
Chinese Solution to Plastic Pollution in Philippines

Plastic Pollution in the Philippines A growing middle class, increased consumer demand and a strong economic boom have spurred the Philippines’ econom ......

Planting poplar threes—the application of a Chinese way to control soil cadmium pollution in Japan

Situations of soil cadmium pollution in Japan In the last century, there was a serious health accident in Japan, an outbreak of Itai-itai disease, whi ......

idea报错:XXX already exist in project. Please, specify another name.

问题: idea报错:XXX already exist in project. Please, specify another name. 并且左侧目录中并没有看见同名存在文件 解决方法: 1.打开File->Project Structure 2.点击Modules->找到报错说存在的模块->点 ......
already another project specify Please

论文:Multistep ahead prediction of temperature and humidity in solar greenhouse based on FAM-LSTM model

Multistep ahead prediction of temperature and humidity in solar greenhouse based on FAM-LSTM model 基于 FAM-LSTM 模型的日光温室温湿度多步提前预测 题目:“Multistep ahead pr ......


Android两个进程间的内存相互独立不能互相访问,跨进程传输非默认类型对象需要先序列化,序列化的目的是将对象数据以能够在内存中流通的形式从 一个进程传递到另一个进程,两个进程对象的传递类似深度clone,client端就对象数据写入Parcel(writeToParcel)server端从Parc ......
inout AIDL out

电动车最大续航里程计算公式 All In One

电动车最大续航里程计算公式 All In One 电动车 & 功率计算公式 ......
电动车 公式 All One In

mysql 报错which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

Expression #2 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'd.Id' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROU ......

Why I see scss file in my chrome inspector?

Why I see scss file in my chrome inspector? Because there are map files in your CSS folder like * and * It basically reverse maps th ......
inspector chrome scss file Why

Drawdown——A New Way of Thinking About and Acting on Global Warming in Mexico

小组成员:张怡婷、郑乔鸿、饶佳欣、程小英 小组分工:集中讨论,共同完成 Introduction In the face of global climate change, countries around the world are confronted with similar challeng ......
Drawdown Thinking Warming Acting Global

Programming Abstractions in C阅读笔记:p197-p201

《Programming Abstractions in C》学习第64天,p196-p201总结。 一、技术总结 很难,唯有继续往下看才能让其变容易。 二、英语总结 1.psychologically是什么意思? 答: (1))psychology > psychological > psycho ......
Abstractions Programming 笔记 197 201

深入了解JS中for...in和for...of的区别 的特点 循环返回的值都是数据结构的 键值名(即下标)。 遍历对象返回的对象的 key 值,遍历数组返回的数组的下标(key)。 循环不仅可以遍历数字键名,还会遍历原型上的值和手动添加的其他键。 特别情况下, 循环会以看起来任意的 ......
for in of

CF1900 A Cover in Water 题解

Link CF1900 A Cover in Water Question 给出一个 \(n\) 个格子,有些格子被堵塞了,有些格子是空的,我需要在进行一些操作,使得所有空的格子里面都有水 操作 1:给任意一个格子装上水 操作 2:把一格水从一个地方搬运到另外一个空的格子里 如果一个空的格子的相邻的 ......
题解 Cover Water 1900 CF

Reference and inspiration from China's strategy for addressing water pollution issues in Africa

According to China's three line one permit measures, we believe that this has a certain reference value for water pollution issues in Africa. The "thr ......

Filesystem type ntfs3,ntfs not configured in kernel

title: Filesystem type ntfs3,ntfs not configured in kernel banner_img: ......
ntfs Filesystem configured kernel ntfs3

All CRM Resources in One Place | Best Open Source CRM Systems 2023 (Free & Paid Software)

Best Open Source CRM Systems 2023 (Free & Paid Software) | All CRM Resources in One Place | CRM Categories Not all CRM systems do the ......
CRM Resources Software Systems Source

huggingface_hub.utils._validators.HFValidationError: Repo id must be in the form 'repo_name' or 'namespace/repo_name': '/llama-2-7b-chat-hf-chinese/1.1'. Use `repo_type` argument if needed.

问题: 2023-11-26 07:45:38 | ERROR | stderr | raise HFValidationError(2023-11-26 07:45:38 | ERROR | stderr | huggingface_hub.utils._validators.HFValidati ......

解决ls: relocation error: /lib64/ symbol getxattr, version ATTR_1.0 not defined in file with link time reference

解决ls: relocation error: /lib64/ symbol getxattr, version ATTR_1.0 not defined in file with link time reference 参考:https://www ......

