problem digits length given

通过docker安装的jira提示We've detected a potential problem with JIRA's Dashboard configuration that your administrator can correct. Click here to learn more

正常通过docker安装jira后,访问是不会出问题的 但是如果使用nginx代理后,就是在nginx里配置了proxy_pass http://localhost:2800 再访问后,就会报错We've detected a potential problem with JIRA's Dashbo ......

【优先队列】【堆排序实现优先队列】[1054. 距离相等的条形码](

#### 【优先队列】【堆排序实现优先队列】[1054. 距离相等的条形码]( 在一个仓库里,有一排条形码,其中第 i 个条形码为 barcodes[i]。 请你重新排列这些条形码,使其中任意两个相邻的条形 ......

【大联盟】20230706 Interesting DS Problem(interesting) QOJ2559 【Endless Road】

## 题目描述 [here](。 ## 题解 首先,我们对所有区间离散化,删除一个区间时,我们暴力删除内部还存在的子区间。 如果没有区间包含是好做的,因为我们删除一个子区间时,将区间按照左端点排序,可发现包含这个子区间的区间是连续的一个区间。 ......

解决 react antdPro umi 报错 error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported

修改文件:package.json 原 "start": "umi dev", 改成 "start": "SET NODE_OPTIONS openssl-legacy-provider && umi dev", ......

C# 使用EPPlus 操作excel The given key '8' was not present in the dictionary.

使用EPPlus 删除excel中某一个sheet中的几列的时候,出现了The given key '8' was not present in the dictionary.的报错; 最开始的写法,是从前往后删除,出现错误//ExcelWorksheet sheet = package.Workb ......
dictionary present EPPlus excel given

文献阅读——A Problem Meta-Data Library for Research in SAT

A Problem Meta-Data Library for Research in SAT •Published: March 15, 2019 Markus Iser and Carsten Sinz Abstract Experimental data and benchmarks play ......
Meta-Data 文献 Research Problem Library

CF1175G Yet Another Partiton Problem

应该是一个很通用的解法。 一个显然的分段 dp: > $f_{j,i}$ 表示前 $i$ 个数分 $j$ 段的方案数,$f_{j,i}\gets \min\limits_{k=0}^{i -1}f_{j-1,k}+w(k+1,i)$。 可以滚动数组,$f_{i}\gets \min\limits_{ ......
Partiton Another Problem 1175G 1175

【每日一题】Problem 538B. Quasi Binary

[原题]( #### 解决思路 最简单的思路就是贪心了,每次生成不超过目标值的 $quasibinary$,即可使最终数量最少 ```C++ #include int quasibinary(int ma ......
Problem Binary Quasi 538

[LeetCode] 2461. Maximum Sum of Distinct Subarrays With Length K

You are given an integer array nums and an integer k. Find the maximum subarray sum of all the subarrays of nums that meet the following conditions: T ......
Subarrays LeetCode Distinct Maximum Length

【每日一题】Problem 1195C. Basketball Exercise

[原题]( #### 解决思路 设 $dp[i][j]$ 表示第 $i$ 行第 $j$ 列所能去到的最大值,则有 1. 当 $j$ 列取值时 - $dp[0][j]$ = 该列第**一**行的值 + 前一列第 ......
Basketball Exercise Problem 1195

题解 Yet Another Minimization Problem

[Yet Another Minimization Problem]( 神仙题。 第一眼看上去就是 DP。 定义 $f_{i,j}$ 表示当前点 $i$,分 $j$ 段的最小费用。 $f_{i,j}= \min(f_{i ......
题解 Minimization Another Problem Yet

[Javascript] How to fix iphone safari auto zoom in problem without `maximum-scale=1.0`

Solution 1: consider change font-size to 16px or above Soution 2: using javascript if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPhone') > -1 ) { document .querySe ......

解决报错Cannot connect to the Maven process. Try again later. If the problem persists, check the Maven

## 故障描述: 使用idea下载java某个源文件,idea报错:Cannot connect to the Maven process. Try again later. If the problem persists, check the Maven ![](https://img2023.c ......
the Maven persists connect process

Mac环境下 罗技 Logi Options+ Backend Connection Problem

m1 芯片Mac Book,安装Logi Options+。打开后一直提示 Backend connection problem - click here to launch backend。报错图片如下 查询后得知,是一个启动程序没有打开。解决方案如下:下载一个App Cleaner & Unin ......
Connection Backend Options Problem 环境

【每日一题】Problem 534B. Covered Path

[原题]( #### 解决思路 在 section p 节点取 $v1$ 和 $v2$ 都能到达的最大速度即可 ```C++ #include int main() { int v1, v2; std:: ......
Problem Covered Path 534

[LeetCode] 1218. Longest Arithmetic Subsequence of Given Difference

Given an integer array arr and an integer difference, return the length of the longest subsequence in arr which is an arithmetic sequence such that th ......

