ~2x faster In Ra ......
faster java Why 21 is

Why Microservices ?

微服务(Microservices)是一种软件架构设计风格,其中应用程序由一组小型、独立、自治的服务组成,这些服务共同工作以构建整体应用。每个服务都专注于一个特定的业务功能,可以独立部署、扩展和维护。微服务架构旨在提高系统的灵活性、可维护性和可扩展性,并促使敏捷开发和交付。 选择使用微服务架构是基于 ......
Microservices Why

Why gRPC ?

gRPC(gRPC Remote Procedure Call)是由 Google 开发的开源 RPC 框架,它基于 HTTP/2 标准,使用 Protocol Buffers 作为接口定义语言(IDL)。gRPC 提供了一种高效、跨语言、跨平台的远程过程调用(RPC)解决方案,被广泛应用于构建分布 ......
gRPC Why

Why I see scss file in my chrome inspector?

Why I see scss file in my chrome inspector? Because there are map files in your CSS folder like *.css.map and *.scss.map. It basically reverse maps th ......
inspector chrome scss file Why

Microservice- Resiliency patterns: Circuit Breaker Pattern

The retry pattern works well for covering transient failures, but if we don’t know how long the problem will last, we may end up putting a high load o ......

Microservice- Resiliency patterns: Retry Pattern

Retry Pattern Transient faults occur when a momentary loss of service functionality self-corrects. The retry pattern in gRPC enables us to retry a fai ......

神经网络入门篇:详解为什么需要非线性激活函数?(why need a nonlinear activation function?)

为什么需要非线性激活函数? 为什么神经网络需要非线性激活函数?事实证明:要让的神经网络能够计算出有趣的函数,必须使用非线性激活函数,证明如下: 这是神经网络正向传播的方程,现在去掉函数\(g\),然后令\(a^{[1]} = z^{[1]}\),或者也可以令\(g(z)=z\),这个有时被叫做线性激 ......

Microservice - Project folder structure for hexagonal architecture

While there are no written rules for a hexagonal architecture folder, the following folders are common in typical Go projects: Application folder—Thi ......

Microservice - Hexagonal Architecture

Hexagonal architecture (https://alistair.cockburn.us/hexagonal-architecture/), proposed by Alistair Cockburn in 2005, is an architectural pattern that ......
Microservice Architecture Hexagonal

Microservice - Data Consistency

To have data consistency in a distributed system, you have two options: a two-phase commit (2PC) and saga. 2PC coordinates all the processes that form ......
Microservice Consistency Data

Microservice: API Gateway

How to use Spring cloud gateway 1. create a maven modele for the API gateway 2. add the dependency (Search "gateway" in the start.spring.io) into the ......
Microservice Gateway API

Why do I hear a NoiseHiss in the IEM system

# Why do I hear a Noise/Hiss in the IEM system? ``` Why do I hear a Noise/Hiss in the IEM system? The most common hiss that is referred to is caused b ......
NoiseHiss system hear Why IEM

From monolithic application to microservice framework

challenges: 1. version control After testing the branch A, pull the latest code(merged B) -> confilcts ? no conflicts? -> regression testing 2. change ......

Microservice: Service Discovery

一个服务可以拥有多个实例(Instance),每个实例会引用不同的ip地址。这种情况下,我们将无法知道应该访问哪个。所以我们就需要Discovery Service来管理这些地址。 Discovery Service的工作原理 ......
Microservice Discovery Service

[题解]P3656 [USACO17FEB] Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I P

思路 首先,\(A\) 和 \(B\) 只会移动一个,那么,我们分开来算,我们先假定 \(B\) 会动。 不妨令 \(A\) 与 \(b\) 连边的端点为 \(x,y\)。如果有线段 \(pq\) 能与 \(xy\) 相交,一定满足如下其中一条规律: \(p < x \wedge q > y\) \ ......
题解 the P3656 Cross USACO


权力是人性内心对贪婪需求所具备的一种工具。人都是趋利避害,人性使然。内心向往公平正义,但内心实际选择都是利己,自私的;所以,拥有权力,就可给自己谋求更多的利益! 绝对的权利就会导致腐败和剥削,由于没有对权利的约束(三权分立:司法权、立法权、行政权)。 权力的迷恋,就不会允许有阻碍自己的实质的制度存在 ......
权力 Why

防止react-re-render: Why Suspense and how ?

近期内部项目基础项目依赖升级,之前使用的路由缓存不再适用,需要一个适配方案。而在此过程中react re-render算是困扰了笔者很久。后来通过多方资料查找使用了freeze解决了此问题。本文主要论述react re-render问题一般的解决方案和freeze在react内部的实现原理。reac ......
react-re-render Suspense render react Why

Why does Windows claim to be low on memory when I have swap space available?

Why does Windows claim to be low on memory when I have swap space available? Ask Question Asked 8 years, 1 month ago Modified 8 years, 1 month ago Vie ......
available Windows memory claim space

The Out-of-Memory Syndrome, or: Why Do I Still Need a Pagefile?

The Out-of-Memory Syndrome, or: Why Do I Still Need a Pagefile? July 19, 2016 aziusMemory Management 13 Comments Windows’ memory management—specifical ......
Out-of-Memory Syndrome Pagefile Memory Still

Microservice - What are microservices, and why are microservices?

The concept of microservices is simply breaking a single large potential service into many smaller services that work together, hence, the name. One v ......
microservices Microservice are What and

话题1:why do some young people keep moving

why do some young people keep moving eg: well I think fist of all young people compeare to older generation has higher level of mobility,because they ......
话题 people moving young some