
20230523 java.time.temporal.TemporalUnit

## 介绍 - `java.time.temporal.TemporalUnit` - `public interface TemporalUnit` - 日期时间单位 - 时间的测量是建立在单位上的,例如年、月、日、小时、分钟和秒。此接口的实现代表那些单位 - 此接口的实例表示单位本身,而不是单位 ......
TemporalUnit 20230523 temporal java time

20230630 java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit

## 介绍 - java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit - public enum ChronoUnit implements TemporalUnit ## API ### 枚举值 - NANOS:纳秒 - MICROS:微秒 - MILLIS:毫秒 - SECONDS:秒 - ......
ChronoUnit 20230630 temporal java time

20230630 java.time.temporal.TemporalAdjusters

## 介绍 - java.time.temporal.TemporalAdjusters - public final class TemporalAdjusters ## API ### static - ofDateAdjuster - `TemporalAdjuster ofDateAdjus ......

学习笔记:DSTAGNN: Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Aware Graph Neural Network for Traffic Flow Forecasting

DSTAGNN: Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Aware Graph Neural Network for Traffic Flow Forecasting ICML2022 论文地址:https://proceedings.mlr.press/v162/lan22a.html ......

【RL】L7-Temporal-difference learning

## TD learning of state values The data/experience required by the algorithm: - $\left(s_0, r_1, s_1, \ldots, s_t, r_{t+1}, s_{t+1}, \ldots\right)$ or ......

MEANTIME Mixture of Attention Mechanisms with Multi-temporal Embeddings for Sequential Recommendation

[TOC] > [Cho S., Park E. and Yoo S. MEANTIME: Mixture of attention mechanisms with multi-temporal embeddings for sequential recommendation. RecSys, 20 ......

Online Temporal Calibration for Monocular Visual-Inertial Systems

摘要: 准确的状态估计是各种智能应用的基本模块,例如机器人导航、自动驾驶、虚拟和增强现实。近年来,视觉和惯性融合是一种流行的技术,用于6自由度状态估计。不同传感器测量记录的时间点对于系统的鲁棒性和准确性非常重要。实际上,每个传感器的时间戳通常会受到触发和传输延迟的影响,导致不同传感器之间存在时间错位 ......

How to Stopping System-Versioning on a System-Versioned Temporal Table in SQL Server 2016?

How to Stopping System-Versioning on a System-Versioned Temporal Table in SQL Server 2016? 回答1 My problem was solved when i using following query: -- ......

Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization via Representative Snippet Knowledge Propagation概述

0.前言 相关资料: arxiv github 论文解读 论文基本信息: 领域:弱监督时序动作定位 发表时间:CVPR2022(2022.3.14) 1.针对的问题 许多现有的方法试图生成伪标签来弥补分类和定位之间的差异,但通常只使用有限的上下文信息,即每个片段内的信息,来生成伪标签。 2.主要贡献 ......

Deep-Learning-Based Spatio-Temporal-Spectral Integrated Fusion of Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images

Deep-Learning-Based Spatio-Temporal-Spectral Integrated Fusion of Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images abstract 为了解决STF中的生成heterogeneous images问题: 为此,本 ......

Spatio-Temporal Representation With Deep Neural Recurrent Network in MIMO CSI Feedback阅读笔记

阅读文献《Spatio-Temporal Representation With Deep Neural Recurrent Network in MIMO CSI Feedback》 ​ 该文献的作者是天津大学的吴华明老师,在2020年5月发表于IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIO ......

Learning Action Completeness from Points for Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization概述

1.针对的问题 在弱监督时序动作定位领域提出了一些帧监督的方法,但是由于标签稀疏性,现有的工作无法学习动作的完整性,动作预测零碎,导致在高IoU阈值的情况下表现较差。作者试图通过生成密集的伪标签,为模型提供完整性指导。 2.主要贡献 •引入了一个新的框架,其中生成了密集的最优序列,以在点监督设置下为 ......

TIE: A Framework for Embedding-based Incremental Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion 增量时序知识图谱补全论文解读

论文网址:https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3404835.3462961 Arxiv:https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.08419 论文提出一种用增量学习思想做时序知识图谱补全(Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion, ......

论文翻译:2022_DNS_1th:Multi-scale temporal frequency convolutional network with axial attention for speech enhancement

论文地址:带轴向注意的多尺度时域频率卷积网络语音增强 论文代码:https://github.com/echocatzh/MTFAA-Net 引用:Zhang G, Yu L, Wang C, et al. Multi-scale temporal frequency convolutional n ......

PyTorch Geometric Temporal 介绍 —— 数据结构和RGCN的概念

Introduction PyTorch Geometric Temporal is a temporal graph neural network extension library for PyTorch Geometric. PyTorch Geometric Temporal 是基于PyTo ......
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