freezing style 150e with

using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message

错误消息:Connection open error . Authentication to host '' for user 'root' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Reading ......

SQL WITH后面可以跟的锁关键字

WITH后面可以跟的锁关键字 HOLDLOCK 将共享锁保留到事务完成,而不是在相应的表、行或数据页不再需要时就立即释放锁。 HOLDLOCK 等同于 SERIALIZABLE。 NOLOCK 不要发出共享锁,并且不要提供排它锁。当此选项生效时,可能会读取未提交的事务或一组在读取中间回滚的页面。有可 ......
关键字 关键 WITH SQL

centos(linux):yum报错:removing mirrorlist with no valid mirrors的处理(centos 6.10)

一,报错 [root@osc ~]# yum install -y python3-pip Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security Setting up Install Process Determining fastest mirrors YumRepo E ......
centos mirrorlist removing mirrors linux

[Rust] Play around with Rust

Few intertesting things from Rust Option<T>: with Some, unwrap() function todo(): to skil compiler error for a while unreachable(): similar to Typescr ......
Rust around Play with

Keycloak: Requesting Token with Password Grant

Keycloak: Requesting Token with Password Grant In this tutorial, you ......
Requesting Keycloak Password Grant Token

WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager......

pip install -r requirements.txt 报错"WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system ......

Unable to find GatewayFilterFactory with name CircuitBreaker

起因 要在springCloudGateway中整合CircuitBreaker。 按照官网 ......

Understanding Dataset Difficulty with V-Usable Information

Ethayarajh K., Choi Y. and Swayamdipta S. Understanding dataset difficulty with $\mathcal{V}$-usable information. ICML, 2022. 概 将 $\mathcal{V}$-inform ......

workerman下框架gateway报错 worker[thinkphp:30776] exit with status 64000

wokerman启动之后一直报错 Worker[30477] process terminated worker[thinkphp:30477] exit with status 64000 Worker[30533] process terminated worker[thinkphp:30533 ......
workerman 框架 thinkphp gateway worker

1 - Hand on system programming with Linux - 虚拟内存

虚拟内存 我的博客 虚拟内存 现代操作系统基于称作虚拟内存的内存模型。这些操作系统包括 Linux、UNIX、MS Windows 以及 macOS。要想真正理解现代操作系统,必须深入理解虚拟内存以及内存管理。 没有虚拟内存会有什么问题 现在,让我们考虑一个只具有 64 MB RAM 物理内存的情况 ......
programming 内存 system Linux Hand

无法加载响应数据: No data found for resource with given identifier

环境 Ubuntu 22.04 IDEA Docker中使用nginx 问题描述 之前使用正常,今天打开前端报错,postman测试正常 解决 由于nginx在docker中使用,upstream不能使用127.0.0.1,需要使用本机ip,而本机ip是会变的。 需要更改新的本机ip ......
identifier resource 数据 found given

Twitter延迟转化论文《Addressing Delayed Feedback for Continuous Training with Neural Networks in CTR prediction》阅读

背景 由于用户的兴趣是实时变化的,现代推荐、广告系统采用了流式更新的方式来捕捉用户实时兴趣的变化。实时训练的方式面临的一个难题就是正样本的回传是有延迟的,一个实时发送的负样本其实是无法确认是否是真的负样本的。也就是说实时观测到的数据流是一个有偏数据流,并不是真实的数据。如果模型在这个有偏分布上学习, ......

解决iframe嵌套不同域报错问题:SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin

Error: Failed to resolve async component default: SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origi ......
SecurityError Blocked iframe origin 问题

使用nacos配置,启动服务时一直报 Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re-run your application with 'debug' enabled. APPLICATION FAILED TO START

报错日志如下: Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re-run your application with 'debug' enabled.-2023-05-05 09:46:02.328 [TID ......

