codeforces complete 1508c the

java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: (class file version 61.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes 52

问题背景,新建5个springboot modules。使用相同的依赖 pom.xml 文件。其中 4 个工程正常启动。有一个如图:GulimallWareApplication 跑不起来。报错版本不对。 本人机器上只配置了 1.8 的jdk。所以很纳闷。原以为是不是新版本 idea 自带(刚刚下载 ......

03.Forecasting the realized volatility of stock price index A hybrid model integrating CEEMDAN and LSTM

Forecasting the realized volatility of stock price index A hybrid model integrating CEEMDAN and LSTM 预测股票价格指数的实际波动率 CEEMDAN 和 LSTM 的混合模型 波动率:波动率是金融资产价 ......

ignore the hidden files in python

import os root = "/Users/Siddhartha/Desktop/py scripts" for item in os.listdir(root): if not item.startswith('.') and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(root ......
ignore hidden python files the

what's the difference between const and constexpr in C++?

Both const and constexpr are used to define constants in C++, but they have different meanings and use cases. const is used to declare a variable as c ......
difference constexpr between const what

what are the primitive types of C++?

In C++, there are several primitive data types, which are also known as fundamental or built-in data types. These include: Integer types: Used to repr ......
primitive types what are the

The Witness Set

$\text{Special For The Witness}$ 简介 说实话这个版块是对于$\text{The Witness}$这一游戏的致敬, 只为它给我带来的强烈的思维和视觉的双重冲击,让我体验到什么才真正可以被称作“第九艺术”。 不论是整个游戏的画质还是其中谜题的质感都让我回味无穷, 特别 ......
Witness The Set

Educational Codeforces Round 116 (Rated for Div. 2)

题目链接 A 核心思路 这个题目相当的玄学,所以如果遇到实在不会的题目。那么直接从样例入手吧,我们可以从样例发现每次改的都是开头或者最后的一个。于是大胆的猜测啊。会不会只要改动开头或者是结尾的呢。 结论:如果开头和结尾相同就不需要改,如果需要就要改。 数学归纳法: n=3,aba这种情况显然成立。 ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 116

Codeforces Round 760 (Div. 3) D. Array and Operations(贪心) 题目大意: 给定一个长度为n的数组a,我们可以进行m次操作: 每次操作可以任意选择两个不同的下标的数字x和y,并把它两删除,替换成x/y(但是x/y不可以再被选择进行除数运算了)。 问我们这样剩下来的数列的最 ......
Codeforces Operations Array Round 760

Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement ModuleName

pip换源 pip使用官方源常见错误Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement ModuleName, 推荐永久修改成豆瓣源. pip config set global.index-url https://pypi.douban. ......

MinIO上传文件The difference between the request time and the server's time is too large.异常

问题 向MinIO上传文件时,抛出异常:The difference between the request time and the server‘s time is too large. 使用date命令修改CentOS时间后,异常依然存在。 相关Linux命令 查看系统时间:date 查看硬件 ......
time difference the between request

Using the Spring @RequestMapping Annotation

@RequestMapping is one of the most common annotation used in Spring Web applications. This annotation maps HTTP requests to handler methods of MVC and ......
RequestMapping Annotation Spring Using the

使用echarts防止出现“There is a chart instance already initialized on the dom.”的警告

var myChart; function historyMapInit(query_date) { //防止出现“There is a chart instance already initialized on the dom.”的警告 //在使用echarts发现需要及时对新建的myChart实 ......
initialized instance echarts already There

Codeforces 70D. Professor's task

题目链接:D - Professor's task 题目大意:初始给三个点,之后要求实现两种操作:加点;判断给定点是否在凸包内部。 动态凸包板子题,留档怕忘了,参考 #include<bits/stdc++ ......
Codeforces Professor task 70 39

Codeforces Round 644 (Div. 3) D. Buying Shovels(数论) ###D. Buying Shovels 题目大意: 一个人想买正好n把铲子。店内有k种包装的铲子:第i种包装正好由i把铲子组成(1≤i≤k)。这家商店有无限数量的包装。 选择一种类型的包装,然后购买几个(一 ......
数论 Codeforces Shovels Buying Round

Edu Round 板刷计划 2. Educational Codeforces Round 2 题解

Change Log: 2023.03.22 开坑. A - Extract Numbers ......
板刷 题解 Round Educational Codeforces

Codeforces Round 859 (Div

F. Bouncy Ball 给定$n×m$矩形,起点$st$,终点$ed$,有一小球从起点出发,每次可以选择4个方向,如果碰到边界就反弹,询问最后能否到达终点 题解:$DFS$ + $map$记录状态 按照题意$dfs$模拟分类讨论即可,但是我们这边说一下什么情况下不会到达终点,也就是我们到达了以 ......
Codeforces Round 859 Div

论文阅读笔记:Descent methods for elastic body simulation on the GPU (源代码及实现细节)

