product sum and

CF547E Mike and Friends题解

[题目链接]( 温馨提示:做本题之前可以先尝试这个:[洛谷 P2414 阿狸的打字机](是简单版的uwu)。 首先,这个题涉及多模式串匹配, ......
题解 Friends 547E Mike 547

Supervised Machine Learning Regression and Classification - Week 1

# 1. 机器学习定义 > Field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. -- Arthur Samuel(1959) ![](https://img2023 ......

[ERROR] Can't find error-message file '/data/mysql/share/errmsg.sys'. Check error-message file location and 'lc-messages-dir' configuration directive.

1. MySQL5.7.21启动时报错: [ERROR] Can't find error-message file '/data/mysql/3307/share/errmsg.sys'. Check error-message file location and 'lc-messages-dir ......
error-message message 39 error file

Application of Permutation and Combination

# Reference # Online Tool # Cracking ......
Application Permutation Combination and of

.NET Core 实现 Windows 系统 Development、Staging、Production 三种环境的无感部署

阅读目录 〇、前言 一、配置文件 二、程序读取配置 1. 配置文件信息读取实现 2. 关于本机测试 三、Windows 服务器配置 回到顶部 〇、前言 日常开发中,程序的环境切换是相当频繁的了,如果不同环境中的某些参数不同,那就需要每次编辑之前手动进行修改,比较麻烦,效率低下。 本文将以 .NET ......

Celery with FastAPI and TortoiseORM

API server using: `fastapi+tortoise-orm+postgresql+redis+supervisor+nginx` There are some period tasks and async tasks that will run in `celery+rabbit ......
TortoiseORM FastAPI Celery with and

wait_timeout and interactive_timeout 参数

### wait_timeout and interactive_timeout 参数 - 非交互模式连接:通常情况下,应用到RDS实例会采用非交互模式,具体采用哪个模式需要查看应用的连接方式配置,比如PHP通过传递MYSQL_CLIENT_INTERACTIVE常量给mysql_connect() ......

coe_xfr_sql_profile.sql脚本 适用 oracle数据库版本:10.2, 11.1, 11.2, 12.1, 12.2 18c_and 19c

coe_xfr_sql_profile.sql脚本 内容如下: 适用 oracle数据库版本:10.2, 11.1, 11.2, 12.1, 12.2 18c_and 19c 注明:复制粘贴即可。 SPO coe_xfr_sql_profile.log;SET DEF ON TERM OFF ECH ......

【每日一题】Problem 1832B - Maximum Sum

[原题]( #### 解决思路: 类似滑动窗口的方式,窗口大小为 k 次操作,从中找到更大的结果即可 #### 误区: 一开始的想法是每次都在前一次的基础上减去最少的,然而在样例的第五个测试点出错,因为 ......
Problem Maximum 1832B 1832 Sum

13_How to Deploy NodeJs app on Ubuntu in Production

地址: How to deploy a Node.js application in production In this post, we will see how ......
Production Deploy NodeJs Ubuntu How

12_How to deploy Flask apps on Ubuntu VPS Using gunicorn and Ngnix

地址: How to deploy flask app on Ubuntu VPS using Nginx and gunicorn In thi ......
gunicorn deploy Ubuntu Flask Ngnix

10_How deploy a Django application using Nginx & Gunicorn in Production

地址: How to host Django Application using gunicorn & nginx in Production In this po ......

Backtrader - numpy.core._exceptions.MemoryError: Unable to allocate 77.2 GiB for an array with shape (10368000003,) and data type float64

1.0 Error numpy.core._exceptions.MemoryError: Unable to allocate 77.2 GiB for an array with shape (10368000003,) and data type float64 錯誤提示 2.0 原因 沒有任 ......

CF1559D2 Mocha and Diana (Hard Version) 题解

[Luogu]( | [Codeforces]( ### 题意 给定两个森林 $A$ 和 $B$,均有编号 $1$ ......
题解 Version 1559D Mocha Diana

Reward Modelling(RM)and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback(RLHF)for Large language models(LLM)技术初探

Reward Modelling(RM)and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback(RLHF)for Large language models(LLM)技术初探 ......

