
maven构建报错:Unable to load the mojo 'install' (or one of its required components) from the plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.4'

项目在执行maven clean install时,报错: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) on project sby-compon ......
maven install plugin maven-install-plugin 39

git pull https Received HTTP code 504 from proxy after CONNECT

我们在服务器上面git pull codehub代码的时候会遇到Received HTTP code 504 from proxy after CONNECT,这个报错多数是因为代理配置的问题。 从以下两个方向进行排查: 1. 确认服务器/虚拟机是否配置了全局代理。 检查/etc/profile中是 ......
Received CONNECT after https proxy

关于ASP.NET.CORE中的Failed to read parameter "string param" from the request body as JSON的处理

先上报错信息 Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.BadHttpRequestException: Failed to read parameter "string param" from the request body as JSON. > System.Text.Json.Js ......
quot parameter request Failed string

C++ multi process share value via write and read data from serialized file,the better way is shared_memory,pipeline,message queue,socket

#include <atomic> #include <chrono> #include <cmath> #include <condition_variable> #include <cstddef> #include <forward_list> #include <fstream> #incl ......

redis提示Could not get a resource from the pool(jedis连接池配置) 起初在JedisPool中配置了50个活动连接,但是程序还是经常报错:Could not get a resource from the pool 连接池刚开始是这样配置的: JedisPoolConf ......
resource redis Could jedis from

solve the problem of downloading assets from github

Description After version 2021a, in order to reduce the file size, Webots set resource files such as textures and sounds up for network download by gi ......
downloading problem assets github solve

Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array

**Example 1:** ``` Input: nums = [1,1,2] Output: 2, nums = [1,2,_] Explanation: Your function should return k = 2, with the first two elements of nums ......
Duplicates Remove Sorted Array from

已解决 DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated since Python 3.3, and in 3.9 it will stop workingfrom collections import Iterable

场景描述 E:/worksp_py/hardwary/100day/twentyfive/ DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from 'collect ......

docker: Error response from daemon: could not select device driver "" with capabilities: [[gpu]].

docker 19之后的版本 1. nano sudo curl -s -L | \ sudo apt-key add -distribution=$(. /etc/ ......
quot capabilities response docker daemon

Reward Modelling(RM)and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback(RLHF)for Large language models(LLM)技术初探

Reward Modelling(RM)and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback(RLHF)for Large language models(LLM)技术初探 ......

from joblib.pool import MemmapingPool 报错

修改方法: 将 from joblib.pool import MemmappingPool 修改为: from joblib.pool import MemmappingPool ......
MemmapingPool joblib import from pool

1502. Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence

/** * 1502. Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence * * ......
Progression Arithmetic Sequence 1502 Make

【python】yeild和yield from用法

yield from 参考资料 1. 理解python中的yield关键字 2. python yield 和 yield from 用法总结 ......
python yeild yield from

From Java To Kotlin 2:Kotlin 类型系统与泛型

上期主要分享了 From Java To Kotlin 1 :空安全、扩展、函数、Lambda。 这是 From Java to Kotlin 第二期。 From Java to Kotlin 关键在于 **思维的转变**。 ......
Kotlin 类型 系统 From Java

LFS - Linux From Scratch 从零开始全记录 - 1 准备篇

上次折腾 LFS 已经是好几年前了,只记得最后用 VMware 引导成功了,好多技术细节已经不记得了。趁着最近有空,再来折腾一次。这一次用的一台新的 Win10 PC,目标是在一个 U 盘上构建 LFS,然后用 U 盘引导物理机,顺便记录一下整个过程。 # 准备阶段 ## 下载虚拟机、Ubuntu ......
Scratch Linux From LFS

解决模块 ""element-plus"" 没有导出的成员 "ElMessage"。你是想改用 "import ElMessage from "element-plus"" 吗?

### 一、问题介绍:在使用vite+element-plus+ts搭建项目时,导入ElMessage组件遇到【模块 ""element-plus"" 没有导出的成员 "ElMessage"。你是想改用 "import ElMessage from "element-plus"" 吗?】这一错误提示 ......
quot element-plus ElMessage element plus

选修-2-Where does the error come from?