材料来源于 Descent methods for elastic body simulation on the GPU, ACMTransactions on Graphics (TOG), 2016. 0. 概述 在本论文中,提出了一种***。下面将详细介绍该方法的源代码及实现细节,并对照论文中 ......
源代码 simulation 细节 Descent methods

【题解】Codeforces Round 858(CF1806) A-C,E

比赛体验表示极差,分类讨论相当崩溃,甚至前两个题 $30min$ 才过。 A. Walking Master 题目分析: 慢慢分析一下,看看到底能不能走过去以及走到什么地方就好了。 一个前置知识,$x \to y$,如果只能 $+1$ 或 $-1$ 的最小操作步骤是 $|x - y|$ 代码: 点击 ......
题解 Codeforces Round 1806 858

Learning Action Completeness from Points for Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization概述

1.针对的问题 在弱监督时序动作定位领域提出了一些帧监督的方法,但是由于标签稀疏性,现有的工作无法学习动作的完整性,动作预测零碎,导致在高IoU阈值的情况下表现较差。作者试图通过生成密集的伪标签,为模型提供完整性指导。 2.主要贡献 •引入了一个新的框架,其中生成了密集的最优序列,以在点监督设置下为 ......

The command "npm run build" exited with code 1

新环境下,创建了一个Vue.js for VS: 在build时,出现了如标题一样的错误异常。The command "npm run build" exited with code 1。 第一步: npm run build -- --prod 第二步: npm run build --prod ......
quot command exited build code

how can I use NSubstitute for stub and mock? any difference about the usage?

how can I use NSubstitute for stub and mock? any difference about the usage? NSubstitute is a popular mocking library for .NET that allows you to crea ......
NSubstitute difference about usage stub

The value of the cell C1 should not be a string value.

Aspose.cells打开文件之后输出为DataTable,是将第一行作为数据类型判断,列具有混合数据集错误代码 var cells = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells; var detailTable = cells.ExportDataTable(0, 0, cell ......
value should string cell The

一统天下 flutter - dart: 单线程异步编程(async/await/Future<T>/Stream<T>/StreamSubscription/Completer)

一统天下 flutter 作者 webabcd 一统天下 flutter - dart: 单线程异步编程(async/await/Future/Stream/StreamSubscription/Completer) 示 ......

What's the role of Minipig animal models in drug development?

The development of various human diseases is highly complex. For drug developers to study human pathogenesis and pathological changes and observe and ... ......
development Minipig animal models What

Codeforces Round 368 (Div. 2) D. Persistent Bookcase 主席树维护bitset

在学主席树时找到了这道题 本来yyyy了一个二维的主席树这种东西,然后发现很多信息好像维护不了 观察到n和m都很小,考虑把一整行看成一个节点,开一个bitset 然后区间取反、单点修改,就都可以直接做啦。 最开始不敢直接这么做,总觉得在结构体里再封装一个bitset太大 但其实还好,时间复杂度100 ......
Codeforces Persistent Bookcase 主席 bitset

java - idea编译输出缺失导致 The output path is not specified for module XXX - 解决

进入setting设置项,搜索 Java Compiler 添加项目模块后,设置jdk版本,然后确定即可 ......
缺失 specified output module java

The 2023 ICPC Asia Hong Kong Regional Programming Contest

The 2023 ICPC Asia Hong Kong Regional Programming Contest A. TreeScript 给你一个根,让你构造一棵树,每个节点被创造的时候必须知道它的父节点的地址和需要寄存器存放当前节点的地址,现在给定你每个节点之间的关系,并且现在根节点已经被创 ......
Programming Regional Contest 2023 ICPC

Edu Round 板刷计划 1. Educational Codeforces Round 1 题解

Change Log: 2023.03.21 开坑. A - Tricky Sum 简单题. 注意到 $n$ 以内 $2$ 的幂次只有 $O(\log n)$ 个,因此只要先算出 $1$ ~ $n$ 里所有数的和再减去 $2$ 的幂次的和的 $2$ 倍即可. 时间复杂度 $O(t\log n)$. ......
板刷 题解 Round Educational Codeforces

react+echarts出现“There is a chart instance already initialized on the dom.”

写了一个关于echatrs组件,报错dom重复 配置信息从props拿 let chart; useEffect(() => { if (chart) { updateChartView(); }else{ chart = echarts.init(dom.current) updateChartV ......
initialized instance echarts already react

Codeforces Round 857 (Div. 2) C-The Very Beautiful Blanket

题目地址 题意:构造一个二维数组,使得任意一个4*4的子矩阵满足: A11⊕A12⊕A21⊕A22=A33⊕A34⊕A43⊕A44 A13⊕A14⊕A23⊕A24=A31⊕A32⊕A41⊕A42 Solution(思路来源:知乎xioachou) 对于4个数来说,任意一个二进制位上的1和0都为偶数, ......
Codeforces Beautiful Blanket C-The Round