In 查询及其优化

in 和 exist关键字 In 在8.0版本中,mysql优化器会去计算走索引要扫描的行数和时间(如果要回表,则还要计算回表的效率)与走全表扫描的时间,从而选择。 为了防止发生死锁和重复,mysql优化器选择排序条件后的范围查询。 所以,in条件少,(扫描的row少),一般走索引,条件多,则不走索 ......

初中英语优秀范文100篇-007 A Model Student in My Class

记忆树 1 My good friend , Marry , is our monitor. 翻译 我的好朋友玛丽是我们的班长。 简化记忆 我好朋友 句子结构 主语:My good friend Marry (我的好朋友玛丽)。其中,主语是一个名词短语,由代词 “my”(我的)和名词 “good f ......
范文 初中 Student Model Class

#G.石老板含笑九泉 sol-基数排序,meet in the middle

#G.石老板含笑九泉 sol-基数排序,meet in the middle 数字 \(4\) 代表着一种邪恶力量,现在定义一个团队的邪恶力量为他们罪恶程度之和的十进制表示中 \(4\) 的个数。 那么问题来了,在这 \(n\) 个人的所有 \(2^n\) 个子集中,邪恶力量之和为多少。 \(1 \ ......
含笑九泉 九泉 基数 老板 middle

[Codeforces] CF1475C Ball in Berland

Ball in Berland - 洛谷 题意 在毕业典礼上,有\(a\)个男孩和\(b\)个女孩准备跳舞,不是所有的男孩和女孩都准备结伴跳舞。 现在你知道\(k\)个可能的舞伴,你需要选择其中的两对,以便使没有人重复地出现在舞伴里,求可能的数量。 思路 暴力 最朴素,也是简单的方法,就是通过暴力组 ......
Codeforces Berland 1475C 1475 Ball

03_Exception in thread “main“ java.lang.AssertionError

问题 maven构建报错 *** [INFO] maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) @ engine_auth [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] C ......
AssertionError Exception thread main java

Top 10 Strong Earthquakes in the World

Chile Earthquake (M=9.5) in 1960 in minutes put more 2 millions people in lost live or homes Alaska Earthquake (M= 9.2) in 1964 Russian Earthquake (M= ......
Earthquakes Strong World Top the

ConfigureAwait in .NET8

ConfigureAwait in .NET8 ConfigureAwait(true) 和 ConfigureAwait(false) 首先,让我们回顾一下原版 ConfigureAwait 的语义和历史,它采用了一个名为 continueOnCapturedContext 的布尔参数。 当对任务 ......
ConfigureAwait NET8 NET in

CF1475C Ball in Berland

CF1475C Ball in Berland Ball in Berland - 洛谷 题意 在毕业典礼上,有\(a\)个男孩和\(b\)个女孩准备跳舞,不是所有的男孩和女孩都准备结伴跳舞。 现在你知道\(k\)个可能的舞伴,你需要选择其中的两对,以便使没有人重复地出现在舞伴里,求可能的数量。 思 ......
Berland 1475C 1475 Ball CF

[Javascript] Sanitizing User Input in Javascript

Refer to post: Code: var ESC_MAP = { '&': '&amp;', '<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;', '"': '& ......
Javascript Sanitizing Input User in

【论文阅读笔记】【OCR-End2End】 ESTextSpotter: Towards Better Scene Text Spotting with Explicit Synergy in Transformer

ESTextSpotter ICCV 2023 读论文思考的问题 论文试图解决什么问题? 场景文本端到端识别任务中,检测和识别两个任务的协同作用十分关键,然而以往的方法通常用一些十分隐式的方式来体现这种协同作用(shared backbone, shared encoder, shared quer ......

[Codeforces] CF1475C Ball in Berland 题解

Ball in Berland - 洛谷 题意 在毕业典礼上,有​个男孩和​个女孩准备跳舞,不是所有的男孩和女孩都准备结伴跳舞。 现在你知道​个可能的舞伴,你需要选择其中的两对,以便使没有人重复地出现在舞伴里,求可能的数量。 思路 暴力 最朴素,也是简单的方法,就是通过暴力组合进行配对。 #incl ......
题解 Codeforces Berland 1475C 1475

Linux系统奇安信浏览器报错跨域:the resource is in more-private address space 'local'

报错: Access to XMLHttpRequest at "123" from origin "456" has been blocked by CORS policy:the request client is not a secure context and the resource is ......

自如租房电费欺诈 All In One

自如租房电费欺诈 All In One 自如电费欺诈, 电费越档收费 ......
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