[CLICK]( # 1. Error的来源 error实际来源于`bias`和`variance`. ![image]( ......
Where error does come from

tar 命令压缩时报错 Removing leading `/' from member names 解决方法

在使用 tar 命令进行压缩打包的时候我们常常会遇到下面的错误:Removing leading `/' from member names。虽然它不会影响我们最后的压缩打包,但是间接说明了我们的命令是有问题的。接下来我们来看看解决的方法。 ......
Removing 时报 命令 leading 方法

引入druid查询数据库时间只要超过10秒会报错Communications link failure,The last packet successfully received from the server was xxx milliseconds ago(已解决)

在写项目时候发现springboot(springcloud)项目使用多数据源引入druid的时候,只要查询数据库时间超过10s就会报错: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.CommunicationsException: Communications link failur ......

docker desktop 拉取镜像报错 Error response from daemon: Get "XXXX": http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client 问题解决

问题: 在windows机器上安装了Docker Desktop软件来进行docker本地部署 拉取镜像仓库时报错 Error response from daemon: Get "XXXX": http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client 原因:  ......
response quot 镜像 desktop docker

论文阅读 | Learn from Others and Be Yourself in Heterogeneous Federated Learning

**在异构联邦学习中博采众长做自己** 代码: **摘要** 联邦学习中有异质性问题和灾难性遗忘。首先,由于非I.I.D(相同独立分布)数据和异构体系结构,模型在 ......

【Oracle impdp/expdp】Big lesson from failure with impdp/expdp in 12c

最近忙于做数据库12c-19c迁移,基于公司的情况,选用了最拿手的expdp/impdp oracle自带的王者级别工具进行迁移。 按照常规思路,一顿操作猛如虎,expdp 直接选用full=y将数据全库导出,然后在19c中导入,无论是12c中的导出还是19c中的导入数据,没有任何的错误, 然而在无 ......
impdp expdp failure Oracle lesson

kettle from xml load tranfromation

tranfromation kettle from load xml

docker删除网络报错:Error response from daemon: error while removing network

在安装harbor发现docker的network已经存在了 然后直径ls去查看发现存在如下,然后去rm删除的时候发现删不掉 [root@st-test-hemu-harbor-2 harbor]<20230529 11:37:11># docker network ls NETWORK ID NA ......
response removing network docker daemon

Planar Odometry from a Radial Laser Scanner. A Range Flow-based Approach(1)论文解读

激光光流里程计的基本理解: (1)类比图像光流,假设光强度不变,图像是每个像素点,像素包含灰度值;激光光流,假设障碍物不动,光流是激光范围内的激光点,每个激光点包含距离和角度信息 (2)图像信息求导,得到光强度;激光光流信息求导,得到速度(距离的速度,角度的速度),并可以用分解到笛卡尔坐标系下的速度 ......
Flow-based Odometry Approach Scanner Planar

报错ImportError: cannot import name 'Iterable' from 'collections' in Python

参考 答案为 3.10版本的python把Iterable从collectio ......
39 ImportError collections Iterable cannot

How to boot the Raspberry Pi system from a USB Mass Storage Device All In One

How to boot the Raspberry Pi system from a USB Mass Storage Device All In One 如何从 USB 启动树莓派引导系统 / 如何从 USB 大容量存储设备启动 Raspberry Pi 系统 ......
Raspberry Storage Device system boot

Python协程:从yield/send到yield from再到async/await

> Python中的协程大概经历了如下三个阶段: > > 1. 最初的生成器变形 yield/send > 2. 引入@asyncio.coroutine和yield from > 3. 在最近的Python3.5版本中引入async/await关键字 ### 一、生成器变形yield/send 普 ......
yield Python async await send

From Java To Kotlin:空安全、扩展、函数、Lambda很详细,这次终于懂了

Kotlin 是一种静态类型的编程语言,由 JetBrains 开发。它可以编译成 Java 字节码,也可以编译成 JavaScript 代码。Kotlin 具有现代化的语法和功能,可以与 Java 互操作,并且可以在 Android 开发中使用。 Kotlin 的语法简洁、易读、易写,具有许多现代... ......
函数 Kotlin Lambda From Java

2023CVPR_Learning a Simple Low-light Image Enhancer from Paired Low-light Instances(PairLLE)无监督

一. motivation 以前的大多数LIE算法使用单个输入图像和几个手工制作的先验来调整照明。然而,由于单幅图像信息有限,手工先验的适应性较差,这些解决方案往往无法揭示图像细节。 二. contribution 1. 提出一个成对低光图像输入(相同内容,不同的曝光度) 2. 在输入之前进行了一个 ......
Low-light light CVPR_Learning Instances Low