
Learning Heterogeneous Temporal Patterns of User Preference for Timely Recommendation

目录概符号说明TimelyRecMulti-aspect Time Encoder (MATE)Time-aware History Encoder (TAHE)Prediction代码 Cho J., Hyun D., Kang S. and Yu H. Learning heterogeneou ......

Attention Mixtures for Time-Aware Sequential Recommendation

目录概符号说明MOJITO代码 Tran V., Salha-Galvan G., Sguerra B. and Hennequin R. Attention mixtures for time-aware sequential recommendation. SIGIR, 2023. 概 本文希望 ......

java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect

错误关闭虚拟机导致的:java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect finalshell连接不上虚拟机并且提示java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect 在虚拟机 ......

selenium chrome: calenda time

1. selenium chrome: calenda time And input created time from "2023-07-01 17:19" @step('input created time from "{Keyword}"')def step_impl(context, Key ......
selenium calenda chrome time

com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException: Java 8 date/time type `java.time.LocalDateTime` not supported by default

问题复现 Java 8 date/time type java.time.LocalDateTime not supported by default: add Module "com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype:jackson-datatype-jsr310" to en ......

Linux : FinalShell连不上LinuxCentOS-7 (connection time out)

依赖于一的二三系统连接不上。 后想起更改了系统名称 将系统通过快照更改到上一个状态即可 ......
LinuxCentOS FinalShell connection Linux time

Time Matters Sequential Recommendation with Complex Temporal Information

[TOC] > [Ye W., Wang S., Chen X., Wang X., Qin Z. and Yin D. Time Matters: Sequential recommendation with complex temporal information. SIGIR, 2020.]( ......

[LeetCode] 2594. Minimum Time to Repair Cars

You are given an integer array ranks representing the ranks of some mechanics. ranksi is the rank of the ith mechanic. A mechanic with a rank r can re ......
LeetCode Minimum Repair 2594 Cars

报错:java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.time.LocalDateTime(2022-06-28T01:53:41.000+00:00 转换成 yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss格式)

时间字符串如下:2023-09-12T16:00:00.000+00:00 错误代码: LocalDateTime orderTime1 = (LocalDateTime) o1.get("create_time"); 解决办法: (1)、先转换成yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss格式 Stri ......
java LocalDateTime yyyy-MM-dd 格式 String

SLAMesh论文及代码阅读与思考<六>Real-time LiDAR Simultaneous Localization and Meshing

# 前言 本节对可视化部分进行理解。mesh的可视化使用的是mesh_tools中提供的rviz的插件。代码中已经完美的实现了mesh_msgs::MeshGeometryStamped消息的定义与赋值,但是mesh_tools还包含了很多其他的消息类型,提供了更加丰富的可视化信息,详情可参考“Th ......

[VLDBJ 2019]Distributed Subgraph Matching on Timely Dataflow

# [VLDBJ 2019]Distributed Subgraph Matching on Timely Dataflow **只关注这篇中的subgraph matching的内容** ## 定义 $g = (V_g, E_g, L_g)$分别表示点、边,以及把任意点或边映射成label的函数。 ......

SLAMesh论文及代码阅读与思考<五>Real-time LiDAR Simultaneous Localization and Meshing

# 前言 本节重点对filterMeshGlb()函数进行理解。该函数在可视化模块中重点对全局地图中的每个栅格进行mesh的生成。一开始我的疑惑是代码是如何实现相邻cell之间的mesh连接的,这个应该具有较大的挑战性。其实,代码只考虑栅格内部的mesh的生成,全局mesh地图也就是mesh的并集, ......

Continuous-Time Sequential Recommendation with Temporal Graph Collaborative Transformer

[TOC] > [Fan Z., Liu Z., Zhang J., Xiong Y., Zheng L. and Yu P. S. Continuous-time sequential recommendation with temporal graph collaborative transfo ......