MySQL报错: Unknown prepared statement handler (stmt2) given to DEALLOCATE PREPARE

上面的报错,是在MySQL里执行动态拼接SQL后报错的。 -- 先定义两段SQL set @update_sql_fm=concat('update ads_gcl3e_patient_',@base_group_short_name,'_detail1 t1 join temp_gcl3e_rec ......

[ABC135D] Digits Parade

> [Digits Parade の 传送门]( ## Solution 首先看到 > $1\le |S|\le 10^5$ 考虑 DP。 定义 $f_{i,j}$ 表示前 $i$ 个位置的数除以 $13$ 的 ......
Digits Parade 135D ABC 135

excel 导出 The maximum length of cell contents (text) is 32767 characters

**导出excel功能,报错。错误日志提示::The maximum length of cell contents (text) is 32767 characters** ![]( ......
characters contents maximum length excel

Configuration problem: Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler for XML schema

Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanDefinitionParsingException: Configuration problem: Unable to locate Spring Na ......

AtCoder Beginner Contest 309 Ex Simple Path Counting Problem

[洛谷传送门]( "洛谷传送门") [AtCoder 传送门]( "AtCoder 传送门") 挺妙的题。 考虑 ......
Beginner Counting AtCoder Contest Problem

POJ3468 A Simple Problem with Integers

# A Simple Problem with Integers 题目链接:[A Simple Problem with Integers]( "A Simple Problem with Integers") ## 题意 给定$N$个数, ......
Integers Problem Simple 3468 with

Luogu CF633B 【A Trivial Problem】题解

一段理解起来特别容易的代码 (目前来看是最短的) ## 思路 由于末尾0的个数就是阶乘中分解出10的个数,也就是分解出2的个数与5的个数中的最小值; 显然5的个数小于2的个数,即找出分解出的5的个数。 **比较容易推出:当 $n$ 为 $5^{k}$ 的倍数时,其阶乘分解出 $5$ 的个数即为 $n ......
题解 Trivial Problem Luogu 633B

anolis 8.8 (CentOS 8) yum update error: Problem 1: package mod_ssl-1:2.4.37-56.0.1.module+an8.8.0+11061+87142f8c.6.x86_64 requires , but none of the providers can be installed

#yum update error message: Problem 1: package mod_ssl-1:2.4.37-56.0.1.module+an8.8.0+11061+87142f8c.6.x86_64 requires httpd = 2.4.37-56.0.1.module+an8 ......
installed providers requires Problem package

【cs50】lab7 & problem set7

(1)lab7 songs sqlite3 songs.db 1)list the names of all songs in the database SELECT name FROM songs; 2)list names of all songs in increasing order of ......
problem lab7 set7 amp lab

L11U3-3 Dealing with flight problems

## 1 Expressions Flight problems Listen to discuss bad news he receives about his flight. has been delayed. mechanical problems. has been canceled due ......
problems Dealing flight with 11

【论文解析】EJOR 2011 A clustering procedure for reducing the number of representative solutions in the Pareto Front of multiobjective optimization problems

> 论文名称:A clustering procedure for reducing the number of representative solutions in the Pareto Front of multiobjective optimization problems ### 动机 假 ......

【每日一题】Problem 522A. Reposts

[原题]( #### 解决思路 用哈希表存储每个人物的节点长度即可 ```C++ #include int main() { std::map tree; tree["POLYCARP"] = 1; in ......
Problem Reposts 522

[Algorithm] Two crystal balls problem

You're given two identical crystal balls and a 100-story building. The balls are incredibly tough, but there exists some floor in the building, above ......
Algorithm crystal problem balls Two

聊聊 MySQL 网络缓冲区、net_buffer_length、max_allowed_packet 那些事

聊聊 MySQL 网络缓冲区、net_buffer_length、max_allowed_packet 那些事 一树一溪2022-03-07 13:221077本文由作者公众号一树一溪首发,欢迎关注。 本文是 My ......