engineering thinking teaching learning

【五期邹昱夫】CCF-A(NeurIPS'19)Inverting gradients-how easy is it to break privacy in federated learning?

"Geiping J, Bauermeister H, Dröge H, et al. Inverting gradients-how easy is it to break privacy in federated learning?[J]. Advances in Neural Informat ......

The 16th Harbin Engineering University Collegiate Programming Contest

The 16th Harbin Engineering University Collegiate Programming Contest A. stral Reflection 用右界覆盖左界为下标的数组 构成一个以i为左界,a[i]为右界的数组 以此表示区间 对于每一个陨石都尽可能找左界<=自己 ......

MSBuild是 Microsoft Build Engine

MSBuild是 Microsoft Build Engine 的缩写,代表 Microsoft 和 Visual Studio 的新的生成平台。 MSBuild 在如何处理和生成软件方面是完全透明的,使开发人员能够在未安装 Visual Studio 的生成实验室环境中组织和生成产品。 MSBui ......
Microsoft MSBuild Engine Build

prompt learning如何计算损失的

在prompt learning中,对于一个类别的多个候选词,损失函数通常会计算所有词的logit和,并与真实标签作比较。以情感分类为例: 假设正面类别有两个候选词:“positive”和“optimistic”。负面类别有两个候选词:“negative”和“pessimistic”。 然后模型会计 ......
learning 损失 prompt

论文解读(ID-MixGCL)《ID-MixGCL: Identity Mixup for Graph Contrastive Learning》

论文信息 论文标题:ID-MixGCL: Identity Mixup for Graph Contrastive Learning论文作者:Gehang Zhang.....论文来源:2023 aRxiv论文地址:download 论文代码:download视屏讲解:click 介绍 ......

20230507 TI Engineer It - How to test power supplies - Measuring Noise

Hi. I'm Bob Hanrahan application engineering at Texas Instruments.This is a series on measuring performance of power supplies .we will be measuring no ......
Measuring 20230507 Engineer supplies Noise

Heuristic-Guided Reinforcement Learning

**发表时间:**2021 (NeurIPS 2021) **文章要点:**这篇文章提出了一个Heuristic-Guided Reinforcement Learning (HuRL)的框架,用domain knowledge或者offline data构建heuristic,将问题变成一个sho ......

Medicine River ————-Learning journals 9

Dear dairy. 2020 6 May Hey, Harlan, long time no see. How have you been lately? I've been quite busy lately. I hope you don't blame me for not coming ......
Medicine Learning journals River

LLL(Life Long Learning)&灾难性遗忘(Catastrophic Forgetting)

LLL(Life Long Learning)&灾难性遗忘(Catastrophic Forgetting) Life Long Learning 通常机器学习中,单个模型只解决单个或少数几个任务。对于新的任务, ......

Ubuntu 安装 Docker Engine 并配置用户权限

1.删除旧版本Docker,没有可以跳过 sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine containerd runc 2.更新apt包索引并安装包,以允许apt通过HTTPS使用存储库 sudo apt-get update sudo apt ......
权限 用户 Ubuntu Docker Engine

Error:All flavors must now belong to a named flavor dimension. Learn more at

{ } 这是plugin 3.0.0之后有一种自动匹配消耗库的机制,便于debug variant 自动消耗一个库,然后就是必须要所有的flavor 都属于同一个维 defaultC ......
dimension flavors belong flavor Error

Robust Deep Reinforcement Learning against Adversarial Perturbations on State Observations

郑重声明:原文参见标题,如有侵权,请联系作者,将会撤销发布! NeurIPS 2020 ......

李宏毅meta learning笔记

学习如何学习 其实就是学习模型本身,模型的超参数 定义一个function,输入是一堆训练任务,输出是一个模型,这个和传统的机器学习没有本质不同 所以也是分成三步, 定义学什么,和相应的学习模型,meta learning本身也是有meta的。。。。。。 定义loss函数 用优化算法求解,但是这个L ......
learning 笔记 meta

Learning A Single Network for Scale-Arbitrary Super-Resolution

Learning A Single Network for Scale-Arbitrary Super-Resolution abstract 现有的single image SR网络是为具有特定整数比例因子(例如,×2/3/4)的图像开发的,无法处理非整数和非对称 SR。 在本文中,作者建议从特定 ......

Thinking in UML大象

本书主要是讲一种如何以对象的思考方式将复杂化的业务用其的建模方法的方法形象的表达出来。整本书也是围绕UML 的语言概念展开,如定义其元素:用例,业务,包,关系,组件,节点。此书给我的思考就是关于业务边界和设计模型的思考。 ......
大象 Thinking UML in

Teachable Reinforcement Learning via Advice Distillation

**发表时间:**2021 (NeurIPS 2021) **文章要点:**这篇文章提出了一种学习policy的监督范式,大概思路就是先结构化advice,然后先学习解释advice,再从advice中学policy。这个advice来自于外部的teacher,相当于一种human-in-the-l ......