20230522 java.time.Instant

## 介绍 - java.time.Instant - 类声明 ```java @jdk.internal.ValueBased public final class Instant implements Temporal, TemporalAdjuster, Comparable, Seriali ......
20230522 Instant java time

20230629 java.time.temporal.TemporalAdjuster

## 介绍 - java.time.temporal.TemporalAdjuster - 接口声明 ```java @FunctionalInterface public interface TemporalAdjuste ``` - 关联的工具类 `TemporalAdjusters` ## A ......
TemporalAdjuster 20230629 temporal java time

20230629 java.time.temporal.TemporalQuery

## 介绍 - java.time.temporal.TemporalQuery - 接口声明 ```java @FunctionalInterface public interface TemporalQuery ``` - 关联工具类 `TemporalQueries` ## API - que ......
TemporalQuery 20230629 temporal java time

20230630 java.time.chrono.ChronoLocalDateTime

## 介绍 - java.time.chrono.ChronoLocalDateTime - public interface ChronoLocalDateTime extends Temporal, TemporalAdjuster, Comparable> ## API - timeLineO ......

20230630 java.time.chrono.ChronoPeriod

## 介绍 - java.time.chrono.ChronoPeriod - public interface ChronoPeriod extends TemporalAmount - 实现类 `Period` ## API - between - getChronology - `Chrono ......
ChronoPeriod 20230630 chrono java time

20230630 java.time.LocalDateTime

## 介绍 - java.time.LocalDateTime - 类声明 - 本地日期时间 ```java @jdk.internal.ValueBased public final class LocalDateTime implements Temporal, TemporalAdjuster ......
LocalDateTime 20230630 java time

20230630 java.time.LocalTime

## 介绍 - java.time.LocalTime - 类声明 ```java @jdk.internal.ValueBased public final class LocalTime implements Temporal, TemporalAdjuster, Comparable, Ser ......
LocalTime 20230630 java time

20230630 java.time.chrono.ChronoZonedDateTime

## 介绍 - java.time.chrono.ChronoZonedDateTime - public interface ChronoZonedDateTime extends Temporal, Comparable> ## API ### public - timeLineOrder - ......

20230630 java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter

## 介绍 - java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter - public final class DateTimeFormatter - 用来替代 `java.text.DateFormat` ## API ### 常量 - BASIC_ISO_DATE - ISO_L ......
DateTimeFormatter 20230630 format java time

20230523 java.time.Duration

## 介绍 - java.time.Duration - 类声明 ```java @jdk.internal.ValueBased public final class Duration implements TemporalAmount, Comparable, Serializable ``` ......
20230523 Duration java time

20230522 java.time.temporal.Temporal

## 介绍 - `java.time.temporal.Temporal` - `public interface Temporal extends TemporalAccessor` - 时间 - 定义对时间对象的读写访问的框架级接口 - 日期、时间和偏移量对象的基本接口类型,可以使用进行修改操作 ......
20230522 Temporal temporal java time

20230522 java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor

## 介绍 - `java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor` - `public interface TemporalAccessor` - 时间访问器 - 定义对时间对象的只读访问,例如日期、时间、偏移量或组合 - 日期、时间和偏移量对象的基本接口类型 - 大多数日期 ......
TemporalAccessor 20230522 temporal java time

20230522 java.time.temporal.TemporalField

## 介绍 - `java.time.temporal.TemporalField` - `public interface TemporalField` - 时间域 - A field of date-time, such as month-of-year or minute-of-hour - ......
TemporalField 20230522 temporal java time

20230523 java.time.temporal.TemporalAmount

## 介绍 - `java.time.temporal.TemporalAmount` - `public interface TemporalAmount` - 时间量 - 定义时间量的框架级接口 - 时间量可以被认为是 TemporalUnit 到 long 的 Map ,通过 `getUnit ......
TemporalAmount 20230523 temporal java time

20230523 java.time.temporal.TemporalUnit

## 介绍 - `java.time.temporal.TemporalUnit` - `public interface TemporalUnit` - 日期时间单位 - 时间的测量是建立在单位上的,例如年、月、日、小时、分钟和秒。此接口的实现代表那些单位 - 此接口的实例表示单位本身,而不是单位 ......
TemporalUnit 20230523 temporal java time

SLAMesh论文及代码阅读与思考<四>Real-time LiDAR Simultaneous Localization and Meshing

# 前言 本节继续对update()函数进行理解。update是将当前点云对应的map_now对全局地图map_glb进行更新。 ## 获取重叠的区域 `OverlapCellsRelation overlap_ship = map_now.overlapCells(*this);` ```c++ ......