recommendation instruction following empowered

Contrastive Learning for Representation Degeneration Problem in Sequential Recommendation

[TOC] > [Qiu R., Huang Z., Ying H. and Wang Z. Contrastive learning for representation degeneration problem in sequential recommendation. WSDM, 2022.] ......

Self-Supervised Hypergraph Convolutional Networks for Session-based Recommendation

[TOC] > [Xia X., Yin H., Yu J., Wang Q., Cui L and Zhang X. Self-supervised hypergraph convolutional networks for session-based recommendation. AAAI, ......

ubuntu报错:The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available 解决办法

当在ubuntu中加入了第三方源,没有设置公钥 更新索引的时候就会提示 ```bash The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 082AB56BA ......

Self-Supervised Graph Co-Training for Session-based Recommendation

[TOC] > [Xia X., Yin H., Yu J., Shao Y. and Cui L. Self-supervised graph co-training for session-based recommendation. CIKM, 2021.]( ......

Global Context Enhanced Graph Neural Networks for Session-based Recommendation

[TOC] > [Wang Z., Wei W., Cong G., Li X., Mao X. and Qiu M. Global context enhanced graph neural networks for session-based recommendation. SIGIR, 202 ......

GPT-Introduction on Nand flash instruction scan

Nand flash is a type of non-volatile memory that stores data by changing the state of electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) cel ......


1.partition分为主从。 2.当需要严格顺序时(比如秒杀场景),每个topic里面只能有一个partition,这样可以严格保证顺序。虽然多个partition时也可以保证partition内部是顺序执行的,但是不能保证整体是顺序执行的。 3.同一个partition只能由一个消费者。就像一 ......
follow leader offset kafka

Neural Attentive Session-based Recommendation

[TOC] >[ Li J., Ren P., Chen Z., Ren Z., Lian T. and Ma J. Neural attentive session-based recommendation. CIKM, 2017.]( ......

Memory Priority Model for Session-based Recommendation

[TOC] > [Liu Q., Zeng Y., Mokhosi R. and Zhang H. STAMP: Short-term attention/memory priority model for session-based recommendation. KDD, 2018.](http ......

parser.add_argument()已经设置了默认值,但调试时仍然报错 error: the following arguments are required: data

报错的代码: ` parser.add_argument('data', type=str, default='/home/user1/datasets/cifar10', help='path to dataset') ` 在data前加"--",修改后的代码: ` parser.add_argu ......

Personalized Top-N Sequential Recommendation via Convolutional Sequence Embedding

Tang J. and Wang K. Personalized top-n sequential recommendation via convolutional sequence embedding. WSDM, 2018. 概 序列推荐的经典之作, 将卷积用在序列推荐之上. 符号说明 $\ma ......

解决git错误: error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

在我本地上进行git pull的时候,出现这个错误: error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge: config/config.php 这是因为,本地上有一个文件,没有被git管理,但 ......

ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts

报错原因: ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the f ......
dependency the currently behaviour conflicts

Instruction does not dominate all uses! 解决

报错现场: Instruction does not dominate all uses! %59 = mul i32 %58, %val %56 = zext i32 %59 to i64LLVM ERROR: Broken function found, compilation aborted! ......
Instruction dominate does uses all

Handling Information Loss of Graph Neural Networks for Session-based Recommendation

Chen T. and Wong R. C. Handling information loss of graph neural networks for session-based recommendation. KDD, 2020. 概 作者发现图用在 Session 推荐中存在: lossy ......

[INS-42017] The Grid home is inconsistent on the following nodes: [11grac2]

1、一套11.2.0.4 RAC的测试环境,集群被捣鼓坏了,打算deconfig后,运行config.sh脚本重新配置集群。 2、运行config.sh脚本,在检测环境时,遇到如下故障: [INS-42017] The Grid home is inconsistent on the followi ......
inconsistent following 42017 grac2 nodes

解决 c3p0报错 Establishing SSL connection without server's identity verification is not recommended

解决 c3p0报错 Establishing SSL connection without server's identity verification is not recommended ?useSSL=false <c3p0-config> <default-config> <property ......