论文阅读-sparse gpu kernels for deep learning

论文地址: 源码地址: 背景 深度神经网络由大量的矩阵乘法运算和卷积运算组成,这些运算中使用的矩阵可以转化成稀疏矩阵,同时不损失 ......
learning kernels sparse 论文 deep

230501 TI - Engineer It - How to test power supplies - Overview

Hi, I'm Bob Hanrahan, Application Engineering at Texas Instruments. This is the first on a series on testing power supplies. We'll be talking about so ......
Engineer Overview supplies 230501 power

Deep Dynamics Models for Learning Dexterous Manipulation

**发表时间:**2019 (CoRL 2019) **文章要点:**文章提出了一个online planning with deep dynamics models (PDDM)的算法来学习Dexterous multi-fingered hands,大概意思就是学习拟人的灵活的手指操控技巧。大概 ......

Think Python-How to Think Like a Computer Scientist_chapter4_练习 4-3

# coding=gbk import math import turtle bob = turtle.Turtle() print(bob) def pie(t,r,n): """画一个包含 n 个三角形的饼图。 t:Turtle object r:三角形腰长 n:包含几个三角形或几边形 """ ......

4、题目:Creativity in Electrical Engineering Degree Programs: Where Is the Content?

期刊信息 (1)作者:Adams,Scott (2)期刊:IEEE Transactions on Education, 2019/11, 62-4: 288-296 (3)DOI:10.1109/TE.2019.2912834 (4)ISSN:0018-9359 (5)IF:2.74 (Q2) 研 ......

2、题目:The Informed Design Teaching and Learning Matrix

期刊信息 (1)作者:Crismond, David P. (2)期刊:Journal of Engineering Education, 2012, 101(4): 738–797 (3)DOI:10.1002/j.2168-9830.2012.tb01127.x (4)ISSN:10694730 ......
Informed Teaching Learning 题目 Design

Game Engine Architecture(游戏引擎架构)

推荐序1 最初拿到《GameEngineArchitecture》一书的英文版,是编辑侠少邮寄给我的打印版。他建议我接下翻译此书的合同。当时我正在杭州带领一个团队开发3D游戏引擎,我和我的同事都对这本书的内容颇有兴趣,两大本打印的英文书立刻在同事间传开。可惜那段时间个人精力顾及不来,把近千页的英文读 ......
Architecture 架构 引擎 Engine Game

论文阅读笔记《Residual Physics Learning and System Identification for Sim to real Transfer of Policies on Buoyancy Assisted Legged Robots》

Residual Physics Learning and System Identification for Sim to real Transfer of Policies on Buoyancy Assisted Legged Robots 发表于2023年。论文较新,未找到发表期刊。 基于浮 ......

论文阅读笔记《Stochastic Grounded Action Transformation for Robot Learning in Simulation》

Stochastic Grounded Action Transformation for Robot Learning in Simulation 发表于IROS 2020(CCF C) 模拟中机器人学习的随机接地动作转换 Desai S, Karnan H, Hanna J P, et al. ......

论文阅读笔记《Grounded Action Transformation for Robot Learning in Simulation》

Grounded Action Transformation for Robot Learning in Simulation 发表于AAAI 2017 仿真机器人学习中的接地动作变换 Hanna J, Stone P. Grounded action transformation for robo ......

MySQL InnoDB Engine--倒序索引的存储

倒序索引存储 引用"阿里云数据库开源"里说的:MySQL倒序索引的改动主要在server层的优化器和执行器,在InnoDB存储引擎层变化不大。 MySQL倒序索引限制: 由于涉及到数据的存储,目前只支持InnoDB Descending index 无法使用change buffer Descned ......
倒序 索引 InnoDB Engine MySQL

Representation Learning for Attributed Multiplex Heterogeneous Network

Cen Y., Zou X., Zhang J., Yang H., Zhou J. and Tang J. Representation learning for attributed multiplex heterogeneous network. KDD, 2019. 概 本文在 Attrib ......

2022AAAI_Semantically Contrastive Learning for Low-light Image Enhancement(SCL_LLE)

1. motivation 利用语义对比学习 2. network (1) 输入的是低光图像首先经过图像增强的网络(Zero-DCE), 再将它传入语义分割网络中 (2)语义分割网络用的是DeepLabv3+ ......


MEMORY REPLAY WITH DATA COMPRESSION FOR CONTINUAL LEARNING--阅读笔记 摘要: 在这项工作中,我们提出了使用数据压缩(MRDC)的内存重放,以降低旧的训练样本的存储成本,从而增加它们可以存储在内存缓冲区中的数量。观察到压缩数据的质量和数量之间 ......