PostgreSQL versions shipped with Omnibus GitLab

PostgreSQL versions shipped with Omnibus GitLab ALL TIERS SELF-MANAGED This table lists only GitLab versions where a significant change happened in th ......
PostgreSQL versions Omnibus shipped GitLab

Error creating bean with name ‘dataSource‘ defined in class path resource解决办法

原因是导入了jdbc的依赖,使用@Configuration注解向spring注入了dataSource bean。 但是因为工程中没有关于dataSource相关的配置信息,当spring创建dataSource bean因缺少相关的信息就会报错。 有两个办法: 办法1: 去除spring-boo ......
dataSource creating resource defined 办法

[Pix2Pix] Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial NetWorks

paper: [CVPR 2017] code: ......

Graph Convolutional Networks with EigenPooling

Ma Y., Wang S., Aggarwal C. C. and Tang J. Graph convolutional networks with eigenpooling. KDD, 2019. 概 本文提出了一种新的框架, 在前向的过程中, 可以逐步将相似的 nodes 和他们的特征聚合在 ......

Image Captioning with nlbconnect/vit-gpt2-image-captioning The Illustrated Image Captioning using transformers Image captioning is the process of gen ......

Uncaught Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {content, key, duration}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead(转)

转自:react报错 Uncaught Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {a} ... 报错信息分析 Uncaught Error: Objects are not valid as a R ......

[Docker] Add a SQLite Console Shortcut with the Dockerfile

With a long-running node server and a database, sometimes it's useful to ssh into the virtual machine to explore the file system, and look at the data ......
Dockerfile Shortcut Console Docker SQLite


1.直接在vue中使用style内联样式设置background或backgroundImage是无效的;比如这样写无效: <div style="background: url('../../assets/import/aa1.png')"> 内容。。。 </div> 2.必须使用拼接;但是直接拼 ......
backgroundImage background 动态 style Vue

SSH工具远程登录Linux系统错误解决方法,错误提示Disconnected:No supported authentication methods available(server sent:publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic)解决办法

一、使用轻量云控制面板的登录,sudo su获取root账号权限; 二、执行passwd命令,输入新密码来修改root密码。 三、修改密码登录为yes,步骤如下 1、运行命令 vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2、将参数PasswordAuthentication设置为yes,前面不能 ......

[Javascript] Array.prototype.with

Prevously, when we want to upate an item inside a array: const items = [ {id: 1, name: 'a'}, {id: 2, name: 'b'}, {id: 3, name: 'c'}, {id: 4, name: 'd' ......
Javascript prototype Array with

[ABC150E] Change a Little Bit

2023-03-10 题目 题目传送门 翻译 翻译 难度&重要性(1~10):5 题目来源 AtCoder 题目算法 数学,贪心 解题思路 显然 $C_i$ 越小的位越早被修改越好。所以我们将 $C_i$ 从小到大排序。对于任意的 $S$,答案都是一样的。我们依次考虑 $S$ 和 $T$ 的每一位是 ......
Change Little 150E ABC 150

NC17383 A Simple Problem with Integers

题目链接 题目 题目描述 You have N integers A1, A2, ... , AN. You are asked to write a program to receive and execute two kinds of instructions: C a b means perf ......
Integers Problem Simple 17383 with

vue3 vueRouter4 :No match found for location with path ***

0. 采用vue+ router4 做路由导航. 首次载入控制台很干净. F5刷新后,控制台爆出警告,但点击路由正常工作. 1. 经过排查发现,是menu中使用了 <router-link> 这玩意,后来改造成 @click="router.push(ele.path)" 即可消除警告 2. 网络上 ......
vueRouter4 vueRouter location match found

B. Sort with Step

题意: 给定一个长度为n的数组,任意两个数如果满足i-j的绝对值等于k则可以互相交换,若不能通过此操作实现数组排序,则需要使用次数来强制交换,次数小于等于1输出次数,否则输出-1. 分析: 最优情况下,找出需要操作的数的数量然后两两交换是次数最少的。 代码: ......
Sort with Step


public class getStyle { public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { try { getStyle.handler(); } catch (IOException e) { thro ......
内容 styles html

Mapbox Style 规范(转载)

Mapbox ( 中文官网 )致力于打造全球最漂亮的个性化地图。 这里记录下其 Web 端 API Mapbox GL JS 的地图样式规范 Style 的各个配置项: 必填项会加上 * ,方便根据目录进行查看 1. version * version:版本号(必填,且值必须为 8) "versio ......
Mapbox Style