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge 解决方案

拉取代码出现 error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge 解决方案 你团队其他成员修改了某文件并已提交入库。 你在pull之前修改了本地该文件,等你修改完代码再pull时,这时会报错如下 ......

升级 .net 6后 The view 'Index' was not found. The following locations were searched

升级.net6之后Razor页面出现找不到view的情况,原因是.net6默认移除了一些依赖包,如下完美解决web工程添加包Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilationstartup.cs里面加上Compilation引用builder.Serv ......
The following locations searched Index

【备忘录】新版linux qq启动报错:非法指令(核心已转储)、illegal instruction (core dumped)

先上图: 原因介绍:我的旧电脑是AMD处理器,型号是速龙II x4 641。因为太老,导致有些指令集不支持,例如sse3、sse4.*。(猜测:至于linux qq能安装却不能运行的原因,可能与此有关。) ecs-user@A55MLC2:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep flag ......
备忘录 指令 instruction 核心 illegal

李沐读 Instruct GPT 在刚刚结束的 NeurIPS 和 EMNLP 上面,有一个很有意思的现象,就是大家都在讨论一个工作,这个工作既没有发表在 NeurIPS 上面,也没有发表在 EMNLP 上面,它甚至连一篇论文都没有,这就是 Ch ......
Instruct GPT

DiffuRec: A Diffusion Model for Sequential Recommendation

Li Z., Sun A. and Li C. DiffuRec: A diffusion model for sequential recommendation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.00686, 2023. 概 扩散模型用于序列推荐, 性能提升很大. DiffuR ......

git 更新代码错误 Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge处理

当git pull时提示 Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge idea中撤销当前本地 本次提交 ......
overwritten following 错误 changes 代码


NLP的四范式 NLP发展到今天已经进入到了LLM的时代,随着模型越来越大,在zero-shot/few-shot的情形下也表现的越来越好,NLP也进入到了新的研究范式里面。学术界按发展时间线将NLP归纳到四个范式: 1),传统的基础学习范式。 2),基于word2vec,cnn,rnn的全监督深度 ......
范式 Instruct Prompt NLP

MULTIINSTRUCT: Improving Multi-Modal Zero-Shot Learning via Instruction Tuning

指令调优是一种新的学习范式,它可以根据指令指定的任务对预先训练好的语言模型进行微调,在各种自然语言处理任务中显示出良好的零目标性能。然而,对于视觉和多模态任务,它仍然没有被探索。在这项工作中,我们介绍了multiinstruction,这是第一个多模态指令调优基准数据集,由47个不同的多模态任务组成 ......

Element Plus错误警告 | Popper: Detected CSS transitions on at least one of the following CSS properties: "transform", "top", "right", "bottom", "left".

这个错误的解决方案如下: 1. 禁用 "computeStyles" 修饰符的 adaptive 选项:这将允许平滑过渡,但可能会降低性能。 禁用 "computeStyles" 修饰符的 adaptive 选项,可以在创建 Popper 实例时指定 modifiers 参数,并将 computeS ......
quot transitions properties CSS following

git pull时,提示Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge

问题描述: 本地修改了代码后,执行“git pull”命令时,无法更新代码,并报错提示:“Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge” 问题原因: 是因为本地修改的代码与git服务器的代码冲突导致。如 ......
overwritten following changes files local

Sequential Recommendation via Stochastic Self-Attention

Fan Z., Liu Z., Wang A., Nazari Z., Zheng L., Peng H. and Yu P. S. Sequential recommendation via stochastic self-attention. International World Wide W ......

【论文笔记 - InstructPix2Pix】InstructPix2Pix: Learning to Follow Image Editing Instructions

InstructPix2Pix和Pix2Pix是两码事。Pix2Pix使用的是GAN,而InstructPix2Pix使用的是Diffusion。鉴于目前图像生成与预训练大模型的飞速发展,即便是CycleGAN里所谓的“不可获取的”成对的数据,也可以通过预训练模型生成出来,作为数据集进行训练。Ins... ......