How do you display code snippets in MS Word preserving format and syntax highlighting?

How do you display code snippets in MS Word preserving format and syntax highlighting? 回答1 Here is the best way, for me, to add code inside word: Go t ......

Unexpected character '"' (code 34) in DOCTYPE declaration; expected a space between public and system identifiers

1)错误信息 Caused by: org.apache.cxf.service.factory.ServiceConstructionException: Failed to create service. at org.apac ......

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content Table of Contents 1. Introduction ....................................................6 1.1. Conformance and Error ......

[LeetCode] 2352. Equal Row and Column Pairs

Given a 0-indexed n x n integer matrix grid, return the number of pairs (ri, cj) such that row ri and column cj are equal. A row and column pair is co ......
LeetCode Column Equal Pairs 2352

cpp test write content speed to ssd and usual disk respectively 1M,10M,100M rows data,the fact has illustrated the write speed of ssd is 4-5 times faster than usual disk

#include <chrono> #include <ctime> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <thread> #include <uuid/uuid. ......
speed write usual disk respectively

Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured.

这个异常在springboot,是一个常见的异常,我们引入了mybatis依赖,确没有在.yml文件中配置数据源,这次我配置了数据源,但是因为有二个application.yml和application-dev.yml,没有指定yml的环境,在application.yml中添加指定dev即可 ......

Sum of MSLCM 题解

[Sum of MSLCM]( ### 题目大意 定义 $\text{MSLCM}(n)$ 为所有满足该数集的 $\text{lcm}$ 为 $n$ 的数集中元素个数最多的数集的所有数字的和,现有多次询问,求 $$\s ......
题解 MSLCM Sum of

[ABC208E] Digit Products 题解

[Digit Products]( ### 题目大意 求有多少个不大于 $n$ 的正整数,使得该正整数各位乘积不大于 $k$。 ### 思路分析 观察数据范围,首先考虑数位 DP。 考虑设计记忆化搜索函数 `d ......
题解 Products Digit 208E ABC

[ABC205F] Grid and Tokens 题解

[Grid and Tokens]( ### 题目大意 给定 $n$ 个点和一个 $H\times W$ 的网格,每个点可以放置在 $(A_i,B_i)$ 到 $(C_i,D_i)$ 的矩形中或不放,每一行或一 ......
题解 Tokens 205F Grid ABC

[ABC205E] White and Black Balls 题解

[White and Black Balls]( ### 题目大意 将 $n$ 个白球,$m$ 个黑球排成一列,要求满足 $\forall i\in[1,n+m],w_i\le b_i+k$,问存在多少种排法。 ......
题解 White Black Balls 205E

[LeetCode] 1346. Check If N and Its Double Exist 检查整数及其两倍数是否存在

Given an array `arr` of integers, check if there exist two indices `i` and `j` such that : - `i != j` - `0 这道题给了一个整型数组,让检测是否有一个数字和其倍数同时存在的情况。一看到这道题博主就 ......
倍数 整数 LeetCode Double Check

Windows debug and troubleshoot

windows debug and troubleshoot # 一。 使用windbg 调试应用的三种方式: 1. 附件到已经运行的进程; 2. 从windbg运行新的程序; 3. 从windbg分析程序的dump 文件; # 二。 计算机架构(x86,x64 ) # 三。 虚拟内存 1. 通过分 ......
troubleshoot Windows debug and

3. Liouville's Theorem and Ergodicity

## 为什么会涉及到刘维尔定理和遍历性 在前面的关于微正则系综的平衡态的博客里面,我们对于微正则系综做了一些假设,其中最重要的两个假设是: 1. 微正则系综中各个系统出现的概率都是一样大的,没有哪一个处于某个状态的系统备受青睐 2. 在微正则系综里面,我们在计算平衡态的某些宏观性质时,认为对于相空间 ......
Ergodicity Liouville Theorem and 39

application deployment by jenkinsfile and docker compose

Using Jenkins CI/CD for your NodeJS app Jenkinsfile ......

w task2 - problem and solution

Read and understand the question -highlight / underline key parts causes ... solutions your opinion I believe ... Introduction: variety of reasons, st ......
solution problem task2 task and